Article Type

Original Research


Rezaei   J. (*)

(*) Counseling & Mental Health Department, Nursing Faculty, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran


Address: Counseling & Mental Health Department, Ground Floor, Faculty of Nursing, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Sardasht, Arak, Iran
Phone: +98 (86) 34173514
Fax: +98 (86) 34173542

Article History

Received:   August  3, 2017
Accepted:   November 16, 2017
ePublished:   July 18, 2018


Aims Regarding the effect of attitudinal and Cognitive-behavioral Therapies (CBT) on increasing the mental health of chronic patients and the effect of religious and spiritual coping methods on decreasing the perceived pain and chronic diseases as well as considering the existence of the field of Islamic discussions and their role and place in the culture of Iranian society, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of cognitive-behavioral group therapy with emphasis on Islam-based spiritual beliefs in increasing spirituality and mental health of patients with MS.
Materials & Methods In this applied semi-experimental research with a pre-test post-test design, in 2016, 40 patients with MS (recurrence and regression) aged 35 to 50 years were selected voluntarily by random sampling method; they were randomly assigned to control (20 subjects) and experimental (20 subjects) groups. To collect the data, the Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale (DSES) and the Mental Health Assessment Scale for patients with MS were used. The experimental group was under the cognitive-behavioral group therapy with emphasis on Islam-based spiritual beliefs for 15 sessions, each taking 2 hours, in a weekly basis. The data were analyzed by SPSS 17, using Independent sample t-test.
Findings There was a significant difference between the mean daily spirituality scores and mental health in both experimental and control groups (p=0.001).
Conclusion Cognitive-behavioral group therapy with emphasis on Islam-based spiritual beliefs is effective in increasing spirituality and mental health of patients with MS in Markazi province, Iran.


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