@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2015;2(2):20-27
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2015;2(2):20-27
The Role of Psychological Hardiness and Spiritual Health in Predict of Quality of Life in Students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Shahbazirad A. (1*)Ghazanfari F. (1)
Abbasi M. (2)
Mohammadi F. (2)
(1*) Department of Psychology, School of Literature and Humanities’Sciences, Lorestan University, Khoram Abad, Iran
(2) Faculty of Social Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Address: Department of Psychology Faculty of literature and humanities’ Science, Lorestan University, Khoram Abad, IranPhone: +986633120097
Article History
Received: July 10, 2015Accepted: September 22, 2015
ePublished: September 28, 2015
Nowadays, quality of life is one of the main phenomena in health, which is affected by differ-ent factors. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of psychological hardiness and spiritual health in predicting the quality of life among students.
Materials & Methods This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 120 students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran, during 2013-2014. Participants were selected by cluster sampling method. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, Ahvaz psychological hardi-ness questionnaire, spiritual health questionnaire of Paloutzian & Park and Quality of life ques-tionnaire. Data were analyzed in SPSS 19 using Pearson’s correlation test and stepwise regres-sion analysis.
Findings There was a significant positive correlation between psychological hardiness and quality of life (P < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between spiritual health and quality of life (P < 0.05). However, there was no significant relationship between quality of life and spir-itual health in the existential dimension; while, there was a significant relationship with reli-gious dimension (P < 0.05). Psychological hardiness and spiritual health can predict 11.3 % of the variance in quality of life.
Conclusion Considering the relationship between the variables, it is better to provide training packages about the increase of spiritual health and psychological hardiness, in order to enhance the qual-ity of life of university students.
Materials & Methods This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 120 students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran, during 2013-2014. Participants were selected by cluster sampling method. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, Ahvaz psychological hardi-ness questionnaire, spiritual health questionnaire of Paloutzian & Park and Quality of life ques-tionnaire. Data were analyzed in SPSS 19 using Pearson’s correlation test and stepwise regres-sion analysis.
Findings There was a significant positive correlation between psychological hardiness and quality of life (P < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between spiritual health and quality of life (P < 0.05). However, there was no significant relationship between quality of life and spir-itual health in the existential dimension; while, there was a significant relationship with reli-gious dimension (P < 0.05). Psychological hardiness and spiritual health can predict 11.3 % of the variance in quality of life.
Conclusion Considering the relationship between the variables, it is better to provide training packages about the increase of spiritual health and psychological hardiness, in order to enhance the qual-ity of life of university students.
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[23]Kiamarsi A, Najarian B, Mehrabizade-Honarmand M. [Production and validity scale for psychological hardiness]. Journal of Psychological.1998; 7(2):271-84. (Persian)
[24]Paloutzian RE, Park CL. Psychology of Religion and Applied Areas. In: Paloutzian RE, Park CL. Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 1thed. London: Guilford Press; 2005. pp:562-80.
[25]Maddi SR, Khoshaba DM. Hardiness and mental health. J Pers Assess.1994; 63(2):256-74.
[2]Barbotte E, Guillemin F, Chau N. Prevalence of impairments, disabilities, handicaps and quality of life in general population: Review of recent literature. Bull World Health Organ.2001; 79(11):1047-55.
[3]Endicott J, Nee J, Harisson W, Blumenthal R. Quality of life enjoyment and satisfaction questionnaire: a new measure. Psychopharmacol Bull.1993; 29(2):321-6.
[4]Meraviglia MG. Critical analysis of spirituality and its empirical indicators: prayer and meaning in life. J Holist Nurs.1999; 17(1):18-33.
[5]Abbasi M, Azizi F, Shamsi A, Naserirad M, Akbari-lakeh M. [Conceptual definition and operationalization of spiritual health: A methodological study]. Jounal of Medical Ethics.2012: 6(20):11-47. (Persian)
[6]Reily BB, Perna R, Tate DG. Type of spiritual well-being among person with chronic illness: their relationship to various forms of quality of life. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.1998; 79(3):258-64.
[7]Basavaraj KH, Navya MA, Rashmi R. Quality of life in HIV/AIDS. Indian J Sex Transm Dis.2010; 31(2):75-80.
[8]PrislaÜcker C, Marisa-Campio M, Maria-Lúcia NT. Quality of life and spiritual well-being in individuals with HIV/AIDS. J Psicolestud.2008; 13(3):523-30.
[9]Ramezankhani A, Ghaedi M, Hatami H, Taghdisi MH, Golmirzai J, Behzad A. [Association between spiritual health and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes in Bandar Abbas, Iran]. Medical Journal of Hormozgan University.2014: 18(3):229-37. (Persian)
[10]Pirasteh-Motlagh A, Nikmanesh Z. [The role of spirituality in quality of life patients with AIDS/HIV]. Journal of Shaeed Sdoughi University of Medical Sciences.2013; 20(2):571-81. (Persian)
[11]Allahbakhshian M, Jaffarpour M, Parvizy S, Haghani H. [A Survey on relationship between spiritual wellbeing and quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients]. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences.2010; 12(3):23-33. (Persian)
[12]Momeni K, Shahbazirad A. [Relationship of spiritually, resiliency, and coping strategies with quality of life in University students]. Journal of Behavioral Sciences.2012; 6(2):97-103. (Persian)
[13]Homaei R. Survey relationship between psychological stressors of girls precollege of Ahvaz with mental health by regarding the moderating role of psychological hardiness in them [MSc Thesis]. Ahvaz: Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University; 2000. (Persian)
[14]Kobasa SC, Puccetti MC. Personality and social resources in stress resistance. J Pers Soc Psychol.1983; 45(4):839-50.
[15]Maddi RS, Wadha P, Haier JR. Relationship of hardiness to alcohol and drug use in adolescents. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse.1996; 22(2):247-57.
[16]Kobasa SC. Hardiness in Lindsey, Thompson and Spring. 3rded. New York: Worth Publication; 1988.
[17]Shakerinia I. [Relationship examination of noise perception, psychological hardiness and mental health with psychological hardiness and mental health with the quality of life in inhabitants of Rasht bustle area]. Iranian Journal of Health and Environment.2011; 3(4):475-84. (Persian)
[18]Shokoohifard S, Hamid N, Sodani M. [The effect of hardiness training on quality of life of teacher training female students]. Knowledge &Research in Applied Psychology.2013; 14(2):14-25. (Persian)
[19]Karami S, Pirasteh A. [Mental health status among college students in Zanjan university of medical sciences]. Journal of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences.2001; 9(35):66-73. (Persian)
[20]Cynthia RK. Overview of quality of life controversial issues. In: Cynthia RK, Hinds. Quality of Life from Nursing and Patient Perspectives. 2rded. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Press; 1998. pp:23-30.
[21]Kerlinger FN, Pedhazur EJ. Multiple regression in behavioral research. 2thed. Holt: Rinehart and Winston Publication; 2008.
[22]Montazeri A, Goshtasbi A, Vahdaninia M. [Translate, appointment reliability and validity type Persian of questionnaire SF-36]. Payesh.2005; 5(1):49-56. (Persian)
[23]Kiamarsi A, Najarian B, Mehrabizade-Honarmand M. [Production and validity scale for psychological hardiness]. Journal of Psychological.1998; 7(2):271-84. (Persian)
[24]Paloutzian RE, Park CL. Psychology of Religion and Applied Areas. In: Paloutzian RE, Park CL. Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 1thed. London: Guilford Press; 2005. pp:562-80.
[25]Maddi SR, Khoshaba DM. Hardiness and mental health. J Pers Assess.1994; 63(2):256-74.