Article Type

Descriptive & Survey Study


Etemadi   O. (*)
Saadat   S. (1)

(*) Counseling Department, Educational Sciences & Psychology Faculty, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
(1) Counseling Department, Educational Sciences & Psychology Faculty, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Address: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan, Azadi Square, Isfahan, Iran
Phone: +983137932515
Fax: +983136687396

Article History

Received:   July  28, 2015
Accepted:   August 26, 2015
ePublished:   October 25, 2015


Aims The learners’ beliefs on their capabilities in the process of education are defined as academic self-efficacy that is realized by a variety of factors. This study aimed to investigate the role of family health and attachment styles in prediction of the academic self-efficacy.
Instrument & Methods This cross-sectional descriptive research with a correlation design was performed in all undergraduate students of Literature and Humanities School of the University of Guilan in 2014-15 academic years and 335 students were selected using clustering random sampling method. Hovestadt Family-of-Origin's Scale, Hazan & Shaver's attachment styles and Owen & Forman’s Academic Self-efficacy questionnaires were used in order to collect data. Data analysis was conducted in SPSS 22 software using Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate linear regression.
Findings Academic self-efficacy had positive and significant relationship with healthcare (r=0.274) and secure attachment style (r=0.336) and negative and significant relationship with avoidant attachment style (r=0.413), anxious attachment style (r=0.402; p<0.01). The predictor variables of avoidant attachment style (p=0.0001; t=4.828), secure attachment style (p=0.0001; t=5.108), anxious attachment style (p=0.001; t=-3.217) and family health (p=0.002; t=3.061) determined 0.3 of the variance of academic self-efficacy among the students and played a major role in the prediction of academic self-efficacy, respectively.
Conclusion Family health and secure attachment style increase the academic self-efficacy beliefs of the students and avoidant- and anxious attachment styles decrease the academic self-efficacy beliefs of the students.


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