Article Type

Original Research


Pakrah   M. (1)
Poorhashemi   SA (*1)
Parvin   MR (2)

(1) Department of Environmental Law, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
(2) Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran (ABRII), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran


Address: Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Shohadae Hesarak Boulevard, Daneshgah Square, End of Shahid Sattari Highway, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1477893855
Phone: +98 (21) 88253582
Fax: +98 (21) 88252213

Article History

Received:   April  27, 2020
Accepted:   May 20, 2020
ePublished:   May 23, 2020


Aims & Backgrounds This study aims to compare the sustainable development of nomadic areas of the country from the perspective of legal rules before and after the Islamic Revolution of Iran.
Methodology This research is descriptive and analytical in the form of an in-depth study. In the first step, basic information about the nomadic status (population, distribution, and proportion) was collected from documents before and after the revolution. Then; relevant rules and regulations which were enacted in each period were extracted and compared. Furthermore; a comparative analysis was made between the indicators of sustainable nomadic development in both study periods. Finally, the World Bank's approach and guidelines were used to measure sustainable development indicators.
Findings Sustainable development of nomadic areas before the revolution was Varying. While after the revolution, there are fewer changes in planning and lawmaking. However, some indicators of sustainable development had been in a better situation, For example, capital provision by the local community, income level, natural ecosystem health, and natural resource utilization. While, after the revolution, some indicators such as the existence of legal rules, participation in the development programs, introducing plans, and programs to the government, sanitation, literacy rate, and influencing the national economy are better.
Conclusion The results show that despite the approval of progressive laws such as article 50th of the constitution, current legal rules are incapable of striking a balance among the indicators of human, environmental and economic development in nomadic areas.


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