@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2014;1(3):47-53
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2014;1(3):47-53
Cognitive Predictors of Cousin Marriage Among Couples Visiting Counseling Centers in Kohgiluyeh-Boyer Ahmad Province
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Ataee M. (1)Karimzadeh-Shirazi K. (2)
Ahmadi-Jouybari T. (1)
KaramiMatin B. (3)
Aghaei A. (4)
Zinat-Motlagh F. (2*)
(1) Clinical Research Development Center, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
(2) Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran
(3) Department of Public Health, Department of Public Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
(4) Department of Epidemiology, School of Health, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Article History
Received: November 4, 2014Accepted: March 11, 2015
ePublished: March 19, 2015
Congenital anomalies are the important reason of mortality,hospitalization, familial problem, and disabilities in society. These abnormalities are seen in 3% of live births. Different reasons have roles in this issuesuch as age of mother, the infection of mother to some diseases, the usage of special medicines and chemical materials, and especial food and consanguineous marriages [1].
... [2-7]. In all societies, emphasizing on education of families and informing them are considered as an important strategy in connection with consequences of consanguineous marriage.
This study aimed to study the factors that are associated with the consanguineous marriage among young people in the province of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad.
This study is descriptive and based on cross-sectional study.
516 people of population aged 15 to 30 years old in province of Kohgiluyehand Boyer Ahmad were studied.
Four counseling centers in province of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad (Yasouj,Dehdasht,Gachsaran, and sisakhat) were considered as a cluster. Then, participants were selected with convenience sampling method of referred population to that center and essential information was gathered fromthem.
The tool of study was included two parts, and information was collectedbased on self-report method. In the first part demographic information was investigated in the form of ten questions, including age,gender,education,occupation, household size,living place, the educationof parents and the history of consanguineous marriage in family. Second part was twenty-six questions and the questions related to the cognitive factors that were designed in form of five options. Evaluation and verification of the content validity and the structure of the questionnaires was done using the comments of expert groups about the study.In addition, for the measurement of the reliability of the questionnaires, a preliminary study was performed among 30 people with the similar characteristics of participants in the main study, and the questionnaires was approved using Cronbach`s alpha as follows: attitude contained 6 items (Cronbach`s alpha coefficient was 0.80). Subjective norms contained 6 items (Cronbach` s alpha coefficient was 0.89) that earning a higher score represented the stronger subjective norms of consanguineous marriage. Social factors contained 5 items (Cronbach` s alpha coefficient was 0.65) that earning a higher score represented the encouraging social factors of consanguineous marriage. Cultural factors contained 5 items (Cronbach` s alpha coefficient was 0.62) that earning a higher score represented the stronger cultural factors of consanguineous marriage. Religious factors contained 4 items (Cronbach` s alpha coefficient was 0.80) that earning a higher score represented the stronger religious factors of consanguineous marriage. Statistical analysis: Collected information was entered to the version 20 of SPSS statistical software, andwere analyzed using the statistical tests of Pearson Correlation and Regression Logistic (the method of Backward Stepwise Wald) in significant level smaller than 0.05.
In present study, 258 married couples were studied. The age range of participants was 15 to 30 and its mean was 23.43 ±3.96years. Mean, standard deviation, and the mean percent of maximum of attainable score for variables have been represented in table 1. According to thefindings, participants achieved 62.4,63.6, 75.7, 66.3, and 86.6% of attainable score for attitude to the consanguineous marriage, the subjective norms to family marriage, social factors, cultural factors, and religious factors respectively.In table 2, the correlation between the variables of attitude, subjective norms, social factors, cultural factors, and religious factorshave been investigated. Accordingly, all studied variables were associated with each other. The highest correlation was seen between attitude and subjective norms (r=0.504).Using Logistic regression analysis,the most important predictive variables in acting to the consanguineous marriage among participants were investigated. Table3shows that in forth step, optimal model was obtained, and subjective norms (OR=1.304) and cultural factors (OR=1.244) were the stronger factors in anticipating the action of consanguineous marriage.
...[4-14].Different studies have shown that subjective norms are a strong predictor in behavioral adoption especially among young people [15-21].Also,the study be Alperet al.[12], Saadat[3] and Hussein et al. emphasize the effect of social norms on the formation of consanguineous marriage. Different studies have showed that the structure, traditional views of family, and the customs of family are so important in marriage [3, 11, 12].
In traditional societies, attention should be paid to the informative program about the importance of consultation before marriage.
Gathering the information by questionnaire which may be associated with the percentage of error, and sampling through the convenience method which may notcover all the target group, were among the limitation of this study.
Subjective norms are the strongest predictors in consanguineous marriage, whichshows the effect of the opinions of the important relatives in choosing the life partner.
Researchers appreciate the Deputy of Research and Technology, Yasouj University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, and all the participants.
Subjects in the study were explained and justified in terms of the method of research and confidentiality of information,and all of them were enrolled with interest.Thepresent study was approved by the ethics committee of Yasouj University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
This article has been derived from the approved research project in Deputy of researchand technology of Yasouj University of Medical Science and Health Services.
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[17]Zinat Motlagh F, Ataee M, Jalilian F, Mirzaei Alavijeh M, Aghaei A, Karimzadeh Shirazi K. Predicting aggression among male adolescents: an application of the theory of planned behaviour. Health Promot Perspect.2013; 3(2):269-75.
[18]Jalilian F, Karami-Matin B, Mirzaei-Alavijeh M, Ataee M, Mahboubi M, Motlagh F, et al. Prevalence and factor related to Ritalin abuse among Iranian medical college student: an application of theory of planned behavior. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv.2013; 85(4s):22-6.
[19] Eslami AA, Jalilian F, Ataee M, Mirzaei Alavijeh M, Mahboubi M, Afsar A, et al. Intention and willingness in understanding Ritalin misuse among Iranian medical college students: a cross-sectional study. Global Journal of Health Science.2014; 6(6):43-53.
[20]Mirzaei Alavijeh M, Jalilian F, Movahed E, Mazloomy S, Zinat Motlagh F, Hatamzadeh N. [Predictors of drug abuse among students with application of Prototype/Willingness Model]. Journal of Police Medicine.2013; 2(2):111-8. (Persian)
[21]Ahmadzadeh F, Mirzaei Alavijeh M, Jalilian F, Zinat Motlagh F, Khosravi N, Emdadi SH, et al. [Nutritional attitudes versus subjective norm fitness among female college students in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences]. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology.2014; 9(1):39-46. (Persian)
[2]Akrami SM, Osati Z. Is consanguineous marriage religiously encouraged? Islamic and Iranian considerations. J Biosoc Sci.2007; 39(2):313-6.
[3]Saadat M, Ansari-Lari M, Farhud DD. Short Report Consanguineous marriage in Iran. Ann Hum Biol.2004; 31(2):263-9.
[4]Tadmouri GO, Nair P, Obeid T, Al-Ali MT, Al-Khaja N, Hamamy HA. Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs. Reprod Health.2009; 6:17.
[5]Rosenthal M, Addison GM, Price DA. Congenital hypothyroidism: increased incidence in Asian families. Archives Dis Child.1988; 63(7):790-3.
[6]Hall SK, Hutchesson AC, Kirk JM. Congenital hypothyroidism, seasonality and consanguinity in the West Midlands, England. Acta Paediatr.1999; 88(2):212-5.
[7]Smith RJ, Bale JR, White KR. Sensorineural hearing loss in children. The Lancet.2005; 365(9462):879-90.
[8]Marjane MD. [Marriage consanguineous and children disease, danger that families have to deal with it in West Azarbaijan]. Urmia Medical Journal.2005; 16(2):9-15. (Persian)
[9]Davati A, Jafari F, Kholdi N, Sedaghat M. [Frequency of consanguineous marriage in Tehran and some related factors]. Koomesh Journal.2009; 10(4):287-94. (Persian)
[10]Movaffagh A , Haji Seyedjavadi M , Hashemi SZ , Azargashb E , Ghasemi Barghi R . [Prevalence of congenital abnormalities in familial and non-familial marriage]. Pajoohandeh Journal.2007; 12(2):129-34. (Persian)
[11]Hussain R, Bittles AH. The prevalence and demographic characteristics of consanguineous marriages in Pakistan. J Biosoc Sci.1998; 30(2):261-75.
[12]Alper OM, Erengin H, Manguoğlu EA, Bilgen T, Cetin Z, Dedeoğlu N, Lüleci G. Consanguineous marriages in the province of Antalya, Turkey. Ann Genet.2004; 47(2):129-38.
[13]Hamamy H, Jamhawi L, Al‐Darawsheh J, Ajlouni K. Consanguineous marriages in Jordan: why is the rate changing with time?. Clin Genet.2005; 67(6):511-6.
[14]Ajzen I. The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.1991; 50:179-211.
[15]Jalilian F, Emdadi SH. Factors related to regular undergoing pap-smear test: application of theory of planned behavior. J Res Health Sci.2011; 11(2):103-8.
[16]Allahverdipour H, Jalilian F, Shaghaghi A. Vulnerability and the intention to anabolic steroids use among iranian gym users: an application of the theory of planned behaviour. Subst Use Misuse.2012; 47(3):309-17.
[17]Zinat Motlagh F, Ataee M, Jalilian F, Mirzaei Alavijeh M, Aghaei A, Karimzadeh Shirazi K. Predicting aggression among male adolescents: an application of the theory of planned behaviour. Health Promot Perspect.2013; 3(2):269-75.
[18]Jalilian F, Karami-Matin B, Mirzaei-Alavijeh M, Ataee M, Mahboubi M, Motlagh F, et al. Prevalence and factor related to Ritalin abuse among Iranian medical college student: an application of theory of planned behavior. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv.2013; 85(4s):22-6.
[19] Eslami AA, Jalilian F, Ataee M, Mirzaei Alavijeh M, Mahboubi M, Afsar A, et al. Intention and willingness in understanding Ritalin misuse among Iranian medical college students: a cross-sectional study. Global Journal of Health Science.2014; 6(6):43-53.
[20]Mirzaei Alavijeh M, Jalilian F, Movahed E, Mazloomy S, Zinat Motlagh F, Hatamzadeh N. [Predictors of drug abuse among students with application of Prototype/Willingness Model]. Journal of Police Medicine.2013; 2(2):111-8. (Persian)
[21]Ahmadzadeh F, Mirzaei Alavijeh M, Jalilian F, Zinat Motlagh F, Khosravi N, Emdadi SH, et al. [Nutritional attitudes versus subjective norm fitness among female college students in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences]. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology.2014; 9(1):39-46. (Persian)