Article Type

Original Research


Najafi   Marzieh (1)
Baseri   Ahmad (2*)

(1) Department of Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
(2*) Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


Address: Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran
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Article History

Received:  October  17, 2019
Accepted:  January 5, 2018
ePublished:  March 20, 2018


Given that the elderly population has been increasing in recent years in Iran, studying their life expectancy and its related factors is necessary.

Regarding scientific literature, Ghanbari et al. reported that mental health in the elderly is more psychosocially supported [16]. Adams et al. also found that social support is negatively correlated with depression symptoms and a positively correlated with life satisfaction [17]. In Sadegh et al. study, there was a direct and significant relationship between perceived social support and life satisfaction. The family was also considered the first and foremost source of support [18].

We aimed to examine the relationship of perceived social support and self-actualization with life expectancy in the elderly of Tehran city.

This research is a descriptive correlational study.

This study was conducted on 200 elderly of Tehran in 2016.

The statistical population of this study was all elderly aged over 60 years in Tehran, whose number according to the census in 2011 was reported 899, 814 people. The available sampling method was done. Using the Cochran formula, the number of sample should be at least 196 at a 95% confidence level and the accuracy of 0.07. Therefore, to obtain the required sample size and considering the 20% of falling in samples, a total of 235 questionnaires were distributed among the subjects. Eventually 200 questionnaires were returned and analyzed.

Maslow’s self-actualization, Miller’s life expectancy, and Norbeck’s perceived social support questionnaires were used for data collection. Hosseini performed Miller’s life expectancy questionnaire developed by Miler & Powers in 1988 on 332 students (male and female), and its reliability was reported 90% using Cronbach's alpha [23]. The validity and reliability of Norbeck's perceived social support questionnaire has been confirmed in the study by Jalilian et al. [24]. The reliability coefficient of Maslow self-actualization questionnaire on students reported 0.92 by Esmaeil Khani using Cronbach's alpha [25]. Finally, it should be noted that the demographic characteristics questionnaire assessed age, gender, and educational level. In order to study the hypotheses of the study and the existence of a significant relationship between variables, Pearson correlation test was used. The regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the variables and the extent of their impact and their prediction. For regression analysis, errors independence test, normalization of errors, multicollinearity between variables and the test for normalization of dependent variables we used and confirmed. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using SPSS 20 software.

In this study, 200 elderly aged 60 years and older participated, of whom 39% (78 subjects) were female and 61% (122 subjects) were male. 86% (172 subjects) had diploma and below, and 2.5% (5 subjects) had associate degree, 8.5% (17 subjects) had bachelor degree and 3% (6 subjects) had Master’s and PhD degree. The results of Pearson's correlation test in Table 1 show that there was a positive and significant relationship between perceived social support and life expectancy, self-actualization and life expectancy, self-actualization and perceived social support (P<0.05).The results of regression analysis in Table 2 show that at least one of the predictor variables that entered the regression model is significant (P<0.05), and after entering perceived social support and self-sustaining into the model, this model explained 72.7% of the variance and adjusted to 72.4%; in other words, about 70% of the life expectancy of the elderly depends on two variables, including self-actualization and perceived social support.The results of the regression coefficients test in Table 3 indicate that all coefficients and intercept are significant (P<0.05) and the assumption of zero for each of the coefficients and also intercept is rejected. Also, the results of standardized coefficients β show that self-actualization and social support components have a direct and significant effect on life expectancy in elderly and the perceived social support variable (β=0.554) is a stronger predictor of self-actualization in life expectancy in the elderly.At first, the results of regression analysis showed that at least one of the predictive variables that entered the regression model was significant (P<0.05). The regression coefficient test in Table 4 indicates that all coefficients and intercept are significant (P<0.05) and the assumption of the alignment of zero for each coefficients and the intercept is rejected. Furthermore, the results of standardized coefficients (β) show that self-actualization and perceived social support have a direct and significant effect on life expectancy in nursing home residents other elderly living in the city. It is also observed that the perceived social support variable (β=582) in nursing home residents and self-actualization variable (β=0.662) in other elderly living in the city had a greater effect on their life expectancy.

The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between perceived social support and life expectancy, which is consistent with the results of Sadegh et al. [18], Kang et al. [19] and Adams et al. [17]. On the other hand, the results of regression analysis indicated that perceived social support of the nursing home residents and the self-actualization in the elderly living in the city had a greater effect on their life expectancy, which is consistent with the results of Ghanbari et al. [16] and Rashedi et al. [17].

In future studies, it is suggested that variables such as income level, education, employment history, marital status, and so on be measured.

The small sample size and using Norbeck questionnaire were the limitations of this study.

Findings of this study suggest that providing suitable grounds for quality improvement and promoting and creating perceived social support and self-actualization in the elderly can enhance their life expectancy.

We are grateful to the sincere cooperation of the authorities of the nursing homes in Tehran and all elderly participated in the research and their respected families.

None declared.

None declared.

This study was supported by the authors.


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