Article Type

Case Report


Saremi   A.T. (*)
Bahrami   H. (1)
Hamideh Khoo   T. (1)

(*) ‎“Sarem Fertility & Infertility Research Center (SAFIR)” and “Sarem Cell Research Center (SCRC)” ‎, Sarem Women’s Hospital, Tehran, Iran
(1) Sarem Fertility & Infertility Research Center (SAFIR)‎, Sarem Women’s Hospital, Tehran, Iran


Address: Sarem Women’s Hospital, Basij Square, Phase 3, Ekbatan Town, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1396956111‎
Phone: ‎+98 (21) 44670888‎
Fax: ‎+98 (21) 44670432‎

Article History

Received:   January  11, 2017
Accepted:   May 25, 2017
ePublished:   June 15, 2017


Information & Methods Laparoscopic Vaginoplasty with Modified Vecchietti Technique is a new method ‎in the treatment of vaginal agenesis. In this method, a combination of dilatation ‎and graftless surgery is used. This technique was first developed in 1992 for the ‎first time in the world, and it was used in Sarem Hospital in 2009 for the first time ‎in Iran. After primary examinations and the definitive diagnosis of Mayer-‎Rokitansky and Kuster-Hauser syndrome, 9 patients with vaginal agenesis were ‎operated by Laparoscopic Vaginoplasty, using Modified Mecchietti Technique ‎between 2009 and 2014; their surgical outcomes and their subsequent ‎consequences including sexual satisfaction were followed up and studied. Only 2 ‎out of 9 patients had complaints about their vaginal length because of lack of ‎regular intercourse. The average time for surgery was 2 hours and 8 minutes and ‎the mean vaginal length was 6.5 cm. According to the last patients’ follow up, the ‎minimum increased vaginal length was 3 cm and maximum vaginal length was 10 ‎cm. Also, the average hospitalization time was 7.3 days.‎
Conclusion All in all, compared with other vaginoplasty methods, the mentioned technique ‎has fewer side effects and it is more effective. Because of lack of transplantation, ‎there was no side effect of transplantation.‎