@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2008-2630 Iranian Journal of War & Public Health 2020;12(2):133-139
ISSN: 2008-2630 Iranian Journal of War & Public Health 2020;12(2):133-139
Relationship between Level of Physical Activity with Self-Esteem, Body Image Concern and Body Appreciation in Veterans
Article Type
Descriptive & Survey StudyAuthors
Heydari Y. (1)Samadi H. (*2)
Dehghan Manshadi M. (3)
(*2) Physical Education and Sports Science Department, Psychology and Educational Sciences Faculty, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
(1) Educational Science Department, Psychology and Educational Sciences Faculty, Yazd University, Yazd , Iran
(3) Educational Science Department, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
Address: Psychology and Educational Sciences Faculty, Yazd University, University Blvd., Safaieh, Yazd, IranPhone: -
Fax: +98 (35) 31232222
Article History
Received: January 21, 2020Accepted: May 14, 2020
ePublished: June 17, 2020
…[1]. The health and well-being of people are endangered by various factors. In this regard, war is one of the most well-known factors that cause death and long-term physical and psychological complications in veterans and non-veteran citizens more than anything else [2].
Physical and mental disorders caused by war stresses are abundant in veterans, and it has adverse effects on various aspects of a person's life in addition to causing anxiety [3]. One of the less-studied psychological variables is the term "body image". ...[4, 5]. Given that body image is an important part of a person's identity and the first source of information for social interactions, it is important to have a favorable body image [6]. ...[7]. Continued dissatisfaction with the body image leads to a decrease in self-esteem [8, 9]. …[10-13]. Self-esteem is affected by physical activity and is associated with self-esteem. ...[14-16]. The results of many studies show that the higher the level of physical fitness and physical activity, the more positive the attitude of persons towards their abilities and the higher one's self-confidence [17, 18]. ...[19-21].
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between physical activity, body image concern, self-esteem, and body appreciation.
This is a descriptive-field study.
This research was carried out between male veterans in Yazd city in 2019-2020.
The statistical sample of the study consisted of 100 veterans who did not have any acute problems in terms of physical condition. The number of samples was calculated using G * Power 3 software, taking into account the effect size of 0.3, type 1 error of 0.05, and the statistical power of 0.93. Inclusion criteria included non-use of psychiatric drugs, lack of intellectual disability, lack of physical disability, and exclusion criteria was unwillingness to cooperate in this research.
The research tools included the following:Personal characteristic questionnaire: This questionnaire was researcher-made and was provided to the subjects to collect general information, which included name, age, percentage of disability, level of education, history of referral to a psychiatrist, history of illness, physical problems, and so on. Body Image Concern Inventory (BICI) questionnaire: The questionnaire consists of 19 items designed by Littleton et al. [22] in 2005. The questionnaire reliability was estimated at 93% by Cronbach's alpha method, and the correlation of the total material is 32-73%, which indicates the correct structure of the questionnaire. The questionnaire validity coefficient has been reported by 83% using investigating the correlation with the self-report scale of the disorder. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire have been reported at 73 and 87% levels, respectively by Basaknejad & Ghaffari in Iran [23]. Self-esteem questionnaire: The Rosenberg 10-items of self-esteem scale was used to assess self-esteem. This well-known and standard scale was developed by Rosenberg in 1987. This questionnaire is rated on a 4-point Likert scale from 0 to 3 (strongly agree to disagree). The scale has 5 positive items and 5 negative items that the sum of positive and inverse negative scores determine a person's self-esteem. The validity of this questionnaire in Iranian culture has been confirmed by various studies. Its reliability has been reported 82-88% in different studies by the retest method and 77-88% by the alpha method [24, 25]. Body Appreciation Scale (BAS): The scale was developed by Avalos et al. in 2005 to measure positive body image. The questionnaire consists of 13 questions, and each question contains 5 options (never, rarely, sometimes, often, and always). The minimum and maximum scores are 13 and 65, respectively. In a study by Swami et al., Cronbach's alpha scores were 0.90 and 0.85 for women and men, respectively, which showed BAS as a suitable scale for measuring body appreciation, and Yousefi et al. Have reported the valuable validity and reliability of the questionnaire [26]. Sharkey Physical Activity Questionnaire: This questionnaire is used for investigating the level of physical activity and includes 5 items based on the Likert scale. The minimum and maximum scores for each question were 1 and 5, respectively. The total score of the questions is calculated to calculate the total score of the questionnaire. The score of this questionnaire has a range of 5-25 [27]. Golmohammadi et al. confirmed the questionnaire validity and obtained the questionnaire reliability at 0.78 level using Cronbach's alpha method [28]. First, the necessary coordination was conducted with the Martyr Foundation and Veterans and Trainers Affairs of Yazd city. Before filling out the questionnaires, preliminary explanations of aims and research variables were presented to the subjects, and they were asked to avoid consulting with each other and reflect their feeling to prevent any bias in the study. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to investigate the relationship between the variables. Multivariate regression analysis with simultaneous entry method was used to determine the prediction of physical activity variable. Data were analyzed using SPSS 23 software.
The mean scores of self-esteem variables were 8.06±2.03, body image concern was 36.50±14.70, physical appreciation was 48.46±12.65 and physical activity was 20.70±4.35. There was a significant positive relationship between self-esteem and physical activity of veterans and between the variables of physical appreciation and physical activity. There is also a significant negative relationship between body image concern and veteran physical activity (Table 1). The determination coefficient for the predictive variables was R2=0.333. This means that the total of predictive variables predicted 33.3% of the variance of physical activity, and F resulting from the entry of these variables (7.66) was significant at the level of 0.01. Therefore, the regression coefficients and the significant level of the predictive variables were presented in Table 2. Of the 3 predictive variables, only the physical appreciation variable was able to predict the physical activity variable. Therefore, the physical appreciation of veterans predicted their physical activity, positively.
...[29-32]. The findings of this study showed that physical activity was inversely related to body image concerns; this means that with increased physical activity, body image concerns decreases. These results are in accordance with the findings of Hosseini Sarbazi et al. [33], which showed physical activity (resistance training) improves the attitude towards body image of thin women. Also, the result is in accordance with the findings of Wohang et al. [34] showed the positive effect of physical activity on adolescents' body image. The results indicate a significant relationship between physical activity and the self-esteem of veterans and this means the more physical activity, the more self-esteem of veterans. This finding is consistent with the results of Garaz & Feltz [19] but contradicts the research of Asadi et al. [20] and Quds Mirheydari et al. [21]. There was a significant relationship between physical activity and physical appreciation. Indeed physical activity has a positive effect on the physical appreciation. In addition, the results showed that among the three predictive variables, only physical appreciation can predict the physical activity variable. Physical activity and physical appreciation have been studied in a small number of studies; however, this finding is consistent with the results of Tabiee et al. [35], who showed a significant relationship between physical activity and the physical self-concept of male students. In addition, the findings are in line with the Asci results [36], which reported higher physical self-concept of female students, as well as Baghaiyan et al. [37], who reported higher physical self-concept of adolescent students. ...[38].
It is suggested to carry out the research on the different areas and different statistical population. Also, due to the low research history in this field among the veterans of the country, it is suggested to investigating the other psychological factors related to the physical activity of veterans in addition to controlling the limitations in this field. Considering the importance of physical activity as a factor affecting psychological variables and based on the results of the present study, it is suggested to providing appropriate plans for active participation of veterans in physical activities in order to promote self-esteem and physical appreciation and reduce the variable of body image concerns by policymakers of veterans' sports.
In this study, intervention factors such as motivational factors of respondents, contextual and cultural factors, and implementation of the research in a city and on the number of samples, have affected the outcome of the research. There are also limitations such as sampling limitation (available sampling) and non-generalizability of the findings to ethnic groups and other regions of the country.
There is a relationship between physical activity and self-esteem, physical appreciation, and body image concern and the variable of physical appreciation can predict physical activity.
We appreciate the veterans and the officials of the Martyr foundation to help us in this research.
There is no interest of conflict.
The research plan has been approved ethically by the Research Commission of Farhangian University after initial evaluations and providing the proposal.
This study did not receive financial support from any institution or organization.
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[15]Khoroush M, Ehsani M, Tondnevis F. Relationship between physical activity and job burnout and achievement motivation in sports experts of the physical education organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran. J Motor Sci Sports. 2010;7(14):141-50. [Persian]
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[21]Ghods Mirheydari SA, Takalli H, Abdollahi M, Gharayegh Zandi H, Mashhouri M, Ghods Mirheydari SB. The comparison and relationship between self-esteem and physical fitness in male and female students of Tehran university. Dev Motor Learn. 2010;(5):85-100. [Persian]
[22]Littleton HL, Axsom D, Pury CLS. Development of the body image concern inventory. Behav Res Ther. 2005;43(2):229-41.
[23]Bassak Nejad S, Ghafari M. The relationship between body dysmorphic concern psychological disorders and among university students. J Behav Sci. 2008;1(2):179-87. [Persian]
[24]Rosenberg M, Schooler C, Schoenbach C, Rosenberg F. Global self-esteem and specific self-esteem: Different concept, different outcomes. Am Sociol Rev. 1995;60(1):141-56.
[25]Masoudnia A. The Comparison of coping styles of stress of students with different self-esteem. J Educ Sci Psychol. 2008;15(1):81-98. [Persian]
[26]Yousefi B, Hassani Z, Shokri O. Reliability and factor validity of the 7-item social physique anxiety scale (SPAS-7) among university students in Iran. World J Sport Sci. 2009;2(3):201-4.
[27]Khodabakhshi Koolayee A, Sabzi S, Shahdadi H, Mohamadi F. The Comparison of brain cognition function between active and inactive elderlies male in nursing home (a case-control study in Tehran). Commonity Health. 2017;4(4):302-9. [Persian]
[28]Golmohammadi B, Kashani V, Mokaberian M. Persian psychometric properties of homework self-efficacy scale for everyday elderly activities. J Clin Psychol. 2015;7(2):87-100. [Persian]
[29]Nabatian E, Ghamarani A, Zakerian M, Mahdizadeh I. Relationship between spiritual health with quality of life veterans and disabled Birjand. Iran J War Public Health. 2013;5(2):35-9. [Persian]
[30]Gammage KL, Hall CR, & Ginis KAM. Self-Presentation in Exercise Contexts: Differences between high and low frequency exercisers. J Appl Soc Psychol. 2004;34(8):1638-51.
[31]Babaei Bonab S, Nobaran E, Derakhti R. Study of the relationship between regular physical activity and social anxiety in obese women. Nurs Midwifery Paramed. 2019;4(3):16-24. [Persian]
[32]Jalalvand S, Yousefi B, Farahani A. Study of relationship between physical activity and self-esteem, physical self-esteem and socio-physical anxiety in male and female high school students. Res Sports Life Sci. 2012;2(5):27-37. [Persian]
[33]Hosseini Sarbazai M, Badami R, Taghian F. Effect of strength exercise on physical appearance, eating disorder and sexual function in slender females. Sport Psychol Stud. 2017;6(20):137-48. [Persian]
[34]Huang JS, Norman GJ, Zabinski MF, Calfas K, Patrick K. Body image and self-esteem among adolescents undergoing an intervention targeting dietary and physical activity behaviors. J Adolesc Health. 2007;40(3):245-51.
[35]Tabiee S, Vagharseyyedin SA, Salmani-Mud M, Hosseini M. Relationship of physical self-concept and athletic performance in male medical students in Birjand university of medical sciences. J Birjand Univ Med Sci. 2018;25(1):52-61. [Persian]
[36]Asci FH. The effects of physical fitness training on trait anxiety and physical self-concept of female university students. Psychol Sport Exerc. 2003;4(3):255-64.
[37]Baqaian M, Bahram A, Khalaji H. The effect of gender and level of physical activity on the physical self-concept of middle school students. Educ Innov. 2013;12(47):82-94. [Persian]
[38]Marsh HW. Construct validity of physical self-description questionnaire responses: Relations to external criteria. J Sport Exerc Psychol. 1996;18(2):111-31.
[2]Samadi H, Mousavi SH, Shirvani H. The effect of internal attentional focus instructions and various distances of external attention on the static and dynamic balance of the chemical veterans with movement impairment. J Mil Med. 2019;21(6):596-605. [Persian]
[3]Sheikh M, Moslemi Nejad M. Comparison of body image anxiety of athletic and nonathletic elder women: The mediator role of body index with relation to self-respect and body image anxiety. J Psychol Sci. 2016;15(57):98-112. [Persian]
[4]Murray KM, Byrne DG, Rieger E. Investigating adolescent stress and body image. J Adolesc. 2011;34(2):269-78
[5]Segal BN, Bradford A, Meston CM. The association between body esteem and sexual desire among college women. Arch Sex Behav. 2009;38(5):866-72.
[6]Khanjani Z, Babapour J, Saba G. Investigating mental status and body image in cosmetic Surgery applicants in comparison with non-applicants. J Shahid Sadoughi Univ Med Sci. 2012;20(2):237-48. [Persian]
[7]Gilbert N, Meyer C. Fear of negative evaluation and the development of eating psychopathology: A longitudinal study among nonclinical women. Int J Eat Disord. 2005;37(4):307-12.
[8]Webster J, Tiggeman M. The relationship between women's body satisfaction and self-image across the life span: The role of cognitive control. J Genet Psychol. 2003;164(2):241-52.
[9]Markham A, Thompson T, Blowing A. Determinants of body-image shame. Personal Individ Differ. 2005;38(7):1529-41.
[10]Baghernezhad Hesari F, Morowatisharifabad MA, Sharifzadeh G, Miri MR, Vahdaninia V, Dastgerdi R. Predictive factors of self-esteem in adolescent girls. PAYESH. 2019;18(6):537-45. [Persian]
[11]Ghaffari K, Hosseini SS, Davoodi H, Lak S. Investigate the relationship between self-esteem and organizational performance and job satisfaction among managers. J New Approach Educ Manag. 2018;9(1):208-23. [Persian]
[12]Zaki MA. Standardization of self-worthiness questionnaires among male and female high school students in Isfahan. Psychol Method Model. 2012;2(7):63-85. [Persian]
[13]Arefi M, Mohammadi P. The relationship between self-worth and communication styles and marital adjustment in women. Shenakht J Psychol Psychiatry. 2016;2(4):11-22. [Persian]
[14]Zarepoor F, Kamali M, Alagheband M, Gheisari M, Sarlak SH. Evaluation of depression and its relationship to exercise in women over 20 years. J Shahid Sadoughi Univ Med Sci.2012;20(1):64-72. [Persian]
[15]Khoroush M, Ehsani M, Tondnevis F. Relationship between physical activity and job burnout and achievement motivation in sports experts of the physical education organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran. J Motor Sci Sports. 2010;7(14):141-50. [Persian]
[16]Borrer KT. Physical activity in the prevention and amelioration of osteoporosis in women. Sports Med. 2005;35:779-830.
[17]Dunton G, Schneider M, Graham D, Cooper D. Physical activity, fitness, and physical self-concept in adolescent females. Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2006;18(2):240-51.
[18]Marsh HW, Chanal JP, Sarrazin PG. Self-belief does make a difference: A reciprocal effects model of the causal ordering of physical self-concept and gymnastic performance. J Sports Sci. 2006;24(1):101-11.
[19]Garza DL, Feltz D. Effect of selected mental practice on performance, self–efficacy, and competition confidence of figure skater. Sport Psychol. 1998;12:1-15.
[20]Asady SK, Tasaddoghi Z, Tavakoli, M. Comparing self-esteem and self-concept of athletic and non-athletic students and finding a relationship between these two variables. Ann Appl Sport Sci. 2013;1(1):28-33.
[21]Ghods Mirheydari SA, Takalli H, Abdollahi M, Gharayegh Zandi H, Mashhouri M, Ghods Mirheydari SB. The comparison and relationship between self-esteem and physical fitness in male and female students of Tehran university. Dev Motor Learn. 2010;(5):85-100. [Persian]
[22]Littleton HL, Axsom D, Pury CLS. Development of the body image concern inventory. Behav Res Ther. 2005;43(2):229-41.
[23]Bassak Nejad S, Ghafari M. The relationship between body dysmorphic concern psychological disorders and among university students. J Behav Sci. 2008;1(2):179-87. [Persian]
[24]Rosenberg M, Schooler C, Schoenbach C, Rosenberg F. Global self-esteem and specific self-esteem: Different concept, different outcomes. Am Sociol Rev. 1995;60(1):141-56.
[25]Masoudnia A. The Comparison of coping styles of stress of students with different self-esteem. J Educ Sci Psychol. 2008;15(1):81-98. [Persian]
[26]Yousefi B, Hassani Z, Shokri O. Reliability and factor validity of the 7-item social physique anxiety scale (SPAS-7) among university students in Iran. World J Sport Sci. 2009;2(3):201-4.
[27]Khodabakhshi Koolayee A, Sabzi S, Shahdadi H, Mohamadi F. The Comparison of brain cognition function between active and inactive elderlies male in nursing home (a case-control study in Tehran). Commonity Health. 2017;4(4):302-9. [Persian]
[28]Golmohammadi B, Kashani V, Mokaberian M. Persian psychometric properties of homework self-efficacy scale for everyday elderly activities. J Clin Psychol. 2015;7(2):87-100. [Persian]
[29]Nabatian E, Ghamarani A, Zakerian M, Mahdizadeh I. Relationship between spiritual health with quality of life veterans and disabled Birjand. Iran J War Public Health. 2013;5(2):35-9. [Persian]
[30]Gammage KL, Hall CR, & Ginis KAM. Self-Presentation in Exercise Contexts: Differences between high and low frequency exercisers. J Appl Soc Psychol. 2004;34(8):1638-51.
[31]Babaei Bonab S, Nobaran E, Derakhti R. Study of the relationship between regular physical activity and social anxiety in obese women. Nurs Midwifery Paramed. 2019;4(3):16-24. [Persian]
[32]Jalalvand S, Yousefi B, Farahani A. Study of relationship between physical activity and self-esteem, physical self-esteem and socio-physical anxiety in male and female high school students. Res Sports Life Sci. 2012;2(5):27-37. [Persian]
[33]Hosseini Sarbazai M, Badami R, Taghian F. Effect of strength exercise on physical appearance, eating disorder and sexual function in slender females. Sport Psychol Stud. 2017;6(20):137-48. [Persian]
[34]Huang JS, Norman GJ, Zabinski MF, Calfas K, Patrick K. Body image and self-esteem among adolescents undergoing an intervention targeting dietary and physical activity behaviors. J Adolesc Health. 2007;40(3):245-51.
[35]Tabiee S, Vagharseyyedin SA, Salmani-Mud M, Hosseini M. Relationship of physical self-concept and athletic performance in male medical students in Birjand university of medical sciences. J Birjand Univ Med Sci. 2018;25(1):52-61. [Persian]
[36]Asci FH. The effects of physical fitness training on trait anxiety and physical self-concept of female university students. Psychol Sport Exerc. 2003;4(3):255-64.
[37]Baqaian M, Bahram A, Khalaji H. The effect of gender and level of physical activity on the physical self-concept of middle school students. Educ Innov. 2013;12(47):82-94. [Persian]
[38]Marsh HW. Construct validity of physical self-description questionnaire responses: Relations to external criteria. J Sport Exerc Psychol. 1996;18(2):111-31.