Article Type

Original Research


Amrahi   A. (* )
Soltanzadeh   V. (1 )
Esm Hosseini   Gh.R. (2 )

(* ) Educational Sciences Department, Literature & Human Sciences Faculty, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
(1 ) Educational Sciences Department, Literature & Human Sciences Faculty, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
(2 ) Islamic Studies Department, Medical Sciences Faculty, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran


Address: Literature & Human Sciences Faculty, Urmia University, Across From Seda va Sima, Valfajr 2 Boulevard, Urmia, Iran
Phone: +984413678162
Fax: +984435623432

Article History

Received:   December  21, 2013
Accepted:   May 4, 2014
ePublished:   October 7, 2014


Aims Recognition of the effective factors on policy formulation is effective on the policymaking and their administration processes, therefore, this study aimed to recognize the effective factors on educational and technological policies in the uniuversities.
Materials & Methods The present descriptive survey was done in 2012-13 at the University of Tehran as the biggest University of Iran and as a reference and mother university as well. 112 persons who were the deputy of school or dean of faculties in last 10 years to the time of study were selected using simple random sampling. Designing the researcher-made questionnaire was done in three phases. Data were analyzed by factor analysis method using LISERL 8.8 Software and one-sample T test. RMR, CFI, NFI, NNFI, IFI, RMSEA, GFI, RFI and Chi-square were used to assess the fitness of the model.
Findings All components were confirmed regarding factor analysis results. The 6 introduced domains in this study and all of their components had appropriate and acceptable fitness. Based on the appropriate fitness of conceptual model of the study, consistency of the study method was approved with obtained data.
Conclusion Factors affecting the educational and technological policies can be classified in six economic, political, institutional, educational, technological and legal domains.


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