Article Type

Descriptive & Survey Study


Abbasi Abrazgah   M. (*)
Khodaee   SH. (1)

(*) Psychology Department, Humanities Faculty, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran
(1) Psychology Department, Humanities Faculty, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran


Address: Malayer University, Kilometer 4 Malayer Road, Arak, Iran. Postal Code: 6571995863
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Article History

Received:   April  16, 2018
Accepted:   August 4, 2018
ePublished:   October 11, 2018


Aims War is a complex social event that affects institutions and social life. The purpose of this study was to compare the attachment styles, resilience and social capital in the spouses of witness, veterans and normal people.
Instrument & Methods This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 2016 among the spouses of witness, veterans and normal people in Ardabil city. Using cluster sampling, 135 people (45 people in each group) were selected as sample. For data collection, Avdnhavn Attachment Questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and Social Capital Questionnaire based on the Nahapit and Ghoshal model were used. The data were analyzed by Manova test and LSD test, using SPSS 16 software.
Findings There was no significant difference among three groups in secure attachment (F=0.123; p=0.884) and avoidance attachment (F=0.122; p= 2.136), but there was a significant difference among fearful attachment scores (F=3.164; p=0.045). Also, there was a significant difference among three groups in resilience scores (F=3.770; p=0.026) and social capital scores (F=4.715; p=0.011).`
Conclusion The fearful attachment style of veterans' spouses is more common than normal spouses, but other attachment styles are the same in all three groups. Also, the level of resilience and social capital are different in three groups; So that the resilience of spouses of normal people is higher than veterans' spouses. The spouses of witness and veterans comparing to normal spouses have higher social capital.


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