Article Type

Original Research


Vafadar   Z (1)
Vanaki   Z (*)
Ebadi   A (2)
Seyyed Bagher Maddah   S (3)

(*) Nursing Department, Medical Sciences Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
(1) “Health Management Research Center” and “Medical-Surgical Department, Nursing Faculty”, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(2) Management Department, Nursing Faculty, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(3) Management Department, Nursing Faculty, University of Welfare Sciences & Rehabilitation, Tehran, Iran


Address: Nursing Department, Medical Sciences Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Gisha Bridge, Tehran, Iran
Phone: +982182883814
Fax: +982182883025

Article History

Received:  June  28, 2014
Accepted:  August 14, 2014
ePublished:  November 22, 2014


… [1-3] Nowadays, there is a need for teams consisting of different health sciences professions with effective communication to provide the requirements of human life in a complex environment [4-9]. … [10] Inter-professional Education (IPE) has been declared by WHO as the best strategy to improve safety and quality of cares and health of the societies, which ought to be used in the educational organizations [9, 12-14]. … [15-20] Inter-professional education is a situation in which the learners of two or more health sciences are taught together, about each other, and to provide collaborative, effective, and client-based team care [21]. … [22-41]


The aim of this study was to investigate the readiness of postgraduate students of health sciences for inter-professional education and learning.

This is a cross sectional-descriptive study.

Postgraduate students of health sciences (basic sciences, clinical sciences, and fellowship) in Iran, Tehran, Shahid Beheshti, and Shiraz universities of medical sciences (as the representatives of Iranian Ministry of Health), Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences (as the representative of Iranian Armed Forces), and Faculty of Medical Sciences of Tarbiat Modares University (as the representative of Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology) were studied in 2012-13.

500 students were selected, using simple and achievable sampling method. The sample size was determined based on Cochran’s formula.

Data was collected using a two-part questionnaire. The first part included demographic information (age, gender, educational level and discipline, teaching and clinical experiences, and the history of participation in the inter-professional teaching programs). The second part was the Readiness for Inter-professional Learning Scale (RIPLS) questionnaire. The tool has 19 items and 3 sub-scales. The teamwork and collaboration sub-scale with its 9 items measures the aspects of understanding the importance and effectiveness of team-work and effective inter-professional communication. The professional identity sub-scale with its 7 items measures positive and negative attitudes, beliefs, and professional values that the professions have towards themselves and other professions. The roles and responsibilities sub-scale with its 3 items includes the persons’ understanding of their own and other professions’ roles, responsibilities, and limitations. The tool is scored from strongly agree (5) to strongly disagree (1) based on the five-point Likert’s scale. At a primary study, reliability of the tool has been 0.9 [10]. Formal and content validities of a Persian version of the tool have been confirmed by the experts and its reliability has been confirmed with 0.8 Cronbach’s Alpha [42]. The internal consistency/credibility of RIPLS has been 0.76 through a study on 546 persons in the graduate education level [43]. The reliability was confirmed using Test-retest Method with a 20-person sample of postgraduate students of Shiraz University. The questionnaires were completed two times with a 15-day interval. The correlation coefficient between the scores was computed. Reliability of the questionnaire was assessed 0.83 via Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. Data was analyzed, using SPSS 18 software and Descriptive Statistical (mean values and percentage) and Analytical statistical (One-way ANOVA) Tests. The samples were categorized in three main professional groups including Nursing, Medical, and Others groups. Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to compare the professional groups and the measured variable had normal distribution based on the test. The equality of the variances was assessed by Levene’s Test. Parametric One-way ANOVA Test was used to compare the groups.

420 questionnaires of 500 (84%) were completed. 231 persons (55%) were male. 160 persons (38%), 92 persons (22%), and 168 persons (40%) were in Medical, Nursing, and Others groups, respectively. The students’ mean age was 32.00±5>00years, in a 23- to 50-year domain. 50 persons (12%), 336 persons (80%), and 34 persons (8%) were from Armed Forces, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Sciences, respectively. 202 persons (48%) and 218 persons (52%) were graduate and post-graduate students, respectively. 76 persons (18%) and 344 persons (82%) were basic sciences and clinical sciences students, respectively. 328 persons (78%) and 151 persons (36%) had clinical and teaching experiences, respectively. (Some samples had both clinical and teaching experiences.) No sample had inter-professional teaching experience (according to WHO definition). Nevertheless, 286 persons (68%) had parallel and collaborative (side by side) teaching experiences with other professions. Total mean value of readiness of the post-graduate students of health sciences for inter-professional education was higher than moderate (47.5). There was no significant difference between the professional groups in the readiness rate for inter-professional education. The mean scores of the whole scale and all the sub-scales of the Nursing group were higher than other groups. Nevertheless, there was no statistical difference between the groups (Table 1).

The result of the present study is consistent with many studies. Total mean value of readiness of the post-graduate students for inter-professional education in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences is 70.47. The mean values of Nursing, Medical, and Others groups are 72.1, 69.83, and 70.27, respectively. In addition, there is no significant correlation between the students’ readiness and other ground variables such as age, gender, and clinical and teaching experiences [42]. The mean value of the present study is higher, but the mean ratios between the professional groups are considerably similar and the Nursing group has the highest mean value. In England, the students’ readiness in all groups (Nursing, Medical, Physiotherapy, and Occupational Therapy) is more than moderate level. In addition, readiness rates of Nursing and Occupational Therapy are significantly higher than other groups do [44]. In Malaysia, readiness rates of nursing and pharmacy students are significantly higher than medical students do. In addition, the difference is bolder in the teamwork and collaboration sub-scale [45]. In UAE, the readiness of nursing students, especially in the teamwork and collaboration sub-scale, is higher than medical students do [46]. … [47-50]

More documents about environmental, organizational, teaching, and educational challenges and factors ought to be collected to compile inter-professional teaching patterns appropriate to Iranian society. More studies should be done to generalize the findings and to make effective decisions in inter-professional education.

Non-probability sampling method and excluding the private institutions of health education (due to limited disciplines, some different ground factors, and different educational environment) were of the limitations for the study.

Readiness of the post-graduate students of health sciences for inter-professional education is higher than the moderate level. Regarding appropriate motivations and attitudes of the students and high readiness of the post-graduate students of health sciences for inter-professional education, a combination of inter-professional education and educational programs is highly accepted and its effectiveness and positive outcomes are noticeable.

The researcher feels grateful to the managements of the universities and the students.


The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences.

As a part of a PhD thesis in Nursing Education approved by Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, the study was done in association with Health Management research Center and Nursing Faculty of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences.


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