@2024 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2228-5468 Education Strategies in Medical Sciences 2015;8(5):269-274
ISSN: 2228-5468 Education Strategies in Medical Sciences 2015;8(5):269-274
Effect of Teaching Academic Skills on Academic Achievement in Medical Emergency Students
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Otaghi M. (*)(*) Nursing Department, Nursing & Midwifery Faculty, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran
Address: Faculty of Nursing & midwifery, Ilam University of Medical Science, Banganjab, IlamPhone: +988433351791
Fax: +988432227123
Article History
Received: June 12, 2015Accepted: January 3, 2016
ePublished: January 10, 2016
… [1-6] There is a correlation between the learners’ learning strategies and their academic achievement [7-16]. Students with higher GPA are with higher study skills [14]. … [17-19]
Advising and counseling the students and conducting training courses in academic skills as workshops or preliminary courses in the universities are effective [11, 14, 20-22].
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of academic skills training on academic achievement of the associate medical emergency students of Ilam University of Medical Sciences.
This is a pretest-posttest study without any control group.
Associate medical emergency students of Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Iran, enrolled on January 2014 were studied in 2014.
23 students were studied.
At the end of the first semester (July 2014), based on the students educational files, the academic problems of the students were determined as low semester GPA, failed in a course, and no enough motivation in academic progress. Educational intervention was the implementation of one or two educational workshops during a semester to teach self-regulating skills in cognitive, emotional, and leaning behavioral domains via pretest and posttest. From the beginning of the second semester (September 2014), two 3-hour workshops were conducted with one month interval by the advisor. The workshops were named as “academic skills” and their content consisted of 10 academic skills including planning, time management, concentration, memory empowering method, correct study techniques, noting, briefing, speed reading, test responding, and exam anxiety control. Pretest and posttest was done in the workshop through a 10-phrase questionnaire based on Likert’s scale assessing the utilization of the mentioned academic skills. The pretest was done before the implementation of the workshop. The posttest was done simultaneously with the exams at the end of the semester. Formal and content validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by 10 faculty members. Its reliability was confirmed through retest method and by correlation coefficient 0.90. Data was analyzed by SPSS 21 software using paired T test (descriptive and inferential). The students’ academic achievements were compared by their semester GPA.
All participants were male and single (aged between 18 and 27 years). Mean age of the subjects was 20.43±2.31 years. 4, 16, and 3 persons were residents of Ilam City, townships of Ilam, and other provinces, respectively. There was a significant difference between total mean scores of the students’ academic skills before and after the interventions. Before the intervention, the highest and the lowest mean scores were the scores of exam anxiety control skill and memory empowering methods utilization skills, respectively. After the intervention, the highest and the lowest mean scores were again the aforementioned scores, in which the increase in the score of memory empowering methods utilization skills was significant. In addition, the educational intervention having been implemented, there were significant increases in the scores of academic planning skill and correct study techniques. Nevertheless, there was no significant increase in the scores of other academic skills (Table 1). Based on the investigation of the effectiveness of the academic skills intervention on the students’ academic progress (GPA), there was a significant difference between mean 1st semester GPA (15.05±1.23) and mean 2nd semester GPA (15.75±1.29; p=0.001). The highest and the lowest GPAs in the 1st semester were 17.42 and 12.43, respectively; and in the 2nd semester, the GPAs reached 17.91 and 13.49, respectively.
After the implementation of the academic skills workshops during a semester, there was a significant increase in the students’ utilization of the skills. Students have not enough knowledge in the study skills that leads to the feeling of inadequate efficiency [22]. From the viewpoints of medical students, one of the effective factors on the academic progress is the study methods [12]. Teaching the academic skills is proposed as educational courses like workshops and academic courses [11, 14, 20-22]. The highest and the lowest mean scores were the scores of exam anxiety control and memory empowering methods utilization skills, respectively. Remembering and recalling the issues, concentration, and time management are the most important problems of the dentistry students. In addition, the students do not insist on the review and recall of the content [22]. Based on the studies investigating the correlation between study skills and ways to be ready for the exam, the highest and the lowest mean scores are the scores of noting skill and time management skill, respectively [15]. The academic skills teaching intervention significantly affected the students’ academic progress (GPA). The result is consistent with some other studies [11, 14, 15, 21]. Self-regulating learning affected the students’ academic progress via an enhancement in the academic skills. Lack of any attention to the effective factors on learning leads to academic failure in nursing and midwifery students. In addition, there are correlations between the learning specifications, such as study method, self-control resource, and the components of self-regulating learning, and the students’ academic progress [11]. … [23, 24]
Such interventions might be conducted as a course during a semester.
Conducting the intervention by one person only was one of the limitations for the study.
Conducting academic skills teaching workshops affects the utilization of the skills by the students and their academic progress.
Nursing and Midwifery Faculty and EDC of Ilam University of Medical Sciences, as well as the participating students, are appreciated.
There is no conflict.
The study plan was confirmed by EDC of Ilam University of Medical Sciences.
The study was funded by Research Deputy of Ilam University of Medical Sciences.
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[20]Badeleh MT, Hesam M, Charkazi A, Asghari SZ, Khorsha H. Study skills in nursing and midwifery students of Golesatn University of Medical Sciences. J Res Dev Nurs Midwifery. 2012;9(1):34-40. [Persian]
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[2]Winne PH. Bootstrapping learner's self-regulated learning. Psychol Test Assess Model. 2010;52(4): 472-90.
[3]Wolters CA. Regulation of motivation: Evaluating an underemphasized aspect of self-regulated learning. Educ Psychol. 2003;38(4):189-205.
[4]Sadeghi Z, Mohtashami R. Role of meta-cognition in learning process. Iran Q Educ Strategy. 2011;3(4):143-8. [Persian]
[5]Zimmerman BJ. Self-regulated learning and academic achievement: An overview. Educ Psychol. 1990;25(1):3-17.
[6]Soltani Arabshahi SK, Naeimi L. Assessment of the current situation of - self-directed learning skills in medical students. Razi J Med Sci. 2013;20(113):10-9. [Persian]
[7]Loret De Mola Garay JE. [Estilos y estrategias de aprendizaje en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la universidad peruana “los andes” de huancayo – perù]. Rev Learn Style. 2011;8(8):1-40. [Spanish]
[8]Broadbent J, Poon WL. Self-regulated learning strategies & academic achievement in online higher education learning environments: A systematic review. Internet High Educ. 2015;27:1-13.
[9]Tejedor-Tejedor FJ, Gonzalez Salvador G, Garcia Senoral MM. [Estrategias atencionales Y rendimiento academico en estudiantes de secundaria]. Rev Latinoamde Psicol. 2008;40(1):123-32. [Spanish]
[10]Khadivzadeh T, Saif AA, Valae N. The relationship of students’ study strategies with their personal characteristics and academic background. Iran J Med Educ. 2004;4(2):53-61. [Persian]
[11]Valizadeh L, Fathi Azar E, Zamanzadeh V. The relationship between learning characteristics and academic achievement in nursing and midwifery students. Iran J Med Educ. 2008;7(2):443-50. [Persian]
[12]Changizi Ashtiyani S, Shamsi M. Assessment of influencing factors of educational decline and presenting suitable solutions from the students viewpoints of Arak University of Medical Sciences. Res Med Educ. 2010;12:24-34. [Persian]
[13]Karimi M, Farahbahksh K. Relationship between affective self-regulation and study skills with educational performance of students of Isfahan University of Medical Science. I Iran J Med Educ. 2012;11(9):1149-61. [Persian]
[14]Badeleeh Shamooshaki MT, Hosseini SA, Charkazi A, Jafari SY, Bakhsha B. The relationship between students’ study skills and academic achievement. Iran J Med Educ. 2013;13(1):66-71. [Persian]
[15]Dehghani GH, Soltanalgharaei Kh. Relationship of study skills and exam preparation method in master students. Educ Strategy Med Sci. 2014;7(1):51-6. [Persian]
[16]Babaei Shirvani Z, Faramarzi M, Naderi H, Fakhri S. Relationship between studying and learning strategies and academic performances in medical sciences students. Educ Strategy Med Sci. 2015;8(3):165-70. [Persian]
[17]Donker AS, de Boer H, Kostons D, Dignath van EwiJk CC, van der Werfa MPC. Effectiveness of learning strategy instruction on academic performance: A metaanalysis. Educ Res Rev. 2014;11:1-26.
[18]Robbins ST, Lauver K, Le H, Davis D, Longley R. Do psychosocial and study skill factors predict college outcomes? A meta-analysis. Psychol Bull. 2004;130(2):261-88.
[19]Vrugt A, Oort FJ. Metacognition, achievement goals, study strategies and academic achievement: pathways to achievement. Metacog Learn. 2008;30:123-46.
[20]Badeleh MT, Hesam M, Charkazi A, Asghari SZ, Khorsha H. Study skills in nursing and midwifery students of Golesatn University of Medical Sciences. J Res Dev Nurs Midwifery. 2012;9(1):34-40. [Persian]
[21]Torabi M, Haghani J, Mosavi E. Assessment of the habits and study skills in the dental students. Strides Dev Med Educ. 2014;11(2):244-50. [Persian]
[22]Rouhani A, Akbar M, Mamavi T. Evaluation of study skills among student of Mashhad Dental School in academic year 2008-2009. Teb Tazkieh. 2009;19(4):63-73.[Persian]
[23]Abolghasemi M, Mirali Rostami O. Assessment of influencing factors of academic achievement of students in Tehran University of Engineering to present a model of predicting their academic achievement. Iran J Engin Educ. 2001;15(58):67-84. [Persian]
[24]Noohi S, Hosseini M, Rokhsarizadeh H, Saburi A , Alishiri Gh. Progress motivation among Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences students and its relationship with academic achievement. J Mil Med. 2012;14(3):200-4. [Persian]