Article Type

Original Research


Karimi MansoorAbad   E. (*)

(*) ‎“Sarem Fertility & Infertility Research Center (SAFIR)” and “Sarem Cell Research Center (SCRC)” ‎, Sarem Women’s Hospital, Tehran, Iran


Article History

Received:   February  14, 2017
Accepted:   May 21, 2017
ePublished:   June 15, 2018


Aims Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the scientific works in educational and ‎research organizations can result in recognition of the trends of production and ‎development of scientific information and researches in different branches of ‎sciences. The objective of this study was to investigate the scientific productivity ‎of researchers in Sarem women’s hospital, Tehran, Iran (1987-2013).‎
Materials & Methods In this descriptive study, all Persian and English documents published by ‎researchers of Sarem women’s hospital from 1987 to 2013 were evaluated. Based ‎on the extracted data from the research center of the hospital and ISI database, the ‎frequency of scientific works produced each year were found according to the ‎type of documents including journal article, book, conference paper and ‎dissertation. The collaborative coefficient (CC) of the authors in the production of ‎the scientific works was calculated and the data were analyzed using SPSS 22 ‎software.‎
Findings A total of 168 scientific works were published by the researchers in Sarem ‎women’s hospital from 1987 to 2013. There were 82 (48.8%) journal articles and ‎this type was the most abundant scientific works among different types of ‎scientific documents. The highest amount of scientific works was published in ‎‎2012. The CC level of the researchers in the hospital was found as 0.72.‎
Conclusion Scientific productivity of researchers in Sarem women’s hospital shows ‎increasing trend in recent years. Journal articles are the most abundant scientific ‎works among different types of scientific documents in the hospital. There is a ‎high level of collaborative coefficient for the researchers of the hospital.‎