Authors Guide
Author’s Guideline
General principles
- The received articles will be sent to the jury after investigation in the initial commission, and then will be posed in the editorial board commission for final confirmation.
- The articles which are ready for publication will be sent back to the corresponding author for final confirmation. The authors are responsible for the precision and correctness of contents.
- IQES reserves the right of rejection or acceptance and also editing the articles. The editorial board is free to perform modifications (by author's confirmation).
- A copy of journal containing the article and 5 extra published copies of the article will be given to the corresponding author.
- Publication of the contents of this journal is free provided that the "Iranian Quarterly of Education Strategies (IQES)" is mentioned as reference.
- The completion and signing of the letter of intent is necessary for all authors and the articles won’t be investigated and published without taking the mentioned step (the sample of the form can be found on the IQES site).
- No pay is received from the authors for the publication of the article and all legal rights are exclusively reserved for Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences.
- General use of IQES is free in different electronic databases, based on the IQES’s opinion till further notice.
- Medical ethics should be observed in the research.
- The anonymity of patients and keeping their medical secrets should be observed and any sign that may reveal the patient's identity should be omitted.
The stages of electronic submission of the article
Article admission can only performed electronically in this journal. Please avoid postal or personal submitting.
The stages of electronic submission of the article are as follows:
1- Go to the journal's exclusive site:
2- Select the "article submission form" in the authors’ section.
3- If you are a site member you can start the process.
4- Select and confirm the number of authors, subject and the article’s topic and also the language in the 2nd stage form.
5- All parts should be filled in the 3rd stage form. Note that even if the system confirms the submission, in case of insufficiency of the data or not sending the article's files by the mentioned order, the article will be sent back by the director. In order to send the files, take the following steps:
In the article submission form (stage 3) you will face a part in which you are supposed to upload the article files.
1- The Main file: in this section, the Microsoft Office Word 2003 file containing the whole article's data should be uploaded.
2- The file without article's name: in this section, the Microsoft Office Word 2003 file containing all data except for authors’ information should be uploaded.
Writing and submission instructions for research articles
1- The article submitter is considered as the corresponding author of all affairs about the article and all further correspondence and data transmission will be done with him/her. When submitting the article, a consent letter on confirmation of the corresponding author containing the signature of all authors should be sent, in which the order of authors' names insertion and a single "author in charge" should be specified as well.
2- When submitting or editing the article's file, note that the abstract and keywords and the required authors’ characteristics should be accurately written in the proper place. The articles which lack these data will not enter the investigation system.
3- The article should have the following conditions in terms of its format:
a) The title
b) The abstract having the following sections: Aims, Materials & Methods, Results, and Conclusion (150 to 250 words)
Note: The abstract doesn’t have any introduction at all and is not an introduction to the article. An abstract should express the maximum data related to the article in the minimum possible volume and it is in fact your article’s representation.
c) The keywords containing the minimum of 3 and the maximum of 6 words, should be selected from the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) in the Index Medicus.
d) The article’s main body should have Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion (all having the number of references inside brackets) and Acknowledgment (according to the author's interest with the maximum of 3 lines).
Note: the whole article including all parts should have at least 10 and a maximum of 20 pages.
e) Mentioning the references in all necessary cases should be fully observed (the referencing method has been brought in another part of this journal). To mention a reference, the numbering system should be used (Vancouver). Thus, the references should be listed in the reference list based on the order of use in the main text and they should be numbered orderly. Where ever necessary, the number of the given reference should be brought in brackets.
4- The entire text should be typed as single column in A4 size with the 3 cm margin from the top, bottom, left and right of the page. To type different parts of article do as follows:
A) All texts should be typed in Times New Roman font.
B) The line spacing should be 1, all over the article.
C) The main file should contain four separate parts: Cover Page (1 page), First page (1 page), Main Text and Figures and Diagrams.
D) The file without the authors' name must have the three parts of First Page, Main Text and Figures (Note: Please note that no data of authors should exist in it).
E) The title of the article should be written with the font size 14 and should be bold. Authors' data should be written in this page with the font size 12. The authors’ profiles should be fully inserted with the following format for the corresponding author:
(Name, surname, scientific degree, academic major or expertise, cell phone number, work place telephone number, academic address and email address).
Note: The academic address should be written as follows:
(Group, Department, Faculty, University, City, Country)
Other authors' data should be fully included with the following format:
(Name, surname, scientific degree, academic major and academic address)
The order of the names should be specified.
F) At the First Page, the abstract and keywords (size 10) should be typed.
G) The texts should be typed with font size 11. Headlines should be bolded. References should be typed at the end of the main text with font size 10.
H) Diagrams and tables in the Figures’ page should be clear and without repeated data of the text and have numbers and explanation (font size 9). Three independent set of numbers should be used for numbering and referring to images, tables and diagrams in the main text. Images include the figures taken from references and those prepared by authors. In this text avoid using any kind of image, table or diagram and only in places that each of the above-mentioned cases should be placed, the number of images, tables or diagrams should be brought in text as centered, in parentheses and with one space from the above and below the text. In this section, each table, chart and image should be included in a separate page in the size that should be printed. In the page related to each of the above cases, only its number should be mentioned in the main text. In the last page of this file, the explanatory text for each table, image and diagram should be listed with the numbering order, and in case of using images, tables or diagrams of other sources, the specification of the given reference should be included based on the standard writing system. To write the explanations for each image, diagram or table, the pattern mentioned in the last page of this file should be completely attended. The original document should be sent to the journal, in case of using any cliché, negative or radiographic image.
Note: The esteemed authors are kindly requested to pay attention to the above-mentioned points when submitting their articles. If any of the stated conditions is not observed, the article will be archived in the website before any investigation.