
JournalTitle(sorted ascending)
Publisher(sorted ascending)
Score(sorted ascending)
S181International Journal of Civil Engineering (IJCE) 70.18
S036International Journal of Engineering (IJE) 61.43
S226International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology  
S658International Journal of Group Theory (IJGT) 62.33
S150International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research 63.9
S738International Journal of Industrial Mathematics  
S404International Journal of Information Science& Management 27.8
S256International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology  
S284International Journal of Optics and Photonics  
S521International Journal of Plant Production  
S211International Journal of Psychology  
S809International Journal of Transportation Engineering  
S545Iranian Journal of Archaeological Studies  
M156Iranian Cardiovascular Research Journal 56.16
S570Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics  
S461Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies 56.5
S186Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics  
S708Iranian journal of Astronomy & Astrophysic  
S222Iranian Journal of Biotechnology (IJB) 60.09
S047Iranian Journal of Chemistry &Chemical Engineering 14.12
S033Iranian Journal of Economic Studies  
S231Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (IJEEE) 73.09
S199Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 70.85
S233Iranian journal of fuzzy systems  
S700Iranian journal of Management Studies(IJMS)  
S182Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering  
S608Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 43.95
S411Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Information 6.31
M120Iranian journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas  
S406Iranian Journal of Ofarations Research (IJOR)  
Displaying items 31 - 60 of 1053
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