Article Type

Original Research


Abdi   J. (1)
Eftekhar   H. (1*)
Mohammadi   M. (2)
Shojaeizade   D. (1)
Sadehghi   R. (1)

(1) Department of Health Education and Promotion, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(2) Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Article History

Received:  February  14, 2014
Accepted:  June 5, 2014
ePublished:  June 12, 2014


…[1-7].more than one third of deaths in the world is due to the unhealthy life style and it is the main thread of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, dental caries, strokes and some kinds of cancers [8]. …[9-11]. Keeping staffs healthy and productive for improving the efficiency of public and private sectors is important [12]. …[13-19].

The latest studies showed that just a few adults get involved in physical activities [20]. In this study, about half of individuals were ready regarding physical activities and was consistent with studies of Mazloomi and Solhi[19,21].

This study aimed to investigate the life styles and obesity of staffs working in the state organizations in Hamedan, some factors relating to them and their position regarding the stages of change model.

This is a descriptive analytic and cross sectional study.

This research was done on 1200 staffs working in state organizations throughout Hamedan in 2013.

In this study, sampling method was of stratified type. First a list of state organizations and offices was prepared with coordination of governors of Hamedan (50 offices), then the number of samples in each unit was determined regarding the number of staffs in each office. Of course offices with less than twenty staffs were excluded from the study. Determined staffs were randomly selected from the total staffs working in the given office.

The device of data analysis was a questionnaire including three parts of demographic data, FANTASTIC life style questionnaire and a five part algorithm by Marcus at al. FANTASTIC life style questionnaire was designed by Wilson and Ciliska from Family Medicine department at the University of Mcmaster of Canada in 1984. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was approved in different foreign studies [4,15]. The questions were prepared based on Likert Scale. In order to evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, first the questionnaire was translated and retranslated by the researcher and some experts in health education and promotion. In order to evaluate the reliability, test-retest method was used. In order to evaluate the Body Mass Index, the weight was measured using digital scale (Terraillon brand ) without putting on shoes and just a few clothing. In order to evaluate the physical activity as one of the most important subcomponents of life style, the designed changing steps model designed was used. In order to evaluate the stages of change, a five part algorithm designed by Marcus et al. was used. The validity and reliability of this questionnaire were approved in both studies of Jalili[16] and Moeini[17]. Statistical analysis The data were analyzed using SPSS 20 and descriptive-analytic statistics. The statistic tests were Pearson’s correlation coefficient, chi- square, t test, variance analysis. The response rate was 98%.

The life style of 0.1% of staffs was excellent, 21.6% (259 staffs) was very good, 61.7% was good (740 staffs), 16.1% (193 staffs) was medium and 0.6% (7 staffs) needed recovery (Table 1). There was a statistically significant relationship between the life style and demographic variables like age, gender, job experience, marital status and income satisfaction (p<0.05). Females were on the higher stages of change than males regarding the subcomponent of physical activity ( action and maintenance stages) (Table 2). Regarding smoking, (smoking at least one cigarette in a day), 86.8 % of staffs do not smoke. 2.8% (33 staffs) of staffs declared that they smoke more than 10 cigarettes in a day. Regarding drinking beverages containing cola (coffee, tea and…), 45.8 % (550) staffs drank these kinds of beverages 1-2 times in a day. Also 3.2% (38) and 37.1% (445) staffs drank these kinds of beverages more than 10 times and 3-6 times in a day, respectively (Table 3). 71% of staffs in Hamedan did not have intense physical activity just 35.5% did average physical activity 5 times or more in a week (Table 4). There was a significant relationship between the obesity and gender, the number of children, marital status and job experience (p<0.05) and BMI increased in participants by increasing the job experience. The married were fatter than the singles and BMI increased by increasing the number of children (Table 5).

In this study, about more than half of the participants were ready regarding the subcomponent of physical activity which was consistent with Mazloomi and Solhi’s study [19,21]. …[22,23]. In this study, there was a significant relationship between the life style and age which was consistent with BaghianiMIghadam et al [11] and Pirzadeh[24]. …[25-27]. But is not consistent with the results of Charkazi et al. [28]. Gender had a strong independent effect on health condition, illness, choosing patterns and styles of life [29]. Studies showed that females use more health services than males but report their health condition lower than males [30]. …[31-33]. The income rate and satisfaction resulted in difference of socioeconomic bases between the individuals. If the income is high , the relative welfare and resulting satisfaction can effect on life style. The relationship between income and death is documented [34]. …[35-37]. In this study, the staffs were healthier regarding smoking so that 86.8 % of them did not smoke. In the studies of Fayyazbakhsh et al. [8], 79.8 % of participants declared that they had never smoked. In this study, just 18.1 % of staffs declared that they had a balance diet. In a study by Pirzadeh[24], the nutritional condition of 18 % of participants was moderately favorable. In a study on the teachers [38], only 7.27 % of them had safe diet.

Regarding the results of this study and the fact that in most of the components such as physical activity and healthy diet, the life style of staffs working in organizations are not favorable, educational interventions planning and health promotion is spatially and temporally required through the work places by relying on the efficacy approaches based on the changing behavior theories like the theory used in this study (theory of stages of change)

Performing this research among the staffs working in state organizations, excluding the other staffs working in private sectors and evaluation of position of individuals regarding one of the components of life style (physical activity) are the limitations of this study which can effect on the generalization of results.

The life style of most of staffs was quite well and female were better than male in all subcomponents.

The authors acknowledge and thanks all the staffs and managers of state organizations and departments in Hamedan who cooperated in performing this research.

None declared

None declared

This article is a part of specialized PhD thesis in health promotion and education (9021108006) of Tehran university of Medical Sciences.


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