@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2008-2630 Iranian Journal of War & Public Health 2016;8(1):49-55
ISSN: 2008-2630 Iranian Journal of War & Public Health 2016;8(1):49-55
The Brief Scale of Resilience in Disabled and Veteran Athletes; Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version
Article Type
Descriptive & Survey StudyAuthors
Kashani V.O. (*)Najafi T. (1)
(*) Sport Sciences Department, Human Sciences Faculty, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
(1) Sport Sciences Department, Human Sciences Faculty, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Address: 8th Yas Street, Golestan Town, Semnan, Iran. Postal Code: 351985331Phone: +98233365013
Fax: +982333430030
Article History
Received: December 9, 2015Accepted: February 22, 2016
ePublished: April 3, 2016
Resilience is a person’s positive adaptation capability responding life problematic situations. And due its importance, making proper instruments to measure it is noticed by the researchers. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of a Persian version of brief resilience scale in veteran athletes and athletes with physical disabilities.
Instrument & Methods In this study, 168 athletes including veterans and persons with physical disabilities (100 male and 68 female athletes) were studied in Tehran in 2015. The subjects, randomly selected in different skill levels and sports, were with injuries in one of the body joints (waist, thighs, knees, etc.). A Persian version of brief Connor-Davidson resilience scale was studied. To investigate structure validity of Persian version of brief resilience scale, SEM-based confirmatory factor analysis was used. Cronbach’s alpha and intra-class correlation coefficient were used to determine internal consistency and temporal reliability, respectively.
Findings The fitness indices showed structural validity and favorable fitness of Persian version of brief resilience scale. In addition, there were acceptable internal consistency (alpha=0.76) and temporal reliability (intra-class correlation coefficient=0.76).
Conclusion Validity and reliability of Persian version of brief resilience scale are acceptable in the veteran athletes and athletes with physical disabilities.
Instrument & Methods In this study, 168 athletes including veterans and persons with physical disabilities (100 male and 68 female athletes) were studied in Tehran in 2015. The subjects, randomly selected in different skill levels and sports, were with injuries in one of the body joints (waist, thighs, knees, etc.). A Persian version of brief Connor-Davidson resilience scale was studied. To investigate structure validity of Persian version of brief resilience scale, SEM-based confirmatory factor analysis was used. Cronbach’s alpha and intra-class correlation coefficient were used to determine internal consistency and temporal reliability, respectively.
Findings The fitness indices showed structural validity and favorable fitness of Persian version of brief resilience scale. In addition, there were acceptable internal consistency (alpha=0.76) and temporal reliability (intra-class correlation coefficient=0.76).
Conclusion Validity and reliability of Persian version of brief resilience scale are acceptable in the veteran athletes and athletes with physical disabilities.
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[4]Brooks RB, Goldstein S. Handbook of resilience in children. Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic/Plenum; 2005.
[5]Luthar SS, Cicchetti D. The construct of resilience: Implications for interventions and social policies. Dev Psychopathol. 2000;12(04):857-85.
[6]Campbell-Sills L, Cohan SL, Stein MB. Relationship of resilience to personality, coping, and psychiatric symptoms in young adults. Behav Res Ther. 2006;44(4):585-99.
[7]Jowkar B, Friborg O, Hjemdal O. Cross‐cultural validation of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) in Iran. Scand J Psychol. 2010;51(5):418-25.
[8]Masten AS, Best KM, Garmezy N. Resilience and development: Contributions from the study of children who overcome adversity. Dev Psychopathol. 1990;2(04):425-44.
[9]Bonanno GA. Loss, trauma, and human resilience: have we underestimated the human capacity to thrive after extremely aversive events?. Am Psychol. 2004;59(1):20-8.
[10]Seccombe K. Beating the odds versus changing the odds: Poverty, resilience, and family policy. J Marriage Fam. 2002;64(2):384-94.
[11]Hancock KM, Craig AR, Dickson HG, Chang E, Martin J. Anxiety and depression over the first year of spinal cord injury: A longitudinal study. Paraplegia. 1993;31(6):349-57.
[12]Graham R, Kremer J, Wheeler G. Physical exercise and psychological well-being among people with chronic illness and disability: a grounded approach. J Health Psychol. 2008;13(4):447-58.
[13]Luthar SS. Vulnerability and resilience: A study of high-risk adolescents. Child Dev. 1991;62(3):600-16.
[14]Werner EE. Resilient offspring of alcoholics: A longitudinal study from birth to age 18. J Stud Alcohol. 1986;47(1):34-40.
[15]Thornton AA, Perez MA. Posttraumatic growth in prostate cancer survivors and their partners. Psycho‐Oncology. 2006;15(4):285-96.
[16]Lau U, van Niekerk A. Restorying the self: An exploration of young burn survivors’ narratives of resilience. Qual Health Res. 2011;21(9):1165-81.
[17]Bletzer KV. Identity and resilience among persons with HIV: A rural African American experience. Qual Health Res. 2007;17(2):162-75.
[18]Milam J. Posttraumatic growth and HIV disease progression. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2006;74(5):817-27.
[19]Hall JM. Narrative methods in a study of trauma recovery. Qual Health Res. 2011;21(1):3-13.
[20]Jones L, Legge M, Goulding A. Intensive exercise may preserve bone mass of the upper limbs in spinal cord injured males but does not retard demineralisation of the lower body. Spinal Cord. 2002;40(5):230-5.
[21]Nash MS. Exercise as a health-promoting activity following spinal cord injury. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2005;29(2):87-103.
[22]Latimer AE, Ginis KA, Hicks AL, McCartney N. An examination of the mechanisms of exercise-induced change in psychological well-being among people with spinal cord injury. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2004;41(5):643-52.
[23]Hjemdal O, Friborg O, Stiles TC, Martinussen M, Rosenvinge JH. A new scale for adolescent resilience: grasping the central protective resources behind healthy development. Meas Eval Couns Dev. 2006;39(2):84-96.
[24]Windle G, Bennett KM, Noyes J. A methodological review of resilience measurement scales. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2011;9(8):1-18.
[25]Ungar M. A constructionist discourse on resilience multiple contexts, multiple realities among at-risk children and youth. Youth Soc. 2004;35(3):341-65.
[26]Connor KM, Davidson JR. Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Depress Anxiety. 2003;18(2):76-82.
[27]Smith BW, Dalen J, Wiggins K, Tooley E, Christopher P, Bernard J. The brief resilience scale: Assessing the ability to bounce back. Int J Behav Med. 2008;15(3):194-200.
[28]Agnes M. Webster's new college dictionary. Massachusetts: Wiley; 2004.
[29]Zeidabadi R, Rezaie F, Motashareie E. psychometric properties and normalization of Persian version of ottawa mental skills assessment tools [omsat-3]. Iran J Sport Psychol Rev. 2014;3(7):63-82.
[30]Kline RB. Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. New York: The Guildford Press; 2015. pp. 1-11.
[31]Meyers LS, Gamst G, Guarino AJ. Applied multivariate research: Design and interpretation. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2006.
[32]Farrokhi A, Motesharee E, Zeydabadi R, Aghasi S, Parsa GR. Validity and reliability of the persian version of sport perfectionism scale in Iranian athletes. Harakat. 2013;2(11);55-76. [Persian]
[33]Terry PC, Lane AM, Fogarty GJ. Construct validity of the Profile of Mood States—Adolescents for use with adults. Psychol Sport Exerc. 2003;4(2):125-39.
[34]Hashim HA, Zulkifli EZ, Yusof HA. Factorial validation of Malaysian adapted Brunel Mood Scale in an adolescent sample. Asian J Sports Med. 2010;1(4):185-94.
[35]Schutz R, Gessaroli M. Use, misuse, and disuse of psychometrics in sport psychology research. In: Singer R, Murphey M, Tennant L. Handbook of research on sport psychology. London: Macmillan Pub Co; 1993. pp. 901-17.
[36]Brown T. Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. 1st edition. New York: The Guilford Press; 2006.
[37]Thomas J, Nelson J, Silverman S. Research methods in physical activity. 7th edition. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics; 2015. pp. 125-45.
[38]Hu Lt, Bentler PM. Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Struct Equ Model. 1999;6(1):1-55.
[39]Keyhani M, Taghvaei D, Rajabi A, Amirpour B. Internal consistency and confirmatory factor analysis of the connor-davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC) among nursing female. Iran J Med Educ. 2015;14(10):857-65. [Persian]
[40]Jung YE, Min JA, Shin AY, Han SY, Lee KU, Kim TS, et al. The Korean version of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale: An extended validation. Stress Health. 2012;28(4):319-26.
[2]Rutter M. Resilience in the face of adversity, Protective factors and resistance to psychiatric disorder. The Br J Psychiatry. 1985;147(6):598-611.
[3]Tiêt QQ, Huizinga D. Dimensions of the construct of resilience and adaptation among Inner-City Youth. J Adolesc Res. 2002;17(3):260-76.
[4]Brooks RB, Goldstein S. Handbook of resilience in children. Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic/Plenum; 2005.
[5]Luthar SS, Cicchetti D. The construct of resilience: Implications for interventions and social policies. Dev Psychopathol. 2000;12(04):857-85.
[6]Campbell-Sills L, Cohan SL, Stein MB. Relationship of resilience to personality, coping, and psychiatric symptoms in young adults. Behav Res Ther. 2006;44(4):585-99.
[7]Jowkar B, Friborg O, Hjemdal O. Cross‐cultural validation of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) in Iran. Scand J Psychol. 2010;51(5):418-25.
[8]Masten AS, Best KM, Garmezy N. Resilience and development: Contributions from the study of children who overcome adversity. Dev Psychopathol. 1990;2(04):425-44.
[9]Bonanno GA. Loss, trauma, and human resilience: have we underestimated the human capacity to thrive after extremely aversive events?. Am Psychol. 2004;59(1):20-8.
[10]Seccombe K. Beating the odds versus changing the odds: Poverty, resilience, and family policy. J Marriage Fam. 2002;64(2):384-94.
[11]Hancock KM, Craig AR, Dickson HG, Chang E, Martin J. Anxiety and depression over the first year of spinal cord injury: A longitudinal study. Paraplegia. 1993;31(6):349-57.
[12]Graham R, Kremer J, Wheeler G. Physical exercise and psychological well-being among people with chronic illness and disability: a grounded approach. J Health Psychol. 2008;13(4):447-58.
[13]Luthar SS. Vulnerability and resilience: A study of high-risk adolescents. Child Dev. 1991;62(3):600-16.
[14]Werner EE. Resilient offspring of alcoholics: A longitudinal study from birth to age 18. J Stud Alcohol. 1986;47(1):34-40.
[15]Thornton AA, Perez MA. Posttraumatic growth in prostate cancer survivors and their partners. Psycho‐Oncology. 2006;15(4):285-96.
[16]Lau U, van Niekerk A. Restorying the self: An exploration of young burn survivors’ narratives of resilience. Qual Health Res. 2011;21(9):1165-81.
[17]Bletzer KV. Identity and resilience among persons with HIV: A rural African American experience. Qual Health Res. 2007;17(2):162-75.
[18]Milam J. Posttraumatic growth and HIV disease progression. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2006;74(5):817-27.
[19]Hall JM. Narrative methods in a study of trauma recovery. Qual Health Res. 2011;21(1):3-13.
[20]Jones L, Legge M, Goulding A. Intensive exercise may preserve bone mass of the upper limbs in spinal cord injured males but does not retard demineralisation of the lower body. Spinal Cord. 2002;40(5):230-5.
[21]Nash MS. Exercise as a health-promoting activity following spinal cord injury. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2005;29(2):87-103.
[22]Latimer AE, Ginis KA, Hicks AL, McCartney N. An examination of the mechanisms of exercise-induced change in psychological well-being among people with spinal cord injury. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2004;41(5):643-52.
[23]Hjemdal O, Friborg O, Stiles TC, Martinussen M, Rosenvinge JH. A new scale for adolescent resilience: grasping the central protective resources behind healthy development. Meas Eval Couns Dev. 2006;39(2):84-96.
[24]Windle G, Bennett KM, Noyes J. A methodological review of resilience measurement scales. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2011;9(8):1-18.
[25]Ungar M. A constructionist discourse on resilience multiple contexts, multiple realities among at-risk children and youth. Youth Soc. 2004;35(3):341-65.
[26]Connor KM, Davidson JR. Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Depress Anxiety. 2003;18(2):76-82.
[27]Smith BW, Dalen J, Wiggins K, Tooley E, Christopher P, Bernard J. The brief resilience scale: Assessing the ability to bounce back. Int J Behav Med. 2008;15(3):194-200.
[28]Agnes M. Webster's new college dictionary. Massachusetts: Wiley; 2004.
[29]Zeidabadi R, Rezaie F, Motashareie E. psychometric properties and normalization of Persian version of ottawa mental skills assessment tools [omsat-3]. Iran J Sport Psychol Rev. 2014;3(7):63-82.
[30]Kline RB. Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. New York: The Guildford Press; 2015. pp. 1-11.
[31]Meyers LS, Gamst G, Guarino AJ. Applied multivariate research: Design and interpretation. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2006.
[32]Farrokhi A, Motesharee E, Zeydabadi R, Aghasi S, Parsa GR. Validity and reliability of the persian version of sport perfectionism scale in Iranian athletes. Harakat. 2013;2(11);55-76. [Persian]
[33]Terry PC, Lane AM, Fogarty GJ. Construct validity of the Profile of Mood States—Adolescents for use with adults. Psychol Sport Exerc. 2003;4(2):125-39.
[34]Hashim HA, Zulkifli EZ, Yusof HA. Factorial validation of Malaysian adapted Brunel Mood Scale in an adolescent sample. Asian J Sports Med. 2010;1(4):185-94.
[35]Schutz R, Gessaroli M. Use, misuse, and disuse of psychometrics in sport psychology research. In: Singer R, Murphey M, Tennant L. Handbook of research on sport psychology. London: Macmillan Pub Co; 1993. pp. 901-17.
[36]Brown T. Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. 1st edition. New York: The Guilford Press; 2006.
[37]Thomas J, Nelson J, Silverman S. Research methods in physical activity. 7th edition. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics; 2015. pp. 125-45.
[38]Hu Lt, Bentler PM. Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Struct Equ Model. 1999;6(1):1-55.
[39]Keyhani M, Taghvaei D, Rajabi A, Amirpour B. Internal consistency and confirmatory factor analysis of the connor-davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC) among nursing female. Iran J Med Educ. 2015;14(10):857-65. [Persian]
[40]Jung YE, Min JA, Shin AY, Han SY, Lee KU, Kim TS, et al. The Korean version of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale: An extended validation. Stress Health. 2012;28(4):319-26.