@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-2568 International Archives of Health Sciences 2015;2(1):7-12
ISSN: 2383-2568 International Archives of Health Sciences 2015;2(1):7-12
Correlation between Microbial Quality and Organic Content in the Effluent of an Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Mostafaii Gh.R. (1 )Miranzadeh M.B. (* )
Khodadadi R. (2 )
Iranshahi L. (2 )
Alinejad A. (3 )
Hakimi N. (2 )
(* ) Environmental Health Department, Health Faculty, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
(1 ) “Social Determinants of Health Research Center” and “Environment Health Department, Public Health Faculty”, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
(2 ) Environmental Health Department, Health Faculty, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
(3 ) Environmental Health Department, Health Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Address: No. 1, Shabnam 4 Alley, Police Square, Kashan, IranPhone: +983155540111
Fax: +983155540111
Article History
Received: August 19, 2014Accepted: November 11, 2014
ePublished: January 10, 2015
Regarding water as the main source of brio, not only its quantity and being
availability is vital, but also its quality must be considered. This study was done in
order to determine the correlation between physicochemical BOD5 and microbiological
parameters (FC and TC) in the Kashan University of Medical Sciences wastewater effluent
of activated sludge system.
Materials & Methods This descriptive study was done from July to October 2012 at Kashan University of Medical Sciences. A total number of 130 samples were taken on different days of the week over a 4-month period from effluent, randomly. All of the taken samples were transferred to the water and wastewater laboratory for analysis, immediately. The SPSS 16 software and regression test for were used to analyze the obtained data, ultimately.
Findings The mean value for BOD5 was 11.27±5.43mgL1. The mean value of TC was log1.62±0.32. A linear correlation (F=312.9 ;p<0.001) was observed between TC and BOD5. The mean value of FC was log1.42±0.31. A linear correlation (F=298.3 ;p<0.001) was observed between FC and BOD5.
Conclusion BOD5 parameter can be used to predict the wastewater quality instead of TC and FC.
Materials & Methods This descriptive study was done from July to October 2012 at Kashan University of Medical Sciences. A total number of 130 samples were taken on different days of the week over a 4-month period from effluent, randomly. All of the taken samples were transferred to the water and wastewater laboratory for analysis, immediately. The SPSS 16 software and regression test for were used to analyze the obtained data, ultimately.
Findings The mean value for BOD5 was 11.27±5.43mgL1. The mean value of TC was log1.62±0.32. A linear correlation (F=312.9 ;p<0.001) was observed between TC and BOD5. The mean value of FC was log1.42±0.31. A linear correlation (F=298.3 ;p<0.001) was observed between FC and BOD5.
Conclusion BOD5 parameter can be used to predict the wastewater quality instead of TC and FC.
[1]Qadir M, Wichelns D, Raschid-Sally L, McCornick PG, Drechsel P, Bahri A, et al. The challenges of wastewater irrigation in developing countries. Agric Water Manag. 2010;97(4):561-8.
[2]Ormerod KJ, Scott ChA. Drinking wastewater public trust in potable reuse. Sci Technol Hum Values. 2013;38(3):351-73.
[3]Popawala R, Shah NC. Saw model for quantifying sustainability in urban water sector. Global J Eng Appl Sci. 2011;1(3):82-6.
[4]David DL, Wahedi ABDJA. A study of water quality of two lacustrine wetlands of the upper benue basin, Adamawa state, Nigeria. Int J Sci Knowledge. 2013;2(1):34-41.
[5]Park JBK, Craggs RJ, Shilton AN. Wastewater treatment high rate algal ponds for biofuel production. Bioresource Technol. 2011;102(1):35-42.
[6]Schwarzenbach RP, Egli T, Hofstetter TB, Von Gunten U, Wehrli B. Global water pollution and human health. Annual Rev Environ Resources. 2010;35:109-36.
[7]Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM. Health risk assessment of heavy metals via dietary intake of foodstuffs from the wastewater irrigated site of a dry tropical area of India. Food Chem Toxicol. 2010;48(2):611-9.
[8]Üstün G E, Solmaz SKA, Çiner F, Başkaya HS. Tertiary treatment of a secondary effluent by the coupling of coagulation–flocculation–disinfection for irrigation reuse. Desalination. 2011;277(1–3):207-12.
[9]Mizyed NR. Challenges to treated wastewater reuse in arid and semi-arid areas. Environ Sci Policy. 2013;25:186-95.
[10]Qaiser K, Ahmad S, Johnson W, Batista J. Evaluating the impact of water conservation on fate of outdoor water use: A study in an arid region. J Environ Manage. 2011;92(8):2061-8.
[11]Khaskhoussy K, Hachicha M, Kahlaoui B, Messoudi-Nefzi B, Rejeb A, Jouzdan O, et al. Effect of treated wastewater on Soil and Corn Crop in the Tunisian Area. J Appl Sci Res. 2013;9(1):132.
[12]de Souza ER, Freire MB, de Melo DV, Montenegro Ade A. Management of Atriplex nummularia Lindl. in a salt affected soil in a semi arid region of Brazil. Int J Phytoremediation. 2014;16(1):73-85.
[13]Abu-Rizaiza OS. Modification of the standards of wastewater reuse in Saudi arabia. Water Res. 1999;33(11):2601-8.
[14]Ouda OKM. Water demand versus supply in Saudi Arabia: Current and future challenges. Int J Water Resources Dev. 2013;30(2):335-44.
[15]Ta'any RA, Ammari TG, Jiries A. Revegetation in Arid Zones: Environmental Impact of Treated Wastewater Irrigation in Al-Karak Province, Jordan. Pol J Environ Stud. 2013;22(2):569-75.
[16]Mara D, Sleigh A. Estimation of Ascaris infection risks in children under 15 from the consumption of wastewater-irrigated carrots. J Water Health. 2010;8(1):35-8.
[17]Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM. Risk assessment of heavy metal toxicity through contaminated vegetables from waste water irrigated area of Varanasi, India. Tropic Ecol. 2010;51(2):375-87.
[18]Muñoz I, Tomàs N, Mas J, García-Reyes JF, Molina-Díaz A, Fernández-Alba AR. Potential chemical and microbiological risks on human health from urban wastewater reuse in agriculture. Case study of wastewater effluents in Spain. J Environ Sci Health B. 2010 May;45(4):300-9.
[19]Akponikpè PB, Wima K, Yacouba H, Mermoud A. Reuse of domestic wastewater treated in macrophyte ponds to irrigate tomato and eggplant in semi-arid West-Africa: Benefits and risks. Agric Water Manag. 2011;98(5):834-40.
[20]Gupta N, Khan DK, Santra SC. Determination of public health hazard potential of wastewater reuse in crop production. World Rev Sci Technol Sustain Dev. 2010;7(4):328-40.
[21]Kazmi AA1, Tyagi VK, Trivedi RC, Kumar A. Coliforms removal in full-scale activated sludge plants in India. J Environ Manage. 2008;87(3):415-9.
[22]Jamwal P, Mittal AK. Reuse of treated sewage in Delhi city: Microbial evaluation of STPs and reuse options. Resources Conserv Recycling. 2010;54(4):211-21.
[23]Gil JA, Túa L, Rueda A, Montaño B, Rodríguez M, Prats D. Monitoring and analysis of the energy cost of an MBR. Desalination. 2010;250(3):997-1001.
[24]Bakopoulou S, Emmanouil C, Kungolos A. Assessment of wastewater effluent quality in Thessaly region, Greece, for determining its irrigation reuse potential. Ecotoxicol Environ Safety. 2011;74(2):188-94.
[25]APHA, AWWA, WEF. Standards Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater; 2012. Available from: http://www.standardmethods.org/.
[26]Rajeb AB, Kallali H, Saidi N, Abidi S, Jedidi N, Hassen A. Physicochemical and Microbial Caracteristics Performency in Wastewater Treated Under Aerobic Reactor. Am J Environ Sci. 2011;7(3):254.
[27]Goyal B, Mohan D. Case study on evaluation of the performance of waste stabilization pond system of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Water Prac Technol. 2013:8(1):95-104.
[28]Sukias JP, Tanner CC, Davies‐Colley RJ, Nagels JW, Wolters R. Algal abundance, organic matter, and physicochemical characteristics of dairy farm facultative ponds: Implications for treatment performance. New Zealand J Agric Res. 2001;44(4):279-96.
[29]Williams J, Bahgat M, May E, Ford M, Butler J. Mineralisation and pathogen removal in Gravel Bed Hydroponic constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Water Sci Technol. 1995;32(3):49-58.
[30]Kadam AM, Oza GH, Nemade PD, Shankar HS. Pathogen removal from municipal wastewater in constructed soil filter. Ecol Engin. 2008;33(1):37-44.
[31]Olutiola PO, Awojobi KO, Oyedeji O, Ayansina ADV, Cole OO. Relationship between bacterial density and chemicalcomposition of a tropical sewage oxidation pond. Afr J Environ Sci Technol. 2010;4(9):595-602.
[32]Mungray AK, Patel K. Coliforms removal in two UASB + ASP based systems. Int Biodeterior Biodegradation. 2011;65(1):23-8.
[33]Basu Sh, Banerjee T, Manna P, Bhattacharyya B, Guha B. Influence of Physicochemical Parameters on the Abundance of Coliform Bacteria in an Industrial Site of the Hooghly River, India. Proceedings Zoologic Soc. 2013;66(1):20-6.
[34]Chigor VN, Umoh VJ, Okuofu CA, Ameh JB, Igbinosa EO, Okoh AI. Water quality assessment: surface water sources used for drinking and irrigation in Zaria, Nigeria are a public health hazard. Environ Monit Assess. 2012;184(5):3389-400.
[35]Areerachakul S. Comparison of ANFIS and ANN for estimation of biochemical oxygen demand parameter in surface water. Int J Chem Biolog Eng. 2012;6:286-90.
[36]Sharma D, Kansal A. Water quality analysis of River Yamuna using water quality index in the national capital territory, India (2000–2009). Appl Water Sci. 2011;1(3-4):147-57.
[37]Belay A, Sahile S. The effects of Dashen Brewery wastewater treatment effluent on the bacteriological and physicochemical quality of Shinta River in Gondar, North West Ethiopia. World Environ. 2013;3(1):29-36.
[38]Mumtaz MW, Adnan A, Mukhtar H, Nawaz K, Raza A, Ahmad Z. Estimation of bacteriological levels in surface water samples to evaluate their contamination profile. Environ Monit Assess. 2011;172(1-4):581-7.
[39]Faramarzi M, Abbaspour KC, Schulin R, Yang H. Modelling blue and green water resources availability in Iran. Hydrologic Proc. 2009;23(3):486-501.
[40]Amiri MJ, Eslamian SS. Investigation of climate change in Iran. J Environ Sci Technol. 2010;3(4):208-16.
[41]Shiau JT, Modarres R. Copula‐based drought severity‐duration‐frequency analysis in Iran. Meteorol Appl. 2009;16(4):481-9.
[42]Modarres R, de Paulo Rodrigues da Silva V. Rainfall trends in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran. J Arid Environ. 2007;70(2):344-55.
[43]Modarres R, Sarhadi A. Rainfall trends analysis of Iran in the last half of the twentieth century. J Geophysic Res Atmospheres. 2009;114(D3).
[44]Marecos do Monte H, Albuquerque A. Analysis of constructed wetland performance for irrigation reuse. Water Sci Technol. 2010;61(7):1699-705.
[45]Masjedi A, Haghighi NJ, Poya M. Experimental study on reuse of wastewater effluent for agricultural consumptions. J Am Sci. 2010;6(9):256-60.
[46]Blumenthal UJ, Mara DD, Peasey A, Ruiz-Palacios G, Stott R. Guidelines for the microbiological quality of treated wastewater used in agriculture: recommendations for revising WHO guidelines. Bull World Health Organ. 2000;78(9):1104-16.
[47]Dabbagh R. Microbial removal efficiency of UV in Tehran Shahid Mahauati wastewater treatment plant. J Water Wastewater. 2009;1(69):59-66.
[48]Shahryari T, Barikbin B, Sharifzadeh G, Dorri H. Evaluation of Vali Asr (aj) hospital effluent for irrigation of the green. J Birjand Univ Med Sci. 2012;19(1):59-69.
[2]Ormerod KJ, Scott ChA. Drinking wastewater public trust in potable reuse. Sci Technol Hum Values. 2013;38(3):351-73.
[3]Popawala R, Shah NC. Saw model for quantifying sustainability in urban water sector. Global J Eng Appl Sci. 2011;1(3):82-6.
[4]David DL, Wahedi ABDJA. A study of water quality of two lacustrine wetlands of the upper benue basin, Adamawa state, Nigeria. Int J Sci Knowledge. 2013;2(1):34-41.
[5]Park JBK, Craggs RJ, Shilton AN. Wastewater treatment high rate algal ponds for biofuel production. Bioresource Technol. 2011;102(1):35-42.
[6]Schwarzenbach RP, Egli T, Hofstetter TB, Von Gunten U, Wehrli B. Global water pollution and human health. Annual Rev Environ Resources. 2010;35:109-36.
[7]Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM. Health risk assessment of heavy metals via dietary intake of foodstuffs from the wastewater irrigated site of a dry tropical area of India. Food Chem Toxicol. 2010;48(2):611-9.
[8]Üstün G E, Solmaz SKA, Çiner F, Başkaya HS. Tertiary treatment of a secondary effluent by the coupling of coagulation–flocculation–disinfection for irrigation reuse. Desalination. 2011;277(1–3):207-12.
[9]Mizyed NR. Challenges to treated wastewater reuse in arid and semi-arid areas. Environ Sci Policy. 2013;25:186-95.
[10]Qaiser K, Ahmad S, Johnson W, Batista J. Evaluating the impact of water conservation on fate of outdoor water use: A study in an arid region. J Environ Manage. 2011;92(8):2061-8.
[11]Khaskhoussy K, Hachicha M, Kahlaoui B, Messoudi-Nefzi B, Rejeb A, Jouzdan O, et al. Effect of treated wastewater on Soil and Corn Crop in the Tunisian Area. J Appl Sci Res. 2013;9(1):132.
[12]de Souza ER, Freire MB, de Melo DV, Montenegro Ade A. Management of Atriplex nummularia Lindl. in a salt affected soil in a semi arid region of Brazil. Int J Phytoremediation. 2014;16(1):73-85.
[13]Abu-Rizaiza OS. Modification of the standards of wastewater reuse in Saudi arabia. Water Res. 1999;33(11):2601-8.
[14]Ouda OKM. Water demand versus supply in Saudi Arabia: Current and future challenges. Int J Water Resources Dev. 2013;30(2):335-44.
[15]Ta'any RA, Ammari TG, Jiries A. Revegetation in Arid Zones: Environmental Impact of Treated Wastewater Irrigation in Al-Karak Province, Jordan. Pol J Environ Stud. 2013;22(2):569-75.
[16]Mara D, Sleigh A. Estimation of Ascaris infection risks in children under 15 from the consumption of wastewater-irrigated carrots. J Water Health. 2010;8(1):35-8.
[17]Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM. Risk assessment of heavy metal toxicity through contaminated vegetables from waste water irrigated area of Varanasi, India. Tropic Ecol. 2010;51(2):375-87.
[18]Muñoz I, Tomàs N, Mas J, García-Reyes JF, Molina-Díaz A, Fernández-Alba AR. Potential chemical and microbiological risks on human health from urban wastewater reuse in agriculture. Case study of wastewater effluents in Spain. J Environ Sci Health B. 2010 May;45(4):300-9.
[19]Akponikpè PB, Wima K, Yacouba H, Mermoud A. Reuse of domestic wastewater treated in macrophyte ponds to irrigate tomato and eggplant in semi-arid West-Africa: Benefits and risks. Agric Water Manag. 2011;98(5):834-40.
[20]Gupta N, Khan DK, Santra SC. Determination of public health hazard potential of wastewater reuse in crop production. World Rev Sci Technol Sustain Dev. 2010;7(4):328-40.
[21]Kazmi AA1, Tyagi VK, Trivedi RC, Kumar A. Coliforms removal in full-scale activated sludge plants in India. J Environ Manage. 2008;87(3):415-9.
[22]Jamwal P, Mittal AK. Reuse of treated sewage in Delhi city: Microbial evaluation of STPs and reuse options. Resources Conserv Recycling. 2010;54(4):211-21.
[23]Gil JA, Túa L, Rueda A, Montaño B, Rodríguez M, Prats D. Monitoring and analysis of the energy cost of an MBR. Desalination. 2010;250(3):997-1001.
[24]Bakopoulou S, Emmanouil C, Kungolos A. Assessment of wastewater effluent quality in Thessaly region, Greece, for determining its irrigation reuse potential. Ecotoxicol Environ Safety. 2011;74(2):188-94.
[25]APHA, AWWA, WEF. Standards Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater; 2012. Available from: http://www.standardmethods.org/.
[26]Rajeb AB, Kallali H, Saidi N, Abidi S, Jedidi N, Hassen A. Physicochemical and Microbial Caracteristics Performency in Wastewater Treated Under Aerobic Reactor. Am J Environ Sci. 2011;7(3):254.
[27]Goyal B, Mohan D. Case study on evaluation of the performance of waste stabilization pond system of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Water Prac Technol. 2013:8(1):95-104.
[28]Sukias JP, Tanner CC, Davies‐Colley RJ, Nagels JW, Wolters R. Algal abundance, organic matter, and physicochemical characteristics of dairy farm facultative ponds: Implications for treatment performance. New Zealand J Agric Res. 2001;44(4):279-96.
[29]Williams J, Bahgat M, May E, Ford M, Butler J. Mineralisation and pathogen removal in Gravel Bed Hydroponic constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Water Sci Technol. 1995;32(3):49-58.
[30]Kadam AM, Oza GH, Nemade PD, Shankar HS. Pathogen removal from municipal wastewater in constructed soil filter. Ecol Engin. 2008;33(1):37-44.
[31]Olutiola PO, Awojobi KO, Oyedeji O, Ayansina ADV, Cole OO. Relationship between bacterial density and chemicalcomposition of a tropical sewage oxidation pond. Afr J Environ Sci Technol. 2010;4(9):595-602.
[32]Mungray AK, Patel K. Coliforms removal in two UASB + ASP based systems. Int Biodeterior Biodegradation. 2011;65(1):23-8.
[33]Basu Sh, Banerjee T, Manna P, Bhattacharyya B, Guha B. Influence of Physicochemical Parameters on the Abundance of Coliform Bacteria in an Industrial Site of the Hooghly River, India. Proceedings Zoologic Soc. 2013;66(1):20-6.
[34]Chigor VN, Umoh VJ, Okuofu CA, Ameh JB, Igbinosa EO, Okoh AI. Water quality assessment: surface water sources used for drinking and irrigation in Zaria, Nigeria are a public health hazard. Environ Monit Assess. 2012;184(5):3389-400.
[35]Areerachakul S. Comparison of ANFIS and ANN for estimation of biochemical oxygen demand parameter in surface water. Int J Chem Biolog Eng. 2012;6:286-90.
[36]Sharma D, Kansal A. Water quality analysis of River Yamuna using water quality index in the national capital territory, India (2000–2009). Appl Water Sci. 2011;1(3-4):147-57.
[37]Belay A, Sahile S. The effects of Dashen Brewery wastewater treatment effluent on the bacteriological and physicochemical quality of Shinta River in Gondar, North West Ethiopia. World Environ. 2013;3(1):29-36.
[38]Mumtaz MW, Adnan A, Mukhtar H, Nawaz K, Raza A, Ahmad Z. Estimation of bacteriological levels in surface water samples to evaluate their contamination profile. Environ Monit Assess. 2011;172(1-4):581-7.
[39]Faramarzi M, Abbaspour KC, Schulin R, Yang H. Modelling blue and green water resources availability in Iran. Hydrologic Proc. 2009;23(3):486-501.
[40]Amiri MJ, Eslamian SS. Investigation of climate change in Iran. J Environ Sci Technol. 2010;3(4):208-16.
[41]Shiau JT, Modarres R. Copula‐based drought severity‐duration‐frequency analysis in Iran. Meteorol Appl. 2009;16(4):481-9.
[42]Modarres R, de Paulo Rodrigues da Silva V. Rainfall trends in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran. J Arid Environ. 2007;70(2):344-55.
[43]Modarres R, Sarhadi A. Rainfall trends analysis of Iran in the last half of the twentieth century. J Geophysic Res Atmospheres. 2009;114(D3).
[44]Marecos do Monte H, Albuquerque A. Analysis of constructed wetland performance for irrigation reuse. Water Sci Technol. 2010;61(7):1699-705.
[45]Masjedi A, Haghighi NJ, Poya M. Experimental study on reuse of wastewater effluent for agricultural consumptions. J Am Sci. 2010;6(9):256-60.
[46]Blumenthal UJ, Mara DD, Peasey A, Ruiz-Palacios G, Stott R. Guidelines for the microbiological quality of treated wastewater used in agriculture: recommendations for revising WHO guidelines. Bull World Health Organ. 2000;78(9):1104-16.
[47]Dabbagh R. Microbial removal efficiency of UV in Tehran Shahid Mahauati wastewater treatment plant. J Water Wastewater. 2009;1(69):59-66.
[48]Shahryari T, Barikbin B, Sharifzadeh G, Dorri H. Evaluation of Vali Asr (aj) hospital effluent for irrigation of the green. J Birjand Univ Med Sci. 2012;19(1):59-69.