Article Type

Original Research


Asghari Sarasekanrood   S. (*1)
Nezafat Takale   B. (1)

(*1) Department of Geomorphology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran


Address: Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Daneshgah Street, Ardabil, Iran. Postal Code: 5619911367.
Phone: +98 (45) 31575990
Fax: +98 (45) 31505536

Article History

Received:   July  13, 2020
Accepted:   August 8, 2021
ePublished:   October 1, 2020


Aims & Backgrounds Geotourism is a combination of land and tourism and is a tourism that have geological, morphological and cultural attractions. Optimal use of the attractions of the studied areas requires knowledge of different aspects. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the geotourism potential and analyze the competitiveness of geotouristic areas of Sarein city (Bileh Daragh, Darband Vergehsaran and, Alvares).
Methodology This descriptive- analytical comparative study was conducted through field method in the geotouristic areas of Sarein city (Bileh Daragh, Darband Vergehsaran and, Alvares) in summer of 2019. 102 tourists and experts who had traveled to the geotourist study areas (23 tourists and 11 experts for each of the study areas) were selected by simple random sampling method and completed the research questionnaires. The Hadzic model was used to evaluate the geotourism potential and the Pavolova model was used to evaluate the competitiveness potential.
Findings The geotourism potential in Bileh Daragh and Darband Vergehsaran was equal to 39.22 and 24.44 respectively and in moderate level and in Alvarez was equal to 55.55 and in good level. Also Bileh Daragh with numerical value of 1.16 and Darband Vergehsaran with numerical value of 1.20 had satisfactory competitiveness and Alvarez with numerical value of 1.43 had good and suitable competitiveness.
Conclusion Alvarez tourist area in terms of geotourism potential and competitiveness compared to Bilesh Daragh and Darband Vergehsaran areas has good potentials to attract tourists to Sarein city.


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