@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2251-8215 Sarem Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2018;2(1):13-18
ISSN: 2251-8215 Sarem Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2018;2(1):13-18
Anewmutationof FRMD7gene in X-linkedcongenitalnystagmusinan Iranian family
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Ahmadvand M. (1)Mashhadikhan M. (2)
Shafeghati Y. (3)
Noruzinia M. (*)
(*) *“Sarem Fertility & Infertility Research Center (SAFIR)” and “Medical Genetics Department, medical Sciences Faculty”, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
(1) Genetics Department, Sarem Women’s Hospital, Tehran, Iran
(2) Sarem Cell Research Center (SCRC), Sarem Women’s Hospital, Tehran, Iran
(3) Medical Genetics Department, Sarem Women’s Hospital, Tehran, Iran
Article History
Received: September 23, 2016Accepted: January 5, 2017
ePublished: February 15, 2018
... [1-4]. Congenital nystagmus is a relatively common ocular disease, the most common heritable pattern of which is dominant in X [5, 6].
... [6-10]. Tarpey et al. in the study of 16 families with congenital X-linked idiopathic nystagmus (XLICN) and the sequencing of all exons of the genes between the two markers DXS1047 and DXS1041 showed that in 15 families of 16 families, the FRMD7 gene which is located in the Xq26 -q27 region, is the carrier of the mutation [11]. ... [12-17].
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mutations of FRMD7 gene in congenital nystagmus associated with chromosome X in an Iranian family population.
A 15-year-old boy belonging to a family from West Azerbaijan Province came to the Department of Genetics at Sarem Hospital, and it was found that he has a congenital idiopathic nystagmus disease. He had acute vision and no other clinical findings. The second boy suffered from this disease, was from an apparently non-familial marriage to asymptomatic parents. The family tree illustrates the history of disorder in the five generations of the family (Fig. 1). There were also 11 other people with normal mental state and non-motor movements and oculogyric movements of the eye and reduced visual acuity without any neurological and morphological disorders in the genealogy.The gene's infiltration rate in women was 30%. Therefore, it was decided that, in the first step, the FRMD7 gene d be examined by indirect linkage and direct sequencing. This large family had about 50 members, of whom 12 had this disease. Used devices & materials DNA extraction: 5 cc of blood was collected from the family members and stored in an EDTA tube. DNA extraction was carried out using columnar method and by qiagen kit using saturated salt method. At first, 2 ml of blood was injected into a 15 ml falcone and centrifuged with 10 ml of cold water to a volume of 12 ml and centrifuged for 15 minutes at 6000 rpm at 8°C. Then, 10 ml of the surface liquid was discarded and pipetted with Pasteur pipette, and again, 10 ml of cold water was added to the sample and shaken well to dissolve all the deposition in water. Then, it was centrifuged at 8 ° C for 15 minutes at 6000 rpm. The second phase was repeated twice and was performed with the same centrifuge program. In the next step, the precipitate was well pumped and 10 ml of solution A was poured onto it to reach 12 ml volume. Samples were then centrifuged at 6000 rpm at 8°C. surface liquid was discarded and white sediment was remained, and 1.5 ml of B solution was added to each sample. Then, 30 μl SDS 10% and 25 μL proteinase K were added to each sample at 25 mg / ml, and then the samples were shaken well in a banner machine at 65 ° C for 30 minutes. Then they were added 500 micro litre NaCl 5 M and it was placed in a refrigerator at 4 ° C for 20 minutes. At this stage, the samples were centrifuged at 4 C° with 4000rpm, with a slight deposition of white and a nonsense liquid. A new 15-millimeter Falcon was prepared for the previous falcon. Then, 2 ml of 96% cold alcohol was poured into the flask containing the samples and the liquid surface was transferred to another clean 15 ml tube. Then the falcons were shaken a few times to observe the DNA bundle at this stage. In a 1.5 mm micro tube, which was previously written on the patient's specification, 1000 ml of 70% alcohol was poured into the microscope and transferred to a microscope of 1.5 micro tube, with a slow-paced pipette. The specimens were then centrifuged for 3 minutes at 13000 rpm, causing clapping to occur as a white sediment in the micro tube at the bottom. At this stage, to remove the alcohol from the specimen, it was completely covered by the sampler. These samples were placed at room temperature for 15-20 minutes to dry. Finally, 100-200 microliters of distilled water were added to the samples and placed at room temperature for 24 hours and transferred to the freezer a-20 ° C the next day. DNA quality and quantity analysis: The analysis of UV absorption by nucleotides provides an accurate and simple estimation of the concentration of the acid nucleic in the sample. When the DNA sample is pure and does not contain significant amounts of contamination, such as protein or organic solvents, purines and pyrimidines in acid nuclei exhibit peak absorbance at wavelengths of about 260 nm. To determine the purity of the sample, the OD260 / OD280 ratio must be determined. The presence of impurities or excessive DNA deficiency in the sample prevents the correct analysis. 500 micro liters of dipped water was poured into a cuvette and then the spectrophotometer was calibrated at wavelengths of 260 and 280 nm. 5 μl of each DNA sample was diluted with 500 μl volume of two-volume distilled water and was used as a double-distilled water as Blank. OD260 and OD280 values were read from the spectrophotometer and the OD260 / OD280 ratio was calculated. For the pure RNA, the OD260 / OD280 ratio is 2.2-2.3 and for pure DNA, this ratio is close to 1.8. An increase in this ratio usually indicates the presence of an RNA, which can be tested by agarose gel testing. In this case, the RNA is observed as smear and moves ahead of the DNA. The ratio below 1.8 is usually indicative of phenolic or protein contamination. The phenolic or protein contamination is also shown by a ratio of OD230 / OD260 greater than 0.5. When it was assured that the sample contained pure DNA, its DNA concentration was calculated by formula. Electrophoresis of the sample was determined on the agarose gel DNA extracted DNA and the DNA value of each sample was calculated by comparing the color intensity of the sample with standard DNA bands and also the presence or absence of RNA was determined by this method. RNA moves in form of smear and moves ahead of DNA. DNA extraction: The blood of patients and subjects with normal phenotype was extracted by Salting out and qiagen kits. To evaluate the quality of the extracted specimens, 3 μl of DNA extracted by saturated salt method was electrophoresed on the agarose gel 1.5% (figure 2).Mutation Analysis: A mutation study was performed using direct sequencing of FMRD7 gene by Sanger method, in which the 12 exons and adjoining intron regions were sequenced after amplification by PCR reaction. The sequencing results determined the nucleotide changes in the target gene. In cases where the sequence change is de novo, markers are very helpful. In other words, in the event of a new mutation, the association of the disease in the family with the FRMD7 gene, along with the absence of the desired mutation in a healthy 100-person group, can be effective in preventing mutation disease. In cases where the mutation is pathogenic, it is also easy to confirm the cause of the disease in the family. Direct sequencing results were investigated on the ABI 3130x. To rule out the possibility that the mutation detected in the FRMD7 gene is a community-specific polymorphism, we examined 100 chromosomes of healthy individuals that were ethnically matched to this family by the method of limiting the examination throughout the fragment of polymorphism (RFLP), that mutated allele was not observed among the control group.
PCR of the FMRD7 gene exons: The quality and size of each single exon of the FRMD7 gene were evaluated on the gel electrophoresis (Fig. 3).Direct sequencing: Exon 1, which was heterozygote in female patients with mutation, and the organic synthesis of cytosine in a single allele is converted to thymine (Fig. 4).Exon 1 was also found in male patients with mutations (cytosine-thymine conversion) (Fig. 5).A review of all coding exons and non-codon-containing intranial regions revealed a nucleotide change in nucleotide # 37 of the FRMD7 gene. This mutation is located at Exon # 1. The bioinformatics of this mutation indicated the pathogenicity of this mutation. This change in the nucleotide has not been reported before (Fig. 6).Changing cytosine to thymine in nucleotide number 37 (c.37C → T) resulted in the lack of translation of glutamine amino acids, which resulted in the conversion to the end (Amb) at position 13 (Q13X) and a kind of meaningless change. This change creates a defective protein that quickly disappears. The rest of the FRMD7 encoding regions were not mutated.
... [18]. Watkins et al. Have shown that mutation in the CASK gene can lead to congenital nystagmus associated with mental retardation in boys [19]. ... [20, 21]. There is no study in Iranian patients with congenital nystagmus, and we identified this mutation in the family C.37C> T nonsense, which could be considered a pathogenic mutation, which has not yet been reported in the literature. Since we have succeeded in identifying a new mutation in the sample size, we included only one Iranian family; on this basis, the Iranian population might be a rich source to detect more mutations and even genes associated with congenital nystagmus.
More sample studies are recommended in Iranian patients with congenital nystagmus to evaluate the prevalence of this mutation and other mutations in the FRMD7 gene.
This study led to the identification of c.37C> T mutations. The mutation has led to a change in the organic synthesis of cytosine into thymine, which results in the lack of translation of glutamine amino acids, which result in defective protein production and it easily disappears.
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[1]Gomez CM, Thompson RM, Gammack JT, Perlman SL, Dobyns WB, Truwit CL, et al. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6: Gaze-evoked and vertical nystagmus, Purkinje cell degeneration, and variable age of onset. Ann Neurol. 1997;42(6):933-50.
[2]Takemori S, Cohen B. Loss of visual suppression of vestibular nystagmus after flocculus lesions. Brain Res. 1974;72(2):213-24.
[3]Gomez CM, Thompson RM, Gammack JT, Perlman SL, Dobyns WB, Truwit CL, et al. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6: Gaze-evoked and vertical nystagmus, Purkinje cell degeneration, and variable age of onset. Ann Neurol. 1997;42(6):933-50.
[4]Takemori S, Cohen B. Loss of visual suppression of vestibular nystagmus after flocculus lesions. Brain Res. 1974;72(2):213-24.
[5]Naegele JR, Held R. The postnatal development of monocular optokinetic nystagmus in infants. Vision Res. 1982;22(3):341-6.
[6]Norn M. Congenital idiopathic nystagmus. Acta ophthalmol. 1964;42(4):889-96.
[7]Cabot A, Rozet JM, Gerber S, Perrault I, Ducroq D, Smahi A, et al. A gene for X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus (NYS1) maps to chromosome Xp11.4-p11.3. Am J Hum Genet. 1999;64(4):1141-6.
[8]Kerrison JB, Vagefi MR, Barmada MM, Maumenee IH. Congenital motor nystagmus linked to Xq26-q27. Am J Hum Genet. 1999;64(2):600-7.
[9]Ragge N, Hartley C, Dearlove A, Walker J, Russell-Eggitt I, Harris C. Familial vestibulocerebellar disorder maps to chromosome 13q31-q33: A new nystagmus locus. J Med Genet. 2003;40(1):37-41.
[10]He X, Gu F, Wang Y, Yan J, Zhang M, Huang S, et al. A novel mutation in FRMD7 causing X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus in a large family. Mol Vis. 2008;14:56-60.
[11]Kerrison JB, Giorda R, Lenart TD, Drack AV, Maumenee IH. Clinical and genetic analysis of a family with X-linked congenital nystagmus (NYS1). Ophthalmic Genet. 2001;22(4):241-8.
[12]Zhang B, Xia K, Ding M, Liang D, Liu Z, Pan Q, et al. Confirmation and refinement of a genetic locus of congenital motor nystagmus in Xq26.3-q27.1 in a Chinese family. Hum Genet. 2005;116(1-2):128-31.
[13]Tarpey P, Parnau J, Blow M, Woffendin H, Bignell G, Cox C, et al. Mutations in the DLG3 gene cause nonsyndromic X-linked mental retardation. Am J Hum Genet. 2004;75(2):318-24.
[14]Tarpey P, Thomas S, Sarvananthan N, Mallya U, Lisgo S, Talbot CJ, et al. Mutations in FRMD7, a newly identified member of the FERM family, cause X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus. Nat Genet. 2006;38(11):1242-4.
[15]Li N, Wang L, Cui L, Zhang L, Dai S, Li H, et al. Five novel mutationsof the FRMD7 gene in Chinese families with X-linked infantile nystagmus. Mol Vis. 2008;14:733-8.
[16]Zhang X, Ge X, Yu Y, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Luan Y, et al. Identification of three novel mutations in the FRMD7 gene for X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus. Sci Rep. 2014;4:3745.
[17]Song FW, Chen BB, Sun ZH, Wu LP, Zhao SJ, Miao Q, et al. Novel mutation c.980_983delATTA compound with c.986C>A mutation of the FRMD7 gene in a Chinese family with X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2013;14(6):479-86.
[18]Hackett A, Tarpey PS, Licata A, Cox J, Whibley A, Boyle J, et al. CASK mutations are frequent in males and cause X-linked nystagmus and variable XLMR phenotypes. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010;18(5):544-52.
[19]Shiels A, Bennett TM, Prince JB, Tychsen L. X-linked idiopathic infantile nystagmus associated with a missense mutation in FRMD7. Mol Vis. 2007;13:2233-41.
[20]Hu J, Liang D, Xue J, Liu J, Wu L. A novel GPR143 splicing mutation in a Chinese family with X-linked congenital nystagmus. Mol Vis. 2011;17:715-22.
[21]Watkins RJ, Patil R, Goult BT, Thomas MG, Gottlob I, Shackleton S. A novel interaction between FRMD7 and CASK: Evidence for a causal role in idiopathic infantile nystagmus. Hum Mol Genet. 2013;22(10):2105-18.
[22]Thomas MG, Thomas S, Kumar A, Proudlock F, Gottlob I. FRMD7-Related infantile nystagmus [Internet]. GeneReviews [Updated 2011 September 29; Cited 2015 December 11]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK3822/
[23]AlMoallem B, Bauwens M, Walraedt S, Delbeke P, De Zaeytijd J, Kestelyn P, et al. Novel FRMD7 Mutations and Genomic Rearrangement Expand the Molecular Pathogenesis of X-Linked Idiopathic Infantile Nystagmus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015;56(3):1701-10
[2]Takemori S, Cohen B. Loss of visual suppression of vestibular nystagmus after flocculus lesions. Brain Res. 1974;72(2):213-24.
[3]Gomez CM, Thompson RM, Gammack JT, Perlman SL, Dobyns WB, Truwit CL, et al. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6: Gaze-evoked and vertical nystagmus, Purkinje cell degeneration, and variable age of onset. Ann Neurol. 1997;42(6):933-50.
[4]Takemori S, Cohen B. Loss of visual suppression of vestibular nystagmus after flocculus lesions. Brain Res. 1974;72(2):213-24.
[5]Naegele JR, Held R. The postnatal development of monocular optokinetic nystagmus in infants. Vision Res. 1982;22(3):341-6.
[6]Norn M. Congenital idiopathic nystagmus. Acta ophthalmol. 1964;42(4):889-96.
[7]Cabot A, Rozet JM, Gerber S, Perrault I, Ducroq D, Smahi A, et al. A gene for X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus (NYS1) maps to chromosome Xp11.4-p11.3. Am J Hum Genet. 1999;64(4):1141-6.
[8]Kerrison JB, Vagefi MR, Barmada MM, Maumenee IH. Congenital motor nystagmus linked to Xq26-q27. Am J Hum Genet. 1999;64(2):600-7.
[9]Ragge N, Hartley C, Dearlove A, Walker J, Russell-Eggitt I, Harris C. Familial vestibulocerebellar disorder maps to chromosome 13q31-q33: A new nystagmus locus. J Med Genet. 2003;40(1):37-41.
[10]He X, Gu F, Wang Y, Yan J, Zhang M, Huang S, et al. A novel mutation in FRMD7 causing X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus in a large family. Mol Vis. 2008;14:56-60.
[11]Kerrison JB, Giorda R, Lenart TD, Drack AV, Maumenee IH. Clinical and genetic analysis of a family with X-linked congenital nystagmus (NYS1). Ophthalmic Genet. 2001;22(4):241-8.
[12]Zhang B, Xia K, Ding M, Liang D, Liu Z, Pan Q, et al. Confirmation and refinement of a genetic locus of congenital motor nystagmus in Xq26.3-q27.1 in a Chinese family. Hum Genet. 2005;116(1-2):128-31.
[13]Tarpey P, Parnau J, Blow M, Woffendin H, Bignell G, Cox C, et al. Mutations in the DLG3 gene cause nonsyndromic X-linked mental retardation. Am J Hum Genet. 2004;75(2):318-24.
[14]Tarpey P, Thomas S, Sarvananthan N, Mallya U, Lisgo S, Talbot CJ, et al. Mutations in FRMD7, a newly identified member of the FERM family, cause X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus. Nat Genet. 2006;38(11):1242-4.
[15]Li N, Wang L, Cui L, Zhang L, Dai S, Li H, et al. Five novel mutationsof the FRMD7 gene in Chinese families with X-linked infantile nystagmus. Mol Vis. 2008;14:733-8.
[16]Zhang X, Ge X, Yu Y, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Luan Y, et al. Identification of three novel mutations in the FRMD7 gene for X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus. Sci Rep. 2014;4:3745.
[17]Song FW, Chen BB, Sun ZH, Wu LP, Zhao SJ, Miao Q, et al. Novel mutation c.980_983delATTA compound with c.986C>A mutation of the FRMD7 gene in a Chinese family with X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2013;14(6):479-86.
[18]Hackett A, Tarpey PS, Licata A, Cox J, Whibley A, Boyle J, et al. CASK mutations are frequent in males and cause X-linked nystagmus and variable XLMR phenotypes. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010;18(5):544-52.
[19]Shiels A, Bennett TM, Prince JB, Tychsen L. X-linked idiopathic infantile nystagmus associated with a missense mutation in FRMD7. Mol Vis. 2007;13:2233-41.
[20]Hu J, Liang D, Xue J, Liu J, Wu L. A novel GPR143 splicing mutation in a Chinese family with X-linked congenital nystagmus. Mol Vis. 2011;17:715-22.
[21]Watkins RJ, Patil R, Goult BT, Thomas MG, Gottlob I, Shackleton S. A novel interaction between FRMD7 and CASK: Evidence for a causal role in idiopathic infantile nystagmus. Hum Mol Genet. 2013;22(10):2105-18.
[22]Thomas MG, Thomas S, Kumar A, Proudlock F, Gottlob I. FRMD7-Related infantile nystagmus [Internet]. GeneReviews [Updated 2011 September 29; Cited 2015 December 11]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK3822/
[23]AlMoallem B, Bauwens M, Walraedt S, Delbeke P, De Zaeytijd J, Kestelyn P, et al. Novel FRMD7 Mutations and Genomic Rearrangement Expand the Molecular Pathogenesis of X-Linked Idiopathic Infantile Nystagmus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015;56(3):1701-10