Article Type

Original Research


Akbari-balootbangan   A. (1*)
Talepasand   S. (1)

(1*) Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan‎, Iran


Address: Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Phone: +989383411790

Article History

Received:   July  11, 2015
Accepted:   September 8, 2015
ePublished:   September 28, 2015


Aims Bullying has been common in schools across the world. Therefore, assessing the psychometric properties of its structures is important. The aim of this study was the assessment of the facto-rial structure and psychometric properties of bullying prevalence questionnaire
Materials & Methods The present study was descriptive and psychometric. For this purpose, 400 students (200 boys and 200 girls) were selected by multistage cluster sampling method and answered the bullying prevalence questionnaire and subjective well-being inventory (divergent validity). For data analysis, factor analysis method, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and Pearson’s correlation test were used by SPSS software version 22 and AMOS version 21.
Findings factor analysis result showed that this questionnaire was saturated with three factors and had good fitness scales. Significant negative relationships of bullying prevalence with subjective well-being (r = -0.10 and P ≤ 0.05) and academic achievement (r = -0.18 and P ≤ 0.01) were obtained. Cronbach's alpha for the total scale was calculated as 0.81, and for each of the sub-scales it was as follows: bullying: 0.81, victim 0.75, and pro-social 0.70; all the scores were satisfactory.
Conclusion Findings of the research showed that the Persian version of the bullying prevalence question-naire was acceptable among students concerning psychometric characteristic and it can be used as a valid instrument for psychological studies.


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