Article Type

Original Research


Salehian ‎   P. (*)
Mohaghegh ‎   A. (1)
Khosravi   M. (1)

(*) Sarem Cell Research Center (SCRC), Sarem Women’s Hospital, Tehran, Iran
(1) ‎Medicine Department‎, Medicine Faculty‎, Tehran University of Medical Sciences‎, Tehran, Iran


Article History

Received:   August  28, 2015
Accepted:   January 9, 2016
ePublished:   February 15, 2017


Aims The normal architecture of bone marrow apparently is simple; however, there is ‎an important feature that immature elements of bone marrow are never seen in ‎peripheral blood of normal subjects and we can find these elements only in ‎special conditions such as metastasis or leukemia. The aim of this study was to ‎investigate the physical structure of bone marrow regarding fractal model and ‎diffusion limited growth phenomenon.‎
Materials & Methods The archived slides of bone marrow biopsies (n=31) were obtained from ‎pathology lab of Rassoul Akram hospital and were studied by Image cytometric ‎method using Image-Pro Plus software. In this method, total surface of cells (Sc), ‎the surface of cell nuclei (Sn) and the number of bone marrow cells (Nn) were ‎computed and the fractal indices were calculated by N=KrDf formula.‎
Findings Fractal indices Sc, Sn and Nn were found as Df Sc=1.72±0.16, Df Sn=1.65±0.16 and ‎Df Nn=1.7±0.13.‎
Conclusion In normal conditions, the fractal indices are about 1.7 at two- and three-‎dimensional levels. This study, which was performed for the first time in Iran, ‎shows that the structure of the bone marrow is fractal.‎


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