@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 1027-1457 Scientific Journal of Forensic Medicine 2019;25(3):139-144
ISSN: 1027-1457 Scientific Journal of Forensic Medicine 2019;25(3):139-144
Client Satisfaction Rate with Physician's Performance of the Top 10 Provincial Centers of the Forensic Medicine Organization of Iran
Article Type
Descriptive & Survey StudyAuthors
Forouzesh M. (1)Barzegar A. (1)
Ghadipasha M. (1)
Taboli H. (2)
Amiri A. (3)
Nazparvar B. (1)
Najibzadeh H. (*4)
Shojaie A. (5)
(*4) Management Department, Management & Social Sciences Faculty, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
(1) Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran
(2) Management Department , Management Economy & Account Faculty, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
(3) Management Department, Management Faculty, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
(5) Ophthalmology Department, Medicine Faculty, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Address: North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahid Abbaspour Boulevard, Shahid Sadoughi Street, Shahid Babaei Highway, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1651153311Phone: +98 (21) 77009800
Fax: +98 (21) 77009848
Article History
Received: January 30, 2019Accepted: August 7, 2019
ePublished: September 21, 2019
Honoring and satisfying the client is one of the most important issues that are discussed today in governmental organizations.
... [1-6]. Kaplan and Norton have considered the customer's perspective as the most important factor in measuring the performance of the organization. Peters & Waterman have identified the needs and desires of clients as characteristics of successful organizations [5]. Clients’ views and opinions assessment (customer surveys) is a quick and inexpensive way to identify a service that need to be improved [7]. … [8-10].
The purpose of this study was to measure the satisfaction of clients with the performance of physicians in the top 10 centers of Legal Medicine Organization in Iran.
This research was a descriptive-survey research and ab applied study based on its objectives.
This study was conducted in the top 10 centers of Legal Medicine Organizations in Isfahan, Fars, North Khorasan, Khorasan Razavi, Kermanshah, Kerman, Gilan, East Azarbaijan, Tehran and Mazandaran provinces. The study population consisted of clients who referred to the Legal Medicine Organization of these provinces during the first six months of 2016.
Subjects were selected using simple random sampling. For sampling, coordination was made with the Department of Management Development and Support of the Iran Legal Medicine Organization and the questionnaires were sent to the top 10 centers. From the sent questionnaires, a total of 1,785 questionnaires were completed and sent.
For data collection, field method and questionnaire were used. Data collection was done using national and international journals and scientific books and also scientific websites and researcher-made questionnaires in these studies were extracted. The used questionnaire had two parts: demographic and main part, which assesses five main factors of client satisfaction with physicians’ performance, including providing information, expertise and qualification, commitment, respect for physicians and environment and medical and non-medical equipment of the organization. The questionnaire was scored on a five-point Likert scale with scores of 1 to 5 and included 25 questions. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to calculate the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire with emphasis on the internal consistency of the questions. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.966, indicating a desirable reliability of the research instrument. Data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software using one-sample T-test.
The mean score of clients' satisfaction with the performance of physicians in Legal Medicine Organization was 4.25 ± 0.62 and considering the hypothetical mean of 3 for the society, clients' satisfaction with the performance of physicians in Legal medicine organization in the top 10 centers was desirable (p <0.001 t = 67.21). Clients' satisfaction with the information provided by physicians in the Legal Medicine Organization in the top 10 provinces was 4.19 ± 0.72. Considering the hypothetical mean of 3 in the society, clients' satisfaction with the performance of physicians in Legal Medicine Organization in the top 10 provinces was optimal (p <0.001, t = 66.76). Also, the level of satisfaction with the items related to the information provided by the physicians in the Legal Medicine Organization from the clients' point of view was high (Table 1). Clients' satisfaction with the expertise and skills of the physicians in the Legal Medicine Organization was 4.17 ± 0.70 and considering the hypothetical mean of 3 for the society, clients' satisfaction with the performance of physicians in the Legal Medicine Organization in all 10 top provinces was desirable (p <0.001, t = 61.90). Satisfaction with items related to the expertise and skills of physicians was also high from the perspective of clients (Table 2). Clients' satisfaction with the physicians’ commitment in the legal Medicine Organization was 4.13 ±0.67 in the top 10 centers and considering the hypothetical mean of 3 for the society, clients' satisfaction with the performance of physicians in the Legal Medicine Organization in all 10 top provinces was desirable (p <0.001, t = 62.42). Satisfaction with the items related to the physicians’ commitment in the legal Medicine Organization was also high from the clients' point of view (Table 3).Clients' satisfaction with physicians’ respect in the Legal Medicine Organization was 4.27 ±0.73 in the top 10 centers and considering the hypothetical mean of 3 for the society, clients' satisfaction with the performance of physicians in the Legal Medicine Organization in all 10 top provinces was desirable (p <0.001, t = 68.07). Also, the level of satisfaction with the items related to the physicians’ respect in the Legal Medicine Organization was high from the clients' point of view (Table 4).Clients' satisfaction with the medical and non-medical environment and equipment of the Legal Medicine Organization in the top 10 centers was 4.24 ±0.74, and considering the hypothetical mean of 3 for the society, clients' satisfaction with the performance of physicians in the Legal Medicine Organization in all 10 top provinces was desirable (p <0.001, t = 66.55). Also, the satisfaction level of the items related to the medical and non-medical environment and equipment of the Legal Medicine Organization was high from the clients' point of view (Table 5).
… [11]. In the Zarei Mahmoud Abadi & Askari research entitled “Achievement of Client Honor Plan goals in hospitals affiliated to Yazd Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in 2008”, all activities related to ten-factor Client Tribute Plan were examined. According to the results, the staff training program was rated as poor with the score of 33%. Holding special briefing sessions for managers was less desirable because of the high involvement of managers in various fields, but the way to treat people (81%) had the highest score [12]. … [13, 14].
Continuous follow-up and supervision by officials, raising the level of motivation in physicians, reviewing and modifying scientific and practical guidelines and principles, training and re-training physicians, recruiting and appointing qualified people, creating a proper organizational culture of serving clients, training proper and effective staff to respect clients are suggested.
One of the limitations of this study was the lack of relevant studies performed in the affiliated centers and organizations, lack of knowledge and understanding among clients, and lack of completed questionnaires by some samples.
From the clients' point of view, the performance of physicians in the top 10 centers of the Iran forensic medicine organization was favorable.
We are grateful for the sincere cooperation of the Deputy and to all the physicians and colleagues who assisted in the collection of information and assisted us in this research.
None declared.
None declared.
This research was funded by the authors.
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[2]Kazemi SAA. Public policy and political management. 1st Edition. Tehran: Islamic Culture Publication Office; 2000. [Persian]
[3]Rahnavard F. Empowering employees, a step towards customer orientation. Process Dev Manag. 2003;17(1):28-37. [Persian]
[4]Khayatzadeh Mahani A. Customer satisfaction. J Tadbir. 2004;14(141):75-7. [Persian]
[5]Kord Naeej A, Delkhah J. Customer orientation and customer satisfaction measurement patterns. Process Dev Manag. 2004;6(22):81-9. [Persian]
[6]Treasury Board of Canada a Secretariat. Quality Services- Guide II- Measuring Client Satisfaction [Internet]. Canada: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat; 1996 [cited 2017 Feb 20]. Available from: https://www.tbssct.gc.ca/Pubs_pol/opepubs/TB_O/2QG-eng.asp
[7]Williams T, Schutt-Aine J, Cuca Y. measuring family planning service quality through client satisfaction exit interviews. Int Fam Plann Perspect. 2000;26(2):63-71.
[8]Governorship of South Khorasan. Assessment of clients’ satisfaction with quality of service provision of South Khorasan executive services [Internet]. Birjand: Governorship of South Khorasan; 2009 [cited 2017 Feb 20]. Available from: https://www.sko.ir/index.aspx. [Persian]
[9]Governorship of South Khorasan. Assessment of clients’ satisfaction with quality of service provision of South Khorasan executive services [Internet]. Birjand: Governorship of South Khorasan; 2010 [cited 2017 Feb 20]. Available from: https://www.sko.ir/index.aspx. [Persian]
[10]Governorship of South Khorasan. Assessment of clients’ satisfaction with quality of service provision of South Khorasan executive services [Internet]. Birjand: Governorship of South Khorasan; 2011 [cited 2017 Feb 20]. Available from: https://www.sko.ir/index.aspx. [Persian]
[11]Latifi Qarmish K, Mahmoodifar Y. A comparative study between content of honoring program and concepts and principles of consumer orienting. J Health Adm. 2007;9(26):7-14. [Persian]
[12]Zarei Mahmoodabadi Z, Asqari R. Investigating the client tribute plan in hospitals related to Yazd Shahid Sadughi University of Medical Sciences in 2008. Toloo-e Behdasht. 2008;7(1-2):43-51. [Persian]
[13]Mehrabian F, Nasiripour AA, Tabibi SJ. Client tribute plan in Rasht teaching hospitals. J Guilan Univ Med Sci. 2006;15(57):82-91. [Persian]
[14]Abbasi A, Yazdani N, Bahadori MK. A report of respecting patients program in Golestan University of Medical Sciences. Med Ethics Hist Med. 2008;1(4):63-74. [Persian]