@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2020;7(4):247-255
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2020;7(4):247-255
Investigating the Effect of Education Based on the Health Belief Model on Safe Behavior Preventing Children's Injuries in Mothers with under 5-Years Children
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Heidarikia S. (1)Araban M. (*2)
Babaei Heydarabadi A. (2)
Latifi S.M. (3)
(*2) “Department of Health Education and Promotion, Public Health School”, and “Social Determinant of Health Research Center”, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
(1) Department of Health Education and Promotion, Public Health School, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
(3) Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
Article History
Received: March 12, 2020Accepted: June 20, 2020
ePublished: December 20, 2020
Improving children's health is one of the most important indicators of a community's health and preventing injuries in children requires safety. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of theory-based education (Health Belief Model) on mothers' safety behavior in preventing injuries from pediatric accidents.
Materials & Methods This semi-experimental study was conducted with 220 mothers with children under 5 years old. The data collection tool was a questionnaire based on knowledge, Health Belief Model constructs, behavior, and home safety checklist that was completed before and after educational intervention in both control and test groups by a Self-Report Method. The educational intervention based on the Health Belief Model was performed in 3 sessions using feedback speech, group discussion, clip display, and images. Data were analyzed by SPSS 22 statistical software and Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, t, and Chi-Square tests.
Findings The mean age and standard deviation of mothers were 28.50±5.20 years. There was a significant difference between the mean score of awareness, behavior, home safety and structural beliefs of the health belief model in the intervention group before and after the educational intervention (p<0.001) and in the control group between the mean score of perceived sensitivity and perceived barriers, behavior, home safety increased significantly. There was a significant difference in the score difference each of the variables before and after the intervention between the two groups.
Conclusion The educational program designed based on the Health Belief Model is effective in improving mothers' beliefs and enhancing the safety behavior of mothers in preventing children's accidents.
Materials & Methods This semi-experimental study was conducted with 220 mothers with children under 5 years old. The data collection tool was a questionnaire based on knowledge, Health Belief Model constructs, behavior, and home safety checklist that was completed before and after educational intervention in both control and test groups by a Self-Report Method. The educational intervention based on the Health Belief Model was performed in 3 sessions using feedback speech, group discussion, clip display, and images. Data were analyzed by SPSS 22 statistical software and Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, t, and Chi-Square tests.
Findings The mean age and standard deviation of mothers were 28.50±5.20 years. There was a significant difference between the mean score of awareness, behavior, home safety and structural beliefs of the health belief model in the intervention group before and after the educational intervention (p<0.001) and in the control group between the mean score of perceived sensitivity and perceived barriers, behavior, home safety increased significantly. There was a significant difference in the score difference each of the variables before and after the intervention between the two groups.
Conclusion The educational program designed based on the Health Belief Model is effective in improving mothers' beliefs and enhancing the safety behavior of mothers in preventing children's accidents.
[1]Dorney K, Dodington JM, Rees CA, Farrell CA, Hanson HR, Lyons TW, et al. Preventing injuries must be a priority to prevent disease in the twenty-first century. Pediatr Res. 2020;87(2):282-92.
[2]Ebadi Fardazar F, Solhi M, Mansori K, Mansouri Hanis S, Hashemi SS. Assessment the effect of educational intervention on preventive behaviors of home accidents in mothers with children less than 5- year based on protection motivation theory (PMT). Int J Pediatr. 2016;4(7):2051-9.
[3]Kahriman IL, Karadeniz H. Effects of a safety-awareness-promoting program targeting mothers of children aged 0-6 years to prevent pediatric injuries in the home environment: Implications for nurses. J Trauma Nurs. 2018;25(5):327-35.
[4]Centers for disease control and prevention. Leading causes of death. [Internet]. Atlanta: CDC; 2018 [Cited 2018 8 8]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm.
[5]Roshanfekr P. Situation analysis of children, youth, adolescent and women in Iran [Report]. New York: UNICEF; 2015.
[6]Fathi Shekhi M, Shamsi M, Khorsandi M, Heaidari M. Predictors accident structures in mothers with children under 5 years old in city of Khorramabad based on health belief model. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2015;3(3):199-206. [Persian]
[7]Rahimi T, Faryabi R, Javadi A, Shojaei S. Attitudes of women from Jiroft city about prevention of home injuries in children under 5 years using protection motivation theory in 2015. J Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci. 2017;16(1):17-30. [Persian]
[8]Zahedinia F, Akaberian S, Mirzaei K, Azodi P, Dowlatkhah H, Jahanpour F. Household accidents awareness of preventive behaviors in mothers of children one to five years referred to health centers in Bushehr. Nurs J Vulnerable. 2017;3(9):81-90. [Persian]
[9]Mobasheri F, Azizi H, Rastbaf F. The epidemiological pattern of injuries among children under 15 years of age in Fasa in 2013. J Fasa Univ Med Sci. 2016;6(1):69-78. [Persian]
[10]Mohammadinia L, Khorasani-Zavareh D, Gharibzadeh S, Roshanferk P, Malekafzali H. Social determinants of health and home safety for under-five children in a neighbor's Tehran, Iran. Int J Prev Med. 2018;9:109.
[11]Mohammadinia L, Malekafzali H, Khorasani-Zavareh D, Roshanferk P. Family-based tool to assess home safety for children. Hakim Health Syst Res. 2017;20(2):73-84. [Persian]
[12]World health organization. 10 facts on injuries to children [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2012 [Cited 2019 1 6]. Available from: https://www.who.int/features/factfiles/injuries/facts/en/index8.html.
[13]Ablewhite J, McDaid L, Hawkins A, Peel I, Goodenough T, Deave T, et al. Approaches used by parents to keep their children safe at home: A qualitative study to explore the perspectives of parents with children aged under five years. BMC Public Health. 2015;15:983.
[14]Fathi M, Shamsi M, Khorsandi M. Effect of theory-based education on the promotion of preventive behaviors of accidents and injuries among mothers with under-5-years-old children. Iran J Health Educ Health Promot. 2016;4(3):184-93. [Persian]
[15]Moeini B, Rezapur-Shahkolai F, Faradmal J, Soheylizad M. Effect of an educational program based on the health belief model to reduce cell phone usage during driving in taxi drivers. J Educ Community Health. 2014;1(2):56-66. [Persian]
[16]Navabi M, Khorsandi M, Rouzbahani N, Ranjbaran M. The effect of education on preventive behaviors of failure to thrive in mothers with children aged one to five years: Applied health belief model. J Arak Univ Med Sci. 2017;20(1):59-68. [Persian]
[17]Poorolajal J, Cheraghi P, Hazavehei SMM, Rezapur-Shahkolai F. Factors associated with mothers' beliefs and practices concerning injury prevention in under five-year children, based on health belief model. J Res Health Sci. 2012;13(1):63-8.
[18]Khademi G, Nazeri N, Hamedi A, Abdollahpour N, Sezavar M, Gholami H. Knowledge and attitudes of educated parents about carrying children in private cars. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2016;3(3):141-6. [Persian]
[19]Afshari M, Moghimbeigi A, Mahdi-Hazavehei SM, Rezapur-Shahkolai F. Effect of a model-based educational program for mothers, on home-related injury prevention among under-five-year children in rural Twiserkan, Iran. Turk J Pediatr. 2017;59(6):648-56.
[20]Silva ECS, Fernandes MN, Sa MCN, De Souza LM, De Arahjo Gordon AS, De Jesus Costa ACP, et al. The effect of educational intervention regarding the knowledge of mothers on prevention of accidents in childhood. Open Nurs J. 2016;10:113-21.
[21]Morrongiello BA, Hou S, Bell M, Walton K, Filion AJ, Haines J. Supervising for home safety program: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) testing community-based group delivery. J Pediatr Psychol. 2017;42(7):768-78.
[22]Tariku B, Whiting SJ, Mulualem D, Singh P. Application of the health belief model to teach complementary feeding messages in Ethiopia. Ecol Food Nutr. 2015;54(5):572-82.
[23]Araban M, Tavafian SS, Zarandi SM, Hidarnia AR, Burri A, Montazeri A. A behavioral strategy to minimize air pollution exposure in pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial. Environ Health Prev Med. 2017;22:26.
[24]Cao ZJ, Chen Y, Wang SM. Health belief model based evaluation of school health education programme for injury prevention among high school students in the community context. BMC Public Health. 2014;14:26.
[25]Sharifikia I, Rohani C, Estebsari F, Matbouei M, Salmani F, Hossein-Nejad A. Health belief model-based intervention on women's knowledge and perceived beliefs about warning signs of cancer. Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs. 2019;6(4):431-9.
[26]Shabibi P, Abedzadeh Zavareh MS, Sayehmiri K, Qorbani M, Safari O, Rastegarimehr B, et al. effect of educational intervention based on the health belief model on promoting self-care behaviors of type-2 diabetes patients. Electron Physician. 2017;9(12):5960-8.
[27]Mokhtari Nouri J, Jalali M, Parandeh A, Javadi M. The effectiveness of education based on health belief model on promoting preventive behaviors of mothers from girls' early puberty. J Nurs Educ. 2019;8(2):37-43. [Persian]
[28]Farhadi Z, Roshanaei G, Bashirian S, Rezapur Shahkolai F. The effect of an educational program on school injury prevention in junior high school students of famenin based on the health belief model. J Educ Community Health. 2014;1(3):1-11. [Persian]
[29]Razmara A, Aghamolaei T, Madani A, Hosseini Z, Zare S. Prediction of safe driving Behaviours based on health belief model: The case of taxi drivers in Bandar Abbas, Iran. BMC Public Health. 2018;18(1):380.
[30]Garmaroudi G, Sarlak B, Sadeghi R, Rahimi Foroushani A. The effect of an intervention based on the health belief model on preventive behaviors of domestic violence in female high school students in Tehran. J Knowl Health. 2016;11(1):69-74. [Persian]
[31]Rezapur Shahkolai F, Bandehelahi K, Karimi Shahanjarini A, Farhadian M. The factors related to mothers' beliefs and behaviors concerning the prevention of poisoning among children under the age of five, using the health belief model. Turk J Pediatr. 2019;61(5):749-56.
[32]Habermehl N, Diekroger E, Lazebnik R, Kim G. Injury prevention education in the waiting room of an underserved pediatric primary care clinic. Clin Pediatr. 2019;58(1):73-8.
[33]Stewart TC, Clark A, Gilliland J, Miller MR, Edwards J, Haidar T, et al. Home safe home: Evaluation of a childhood home safety program. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016;81(3):533-40.
[34]Jaques ML, Weaver TL, Willoughby L. The association between pediatric injury risks and parenting behaviours. Child Care Health Dev. 2018;44(2):297-303.
[35]Bazaz M, Shahry P, Latifi SM, Araban M. Cervical cancer literacy in women of reproductive age and its related factors. J Cancer Educ. 2019;34(1):82-9.
[2]Ebadi Fardazar F, Solhi M, Mansori K, Mansouri Hanis S, Hashemi SS. Assessment the effect of educational intervention on preventive behaviors of home accidents in mothers with children less than 5- year based on protection motivation theory (PMT). Int J Pediatr. 2016;4(7):2051-9.
[3]Kahriman IL, Karadeniz H. Effects of a safety-awareness-promoting program targeting mothers of children aged 0-6 years to prevent pediatric injuries in the home environment: Implications for nurses. J Trauma Nurs. 2018;25(5):327-35.
[4]Centers for disease control and prevention. Leading causes of death. [Internet]. Atlanta: CDC; 2018 [Cited 2018 8 8]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm.
[5]Roshanfekr P. Situation analysis of children, youth, adolescent and women in Iran [Report]. New York: UNICEF; 2015.
[6]Fathi Shekhi M, Shamsi M, Khorsandi M, Heaidari M. Predictors accident structures in mothers with children under 5 years old in city of Khorramabad based on health belief model. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2015;3(3):199-206. [Persian]
[7]Rahimi T, Faryabi R, Javadi A, Shojaei S. Attitudes of women from Jiroft city about prevention of home injuries in children under 5 years using protection motivation theory in 2015. J Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci. 2017;16(1):17-30. [Persian]
[8]Zahedinia F, Akaberian S, Mirzaei K, Azodi P, Dowlatkhah H, Jahanpour F. Household accidents awareness of preventive behaviors in mothers of children one to five years referred to health centers in Bushehr. Nurs J Vulnerable. 2017;3(9):81-90. [Persian]
[9]Mobasheri F, Azizi H, Rastbaf F. The epidemiological pattern of injuries among children under 15 years of age in Fasa in 2013. J Fasa Univ Med Sci. 2016;6(1):69-78. [Persian]
[10]Mohammadinia L, Khorasani-Zavareh D, Gharibzadeh S, Roshanferk P, Malekafzali H. Social determinants of health and home safety for under-five children in a neighbor's Tehran, Iran. Int J Prev Med. 2018;9:109.
[11]Mohammadinia L, Malekafzali H, Khorasani-Zavareh D, Roshanferk P. Family-based tool to assess home safety for children. Hakim Health Syst Res. 2017;20(2):73-84. [Persian]
[12]World health organization. 10 facts on injuries to children [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2012 [Cited 2019 1 6]. Available from: https://www.who.int/features/factfiles/injuries/facts/en/index8.html.
[13]Ablewhite J, McDaid L, Hawkins A, Peel I, Goodenough T, Deave T, et al. Approaches used by parents to keep their children safe at home: A qualitative study to explore the perspectives of parents with children aged under five years. BMC Public Health. 2015;15:983.
[14]Fathi M, Shamsi M, Khorsandi M. Effect of theory-based education on the promotion of preventive behaviors of accidents and injuries among mothers with under-5-years-old children. Iran J Health Educ Health Promot. 2016;4(3):184-93. [Persian]
[15]Moeini B, Rezapur-Shahkolai F, Faradmal J, Soheylizad M. Effect of an educational program based on the health belief model to reduce cell phone usage during driving in taxi drivers. J Educ Community Health. 2014;1(2):56-66. [Persian]
[16]Navabi M, Khorsandi M, Rouzbahani N, Ranjbaran M. The effect of education on preventive behaviors of failure to thrive in mothers with children aged one to five years: Applied health belief model. J Arak Univ Med Sci. 2017;20(1):59-68. [Persian]
[17]Poorolajal J, Cheraghi P, Hazavehei SMM, Rezapur-Shahkolai F. Factors associated with mothers' beliefs and practices concerning injury prevention in under five-year children, based on health belief model. J Res Health Sci. 2012;13(1):63-8.
[18]Khademi G, Nazeri N, Hamedi A, Abdollahpour N, Sezavar M, Gholami H. Knowledge and attitudes of educated parents about carrying children in private cars. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2016;3(3):141-6. [Persian]
[19]Afshari M, Moghimbeigi A, Mahdi-Hazavehei SM, Rezapur-Shahkolai F. Effect of a model-based educational program for mothers, on home-related injury prevention among under-five-year children in rural Twiserkan, Iran. Turk J Pediatr. 2017;59(6):648-56.
[20]Silva ECS, Fernandes MN, Sa MCN, De Souza LM, De Arahjo Gordon AS, De Jesus Costa ACP, et al. The effect of educational intervention regarding the knowledge of mothers on prevention of accidents in childhood. Open Nurs J. 2016;10:113-21.
[21]Morrongiello BA, Hou S, Bell M, Walton K, Filion AJ, Haines J. Supervising for home safety program: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) testing community-based group delivery. J Pediatr Psychol. 2017;42(7):768-78.
[22]Tariku B, Whiting SJ, Mulualem D, Singh P. Application of the health belief model to teach complementary feeding messages in Ethiopia. Ecol Food Nutr. 2015;54(5):572-82.
[23]Araban M, Tavafian SS, Zarandi SM, Hidarnia AR, Burri A, Montazeri A. A behavioral strategy to minimize air pollution exposure in pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial. Environ Health Prev Med. 2017;22:26.
[24]Cao ZJ, Chen Y, Wang SM. Health belief model based evaluation of school health education programme for injury prevention among high school students in the community context. BMC Public Health. 2014;14:26.
[25]Sharifikia I, Rohani C, Estebsari F, Matbouei M, Salmani F, Hossein-Nejad A. Health belief model-based intervention on women's knowledge and perceived beliefs about warning signs of cancer. Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs. 2019;6(4):431-9.
[26]Shabibi P, Abedzadeh Zavareh MS, Sayehmiri K, Qorbani M, Safari O, Rastegarimehr B, et al. effect of educational intervention based on the health belief model on promoting self-care behaviors of type-2 diabetes patients. Electron Physician. 2017;9(12):5960-8.
[27]Mokhtari Nouri J, Jalali M, Parandeh A, Javadi M. The effectiveness of education based on health belief model on promoting preventive behaviors of mothers from girls' early puberty. J Nurs Educ. 2019;8(2):37-43. [Persian]
[28]Farhadi Z, Roshanaei G, Bashirian S, Rezapur Shahkolai F. The effect of an educational program on school injury prevention in junior high school students of famenin based on the health belief model. J Educ Community Health. 2014;1(3):1-11. [Persian]
[29]Razmara A, Aghamolaei T, Madani A, Hosseini Z, Zare S. Prediction of safe driving Behaviours based on health belief model: The case of taxi drivers in Bandar Abbas, Iran. BMC Public Health. 2018;18(1):380.
[30]Garmaroudi G, Sarlak B, Sadeghi R, Rahimi Foroushani A. The effect of an intervention based on the health belief model on preventive behaviors of domestic violence in female high school students in Tehran. J Knowl Health. 2016;11(1):69-74. [Persian]
[31]Rezapur Shahkolai F, Bandehelahi K, Karimi Shahanjarini A, Farhadian M. The factors related to mothers' beliefs and behaviors concerning the prevention of poisoning among children under the age of five, using the health belief model. Turk J Pediatr. 2019;61(5):749-56.
[32]Habermehl N, Diekroger E, Lazebnik R, Kim G. Injury prevention education in the waiting room of an underserved pediatric primary care clinic. Clin Pediatr. 2019;58(1):73-8.
[33]Stewart TC, Clark A, Gilliland J, Miller MR, Edwards J, Haidar T, et al. Home safe home: Evaluation of a childhood home safety program. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016;81(3):533-40.
[34]Jaques ML, Weaver TL, Willoughby L. The association between pediatric injury risks and parenting behaviours. Child Care Health Dev. 2018;44(2):297-303.
[35]Bazaz M, Shahry P, Latifi SM, Araban M. Cervical cancer literacy in women of reproductive age and its related factors. J Cancer Educ. 2019;34(1):82-9.