@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2228-5468 Education Strategies in Medical Sciences 2014;7(3):155-160
ISSN: 2228-5468 Education Strategies in Medical Sciences 2014;7(3):155-160
Correlation between Teachers’ Evaluation Scores by Students, the Department Head and the Faculty Dean
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Shakurnia A. (*)Taherzadeh M. (1 )
(*) Immunology Department, Medicine Faculty, Ahvaz Jundishapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
(1 ) Evaluation Department, Educational Development Center, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
Article History
Received: August 16, 2013Accepted: November 10, 2013
ePublished: July 7, 2014
Teacher evaluation plays an important role in educational planning and educational
quality improvement in the universities. Universities are faced with using the appropriate
methods and resources for evaluation the faculty members’ performance as a challenge. This
study aimed to determine the correlation between the teacher’s evaluation scores obtained
from the students,department heads and faculty deans.
Materials & Methods In this descriptive-cross-sectional study, evaluation scores of 205 basic sciences faculty members of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2011-12 were studied. The scores were related to the all non-clinical faculty members that were obtained from the students, department heads and faculty deans. Data were collected using three questionnaires which validity and reliability were approved formerly. Data were analyzed by SPSS 18 software using Pearson correlation coefficient.
Findings The mean score of teacher evaluation by the students, department heads and faculty deans were 4.07±0.40, 4.44±0.49 and 4.39±0.52, respectively. There was a significant correlation between the evaluation scores of department heads and the faculty deans (p=0.0001; r=0.0575), but no significant correlation was observed in the other cases.
Conclusion Level of agreement between department heads and the faculty deans in teacher evaluation is higher than the level of agreement with the students.
Materials & Methods In this descriptive-cross-sectional study, evaluation scores of 205 basic sciences faculty members of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2011-12 were studied. The scores were related to the all non-clinical faculty members that were obtained from the students, department heads and faculty deans. Data were collected using three questionnaires which validity and reliability were approved formerly. Data were analyzed by SPSS 18 software using Pearson correlation coefficient.
Findings The mean score of teacher evaluation by the students, department heads and faculty deans were 4.07±0.40, 4.44±0.49 and 4.39±0.52, respectively. There was a significant correlation between the evaluation scores of department heads and the faculty deans (p=0.0001; r=0.0575), but no significant correlation was observed in the other cases.
Conclusion Level of agreement between department heads and the faculty deans in teacher evaluation is higher than the level of agreement with the students.
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[14]Shakurnia A. Faculty attitudes towards student ratings: Do the student rating scores really matter?. Iran J Med Educ. 2011;11(2):84-93. [Persian]
[15]Guevara C, Stewart S. Do student evaluations match alumni expectations?. Manag Finance. 2011;37(7):610-23.
[16]Shakurnia A, Taherzade M, Ghadiri A. Concordance of teachers’ evaluation by students and alumni of medical sciences. Sci J Educ Strateg Med Educ. 2013;5(4):251-55. [Persian]
[17]Aliasgharpour M, Monjamed Z, Bahrani N. Factors affecting students' evaluation of teachers: Comparing viewpoints of teachers and students. Iran J Med Educ. 2010;10(2):186-95.
[18]Shakurnia A, Fakoor M, Elhampour H, Taherzadeh M. Evaluation of validity and reliability of the questionnaire of student evaluation of teaching. Jundishapur Sci Med J. 2011;10(6):583-93. [Persian]
[19]Moezi M, Shirzad HA, Zamazad B, Rohi H. Evaluation process in viewpoints of academic staff and students in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. J Shahrekord Univ Med Sci. 2010;11(4):63-75. [Persian]
[20]Shakurnia A, Fakoor M, Elhampoor H, Taherzadeh M, Chaab F. The correlation between students' evaluation of faculty and faculty self-assessment in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2008. Iran J Med Educ. 2010;10(3):229-37. [Persian]
[21]Arabi Mianroodi A, Asgari Baravat Z, Khanjani N. Explaining the pros and cons of different sources of Faculty Evaluation from the viewpoints of Medical University Academics. Stride Dev Med Educ. 2012;9(1):65-76. [Persian]
[22]Beran T, Violato C, Kline D, Frideres J. The utility of student ratings of instruction for students, faculty, and administrators: A "consequential validity" study. Can J High Educ. 2005;35(2):49-70.
[23]Maroufi Y, Kiamanesh AR, Mehrmohammadi M, Ali Asgari M. Teaching assessment in higher education: An investigation of current approaches. J Curricul Stud. 2007;2(5):81-112. [Persian]
[2]Beran TN, Rokosh JL. Instructors' perspectives on the utility of student ratings of instruction. Instr Sci. 2009;37:171-84.
[3]Darghi H, Mohammadzadeh N. Faculty members’ evaluation by students: Valid or invalid. Iran J Med Educ. 2013:13(1):39-48. [Persian]
[4]Simione K, Cadden D, Mattie A. Standard of measurement for student evaluation instruments. J College Teach Learn. 2008;5(12):45-58.
[5]Karimi F, Kafi M, Mousavi S, Mousavi S, Ofoghi N. A study of academic staffs point of view about their evaluation by students. Sci J Educ Strateg. 2012;4(4):171-5. [Persian]
[6]Tazakori Z, Akharbin K, Abedi A, Molaei B, Aroujalipour A. Correlation between four teacher evaluation forms in Ardabil Medical University. Iran J Health Care. 2008;10(4):13-24. [Persian]
[7]Tahmasbi S, Vallian A, Moezzyzadeh M. The correlation between the students’ & authorities’ ratings for faculty evaluation in Shahid beheshti School of Dentistry. J Dent Sch Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci. 2012;29(5):358-65. [Persian]
[8]Kaykhaei A, Sargazi GhH, Navidian A, Tabasi MA. Study of ZUMS faculty members' views on faculty members' assessment. Zahedan J Res Med Sci (Tabib-e-Shargh). 2002;4(3):135-40. [Persian]
[9]Shakournia A, Elhampour H, Mozafari A, Dasht Bozorgi B. Ten year trends in faculty members' evaluation results in Jondi Shapour University of Medical Sciences. Iran J Med Educ. 2008;7(2):309-16. [Persian]
[10]Rafiei M, Mosayebi G. Results of six years professors’ evaluation in Arak University of Medical Sciences. Arak Med Univ J. 2010;12(4):52-62. [Persian]
[11]Safavi SA, Abu Bakar K, Tamizi RA, Alwi NH. The role of student ratings of instruction from perspectives of the higher education administrators. Int J Business Soc Sci. 2012;3(10):233-9.
[12]Safari S. The role of different informational sources in educational evaluation of faculty members. Q J Res Plan High Educ. 2010;16(1):69-85. [Persian]
[13]Skeff KM, Stratos GA, Bergen MR, Regula DP. A pilot study of faculty development for basic science teacher. Acad Med. 1998; 37(6):701-4.
[14]Shakurnia A. Faculty attitudes towards student ratings: Do the student rating scores really matter?. Iran J Med Educ. 2011;11(2):84-93. [Persian]
[15]Guevara C, Stewart S. Do student evaluations match alumni expectations?. Manag Finance. 2011;37(7):610-23.
[16]Shakurnia A, Taherzade M, Ghadiri A. Concordance of teachers’ evaluation by students and alumni of medical sciences. Sci J Educ Strateg Med Educ. 2013;5(4):251-55. [Persian]
[17]Aliasgharpour M, Monjamed Z, Bahrani N. Factors affecting students' evaluation of teachers: Comparing viewpoints of teachers and students. Iran J Med Educ. 2010;10(2):186-95.
[18]Shakurnia A, Fakoor M, Elhampour H, Taherzadeh M. Evaluation of validity and reliability of the questionnaire of student evaluation of teaching. Jundishapur Sci Med J. 2011;10(6):583-93. [Persian]
[19]Moezi M, Shirzad HA, Zamazad B, Rohi H. Evaluation process in viewpoints of academic staff and students in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. J Shahrekord Univ Med Sci. 2010;11(4):63-75. [Persian]
[20]Shakurnia A, Fakoor M, Elhampoor H, Taherzadeh M, Chaab F. The correlation between students' evaluation of faculty and faculty self-assessment in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2008. Iran J Med Educ. 2010;10(3):229-37. [Persian]
[21]Arabi Mianroodi A, Asgari Baravat Z, Khanjani N. Explaining the pros and cons of different sources of Faculty Evaluation from the viewpoints of Medical University Academics. Stride Dev Med Educ. 2012;9(1):65-76. [Persian]
[22]Beran T, Violato C, Kline D, Frideres J. The utility of student ratings of instruction for students, faculty, and administrators: A "consequential validity" study. Can J High Educ. 2005;35(2):49-70.
[23]Maroufi Y, Kiamanesh AR, Mehrmohammadi M, Ali Asgari M. Teaching assessment in higher education: An investigation of current approaches. J Curricul Stud. 2007;2(5):81-112. [Persian]