@2024 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2538-4384 Geographical Researches 2020;35(4):307-316
ISSN: 2538-4384 Geographical Researches 2020;35(4):307-316
Application of Dynamic Locating in long-term Urban Management Planning; the Case Study of Counters Offices of Civil Registration Organization
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Fazel Torshizi D. (1)Naji-Azimi Z. (*1)
Kazemi M. (1)
(1) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Address: Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Azadi Square, Mashhad, Iran. Postal Code: 9177948951.Phone: +98 (51) 38805352
Fax: +98 (51) 38811243
Article History
Received: June 27, 2020Accepted: September 2, 2020
ePublished: December 12, 2020
The improvement of the spatial access to the public services, can increase the economic and social efficacy in various fields.
Revelle & Swain (1970) were the first who evaluated the importance of the public facilities location. The purpose in private sector is to achieve the maximum profit and the minimum cost, while the purpose in public sector is to maximize the service provision and show a better picture of the organization provides the service. Public sector tends to decrease the clients' dissatisfaction by decreasing the commuting costs and waiting time [Marianov & Serra, 2011]. Antunes & Peeters (2011) worked on the dynamic locating of the facilities for planning the schools network. Considering the abundance and the location of the bicycle stands and the bicycle lanes, Lin et al. (2013) evaluated the available facilities to share the bicycles. Taghipourian et al. (2013) proposed a fuzzy planning approach about the dynamic locating in public transport so as to reduce the transport costs. Djeni'c et al. (2017) evaluated the feasibility of locating the health centers to minimize the number of the patients in each center.
This study aimed to use the dynamic locating of the public service centers in urban management long-term planning.
This is an empirical study in terms of the purpose and descriptive-quantitative in terms of the methodology.
The current research is carried out for planning for a period of 20 years including four periods of five years in12 districts of Mashhad
The research is done in all 12 districts of Mashhad.
Used devices and material are not reported.
The planning period in this research is 20 years including four periods, with 160 candidate areas and 33 areas with equal number of clients.According to the elites' opinion, other parameters such as the coverage radius (Ɛ) 2500m, the coefficient of determining the maximum facility (λ) 0.00001 of the population, and the allowed percentage to increase each facility's capacity (α) 0.1 were included considering the supportive situation of the organizations. The results of the population estimation in Mashhad using the census of 2016 (Table 3). Model's parameters are extracted using the available databases in relevant organizations and the elites' opinion in registry office, Mashhad union bus company, and Mashhad municipality (Table 4). The information about 160 areas with active counter offices of civil registration organization in Mashhad were extracted using GIS maps. Some other potential areas for establishing new offices were detected using the elites' opinions and geographical information layers. Geographical coordinates of the clients' center and location of the offices were determined using GIS maps (Table 5). According to the results of the model in four periods, the optimum number of the centers was such that the maximum coverage was provide in terms of the population and urban areas. Changes in the components of the objective function shows the improvement of the desirability from stakeholders' perspective [Table 6]. Locating selected places for the offices at the end of the planning period was done, as well. The best places were selected from the candidate places according to their better coverage and geographical distribution, leading to the optimum amount of the objective function and their maximum desirability (Figure 1).
Various methods for locating different places to provide service have been used during the recent years for example locating the health centers [Djeni'c et al., 2017; Basu et al., 2018, and Ljubi'c & Moreno, 2018], public transport stations [Sterle et al., 2016; Klier & Haase, 2015], and emergency management agencies [Jena et al., 2017]. However, there have not been any research working on the counter office of civil organizations as one of the most important centers with lots of clients. In developing the objective function, the current research is consistent with Lin & Yang (2011). Both studies considered all stakeholder's perspectives to achieve more accurate results.
There is no suggestions reported.
There is no limitations reported.
Using the dynamic locating model, the proper time to establish the offices and their optimum distribution were determined according to the coverage area, maximum population coverage, the ability to respond current and future demands, possibility to reopen the office in times of the demand increase, and considering the clients needs.
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[2]Arabani AB, Farahani RZ (2012). Facility location dynamics: An overview of classifications and applications. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 62(1):408-420.
[3]Başar A, Çatay B, Ünlüyurt T (2011). A multi-period double coverage approach for locating the emergency medical service stations in Istanbul. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 62(4):627-637.
[4]Basu R, Jana A, Bardhan R (2018). A health care facility allocation model for expanding cities in developing nations: strategizing urban health policy implementation. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 11(1):21-36.
[5]Boran F (2011). An integrated intuitionistic fuzzy multi criteria decision making method for facility location selection. Mathematical and Computational Applications. 16(2):487-496.
[6]Castillo-López I, López-Ospina HA (2015). School location and capacity modification considering the existence of externalities in students school choice. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 80:284-294.
[7]Djenić A, Marić M, Stanimirović Z, Stanojević P (2017). A variable neighbourhood search method for solving the long-term care facility location problem. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 28(2):321-338.
[8]Fredriksson A (2017). Location-allocation of public services–Citizen access, transparency and measurement. A method and evidence from Brazil and Sweden. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 59:1-12.
[9]Giménez-Gaydou DA, Ribeiro AS, Gutiérrez J, Antunes AP (2016). Optimal location of battery electric vehicle charging stations in urban areas: A new approach. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 10(5):393-405.
[10]Haase K, Knörr L, Krohn R, Müller S, Wagner M (2019). Facility Location in the Public Sector. In: Location Science. Laporte G, Nickel S, Saldanha da Gama F, editors. New York: Springer; pp.745-764.
[11]Hale TS, Moberg CR (2003). Location science research: A review. Annals of Operations Research. 123:21-35.
[12]Jena SD, Cordeau JF, Gendron B (2017). Lagrangian heuristics for large-scale dynamic facility location with generalized modular capacities. INFORMS Journal on Computing. 29(2):388-404.
[13]Klier MJ, Haase K (2015). Urban public transit network optimization with flexible demand. OR Spectrum. 37(1):195-215.
[14]Leonardi G (1981). A unifying framework for public facility location problems-part 1: A critical overview and some unsolved problems. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 13(8):1001-1028.
[15]Lin JR, Yang TH (2011). Strategic design of public bicycle sharing systems with service level constraints. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 47(2):284-294.
[16]Lin JR, Yang TH, Chang YC (2013). A hub location inventory model for bicycle sharing system design: Formulation and solution. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 65(1):77-86.
[17]Ljubić I, Moreno E (2018). Outer approximation and submodular cuts for maximum capture facility location problems with random utilities. European Journal of Operational Research. 266(1):46-56.
[18]Lotfi H, Adalatkhah F, Mirzaei M, Vazirpour S (2009). Urban management and its place in Promoting Citizens' Rights. Journal of Human Geography. 2(1):101-110. [Persian]
[19]Marianov V, Serra D (2011). Location of multiple-server common service centers or facilities, for minimizing general congestion and travel cost functions. International Regional Science Review. 34(3):323-338.
[20]Moghimi M, Taghizadeh Yazdi M (2017). Applying multi-Criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods for economic ranking of Tehran-22 districts to establish financial and commercial centers (Case: City of Tehran). Journal of Urban Economics and Management. 5(20):39-51. [Persian]
[21]Rajagopalan HK, Saydam C, Xiao J (2008). A multiperiod set covering location model for dynamic redeployment of ambulances. Computers & Operations Research. 35(3):814-826.
[22]ReVelle CS, Swain RW (1970). Central facilities location. Geographical Analysis. 2(1):30–42.
[23]Sadeghi SM, Shahbazi GM, Bigdeli V (2012). Prioritizing the barriers of public-Private partnerships development in transportation sector of Iran using MCDM Models. Journal of Economic Modeling Research. 2(6):107-130. [Persian]
[24]Sterle C, Sforza A, Amideo, AE (2016). Multi-period location of flow intercepting portable facilities of an intelligent transportation system. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 53:4-13.
[25]Taghipourian F, Mahdavi I, Mahdavi-Amiri N, Makui A (2012). A fuzzy programming approach for dynamic virtual hub location problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 36(7):3257-3270.
[26]Zheng H, He X, Li Y, Peeta S (2017). Traffic equilibrium and charging facility locations for electric vehicles. Networks and Spatial Economics. 17(2):435-457.