@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2015;2(1):50-57
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2015;2(1):50-57
A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Multimedia Software and Face-to-Face Education methods on Pregnant Women’s Knowledge about Danger Signs in Pregnancy and Postpartum
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Rajabi-Naeeni M. (1*)Farid M. (1)
Tizvir A. (1)
(1*) Deputy of Chancellor for Health, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran
Article History
Received: May 14, 2015Accepted: September 12, 2015
ePublished: September 17, 2015
Raising awareness of pregnant women on danger signs of pregnancy and the postpartum peri-od is essential for decreasing maternal mortality. Selecting proper training methods can help this process. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of education with multi-media software and face-to-face education on pregnant women’s knowledge about danger signs.
Materials & Methods This experimental study was performed on 120 primigravida women who came to health cen-ters in Karaj city. They were selected via convenience sampling, and then randomly allocated to two groups. The first group received face-to-face education and the second group was edu-cated through a multimedia CD. Their knowledge was assessed 10 weeks after the education. Eventually, statistical data were analyzed and compared.
Findings There was no statistically significant difference, in terms of the mean score of knowledge be-tween the two groups 10 weeks after the training. However, mean score of knowledge in-creased significantly in each group after the intervention (P<0.001).
Conclusion This study showed that both multimedia software and face-to-face educational strategies had positive effects on improving knowledge of pregnant women, so it appears education with multimedia software could be recommended instead of face-to-face education.
Materials & Methods This experimental study was performed on 120 primigravida women who came to health cen-ters in Karaj city. They were selected via convenience sampling, and then randomly allocated to two groups. The first group received face-to-face education and the second group was edu-cated through a multimedia CD. Their knowledge was assessed 10 weeks after the education. Eventually, statistical data were analyzed and compared.
Findings There was no statistically significant difference, in terms of the mean score of knowledge be-tween the two groups 10 weeks after the training. However, mean score of knowledge in-creased significantly in each group after the intervention (P<0.001).
Conclusion This study showed that both multimedia software and face-to-face educational strategies had positive effects on improving knowledge of pregnant women, so it appears education with multimedia software could be recommended instead of face-to-face education.
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[18]Mohammady M, Memari A, Shaban M, Mehran A, Yavari P, Salari Far M. [Comparing Computer-assisted vs. Face to Face Education on Dietary Adherence among Patients with Myocardial Infarction]. Journal of Hayat.2010; 16(3&4):77-85. (Persian)
[19]Mamashli L, Varaei S, Ghiasvandian SH, Bahrani N. The effect of multimedia teaching program on knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses about safety in injection [MSc thesis]. Tehran: Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, 2014. (Persian)
[20]Campbell MK, Carbone E, Honess-Moreal L, Heisler-Mackinnon J, Demissie S, Farell D. Randomized trial of a tailored nutrition education CD-ROM program for women receiving food assistance. J Nutr Educ Behav.2004; 36(2):58-66.
[21]Saffari M, Shojaeezadeh D, Mahmoodi M, Hosseini-Sede R. [A comparison between two health education methods on diet: lecture versus videotape]. Payesh.2011; 10(1):63-71. (Persian)
[2]Farokh Islamlo HR, Nanbakhsh F, Heshmati F, Amirabadi A. [Maternal mortality epidemiology in west Azerbaijan (2004-2005)]. Urmia Medical Journal.2006; 17(1):9-15. (Persian)
[3]Hogan MC, Foreman KJ, Naghavi M, Ahn SY, Wang M, Makela SM, and et al. Maternal mortality for 181 countries,1980-2008: a systematic analysis of progress towards Millennium Development Goal 5. Lancet.2010; 375(9726):1609-23.
[4]World Health Organization. Trends in Maternal Mortality, 1990 to 2010. WHO Web Site; 2015 [updated 18 January, 2015; cited 10 June, 2015]; Available from: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665 /44874/1/9789241503631_eng.pdf
[5]Ministry of Health & Medical Education, Family Health & Population Office, Maternal Health Unit. Report of Maternal Mortality in 2013-2014. 1thed.Tehran: Ministry of Health Publication; 2014. (Persian)
[6]Hailu M, Gebremariam A, Alemseged F. Knowledge about obstetric danger signs among pregnant women in Aleta Wondo District, Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Sci.2010; 20(1):25-32.
[7]Anya SE, Hydara A, Jaiteh LE. Antenatal care in the Gambia: Missed opportunity for information, education and communication. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth.2008; 8:9.
[8]Pembe AB, Urassa DP, Carlstedt A, Lindmark G, Nystrom L, Darj E. Rural Tanzanian women’s awareness of danger signs of obstetric complications. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth.2009; 9:12.
[9]Kabakyenga JK, Ostergren PO, Turyakira E, Pettersson KO. Knowledge of obstetric danger signs and birth preparedness practices among women in rural Uganda. Reprod Health.2011; 8:33.
[10]Khazadost S, Ghanbari Z, Borna S, Hantooshzadeh S. [Knowledge of pregnant women attending Imam Khomeini Hospital about high-risk pregnancies]. Payesh.2005; 4(2):121-5. (Persian)
[11]Campbell OM, Graham WJ. Strategies for reducing maternal mortality: gettingon with what works. Lancet.2006; 368(9543):1284-99.
[12]Derakhshan E, Shadzi Sh, Derakhshan F, Behjatian Z, Abedian Z, Navai M. [Effects of targeted education on knowledge and attitude of pregnant women regarding eclampsia]. Journal of Health System Research.2010; 6(3):443-49. (Persian)
[13]Toghyani R, Ramezani MA, Izadi M, Shahidi Sh, Aghdak P, Motie Z, and et al. [The Effect of Prenatal Care Group Education on Pregnant Mothers' Knowledge, Attitude and Practice]. Iranian Journal of Medical Education.2008; 7(2):317-24. (Persian)
[14]Bastable SB. Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. 3th ed. Sudbury MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2008.
[15]Asadi A, Zarei F, Nasiri A, Moravegi S, Kikhani R, Tehrani H, and et al. Digital Media & Health. 1thed. Tehran: Sobhan Publication; 2010. pp:10-15. (Persian)
[16]Keulers BJ, Welters CF, Spauwen PH, Houpt P. Can face-to-face patient education be replaced by computer-based patient education? A randomized trial. Patient Educ Couns.2007; 67(1-2):176-82.
[17]Casazza K, Ciccazzo M. The method of delivery of nutrition and physical activity information may play a role in eliciting behavior changes in adolescents. Eat Behav.2007; 8(1):73-82.
[18]Mohammady M, Memari A, Shaban M, Mehran A, Yavari P, Salari Far M. [Comparing Computer-assisted vs. Face to Face Education on Dietary Adherence among Patients with Myocardial Infarction]. Journal of Hayat.2010; 16(3&4):77-85. (Persian)
[19]Mamashli L, Varaei S, Ghiasvandian SH, Bahrani N. The effect of multimedia teaching program on knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses about safety in injection [MSc thesis]. Tehran: Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, 2014. (Persian)
[20]Campbell MK, Carbone E, Honess-Moreal L, Heisler-Mackinnon J, Demissie S, Farell D. Randomized trial of a tailored nutrition education CD-ROM program for women receiving food assistance. J Nutr Educ Behav.2004; 36(2):58-66.
[21]Saffari M, Shojaeezadeh D, Mahmoodi M, Hosseini-Sede R. [A comparison between two health education methods on diet: lecture versus videotape]. Payesh.2011; 10(1):63-71. (Persian)