@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2018;5(3):38-47
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2018;5(3):38-47
Comparison of Quality of Life and Psychological Well-being of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer as well as Healthy People
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Afsharnia Farzaneh (1*)Bayrami Mansor (2)
(1*) Psychology Department, Humanities Faculty, East Azerbaijan Province Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
(2) Psychology Department, Psychology & Educational Sciences Faculty, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
Address: Tabriz Branch, Educational Complex of the Islamic Azad University, Pasdaran Highway, Tabriz, Iran. Postal Code: 5157944533Phone: 04133354218
Fax: -
Article History
Received: February 5, 2018Accepted: May 31, 2018
ePublished: December 20, 2018
Quality of life and psychological well-being are one of the issues that can play an important role in the development of diseases and their treatment. This study was conducted with the aim of comparing the quality of life and psychological well-being of patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer as well as healthy people.
Materials & Methods The study is a causal-comparative design. The study population included all patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer at Avicenna Clinic in Tabriz in 2016, and the samples were selected by purposive sampling. The total sample included 150 participants, 100 of whom were selected from the clinical population and 50 of whom were selected from healthy individuals. The data were collected by two questionnaires of quality of life and psychological well-being. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
Findings The quality of life of healthy people was at a higher level and there were no differences between patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer. Psychological well-being was at a higher level in healthy people than in patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer. Also, this variable was higher in patients with cardiovascular disease than in patients with cancer.
Conclusion Patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer have lower levels of quality of life and psychological well-being than healthy people.
Materials & Methods The study is a causal-comparative design. The study population included all patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer at Avicenna Clinic in Tabriz in 2016, and the samples were selected by purposive sampling. The total sample included 150 participants, 100 of whom were selected from the clinical population and 50 of whom were selected from healthy individuals. The data were collected by two questionnaires of quality of life and psychological well-being. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
Findings The quality of life of healthy people was at a higher level and there were no differences between patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer. Psychological well-being was at a higher level in healthy people than in patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer. Also, this variable was higher in patients with cardiovascular disease than in patients with cancer.
Conclusion Patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer have lower levels of quality of life and psychological well-being than healthy people.
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[9] Keyes CL, Shmotkin D, Ryff CD. Optimizing well-being: The empirical encounter of two traditions. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2002;82(6):1007-22.
[10] Ryff CD, Singer B. Psychological well-being: meaning, measurement, and implications for psychotherapy research. Psychother Psychosom. 1996;65(1):14-23.
[11]Behzadpoor S, Motahhari Z, Vakili M, Sohrabi F. The effect of resilience training on increasing psychological well-being of infertile women. Sci J Ilam Univ Med Sci. 2015;23(5):131-42. [Persian]
[12]Cameron LD, Booth RJ, Schlatter M, Ziginskas D, Harman JE. Changes in emotion regulation and psychological adjustment following use of a group psychosocial support program for women recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Psychooncology. 2007;16(3):171-80.
[13]Dehghani Z, Khodabakhshi Koolaee A. Effectiveness of group hope therapy on quality of life and resilience in addicted women. J Educ Community Health. 2017;4(1):28-34. [Persian]
[14] Donald A. What is quality of life? [Internet]. London: Hayward Medical Communications; 2001 [cited 2000 Oct 25]. Available from: http://www.bandolier.org.uk/painres/download/whatis%20copy/WhatisQOL.pdf
[15]Hosseinzadeh AH, Ahmadipour T, Mavalizadeh E. A study relationship between security feeling, socioeconomic status on person’s life quality (Case study: Ahwaz city). Q J Soc Dev. 2014;9(1):111-34. [Persian]
[16]Beyranvand MR, Lorvand A, Alipour Parsa S, Motamedi MR, Kolahi AA. The quality of life after first acute myocardial infarction. Pejouhandeh. 2011;15(6):264-72. [Persian]
[17]Molloy GJ, Johnston DW, Witham MD. Family caregiving and congestive heart failure, review and analysis. Eur J Heart Fail. 2005;7(4):592-603.
[18] Montazeri A, Goshtasebi A, Vahdaninia M, Gandek B. The Short Form Health Survey (SF-36): Translation and validation study of the Iranian version. Qual Life Res. 2005;14(3):875-82.
[19]Shamsipour Dehkordi P, Abdoli B, Modaberi Sh. Effectiveness of physical activity on quality of life of elderly patients with osteoarthritis. J Shahrekord Univ Med Sci. 2012;14(5):92-101. [Persian]
[20]Sefidi F, Farzad V. Validated measure of Ryff psychological well-being among students of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences (2009). J Qazvin Univ Med Sci. 2012;16(1):65-71. [Persian]
[21]Bengtsson I, Hagman M, Währborg P, Wedel H. Lasting impact on health-related quality of life after a first myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2004;97(3):509-16.
[22]Sarhadi M, Navidian A, Fasihi Harandy T, Ansari Moghadam AR. Comparing quality of marital relationship of spouses of patients with and without a history of myocardial infarction. J Health Promot Manag. 2013;2(1):39-48. [Persian]
[23]Shapiro PA. Cardiovascular disorders. In: Kaplan HI. Kaplan & Sadock's comprehensive textbook of psychiatry. Sadock BJ, Sadock VA, Kaplan HI, editors. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.
[24]- Julkunen J, Ahlström R. Hostility, anger, and sense of coherence as predictors of health-related quality of life, results of an ASCOT substudy. J Psychosom Res. 2006;61(1):33-9.
[25] Drageset J, Eide GE, Nygaard HA, Bondevik M, Nortvedt MW, Natvig GK. The impact of social support and sense of coherence on health-related quality of life among nursing home residents--a questionnaire survey in Bergen, Norway. Int J Nurs Stud. 2009;46(1):65-75.
[26]Abdollahian E, Mokhber N, Kafaei Razavi Z. Compression of copping responses and life events in males with Coronary artery disease. J Fundam Ment Health. 2006;8(29-30):37-42. [Persian]
[27]Azizi A, Biram M, Etemadifar N, Peyda N. Comparison of vital exhaustion and type D personality in a patient with acute myocardial infarction and heart failure. Razi J Med Sci. 2014;21(126):65-72.
[28]Gholamrezaei S, Sadrmohammadi R, Fazilatpour M, Ahmadzadeh T. Comparison of personality characteristics and subjective well-being in cardiovascular disease and cancer patients refereeing to the treatment centers of Rafsanjan and Kerman in 2011. J Community Health. 2014;8(3):19-26. [Persian]
[29]Turner J, Kelly B. Emotional dimensions of chronic disease. West J Med. 2000;172(2):124-8.
[30]Heidari S. Assessing size of social network and emotional support sources and related factors among cancer patients. Iran J Nurs Res. 2009;4(12-13):91-101. [Persian]
[31]Mardani Hamule M, Shahraky Vahed A. The assessment of relationship between mental health and quality of life in cancer patients. Sci J Hamadan Univ Med Sci. 2009;16(2):33-8. [Persian]
[32]Diwan R. Relational wealth and the quality of life. J Socio Econ. 2000;29(4):305-40.
[2]Foruzandeh N, Delaram M, Foruzandeh M, Darakhshandeh S. Study of mental health status of cardiovascular diseases patients and determination of some effective factors on it in the patients hospitalized in CCU and cardiology wards of Hajar hospital, Shahrekord. J Clin Nurs Midwifery. 2013;2(2):18-25. [Persian]
[3]Solimani Z, Ershadi Moqadam H, Mozafari Join A, Ershadi Moqadam H, Mohammadi M. The quality of life of patients with diabetes from the city of Sabzevar during year 2016. Mil Care Sci. 2017;3 (4):264-71. [Persian]
[4]Temoshok L. Biopsychosocial studies on cutaneous malignant melanoma: Psychosocial factors associated with prognostic indicators, progression, psychophysiology and tumor-host response. Soc Sci Med. 1985;20(8):833-40.
[5]Chris Fraley R. Attachment stability from infancy to adulthood: Meta-analysis and dynamic modeling of developmental mechanisms. Personal Soc Psychol Rev. 2002;6(2):123-51.
[6]Clark DA, Beck AT. Cognitive therapy of anxiety disorders: Science and practice. New York City: Guilford Press; 2009.
[7]Mikaeili N, Einy S, Tagavy R. Role of self-compassion and sense of coherence and thought action fusion in prediction of psychological well-being among post-traumatic stress disorder veterans. Iran J War Public Health. 2017;9(1):33-9. [Persian]
[8] Poursardar F, Sangari AA, Abbaspour Z, Alboukurdi S. The effect of happiness on mental health and life satisfaction: A psychological model of well-being. J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2012;16(2):139-47. [Persian]
[9] Keyes CL, Shmotkin D, Ryff CD. Optimizing well-being: The empirical encounter of two traditions. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2002;82(6):1007-22.
[10] Ryff CD, Singer B. Psychological well-being: meaning, measurement, and implications for psychotherapy research. Psychother Psychosom. 1996;65(1):14-23.
[11]Behzadpoor S, Motahhari Z, Vakili M, Sohrabi F. The effect of resilience training on increasing psychological well-being of infertile women. Sci J Ilam Univ Med Sci. 2015;23(5):131-42. [Persian]
[12]Cameron LD, Booth RJ, Schlatter M, Ziginskas D, Harman JE. Changes in emotion regulation and psychological adjustment following use of a group psychosocial support program for women recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Psychooncology. 2007;16(3):171-80.
[13]Dehghani Z, Khodabakhshi Koolaee A. Effectiveness of group hope therapy on quality of life and resilience in addicted women. J Educ Community Health. 2017;4(1):28-34. [Persian]
[14] Donald A. What is quality of life? [Internet]. London: Hayward Medical Communications; 2001 [cited 2000 Oct 25]. Available from: http://www.bandolier.org.uk/painres/download/whatis%20copy/WhatisQOL.pdf
[15]Hosseinzadeh AH, Ahmadipour T, Mavalizadeh E. A study relationship between security feeling, socioeconomic status on person’s life quality (Case study: Ahwaz city). Q J Soc Dev. 2014;9(1):111-34. [Persian]
[16]Beyranvand MR, Lorvand A, Alipour Parsa S, Motamedi MR, Kolahi AA. The quality of life after first acute myocardial infarction. Pejouhandeh. 2011;15(6):264-72. [Persian]
[17]Molloy GJ, Johnston DW, Witham MD. Family caregiving and congestive heart failure, review and analysis. Eur J Heart Fail. 2005;7(4):592-603.
[18] Montazeri A, Goshtasebi A, Vahdaninia M, Gandek B. The Short Form Health Survey (SF-36): Translation and validation study of the Iranian version. Qual Life Res. 2005;14(3):875-82.
[19]Shamsipour Dehkordi P, Abdoli B, Modaberi Sh. Effectiveness of physical activity on quality of life of elderly patients with osteoarthritis. J Shahrekord Univ Med Sci. 2012;14(5):92-101. [Persian]
[20]Sefidi F, Farzad V. Validated measure of Ryff psychological well-being among students of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences (2009). J Qazvin Univ Med Sci. 2012;16(1):65-71. [Persian]
[21]Bengtsson I, Hagman M, Währborg P, Wedel H. Lasting impact on health-related quality of life after a first myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2004;97(3):509-16.
[22]Sarhadi M, Navidian A, Fasihi Harandy T, Ansari Moghadam AR. Comparing quality of marital relationship of spouses of patients with and without a history of myocardial infarction. J Health Promot Manag. 2013;2(1):39-48. [Persian]
[23]Shapiro PA. Cardiovascular disorders. In: Kaplan HI. Kaplan & Sadock's comprehensive textbook of psychiatry. Sadock BJ, Sadock VA, Kaplan HI, editors. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.
[24]- Julkunen J, Ahlström R. Hostility, anger, and sense of coherence as predictors of health-related quality of life, results of an ASCOT substudy. J Psychosom Res. 2006;61(1):33-9.
[25] Drageset J, Eide GE, Nygaard HA, Bondevik M, Nortvedt MW, Natvig GK. The impact of social support and sense of coherence on health-related quality of life among nursing home residents--a questionnaire survey in Bergen, Norway. Int J Nurs Stud. 2009;46(1):65-75.
[26]Abdollahian E, Mokhber N, Kafaei Razavi Z. Compression of copping responses and life events in males with Coronary artery disease. J Fundam Ment Health. 2006;8(29-30):37-42. [Persian]
[27]Azizi A, Biram M, Etemadifar N, Peyda N. Comparison of vital exhaustion and type D personality in a patient with acute myocardial infarction and heart failure. Razi J Med Sci. 2014;21(126):65-72.
[28]Gholamrezaei S, Sadrmohammadi R, Fazilatpour M, Ahmadzadeh T. Comparison of personality characteristics and subjective well-being in cardiovascular disease and cancer patients refereeing to the treatment centers of Rafsanjan and Kerman in 2011. J Community Health. 2014;8(3):19-26. [Persian]
[29]Turner J, Kelly B. Emotional dimensions of chronic disease. West J Med. 2000;172(2):124-8.
[30]Heidari S. Assessing size of social network and emotional support sources and related factors among cancer patients. Iran J Nurs Res. 2009;4(12-13):91-101. [Persian]
[31]Mardani Hamule M, Shahraky Vahed A. The assessment of relationship between mental health and quality of life in cancer patients. Sci J Hamadan Univ Med Sci. 2009;16(2):33-8. [Persian]
[32]Diwan R. Relational wealth and the quality of life. J Socio Econ. 2000;29(4):305-40.