@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2015;2(1):29-37
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2015;2(1):29-37
The Relationship of Different Dimensions of Social Support with Older Adults’ Quality of Life in the 8th District of Tehran in 2013
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Rimaz Sh. (1)Gharibnavaz H. (2*)
Abolghasemi J. (1)
Seraji Sh. (2)
(1) Department of Epidemiology, School of Health, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(2*) Deputy of Chancellor for Health, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Article History
Received: May 14, 2015Accepted: September 12, 2015
ePublished: September 17, 2015
… [1-3].The elderly are vulnerable groups of society and they need variety of supports to gain better living quality. This stage of life is a natural phenomenon that body physiologic and natural changes affect the quality of living [4].
… [5]. Life quality is an intellectual and conceptual judgment of a person's life condition or his satisfaction of life [6] or it is a multi dimensional concept that encompasses physical, mental and social health [7].… [8-15]. Several studies has shown that there is a connection between social support and life quality. Such as Rambod study in hemodialysis patients [16], the study of Cheng et al. [17] in patients with breast cancer and Burgoyne study in patients with HIV [18]. … [19-20].
This study aimed to determine relationship between different dimensions of social support and life quality of elderly in 8th district of Tehran, Iran.
The current research is a sectional descriptive-analytic study.
In the spring of 2013, this study was done on a sample of elderly aged 60 years or above, living in the 8th district of Tehran in 13 alleys and 104 blocks.
This study was done by cluster sampling method. For this propose, each alley divided into blocks which specified by municipality map. The researchers referred to public places (mosques, parks, fitness centers and shopping centers) and residential place of each block in systematic method and due to block density, the researchers selected one to three elderlies and entered the study. Due to 8 percent population of elderly in this district and considering 95 percent confidence level and 5 percent error rate and using of clustering coefficient, the sample size estimated 240 people.
Data collection tool included a written questionnaire that collected by three educated questioner interviewing elderly who participated in this study. The questionnaires were consisted of 3parts: demographic information (age, gender, education, marital status, etc.), Norbeck social support questionnaire and life quality for the elderly. Lipad's life quality questionnaire: this questionnaire was prepared by De Leo et al. and it has known as an international tool, used for all kinds of elderly groups in different communities [21].This questionnaire has been translated in Iran and its reliability and validity has been confirmed [22]. Lipad's questionnaire has 31 questions that studies life quality of elder in 7 dimensions of physical function( 5 questions), self-care(6 questions), anxiety and depression (4 questions), mental function(5 questions), Social function (3 question), Sexual function(2 questions) and life satisfaction (6 question). Question is scoring with Likert's scale in this questionnaire. Thus, each question had four answers and these answer's point start from zero (weak) to three (Excellent) and the highest point in the questionnaire is 93. Nor Beck Social Support Questionnaire: this questionnaire is a tool that calculates social, functional structural, emotional supports and total lack of elderly. Beside these resources, this questionnaire discovers descriptive data related to support connections that a person has lost it recently [23]. This questionnaire has 9 question that each question was for 24 people and response of every person which exist in his social career will be scored from 0 to 4 (0= never and 4 = very much). Minimum score for each question is zero and maximum 96 and eventually the 8 starting questions extract measure of structural support, functional support and emotional support and 9th question is related to the total lack [24]. Scale of Nor Beck social support questionnaire is more preferred because of its wide range of meaning (simple to complex) and proper measurement method compare to other social support's measurement tools. The reliability and validity of this tool in Iran were investigated by Jalilian et al. and it is recommended as a perfect tool to measure social support in elderly [25]. Statistical analysis Data was entered into computer to be analyzed by SPSS software (version 20, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). According to study's assumption and considering the unusual distribution of variables, Mann–Whitney, Kruskal–Wallisand Spearman's correlation were used. Significant level for all tests was considered as lower than 0.05.
Of 240 elderly individuals who participated in this study, 127 (52.9 percent) were male and 113 (47.1) were female. Almost half of elderly (50.4 percent) were in-group age of 60-65 and the mean age of men was 71.02±8.64 and it was 64.73±5.27 for women that this difference was statistically significant (P<0.001). The mean income of elderly each month was 4500000 (±4495436) Rials. Other demographic data of participants in study has shown in table 1. Comparison of life quality between elderly men and woman using Mann–Whitney statistical test. Table 2 showed that the mean score of physical and sexual performance in men were significantly higher than woman and, in contrast the mean score of social and life satisfaction performance in woman elderly were significantly higher than men (P<0.001). Also after reviewing relationship of social support dimensions with gender, it has showed that elderly men have significantly higher support compare to woman (P<0.001). Relationship between demographic variable and life quality component and social support of participants in this study has shown in table 3. According to data, result of Spearman's rank correlation test has shown that age has significant correlation with sexual function (P=0.003) and self-care (P=0.006). Results of Kruskal–Wallis test has shown that education level has significant relationship with life quality components, except depression and anxiety. In addition, there was a significant relationship between all components of social support and education. Also, marital status had statistically significant relationship with physical function (P<0.001), sexual function (P<0.001), self-care (P=0.005) and total score of life quality(P=0.034).Reviewing Spearman's correlation between life quality and social support component has shown that among life quality components such as physical function, mental function, social function, and life satisfaction has significant relationship with emotional support, structural support and functional support but there was not any statistical significant relationship between life satisfaction and structural support(P=0.124; Table 4).
… [26-29]. Results of Hampton study has shown that higher education level is accompanied with lower quality of life and education level does not have any significant relationship with life satisfaction [30]. The results of current study showed that with the increase of age in elderly, the sexual activity and self-care decrease. This data is consistent with similar studies [5, 9, 31-33]. However, in the study conducted by Ghasemi et al., no statistically significant relationship has been reported between life quality and age [34]. … [35-37].
In this context, further studies with larger sample size population similar to the population of this study in order to highlight the hidden aspects proposed in the future is suggested.
Of limitations of this study, cross-sectional nature of the study, dependence of the response of the elderly to the time and place of interview and elderly's moral scenarios in the time of responding to questions can be mentioned.
The statistical significant relationship between some social support dimensions and some life quality components such as physical function, mental function, social function and life satisfaction show the effect of social support on the life quality. Also, the higher education level in people can affect their life quality especially in elderly period.
Special honor and appreciation to authorities of Health Research Organization and elderly who participated, respective mayor of district 8, Ms. .Maryam Dastorpour, Ms. Samira Vesali and other friends who cooperate in this study.
The conditions of doing this project, confidentiality of information, and the purpose of doing project were explained to the participants of this research and all of them were entered in study consciously.
This study is result of research conducted by the first and responsible authors under the code 15473-62-03-90 in the Tehran University of Medical Science that has been implemented with the support of Health Research Organization based on community involvement and institution of reducing high-risk behaviors.
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[2]Iranian Statistic Center. Selected Findings of National Population and Housing Census 2011. Iranian Statistic Center Web Site; 2015 [Cited 10 August 2015]; Available from: http://www.amar.org.ir/Portals/1/Iran/data.pdf
[3]World Population Aging 2007. Population Division Web Site; 2015 [Cited 5 August, 2015]; Available from :http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/ageing/WorldPopulation-AgeingReport2007.pdf
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[11]Drageset J, Eide GE, Nygaard HA, Bondevik M, Nortvedt MW, Natvig GK. The impact of social support and sense of coherence on health-related quality of life among nursing home residents–a questionnaire survey in Bergen, Norway. Int J Nurs Stud.2009; 46(1):65-75.
[12]Mizuno M, Kakuta M, Inoue Y. The effects of sense of coherence, demands of illness, and social support on quality of life after surgery in patients with gastrointestinal tract cancer. Oncol Nurs Forum.2009; 36(3):144-52.
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[15]Ke X, Liu C, Li N. Social support and quality of life: a cross-sectional study on survivors eight months after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. BMC Public Health.2010; 10(1):573.
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[25]Jalilian A. Validity and reliability of Social Support Persian version Questionnaire NORBECK in the student of university of social welfare & rehabilitation Tehran [MSc Thesis]. Tehran: Social Welfare & Rehabilitation University; 2008. (Persian)
[26]Alipoor F, Sajjadi H, Foroozan A, Nabavi H, Khedmati E. [The role of social support in the anxiety and depression of elderly]. Salmand.2009; 4(1):53-61. (Persian)
[27]Habibi A, Nikpour S, Seyedoshohadaei M, Haghani H. [Health promoting behaviors and its related factors in elderly]. Iran Journal of Nursing.2006; 19(47):35-48. (Persian)
[28]Lee TW, Ko IS, Lee KJ. Health promotion behaviours and quality of life among community-dwelling elderly in Korea: a cross-sectional survey. Int J Nurs Stud.2006; 43(3):293-300.
[29]Garousi S, Safizadeh H, Samadian F. [The study of relationship between social support and quality of life among elderly people in Kerman]. Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal.2012; 11(3):303-15. (Persian)
[30]Hampton NZ. Social support and quality of life among elderly Chinese Americans/ Immigration with disabilities: an exploratory study. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling.2004; 35(2):17-24.
[31]Spangler SL. The relationship between quality of life and social support among adolescent survivors of childhood cancers [PhD Thesis]. USA: Pepperdine University; 2009.
[32]Bazrafshan MR, Hosseini MA, Rahgozar M, Maddah B. [Quality of elderly's life in Shiraz, Jahandidegan club]. Salmand.2008; 3(1):33-41. (Persian)
[33]Khalesi M. Comparison of quality of life, educated and non-educated women employed in Qom [MSc thesis]. Tehran: University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences; 2009. (Persian)
[34]Ghasemi H, Harirchi M, Masnavi A, Rahgozar M, Akbarian M. [Comparing the quality of life between seniors living in families and institutionalized in nursing home]. Social Welfare Quarterly.2010; 10(39):177-200. (Persian)
[35]Heidarzadeh M, Hasani P, Rahimzadeh A, Ghahramanian A, Kolahdouzipour J, Yousef I. [Quality of life and social support in congestive heart failure patients and healthy people]. Holistic Nursing and Midwifery Journal.2013; 23(1):13-21. (Persian)
[36]Helgeson VS. Social support and quality of life. Qual Life Res.2003; 12(1): 25-31.
[37]Zamanzadeh V, Heidarzadeh M, Oshvandi KH, Lakdizji S. [Relationship between quality of life and social support in hemodialysis patients in Imam Khomeini and Sina Educational hospitals of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences]. Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.2007; 29(3): 49-54. (Persian)
[2]Iranian Statistic Center. Selected Findings of National Population and Housing Census 2011. Iranian Statistic Center Web Site; 2015 [Cited 10 August 2015]; Available from: http://www.amar.org.ir/Portals/1/Iran/data.pdf
[3]World Population Aging 2007. Population Division Web Site; 2015 [Cited 5 August, 2015]; Available from :http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/ageing/WorldPopulation-AgeingReport2007.pdf
[4]Zahmatkeshan N, Bagherzadeh R, Akaberian S, Yazdankhah MR, Mirzaei K, Yazdanpanah S, and et al. [Assessing Quality Of Life and related factors in Bushehrs elders–1387-8]. J Fasa Univ Med Sci.2012; 2(1):53-8. (Persian)
[5]Alipoor F, Sajadi H, Foroozan A, Beiglarian A. [The role of social support in elderly quality on life]. Social Welfare Quarterly.2009; 8(33):147-65. (Persian)
[6]Stanford ER, Fong C, Deborah LT. Assessing changes in life skills and quality of life resulting from rehabilitation services. Journal of Rehabilitation.2003; 69(3):4-9.
[7]Nabaiee B, Safizadeh H, Halaji Z. [A study concerning quality of life among patients with Psoriasis compared with general population]. Iranian Journal of Dermatology.2002; 5(19):15-21. (Persian)
[8]Park K. Park's textbook of preventive and social medicine. 23rd. India: Bhanot publisher; 2015, pp:14-43.
[9]Mohaqeqi Kamal H, Sajadi H, Zare H, Beiglarian A. [Elderly quality of life: A comparison between pensioners of social security organization and national retirement fund (Qom County, 2006)]. Journal of Health Administration.2007; 10(27):49-56. (Persian)
[10]Bonomi AE, Patrick DL, Bushnell DM, Martin M. Validation of the United States' version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) instrument. J Clin Epidemiol.2000; 53(1):1-12.
[11]Drageset J, Eide GE, Nygaard HA, Bondevik M, Nortvedt MW, Natvig GK. The impact of social support and sense of coherence on health-related quality of life among nursing home residents–a questionnaire survey in Bergen, Norway. Int J Nurs Stud.2009; 46(1):65-75.
[12]Mizuno M, Kakuta M, Inoue Y. The effects of sense of coherence, demands of illness, and social support on quality of life after surgery in patients with gastrointestinal tract cancer. Oncol Nurs Forum.2009; 36(3):144-52.
[13]Alipoor F, Sajjadi H, Foroozan A, Beiglarian A. [Quality of life in Tehran district 2 elders]. Salmand.2008; 3(3&4):75-83. (Persian)
[14]Charyton C, Elliott JO, Lu B, Moore JL. The impact of social support on health related quality of life in persons with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav.2009; 16(4):640-5.
[15]Ke X, Liu C, Li N. Social support and quality of life: a cross-sectional study on survivors eight months after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. BMC Public Health.2010; 10(1):573.
[16]Rambod M, Rafii F. Perceived social support and quality of life in Iranian hemodialysis patients. J Nurs Scholarsh.2010; 42(3): 242-9.
[17]Cheng H, Sit JW, Chan CW, So WK, Choi KC, Cheng KK. Social support and quality of life among Chinese breast cancer survivors: findings from a mixed methods study. Eur J Oncol Nurs.2013; 17(6): 788-96.
[18]Burgoyne R, Renwick R. Social support and quality of life over time among adults living with HIV in the HAART era. Soc Sci Med.2004; 58(7):1353-66.
[19]Bishop M, Feist-price S. Quality of life assessment in the rehabilitation counseling relationship: Strategies and measures. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling.2002: 33(1):35-41.
[20]Moosavi M, Mostafaiee A. [Analyzing Life Quality of Retired Elderly in Tehran (Focusing on formal and informal social support)]. Social Development & Welfare Planing.2011; 3(7):137-63. (Persian)
[21]De Leo D, Diekstra RF, Lonnqvist J, Trabucchi M, Cleiren MH, Frisoni GB, and et al. LEIPAD , An internationally applicable instrument to access quality of life in elderly. Behav Med.1998; 24(1):17-27.
[22]Sajadi H, Biglarian A. [Quality of life among elderly women in Kahrizak charity Foundation, Tehran, Iran]. Payesh.2007; 6(2):105-8. (Persian)
[23]Norbeck JS, Lindsey AM, Carrieri VL. Further development of the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire: normative data and validity testing. Nurs Res.1983; 23(1):4-9.
[24]Norbeck JS. Scoring instructions for the Norbeck social support questionnaire. USA: University of California; 1995.
[25]Jalilian A. Validity and reliability of Social Support Persian version Questionnaire NORBECK in the student of university of social welfare & rehabilitation Tehran [MSc Thesis]. Tehran: Social Welfare & Rehabilitation University; 2008. (Persian)
[26]Alipoor F, Sajjadi H, Foroozan A, Nabavi H, Khedmati E. [The role of social support in the anxiety and depression of elderly]. Salmand.2009; 4(1):53-61. (Persian)
[27]Habibi A, Nikpour S, Seyedoshohadaei M, Haghani H. [Health promoting behaviors and its related factors in elderly]. Iran Journal of Nursing.2006; 19(47):35-48. (Persian)
[28]Lee TW, Ko IS, Lee KJ. Health promotion behaviours and quality of life among community-dwelling elderly in Korea: a cross-sectional survey. Int J Nurs Stud.2006; 43(3):293-300.
[29]Garousi S, Safizadeh H, Samadian F. [The study of relationship between social support and quality of life among elderly people in Kerman]. Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal.2012; 11(3):303-15. (Persian)
[30]Hampton NZ. Social support and quality of life among elderly Chinese Americans/ Immigration with disabilities: an exploratory study. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling.2004; 35(2):17-24.
[31]Spangler SL. The relationship between quality of life and social support among adolescent survivors of childhood cancers [PhD Thesis]. USA: Pepperdine University; 2009.
[32]Bazrafshan MR, Hosseini MA, Rahgozar M, Maddah B. [Quality of elderly's life in Shiraz, Jahandidegan club]. Salmand.2008; 3(1):33-41. (Persian)
[33]Khalesi M. Comparison of quality of life, educated and non-educated women employed in Qom [MSc thesis]. Tehran: University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences; 2009. (Persian)
[34]Ghasemi H, Harirchi M, Masnavi A, Rahgozar M, Akbarian M. [Comparing the quality of life between seniors living in families and institutionalized in nursing home]. Social Welfare Quarterly.2010; 10(39):177-200. (Persian)
[35]Heidarzadeh M, Hasani P, Rahimzadeh A, Ghahramanian A, Kolahdouzipour J, Yousef I. [Quality of life and social support in congestive heart failure patients and healthy people]. Holistic Nursing and Midwifery Journal.2013; 23(1):13-21. (Persian)
[36]Helgeson VS. Social support and quality of life. Qual Life Res.2003; 12(1): 25-31.
[37]Zamanzadeh V, Heidarzadeh M, Oshvandi KH, Lakdizji S. [Relationship between quality of life and social support in hemodialysis patients in Imam Khomeini and Sina Educational hospitals of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences]. Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.2007; 29(3): 49-54. (Persian)