Article Type

Original Research


Nasiri   F.S (*)
Ghanbari   S (1)
Ardalan   M.R (1)
Karimi   I (1)

(*) Educational Sciences Department, Humanities Faculty, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
(1) Educational Sciences Department, Humanities Faculty, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
(1) Educational Sciences Department, Humanities Faculty, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
(1) Educational Sciences Department, Humanities Faculty, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Address: Educational Sciences Department, Humanities& Literature Faculty, Bu-Ali Sina University, Pajuhesh Square, Hamedan, Iran. Postal Code: 651783869
Phone: +98 8138222246
Fax: +988138292570

Article History

Received:  July  29, 2014
Accepted:  October 18, 2014
ePublished:  November 22, 2014


… [1-6] Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one of the most credible models to evaluate the effective factors on the acceptance of IT. The model evaluates the factors in personal level and predicts most of the behaviors. It has been used for different technologies and in different situations [7]. … [8] Perception of usefulness and perception of easy utilization are the bases of the model that affect one’s attitude towards the utilization of a technology [9].

The utilization of IT media in TAM-based learning has been studied [10-15]. The studies show the development of the type of learning and its acceptance by perception of utility and perception of easy utilization of e-learning in the educational environments. … [16-24] Expert personnel, availability, and equitable allocation of finance resources have been declared as factors hindering the establishment of e-learning [25].

The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of readiness of the teachers and infrastructures of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences for effective implementation of e-learning based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

This is an applicable descriptive-analytical study and regarding data collecting, it is a descriptive-survey study.

The faculty members of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences (total number=369persons) were studied in 2014.

Random sampling method was used. The sample size was estimated 188 persons using Cochran’s Formula. 200 questionnaires were distributed. 183 questionnaires were analyzed.

Data was collected using faculty members’ readiness questionnaire, e-learning infrastructures evaluation check-list, and technology acceptance questionnaire. The questionnaire of faculty members’ readiness for e-learning acceptance has been compiled by some researchers [22]. The questionnaire has 27 items that include “cultural readiness”, “acquaintance with IT technology”, “readiness in the knowledge level”, “students’ acceptance”, and “availability”. The e-learning infrastructures evaluation check-list has been compiled by some researchers [22]. The 47-item check-list evaluates 8 domains of the infrastructures of a new method of e-learning in the universities including “human resources situation”, “financial resources”, “infrastructure of IT technology”, “strategic plan designing”, “content preparation situation”, “references”, “organizational chart situation”, and “availability”. Based on Davis TAM, the 25-item technology acceptance questionnaire was used to assess e-learning acceptance. The questionnaire has 5 components including “perception of the usefulness of e-learning”, “perception of easy utilization of e-learning system”, “attitude towards the utilization of e-learning system”, “decision to use e-learning system”, and “application of IT media in education”. Based on 5-point Likert’s Scale, the questionnaires are valued as 1 to 5 scores. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to determine reliability of the tool. Alpha coefficients for every domain of teachers’ readiness were more than 0.75. Total reliability coefficient of the faculty members’ readiness was 0.85. Alpha coefficients for all domains of infrastructure were more than 0.70. Total reliability coefficient of e-learning infrastructure checklist was 0.81. Alpha coefficients of every component of technology acceptance model were higher than 0.90. The coefficients of whole questionnaire of technology acceptance were 0.95. Factor Analysis was used to determine validity of the tool. In Iran, reliability and validity of the scales have been favorable [11, 25]. Descriptive data analysis was done using Frequency Distribution Table, Central and Distributive Indices, Correlation Coefficient, and SPSS 18 Software. Inferential analysis was done using LISREL 8.5 & SIMPLIS and statistical technic of Structural Equation Modeling (Confirmatory Path Analysis).

110 persons (60%) and 73 persons (40%) were male and female, respectively. 87 Persons (47.5%), 43 persons (23.5%), 17 persons (9.3%), 14 persons (7.7%), 10 persons (5.5%), 9 persons (4.9%), and 3 persons (1.6%) were from Medical Faculty, Dentistry Faculty, Faculty of Health, Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Rehabilitation Faculty, Paramedical Faculty, and Pharmacy Faculty, respectively. Based on each domain, mean scores of the teachers’ readiness for implementation of e-learning were 3.10±0.29 (cultural readiness), 2.84±0.46 (acquaintance with technology factors), 3.79±0.75 (readiness in the knowledge level), 3.66±0.42 (students’ acceptance), and 2.10±0.84 (availability). The situation of human resources of readiness of the infrastructures of e-learning in the universities from the faculty members’ viewpoints was assessed unfavorable by 128 persons (70%) and favorable by 55 persons (30%). The situations of financial support, technology facilities, strategic plan designing, content preparation plan, organizational chart, and references were estimated favorable by 73 persons (40%), 165 persons (90%), 110 persons (60%), 91 persons (50%), 165 persons (90%), and 37 persons (20%), respectively. The situation of availability was estimated unfavorable and favorable by 146 persons (80%) and 37 persons (20%), respectively. There was positive and significant effectiveness of the faculty members’ readiness and readiness of the infrastructures of e-learning in the university on perception of e-learning usefulness and perception of easy utilization of e-learning. In TAM paths for e-learning, perception of the easy utilization of e-learning positively and significantly affected perception of usefulness of e-learning. Two components positively and significantly affected the attitudes towards the utilization of e-learning. Perception of the usefulness of e-learning and attitude towards the utilization of e-learning positively and significantly affected the decision to utilize e-learning. The decision to utilize e-learning positively and significantly affected the practical utilization of e-learning (Table 1). The values of fitting indices were acceptable that showed fitness of the structural model.

Regarding indices of goodness of fitting, the technology acceptance structural model of e-learning in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences had fitness and it was applicable in the universities. The results, regarding the utilization of IT in TAM-based learning, are consistent with the results of some studies [10-15]. Preparation of the structures, administrative-management preparation, and software and hardware preparation with support were necessary to the establishment and development of standard university e-learning. The result is consistent with the results of some studies [23-27]. As effective and powerful factors in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, readiness of the teachers and infrastructures significantly affected the acceptance of e-learning technology. The result is consistent with the results of some studies [28-31]. In every time and place, the technological capabilities of IT and their availability led to motivate the teachers to utilize the tool in learning. The result is consistent with the results of some studies [32-35].

Other employees of similar organizations should be studied to complete the results via comparison.

Only human resource number was noticed in the study and other characteristics such as years of service, experience, and abilities were ignored. The crucial limitation was the participants’ worry of assessment. Due to time limitation, only the faculty members of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences were assessed.

Regarding significant effectiveness of readiness of the teachers and infrastructures of the university on perceptions of usefulness and easy utilization of e-learning and regarding proper fitness indices, technology acceptance model of e-learning in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences is applicable in the target society.






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