Article Type

Original Research


Iranmanesh   S. (1)
Ranjbar   M. (2)
Jalili   R. (3)
Yousefvand   M. (*4)
Hassanvand   B. (5)

(*4) Psychology Department, Literature & Humanities Faculty, Lorestan University, Khoramabad, Iran
(1) Family Counseling Department, Psychology & Educational Sciences Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
(2) Clinical Psychology Department, Humanities Faculty, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran
(3) Educational Sciences Department, Literature & Humanities Faculty, Khoramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoramabad, Iran
(5) Clinical Psychology Department, Psychology Faculty, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Address: Psychology Department, Literature & Humanities Faculty, Lorestan University, Khoramabad, Iran
Phone: +98 (66) 32543351
Fax: +98 (66) 32542489

Article History

Received:  June  22, 2019
Accepted:  April 21, 2019
ePublished:  September 21, 2019


Today, addiction has become one of the most serious problems in human society that it leads to many deviance, anomalies, and crimes.

Group therapy is one of the methods, by which people feel better about their mental health. … [1-17]. Several studies has been done and has shown the efficacy of this treatment. In a study by Abedi & Vostanis [1] to evaluate the quality of cognitive group therapy for parents of children with cannabis addiction in Iran, the results showed that this treatment reduced symptoms of cannabis addiction, such as rumination, emotional distress, anxiety, self-determination and increased overall family and situational satisfaction in children with cannabis addiction. In a study by Northmore-Ball & Ivan [18], they concluded that the quality of cognitive group therapy increased subjects' psychological resilience in both the post-test and follow-up stages. … [19-21].

The main purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the quality cognitional therapeutic group in changing the level of meta-cognitive beliefs among the cannabis addicted men.

This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design with control group.

This study was carried out among 40 addicted men in Khorramabad city in 2018-2019.

The subjects were randomly selected from the cannabis addicts in one of the addiction recovery centers in Khorramabad. The sample size was estimated 40 subjects regarding the variance of the primary study on 15 participants using Cochran formula with maximum acceptable error of 0.06 and 95% confidence level. Subjects with cannabis addiction were randomly divided into two groups, including experimental (cognitive therapy) and control groups (n=20). Inclusion criteria were the age range of 15-30 years, no disability and chronic heart and respiratory diseases, no co-participation in other treatment programs, reading and writing literacy and consent to participate in the study and exclusion criteria were unwillingness to continue the intervention, absence of more than two sessions in the intervention sessions, and lack of participation and cooperation in the research process.

To collect the data, the Wells & Cartwright‐Hatton metacognitive beliefs questionnaire was used. They found appropriate and acceptable reliability in convergent validity, convergent validity as well as test and retest reliability. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of metacognition questionnaire has been reported from 0.5 to 0.5 and its correlation coefficient with Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) has been reported between 0.8 and 0.5 [22]. In the pre-test phase, both groups completed the metacognitive beliefs scale. Then, in the intervention phase, the experimental group received 8 sessions of quality cognitive group therapy training based on Kimweli & Stilwell research. Two weeks after treatment, subjects were again re-tested in both groups. The control group also received intervention (quality of cognitive group therapy) after research separately to change the level of metacognitive beliefs. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21 software. At first, the normal distribution of data was done by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Multivariate and univariate analysis of covariance were used to investigate the differences between the two groups. Before the analysis of variance, its hypotheses were tested by Box, Wilks' lambda and Leven’s tests.

The highest mean score in the pre-test and post-test in both groups was related to the positive beliefs and the lowest mean score was related to the uncontrollability and risk of thoughts (Table 1).Intervention therapy, at least regarding one of the dependent variables (positive and negative metacognitive beliefs components), significantly improved the mean scores of the experimental group compared to the control group at the posttest stage (p = 0.001; F = 18.114). By controlling the pre-test effect, the quality of cognitive group therapy had a significant effect on the increased positive beliefs with Eta coefficient of 0.52 (F = 39.48) and cognitive self-awareness with Eta coefficient of 0.61 (F = 14.35), and also reduction of cognitive dissonance with Eta coefficient of 0.47 (F = 12.67), uncontrollability and risk of thoughts with Eta coefficient of 0.39 (F = 13.48) and the need to control the thoughts with Eta coefficient of 0.44 (F = 12.20) (p = 0.001).

The findings of the present study showed that the quality of cognitive group therapy changed the level of positive and negative metacognitive beliefs in the experimental group compared to the control group. This finding is in line with the results of other studies [16-19, 21, 23, 24]. For explaining the findings of this study, it can be said that people with cannabis addiction have more negative mental concepts about themselves and their surroundings and such negative connotations lead to no appropriate and positive view about themselves, others, and the environment.

It is recommended that this research be conducted on other drug addicts in other centers and other regions in Iran to compare the results.

It should be considered that the present study was conducted in Khorramabad and its results are not generalizable to other parts of Iran, so these limitations should be taken into account when interpreting the results.

The quality cognitional therapeutic group is effective in increasing the level of positive metacognitive beliefs and decreasing the level of negative metacognitive beliefs in cannabis addicted men.

We would like to thank and thank everyone who helped us with this research.

None declared.

This research was approved by the Ethics Committee (Ethics Code: IR.LUMS.REC.1397.088).

This study was conducted without the financial support of any organization.


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