Article Type

Original Research


Farajzadeh   D. (1 )
Golmakani   M. T. (* )

(* ) Department of Food Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
(1 ) Health Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran



Article History

Received:   April  4, 2010
Accepted:   August 23, 2010


Aims Energy bars can improve armed forces’ performance during military missions, especially if there would not be enough time for food consuming. The aim of this study was formulating and experimental production of energy bars for emergency conditions such as patrol, cold weather and heights.
Methods After formulation and experimental production of 10 energy bar samples, the optimum formulation was selected by taste panels.Shelf life and also qualitative properties (organoleptic, chemical and microbial) of the selected formulation were evaluated 0, 3 and 6 months after production at 38°C (equal to 0, 18 and 36 months at 27°C).
Results Although organoleptic properties and moisture content of the samples were decreased negligibly after 6 months of incubation at 38 °C, there was no significant difference )p<0.05( with those produced at the beginning of the experiment. Even 6 months after incubation at 38°C, microbial properties and peroxide value of the samples were in the standardrange.
Conclusion Shelf life and also qualitative properties of the produced energy bar after are acceptable 6 months of incubation at 38°C (equal to 36 months of incubation at 27°C) and this energy bar can be easily used in emergency conditions.