Article Type

Original Research


Nowrozi   R. A. (1)
Cheraghian Radi   A. (*)
Nosrati Heshi   K. (1)
Azizi   S. M. (2)

(*) Educational Planning Department, Psychology & Educational Sciences Faculty, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
(1) Philosophy of Education & Training Department, Psychology & Educational Sciences Faculty, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
(2) Educational Planning Department, Psychology & Educational Sciences Faculty, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Article History

Received:   January  6, 2013
Accepted:   June 20, 2013
ePublished:   August 2, 2013


Aims Academic drop occurs when there is a considerable distance between potential aptitudes and de facto capacities of individuals in educational activities and development. This study was conducted with the aim of verifying and identifying personal, social and educational factors effective on academic drop from university students’ viewpoint.
Materials & Methods This traverse study was conducted for bachelor, master and doctorate students engaging in education in Esfahan University in academic year of 2011-12. 373 students were selected by random sampling method and 357 completed questionnaires were gathered and evaluated. Study tool was a researcher-made questionnaire having four personal, familial, social and educational factors and consisting 40 items which was graded based on Likert spectrum from completely disagree (1 score) to completely agree (5 scores). SPSS 16 software and one-sample T test were used to analyze the data.
Findings The mean score of the effect of personal factors on academic drop was 4.26±2.47, the mean score of the effect of familial factors on academic drop was 3.75±3.30, the mean score of the effect of social factors on academic drop was 3.74±3.68 and the mean score of the effect of educational factors on academic drop was 3.83±3.96 from the students’ viewpoint(p<0.05).
Conclusion Personal, familial, social and educational factors are effective on academic drop from students’ viewpoint.


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