Article Type

Original Research


Mozaffari   V (*)

(*) Consultation Department, Educational Sciences & Consultation Faculty, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Article History

Received:  May  6, 2018
Accepted:  November 18, 2018
ePublished:  May 15, 2019


Psychiatric veterans’ wives are exposed to psychological damages due to their husbands’ specific condition.

It should be noted that emotions and emotional control is another vulnerable psycho-emotional processes in veterans' wives [1]. Different interventional and therapeutic methods have been used to improve the psychological factors of veterans' wives. Cognitive mindfulness-based therapy is one of the newest methods [1]. ... [2-13] Mindfulness-based therapy has been used and confirmed in studies by Hasani & Emamverdi [14], Perry-Parrish [15], Hopwood & Schutte [16], Hofmann & Gómez [17], Crosswell et al. [18] and Kroska et al. [19]. It has been determined that mindfulness can significantly affect emotions and negative attitudes, such as depression and anxiety in individuals. .... [19-24].

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive mindfulness-based therapy on resilience and emotional control of psychiatric veteran’s wives.

The present study was a semi-experimental design with a pretest post-test design with a control group.

The present study was conducted on psychiatric veteran’s wives in Tehran in 2017.

Available sampling method was used to select the sample size. Through the September to December 2017, the researcher referred to the health center located in the 4th district psychiatric, and the psychiatric veteran’s wives were given voluntary forms (for participation in the research). 30 subjects out of the volunteered wives were randomly selected and divided into the experimental and control groups (n=15 in each group). Inclusion criteria included being the spouse of a psychiatric veteran, (according to the diagnosis of an expert), no acute or chronic psychological and physical disorder (according to the subject report), at least diploma education and the consent to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria also included participation in another psychological training through the study, being absent for more than two sessions, and lack of performing the assigned assignments.

The following research tools were used: Emotional Control Questionnaire (ECQ): Its original structure was developed by Roger and Nesshoever in 1987 and Roger and Najjarian revised this questionnaire [25]. In this research, the revised questionnaire was used. It is a scale comprising 56 items, 14 in each of the 4 factors, including emotional inhibition, aggression control, rumination and benign control. Also, the reliability coefficients of this questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha was obtained 0.74 [25]. The reliability of this questionnaire in this study was yielded 76% using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. ... [26, 27]. Resilience Scale: It was designed by Connor and Davidson in 2003 to measure resilience. It is a 25-item scale which is scored on a 4-point Likert scale from completely false (zero) to always correct [4]. Mohammadi et al. calculated the reliability of the Conner and Davison scale using Cronbach's alpha of 0.89, and also proved its appropriate validity [28]. The reliability of this questionnaire was also calculated 0.88 using Cronbach's alpha. Finally, cognitive mindfulness-based therapy intervention [29] was performed for the experimental group in eight 1:30-h sessions once a week for two and a half months, while the control group did not receive cognitive mindfulness-based therapy during the research (Table 1). For analyzing the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) as well as inferential statistics, including Shapiro-Wilk test to investigate the normal distribution of variables, Levine's test for the analysis of homogeneity of variances and univariate covariance to assess the research hypothesis were employed. The results were analyzed using SPSS 23 software.

The subjects aged 41 to 50 years with the mean age of 44.54±5.46 years and most of them had bachelor's degree (14 students). Cognitive mindfulness-based therapy caused a significant difference between the mean scores of resilience and emotional control in spouses of psychiatric veterans in post-test (p<0.05). Therefore, by controlling the interventional variables, the mean scores of resilience and emotional control in psychiatric veteran’s wives changed following cognitive mindfulness-based therapy, so that resilience and emotional control scores increased in the post-test. The effect size of cognitive mindfulness-based therapy on resilience and emotional control of spouses was 0.73 and 0.84, respectively. 67% and 53% of changes in the resilience and emotional control of psychiatric veterans' wives were explained (cognitive mindfulness-based therapy), respectively (Table 1).

The results of this research studying the effect of cognitive mindfulness-based therapy on resilience of psychiatric wives are consistent with the findings of studies by Hasani & Emamverdi [14], Perry-Parrish [15], Hofmann & Gómez [17] and Kroska et al. [19]. They reported that cognitive mindfulness-based therapy can reduce the psychological damage in individuals through employing coherent therapeutic methods. The results of current research on the effect of cognitive mindfulness-based therapy on emotional control of psychiatric wives are consistent with the findings of studies by Mehri Nejad & Saatchi [1], Hopwood & Schutte [16], Crosswell et al. [18] and Kroska et al. [19]. … [30-33].

Designing another research with a different geographical location and other statistical population using random sampling and follow-up phase is suggested to increase the external validity of the results.

The present study faced limitations, such as random sampling (available sampling), geographic area (limited to the Tehran), statistical population (psychiatric veterans’ wives) as well as the lack of follow-up phase.

Cognitive mindfulness-based-therapy can improve resilience and emotional control of psychiatric veterans’ wives, and regarding this effect, this treatment can be used to improve their resilience and emotional control.

All of the veterans’ wives participated in the research, their families, as well as the authorities of the psychiatric health center in the 4th district in Tehran, are appreciated.

None declared.

In order to observe the ethics in the research, the consent to participate in the intervention was obtained and they were informed about all the stages of intervention.

The present study was not support by any institution and organization.


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