Article Type

Original Research


Fahimi   M. (1 )
Kamali   M. (* )
Saeedi   H. (1 )

(* ) “Rehabilitation Research Center”, “Rehabilitation Management Department, Rehabilitation Sciences School”, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(1 ) Orthosis & Prothosis Department, Rehabilitation Sciences School, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Article History

Received:   December  18, 2013
Accepted:   June 11, 2014
ePublished:   July 20, 2014


Aims From the rehabilitation viewpoint, amputation is considered as a deficit that may result in individual disability and it has some social problems consequences. Quality of life is also one of the important indicators to evaluate health and social and rehabilitation programs. This study aimed to compare the prevalence of depression and quality of life of veterans and amputated non-veterans due to an accident.
Materials & Methods This descriptive cross-sectional study was done on patients referred to men below the knee prosthesis fabrication in Tehran Red Crescent Society Rehabilitation Center and Kowsar Orthotics and Prosthetics Center of Martyr and Veterans Foundation in April and June 2013. 60 subjects were selected in two groups of 30 veterans and non-veterans. Data were collected through three-section demographic, SF-36 to measure quality of life and Beck depression questionnaires. Data analysis was done using independent T, Pearson correlation and Chi-square tests.
Findings Veterans depression mean (6.9±5.7) was less than non-veterans (8.2±6.6) significantly (p=0.001). No significant difference (p=0.807) was observed between the total score of quality of life of veterans groups (66.2±15.3) and non-veterans (70.2±14.8). Also, there was no significant difference between veterans and non-veterans in two physical health (p=0.766) and mental health scale domains (p=0.751). A significant inverse correlation was observed between the levels of depression and mental and physical health scores of veterans and non-veterans groups (p<0.008).
Conclusion Depression is associated with quality of life in amputated people.


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