@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-3483 Journal of Police Medicine 2018;7(3):111-115
ISSN: 2383-3483 Journal of Police Medicine 2018;7(3):111-115
Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation based Treatment on Anxiety of Women Applying for Driving License
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Hosseini S.M. (1)Aghababaei Talkhouncheh H. (*)
(*) Clinical Psychology, Psychology Unit of Hygienic Help & Treatment Assistance, Command disciplinary, Isfahan, Iran
(1) Clinical Psychology, Psychology Unit of Hygienic Help & Treatment Assistance, Command disciplinary, Isfahan, Iran
Address: Sahib Al-Zaman Naja Clinic, Hussein Abad Overpass, Artesh Boulevard, Isfahan, IranPhone: +98 (31) 32187109
Fax: -
Article History
Received: June 8, 2017Accepted: June 23, 2018
ePublished: September 29, 2018
The problems of the present age result in the mental pressure in the individuals that this pressure in the most cases is manifested in the form of anxiety [1]. Identifying the causes of anxiety can provide the ground of coping with it [2]. … [3]. One of the ways of reducing anxiety and consequently reducing danger of social events (including urban cars accidents) is therapeutic follow-up and also applying effective psychological treatments. Emotion regulation is training among treatments that by focusing on emotional problems adjusts them [4]. … [5,6]. Emotion regulation training means to reduce and control for negative emotions and how to use emotions positively. Anxiety plays an effective role in the traffic accidents area [7] and is a potential factor for accidents. Training on emotions can reduce the severity of the social damage [8].
According Gross’ model [5] emotion regulation includes all conscious and unconscious strategies that are applied to increase, keep and reduce emotional, behavioral and cognitive components of an emotional response [6]. Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral treatments are among the most therapies applied for anxiety and increase emotional intelligence [9]. … [10]. Individuals with inclusive anxiety are less able to pay attention to their emotions and describe their feelings more difficultly than control group [11].
While individuals’ anxiety is tangible in the driving training classes and there is urgent need to solutions to reduce it, but up to now no research has been performed on this in Iran. Frequency of anxiety issue among people and particularly drivers and potential damages resulting from the dysfunctions of this issue shows that this it has a high potential for investigation. This study sought o investigate the effectiveness of treatment based on emotion regulation on the emotion of women’ requesting driving certificate.
This research is of semi-experimental type performed in two control and experiment group and during three stages of pre-test, post-test and follow-up (30 days).
This research was performed on all women requesting certificate in Isfahan city, Iran, who passed the preliminary stage of general physician examinations of driving in 2016 summer.
The number of participants in this study was 30 that were selected by available sampling method from individuals referring to academies across the city. Then through random selection all samples were assigned to two groups of experiment and control.
To gather data in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up stages the Beck’s Anxiety Questionnaire [12] with Cronbach Alpha 0f 0.77 [13] was used. Treatments based on emotion regulation were performed on the experiment group participants in the group form by the scholar during eight 90-minutes sessions with frequency of once a week. … [14]. In session one (before training start) and session eight (after training end), participants were asked to complete the research questionnaire (pre-test and post-test stages). Follow-up session was held after 30 days in the same place and after knowing the general situation, individuals were asked to complete questionnaires (follow-up). Control group samples also completed the questionnaire in this stage. All participants completed written consent to attend in the training sessions. Difference of the scores obtained from performing the research method using variance analysis with repeated measurements was analyzed in SPSS 18 software. It has to be mentioned that presumptions of using variance analysis test with repeated measurements that is normality of data, equality of variances and covarinaces, was examined using Shapiro-Wilk, Levin test and also Box and Mauchly's sphericity test.
Women’s anxiety scores in the post-test and follow-up stages in the experiment group were higher than control group (table 1). In order to examine the significance of this difference and given that each participant three times was subjected to the anxiety test, the variance analysis test with repeated measures was used. Women’s anxiety data in every 3 groups was normal and the presumption of using variance analysis test with repeated measures was met (table 2). Equality of anxiety variable variance also was confirmed in the stages of pre-test (p=0.872; F=0.027) post-test (p=0.079; F=5.574) and follow-up (p=0.648; F=28.790) stages using Levin test. The presumption of covariant equality of anxiety indicator also was examined and confirmed in both groups using Box test (Box’s M=3.541) during three times of measurements (p=0.352; F=1.089). Results of Mauchly's sphericity test also showed that covariance of dependent variables in the three stages totally were equal with each other (p=0.514; F=0.962). The treatment based on emotion regulation was effective on the anxiety of women requesting certificate and the interaction of time factor and group membership was obtained significant statistically (p=0.0001). A significant variation was created among the experiment and control groups in the participants’ average score of anxiety from pre-test to post-test and follow-up (p=0.0001). Statistical power equal to 1 indicates appropriate sample size for such a conclusion and the impact of group membership on changes of anxiety scores from pre-test to post-test and follow-up according this tool was .3 this implies that .3 is the changes in anxiety related to training treatment based on emotion regulation.
Results of the study showed that treatment based on emotion regulation was effective on the anxiety of the sample individuals. Results of this study are consistent with studies of Narimani et al. [15] Defendrof et al. [16] and also Fierhome et al. [17]. Pakizeh and Nazari [18] also in their research found that treatment based on emotion regulation enhances people general health that the achievement is aligned with the present research results.
It is suggested that treatment based on emotion regulation to reduce anxiety of men requesting certificate and also its effectiveness rate among men and women is examined.
Among limitations of this research was lack of access to the exact data of the number of the selected statistical population and for the reason available sampling method was used.
Treatment based on emotion regulation is effective on the anxiety of women requesting certificate.
Sincere cooperation of Colonel Dr. Hasan Amou Ali, honored health assistance, relief and treatment of police command of Isfahan province and also Dr. Mohamad Reza Mosahebi is acknowledged.
No case is reported.
Researchers complied with all ethical codes relating to investigation on human samples and obtained required permissions from relevant authorities.
The present research was performed without a financial support
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[2]Frydenberg E, Lewis R. Boys play sport and girls turn to others: Age, gender and ethnicity as determinants of coping. J Adolesc. 1993;16(3):253-66.
[3]Giga SI. The implied employment relationship: investigating the effect of psychological contract violation on employee wellbeing [Dissertation]. Manchester: University of Manchester; 2001.
[4]Hayes AM, Feldman G. Clarifying the construct of mindfulness in the context of emotion regulation and the process of change in therapy. Clin Psychol Sci Pract. 2004;11(3):255-62.
[5]Gross JJ. Wise emotion regulation. In: Brrett F, Salovey P, editors. The wisdom in feeling. New York: The Guilford Press; 2002. pp. 297-318.
[6]Polo A, Alegría M, Chen CN, Blanco C. The prevalence, comorbidity, and age of onset of social anxiety disorder among US latinos. J Clin Psychiatry. 2011;72(8):1096-105.
[7]Mehmandar MR. An introduction to accidents and laws. Tehran: The Office of Applied Research Traffic Police; 1388. [Persian]
[8]Navabi N, Mehranfarn H. Psychological roots of accidents. Naja Publ. 2006;(14):19-21. [Persian]
[9]Lak Z, Moazedian A, Hosseinolmadani S, Sedaghat M, Ameri S. The efficacy of the training of stress management by cognitive-behavior method on addicts’ anxiety of with generalized anxiety disorder. J Res Adicction. 2013;24(6):69-83. [Persian]
[10]Ciarrochi J, Deane FP, Anderson S. Emotional intelligence moderates the relationship between stress and mental health. Personal Individ Differ. 2002;32(2):197-209.
[11]Turk CL, Fresco DM, Heimberg RG. Social phobia: Cognitive behavior therapy. In: Hersen ME, Bellack AS, editors. Handbook of comparative interventions for adult disorders. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 1999. pp. 283-316.
[12]Beck AT, Steer RA. Manual for the Beck anxiety inventory. San Antonio: Psychological Corporation; 1990.
[13]Kaviani H, Mosavi A, Mohit A. Mental interviews and tests. Tehran: Institute for Cognitive Sciences Stadies; 1380. [Persian]
[14]Leahy RL, Tierch D, Napolitanoc L, Liza A. Excitement regulation techniques in psychotherapy. Mansouri Raad A, translator. Tehran: Arjmand publication; 2015. [Persian]
[15]Narimani M, Ariyapouran S, Abolghasemi A, Ahadi B. The effectiveness of mind consciousness and excitement regulations on affection and behaviours of chemical veterans. Sci Res J Arak Med Sci Univ. 1391;15(2):107-18. [Persian]
[16]Diefendorff JM, Richard EM, Yang J. Linking emotion regulation strategies to affective events and negative emotions at work. J Vocat Behav. 2008;73(3):498-508.
[17]Fairholme CP, Boisseau CL, Ellard KK, Ehrenreich JT, Barlow DH. Emotion regulation and psychological treatment: A unified perspective. in: Kring AM, Sloan DM, editors. Emotion regulation and psychology: A transdiagnostic approach to etiology and treatment. New York: Guilford Press; 2010. pp. 283-309.
[18]Pakizeh A, Nazari M. Study of the effectiveness of the pedagogy of mind consciousness and excitement regulations on public health of high school female students of Yasooj. Study Cent Educ Dev Med Sci Period. 2015;6(2):160-4. [Persian]