Article Type

Original Research


Kazemi   A. (*)
Rahmati   M. (1)
Akhondi   M. (2)

(*) Physical Education Department, Literature & Humanities Faculty, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran
(1) Physical Education Department, Literature & Humanities Faculty, Lorestan University, Khoramabad, Iran
(2) Physical Education Department, Literature & Humanities Faculty, Kerman University, Kerman, Iran


Address: Physical Education Department, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Imam Khomayni Square, Rafsanjan, Kerman, Iran. Post Box: 518
Phone: +983431312102
Fax: +983431312102

Article History

Received:  August  6, 2015
Accepted:  May 11, 2016
ePublished:  June 30, 2016


Obesity is the most important health problem in developed and underdeveloped countries and it can increase the danger of affection to different diseases such as heart attack, diabetes II, high blood pressure and other diseases [1].

… [2-6]. the studies have shown that Apelin secretion from adipose tissue can have an important role in carbohydrate metabolism and insulin function [7]. Athletic activity with its anti-inflammation character causes the decrease in serum Apelin levels and resistance to insulin [6]. .. [8, 9]. Cinnamon has more effect than other herbal products such as green tea, olive oil and garlic seed and onion in glucose metabolism adjustment [10].

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of six weeks intense interval practice along with cinnamon supplement on serum Apelin concentration and insulin resistance in boys who are overweight.

This study is semi experimental.

This study was conducted in 2014 with pre-test and post-test and a control group on studying boy students in Zahedan city.

40 overweight boy students were chosen purposely and they were randomly placed in 4 groups of exercise, exercise and supplementary, supplementary and control each have 10 participants.

The aims and schedule and the timing of the project were explained to subjects a week earlier than starting the conduction of the project and they were introduced by the conduction procedure and the way which the practice program would be conducted. In this session, the subjects physical characteristics such as; age, height, weight and body mass index (BMI) using audiometer and scale (Seca; Germany), were measured. Then the subjects were placed in study groups randomly. Also, the method of measuring the resting heart beat was taught in order to specify the mean of one week in the first training session for each individual for calculating the target heartbeat. It is worth mentioning that to calculate the former heartbeat the Tanaka et al formula was used [11]. Then, the saved heartbeat procedure was used to measure the target heartbeat domain [12]. Both group 1 and 2 conducted full volume intense interval exercise for six weeks and three sessions that included 3 sets full volume intense interval program ( four minutes with severity of 90% saved heartbeat with two minutes active recovery) [13] that increasingly to fourth week a set was added each week. All training sessions were conducted between 8 to 11 a.m. Also. group 2 (training and supplementary), in addition to conducting the same trainings as group 3 (only supplementary), used 3 capsules that contained 380 milligram cinnamon daily [10]. In control group, subjects were not using any complementary and they did not have any sport activity during the study. … [13] Between 7 to 8 o'clock in the morning, after 12 hours without eating breakfast and 48 hours before starting the training program, the first blood sample and 48 hours after finishing the program (finishing the 6 weeks) the second blood sample, in similar conditions were taken from the elbow brachial vein. In each sampling, the blood was centrifuged in a falcon tube without anticoagulant substance for 15 minutes with 3000 rpm and serums were kept separately at -80˚C. ELISA Kit was used to measure Apelin serum (phoenix; USA). The coefficient of variation of the test was less than 5% and the least measurable amount was 10 Nano gram to milliliter. Also, the fasting glucose serum concentration was measured by glucose oxidase procedure and using Beckman glucose analyzer (Beckman Instruments; USA). Also, Insulin was measured by RIA with using business kit (Imononokoloe; still water; Minesota). The insulin resistance was calculated by using homeostasis assessment model (HOMA) based on the equation "[glucose (mill mole per Liter)* insulin (Micro unit per liter)] divided by 22.5”[14]. All data was reported according to statistical mean. Also, Colograf- Smirnoff test was used to specify the data distribution and as the results of this test showed the normality of data distribution, the parametric tests were used. To compare the study variables and their interaction after finishing the training in different groups, One-way and two-way ANCOVA were used. SPSS 19 software was used for statistical analysis.

The demographic characteristics of subjects were reported according to groups' separation in Table 1. Before starting the intervention, there was no meaningful difference in Aplin serum (p=0.683) and insulin resistance index (p= 0.136) in study groups. After the training period, there was a meaningful difference in Apelin levels (p=0.0001) and insulin resistance (p=0.0001) in training group and training and supplementary group compared to control group. Also, there was a meaningful difference in insulin resistance between supplementary group and control group (p=0.001). In addition to this, there was a meaningful difference in Apelin levels (p=0.0001) and insulin resistance (p=0.003) in training groups (groups 1 and 2), to supplementary group (Figures 1 and 2). After the trainings, there was no meaningful difference in body composition characteristics (p>0.05).

… [15]. The effect of sport trainings has been studied in some other studies [16-19] . Mohebi et al. showed the effect of aerobic trainings on minimizing the resistance to insulin and Apelin in diabetes patients [16]. … [17-24]. It was shown in another study that daily supplementation of 1,3,and 6 grams of cinnamon in patients suffering from diabetes II for 40 days causes meaningful reduction in fasting blood glucose [25].


Of limitations of this study we can refer to few number of subjects, necessity of studying more variables and related to the subject for gaining more precise and reasonable result.

Six weeks of full volume intense interval training caused reduction of Apelin serum levels and insulin resistance index in overweight boys. Also, cinnamon supplement reduces the only insulin resistance index.

This article is taken from sport physiology MA thesis. We show our full appreciation and thanks to all the present subjects who helped us to conduct this study for their efforts and cooperation.


All the study stages were informed to the subjects and their parents and then the written consent for participating in the study was received.

The financial sources were supplied by the authors.


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