@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2008-2630 Iranian Journal of War & Public Health 2018;10(2):91-97
ISSN: 2008-2630 Iranian Journal of War & Public Health 2018;10(2):91-97
Correlation of Parental Perception and Its Components with Attachment Style and Tendency to Communicate with the Opposite Sex in Veterans’ Daughters
Article Type
Descriptive & Survey StudyAuthors
Bazoolnejad M. (1)Robatmili S. (*)
(*) Psychology Department, Humanities & Social Sciences Facualty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
(1) Psychology Department, Humanities & Social Sciences Facualty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Address: Faculty of Humanities, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahdia Hesarak Blvd, Daneshgah Square, End of Shahid Sattari Highway, Tehran, IranPhone: +98 (21) 44865216
Fax: -
Article History
Received: July 18, 2017Accepted: November 21, 2017
ePublished: April 10, 2018
... [1, 2]. In the pathology of the family, one of the factors causing harm to the family structure is the disability of a family member. Disability can be caused by events such as the war that sometimes affects the active, senior, and caring part of the family, that is, the father, and the children have new problems with the effect of this problem [3].
... [4]. There are many factors that protect the family from mental harm. Among these factors, the attitudes of individuals towards issues, religious beliefs, psychological hardiness, social support, economic well-being and demographic characteristics can be pointed out. Poor relationship of child with parents explain the risky child sexual behavior [5]. One of the effective and predictive factors in establishing friendships of boys and girls before and after marriage is the family [6]. ... [7, 8]. The results of Potard et al. [9] have shown that ambivalent attachment style is more associated with the sexual orientation compared to secure attachment style, and motherly avoidance attachment style is associated with lack of emotional investment in sexual orientation. The avoidant attachment style to the father seems to affect the decision-making process, especially for girls. The findings of Maximo and Carranza research [10] have shown that people who have secure attachment and receive love language are highly flexible. This is while we need the most secure flexibility and attachment from our fathers, and we expect the emphatic words and the physical touch from the mothers. Boys need to have time with their father and get a physical touch from their mothers, and girls enjoy time with their mothers and they have secure attachment with the mother and they receive the emphatic words from their father. ... [11-18]. In Iranian society, many youth relationships with the opposite sex is done secretly due to the religious, legal and customary prohibitions, even if they are aimed at marriage; as a result, the harm caused by the family's ignorance, as well as the psychological damage, resulted from the disconnection of one-way communication or ignorance of the risks of unprotected sexual relationship is spontaneously increasing [19]. ... [20, 21].
The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between perception of parents and its components with attachment style and tendency toward communication with the opposite sex in the veteran`s daughters.
This applied research is descriptive-correlational.
This research was conducted among the veterans' daughters in Tehran in 2017.
By voluntary sampling, 77 veterans` daughters were selected from the list of Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs. For estimating the sample size, the formula for determining the amount of quantitative data and the assumption of two domains was used [22].
Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) [23-25], Adult Attachment Questionnaire (AAQ) [26, 27] and Tendency to Opposite Sex Questionnaire [19, 28] were used as research tools. Data were analyzed by SPSS-23 software, using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normal distribution of data and Pearson correlation test for correlations between variables.
The mean age of subjects was 24.85 ± 4.31 years, and the minimum age was 21 years and the maximum age was 30 years. 43 (55.8%) had bachelor's degree and 34 (44.2%) had master degrees. Parental perception (r = 0.80), components of attempts to attachment (r = 0.87), emotional relationship (r = 0.91) had a positive correlation with tendency to communicate with the opposite sex. The components of indifference (r=-0.90) and encouragement for independence (r = -0.84) had negative correlation with tendency towards the opposite sex. Also, the correlation between attachment style and parental perception (r = -0.85), components of attempts for attachment (r = -0.92), and emotional relation (r = -0.93) was negative, and attachment style had positive correlation with components of indifference (= 0.92) r) and encouraging to independence (r = 0.89). Attachment style and tendency toward opposite sex (r = -0.92) had a negative correlation (p <0.01, Table 1).
The results of this study showed that there is a correlation between the perception of parents and its components with attachment style and tendency to communicate with the opposite sex, which is consistent with the findings of previous research [9-18, 29-32]. To explain the above findings, it can be said that according to Bowlby's theory, man is born with a psycho-biological system called the attachment behavior system. The goal of this system in the child is to achieve a sense of safety and real or perceived protection from close and intimate engagement with attachment images. ... According to the Bowlby`s attachment theory, girls develop their internal functioning models based on their initial experiences with their parents. Girls who experience insensitivity and rejection by their father may develop a picture of relationships that are characterized by insecurity and uncertainty. Attached, unsafe girls are likely to have lack of self-confidence and confidence to others which endanger their relationships with others [34]. ... [35-37].Regarding the correlation between emotional relationship and the desire to communicate with the opposite sex, it should be said that various evidence has shown that the relationships of individuals with parents in childhood predict the quality of their intimate relationships in adulthood [38].
Given the experience of data collection and analysis of results, more reliable data will be obtained if these types of topics are accompanied by complementary techniques, i.e. deep unstructured interviews and behavioral observations. Due to the limited range of factors, it is suggested that in subsequent research, attention be paid to personality factors, family education and demographic factors (socioeconomic status) in order to better assess the factors reducing and increasing the perception of the relationship between the veterans and their children. This issue has not yet been evaluated in Iran (with the exception of several small researches in recent years), and it is necessary to study this field, filling this vacuum and opening up the way for this knowledge to the future. It is suggested that the specialized research resources in Farsi in this field be further developed and provided to the students. Also, the research should be conducted on a wide range of educational levels and age groups, taking into account the gender factor, in order to determine the reliability of the research with more certainty.
Among the limitations of this research, the use of self-report tool can be mentioned, and given that the question of private relationships is often difficult, it is likely that the responses of the participants are not as valid and are accompanied by a bias and do not exactly reflect their true characteristics. The problem of access to the children of veterans and the lack of cooperation of some respondents and relevant organs and centers were another research constraints. The limitation of the statistical society to girls and the lack of examination of boys was another research constraint that make it impossible to generalize the results of the research to the general population. Other constraints were the problem of access to needed resources and the lack of research findings, especially in the group of veterans' children.
Parental perception has a negative correlation with attachment styles and it has positive correlation with the desire to communicate with the opposite sex.
Thanks and gratitude to all the veterans` children and all the people who participated in the research.
All participants were assured about the confidentiality of information.
The financial budget of this research has been provided by the authors.
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[32]Salimi J, Karimi M. Survey the effect of Lazarus's theory’s instruction on the attitude change toward Choice of spouse among female students. Fam Counsel Psychother. 2012;2(1):512-33. [Persian]
[33]Roelofs J, Onckels L, Muris P. Attachment quality and psychopathological symptoms in clinically referred adolescents: The mediating role of early maladaptive schema. J Child Fam Stud. 2013;22(3):377-85.
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[35]Bowlby J. Attachment and loss: Separation: Anxiety and anger. New York: Basic Books; 1973.
[36]Byng-Hall J. Rewriting family scripts: Improvisation and systems change. New York: Guilford Press; 1995.
[37]Rigby K, Slee PT, Martin G. Implications of inadequate parental bonding and peer victimization for adolescent mental health. J Adolesc. 2007;30(5):801-12.
[38]Darling N, Cohan C, Burns A, Thompson L. Within-family conflict behaviors as predictors of conflict in adolescent romantic relations. J Adolesc;2007;31(6):671-90.
[2]Sternberg SJ, Davila J, Finchman F. Adolescent marital expectations and romantic experlences: Association with perception about parental conflict and attachment security. J youth Adolesc. 2006;35(3):333-48.
[3]Khodayari Fard M. Comparison of relationship between religious attitude and paternal relations with social adjustment in veterans and normal children in Tehran. J Psychol. 2004;8(4):372-88. [Persian]
[4]Fakhri Z, Danesh E, Shahidi SH, Saliminia A. Quality of value systems and self-efficacy beliefs in offspring's of veterans and non-veterans fathers. J Appl Psychol. 2013;6(4):25-42. [Persian]
[5]Ramerkha S, Bell ML, Paul C, Dickson N, Moffitti, TE, Caspi A. Childhood behavior problems linked to sexual risk taking in young adulthood: A birth cohort study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2007;46(10):1272-9.
[6]Alexander M, Garda L, Kanade S, Jejeebhoy S, Ganatra B. Correlates of premarital relationships among unmarried youth in Pune district, Maharashta, India. Int Fam Plan Perspect. 2007;33(4):150-9.
[7]Khalej Abadi Farahani F, Mehriar AH. Investigating the role of family in communication with the opposite sex before marriage in female students in Tehran. J Fam Res. 2010;6(4):449-68. [Persian]
[8]Azimi Hashemi M, AzamKari F, Bigonah M, Rezamanesh F. Values, Attitudes and Models of the Youth Actions in Choosing Spouses and Premarital Relations; Case of Study: Students of universities of Khorasan Razavi Province. 2015;8(29):179-212. [Persian]
[9]Potard C, Courtois R, Réveillère Ch, Courtois A. The relationship between parental attachment and sexuality in early adolescence. Int J Adolesc Youth. 2017;22(1):47-56.
[10]Maximo SI, Carranza JS. Parental attachment and love language as determinants of resilience among graduating university students, SAGE Open. 2016;6(1):1-11.
[11]Einav M. Perceptions about parents’ relationship and parenting quality, attachment styles, and young adults’ intimate expectations: A cluster analytic approach. J Psychol. 2014;148(4):413-34.
[12]Millings A, Walsh J, Hepper E, O’Brien M. Good Partner, good Parent responsiveness mediates the link between romantic attachment and parenting style. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 2013;39(2):170-80.
[13]Seiffge-Krenke I, Overbeek G, Vermulst A. Parent-child relationship trajectories during adolescence: Longitudinal associations with romantic outcomes in emerging adulthood. J Adolescence. 2010;33(1):159-71.
[14]Hall SS. Paternal influences on daughters’ heterosexual relationship socialization: Attachment style and disposition toward marriage. Fam Sci Rev. 2009;14(2):1-17.
[15]Kamel Abbasi AR, Tabatabaei SM, Aghamohammadiyan Sharbaf H, Karshki H. Relationship of attachment styles and emotional intelligence with marital satisfaction. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2016;10(3):2-10.
[16]Mahmoodi N, Naziri Gh, Zarenezhad M. Attachment Styles in Sufferers of Gender Identity Disorder in Fars Province in 2014. Jentashapir J Health Res. 2016;7(1):1-7.
[17]Khosravi M. Relationship between parenting styles and attachment styles in high risk behaviors in adolescents [Dissertation]. Tabriz: Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services; 2014. [Persian]
[18]Navabi F. Rooting of prevalence of early relationship between girls and the opposite sex according to the parenting method [Dissertation] Tabriz: Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services; 2011. [Persian]
[19]Pahlavan Zadeh F, Refahi J. The effectiveness of conflict resolution skills in tends to be the opposite sex in single girls. J Educ Couns Psychother. 2016;5(17):47-58. [Persian]
[20]Moradi A, Abedi A, Rabbani R, Gholami Renani F. Meta-analysis results of research on the mental health level of sacrificer and martyr families. J Psychol. 2010;14(1):18-38. [Persian]
[21]Khalaj Abadi Farahani F, Mehryar AM. Studying the role of family in communication with the opposite sex before marriage in female students in Tehran. J Fam Res. 2013;6(24):449-68. [Persian]
[22]Khalatbari J. Statistics and research methodology. Tehran: Pardazesh; 2010. [Persian]
[23]Mirza Nasrollah Shirazi F. Comparison of parenting pattern, tolerance of ambiguity and selective attention in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder with non-affected individuals [Dissertation]. Tehran: Islamic Azad University; 2010. [Persian]
[24]Liss M, Timmel L, Baxley K, Killingsworth P. Sensory processing sensitivity and its relation to parental bonding, anxiety, and depression. J Personal Individ Differ. 2005;39(8):1429-39.
[25]Qanadei F, Abdollahi MH. The relationship between perceptions of parental behavior and early maladaptive schemas. Clin Psychol Stud. 2014;4(16):129-51. [Persian]
[26]Besharat M, Bazazian S. Attachment styles, illness perception and quality of life in patients with type I diabetes. Contemp Psycol. 2010;5(1):3-11. [Persian]
[27]Rezapour Mirsaleh Y. The relationship between attachment styles and father-child conflict in warfare victims’ children: Investigate the role of secondary trauma as a mediator. J Counsel Res. 2016;15(57):81-100. [Persian]
[28]Zareshahabadi A, solimani Z. Factors related to student's tendency towards premarital relations in Yazd University. Soc Welf. 2012;12(45):391-421. [Persian]
[29]Rafi Pour F. Change of values in cinema and newspapers. Cult Res Lett. 1999;14 & 15:5-30. [Persian]
[30]Zokaei MS. Wanting for others and sociology: Reviewing theories. Culture. 1997;22 & 23: 275-96. [Persian]
[31]Zahiri H. The attitudes children of sacrificer and martyr to the culture of martyrdom. Soc Sci Bull. 2008;2(1):154-77. [Persian]
[32]Salimi J, Karimi M. Survey the effect of Lazarus's theory’s instruction on the attitude change toward Choice of spouse among female students. Fam Counsel Psychother. 2012;2(1):512-33. [Persian]
[33]Roelofs J, Onckels L, Muris P. Attachment quality and psychopathological symptoms in clinically referred adolescents: The mediating role of early maladaptive schema. J Child Fam Stud. 2013;22(3):377-85.
[34]Kawabata Y, Alink LRA, Tseng WL, van IJzendoorn MH, Crick NR. Maternal and paternal parenting styles associated with relational aggression in children and adolescents: A conceptual analysis and meta-analytic review. Dev Rev. 2011;31(4):240-78.
[35]Bowlby J. Attachment and loss: Separation: Anxiety and anger. New York: Basic Books; 1973.
[36]Byng-Hall J. Rewriting family scripts: Improvisation and systems change. New York: Guilford Press; 1995.
[37]Rigby K, Slee PT, Martin G. Implications of inadequate parental bonding and peer victimization for adolescent mental health. J Adolesc. 2007;30(5):801-12.
[38]Darling N, Cohan C, Burns A, Thompson L. Within-family conflict behaviors as predictors of conflict in adolescent romantic relations. J Adolesc;2007;31(6):671-90.