Article Type

Descriptive & Survey Study


Khajavi   D. (*)
MirAli   H. (1)

(*) Motor Behavior & Sport Psychology Department, Sport Sciences Faculty, Arak University, Arak, Iran
(1) Motor Behavior & Sport Psychology Department, Sport Sciences Faculty, Arak University, Arak, Iran


Address: Motor Behavior & Sport Psychology Department, Sport Sciences Faculty, Arak University, Beheshty Street, Arak, Iran
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Article History

Received:  May  29, 2016
Accepted:  November 7, 2016
ePublished:  July 27, 2017


Mental health has become especially important as a fundamental human dimension in assuring personal and social life and has been considered by health professionals in recent years [1].

… [2-7]. Although research findings in the domain of veterans, also, has confirmed the inverse relationship between spirituality and anxiety in various statistical societies [8, 24-26], a study that examined the relationship between these variables in sports competitions has not been found [9-23].

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spiritual intelligence, competitive anxiety, anger, and aggression, as well as the prediction of trait competitive anxiety, competitive aggression, and competitive anger based on spiritual intelligence in veterans` and disabled athletes in Arak.

This descriptive study is of correlational type.

This study was conducted in 2016 among veterans and disabled athletes in Arak.

The sample size was estimated 80 using Cochran's formula.

The research tools were: 1-Demographic Characteristics Questionnaire: Demographic characteristics questionnaire includes 4 open-answer questions (age, exercise history, educational level and specific disease history) and 8 closed-answer questions (gender, type of individual or collective exercise, marital status, history of smoking, better hand or leg, number of weekly training sessions, mean daily work hours and highest championship title). 2- Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire: Spiritual intelligence was measured with Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire of Abdollahzadeh et al. The questionnaire contains 29 questions from the “completely disagree” (with score of one) to “completely agree” (with score of five) and the range of scores is between 29 and 145. The face and content validity of this tool has been confirmed by experts and its construct validity has been confirmed by factor analysis. The internal consistency has been reported 0.87 and 0.89 using Cronbach's alpha and test-retest method respectively [27]. 3-Competitive aggression and competitive anger: to measure competitive aggression and anger, the Questionnaire of competitive aggression and competitive anger was used by Maxwell and Morse [28]. The internal consistency of this tool is 0.87 and test reliability is 0.88. Persian version was verified by Fathi Rezaei et al. and its reliability and validity were reported acceptable. This scale has 12 five-option items that is scored with a five-point Likert scale from “never” (with score one) to “always” (with score 5) and include two subscales of anger (from question one to six) and aggression (questions 7 to 12). This questionnaire has no reverse score and the total score is 12 to 60 [29]. 4. Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT): This questionnaire was used to measure the state competitive anxiety in athletes. This scale has been provided and validated by Martinez which consists of 15 questions and answers are in three-degree scale (rarely, sometimes, and often). The total score of this questionnaire is obtained from the total score of the questions listed above, and the scores range from 10 to 30 [30]. Statistical analysis: In order to analyze the collected data, descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, table drawing, percentage calculation, and also statistical tests such as Pearson correlation coefficient and regression were used.

Of the participants in the study, 13.8% and 86.2% were veterans and disabled respectively among which 68.8% and 31.2% were male and female respectively. The mean age of these participants was 35.16±9.26 years and the mean year of their sport experience was 19.39±6.16 years. In terms of marital status, 55.0% and 45.0% were single and married respectively, and in term of education, 71.3%, 22.5%, and 6.2% had the education level of diploma and less, associate and bachelor, and master respectively. Mean score of spiritual intelligence (total score) and subscale of spiritual life had significant negative relation with competitive anxiety. There was a meaningful negative relation between spiritual intelligence (total score) and its subscales of understanding and communicating with the source of existence and spiritual life with competitive aggression and anger (total score) and the subscale of competitive aggression. However, there was no significant relationship between the subscale of spiritual intelligence (total score) and its subscales with the score of the subscale of competitive anger. Also, there was a significant and positive relationship between the competitive anxiety score and competitive anger (total score) and subscale score of competitive anger (Table 1). Spiritual intelligence could predict 4.9% of competitive anxiety variance (p=0.048) and 7.0% of competitive aggression and anger variance (p=0.017). The results of this research is in line with the studies that have confirmed the inverse relationship between spirituality and different types of anxieties in various societies, including the disabled and veterans. The role of spirituality in various aspects of the life of veterans and their families, including consistency of veterans 'lives, increasing the quality of life of veterans' spouses and marital commitment of veterans has already been confirmed [31-35]. …[36].

Designing program based on spiritual intelligence and spirituality and applying it in competitive sport conditions can be a suitable way to reduce the anxiety, violence and aggression in veterans and disabled athletes by teaching the adaptive use of spiritual information to solve logical issues.

Limitation of subjects to urban area and the selection of participants from the veterans and handicapped from Arak city, the lack of analysis of the findings for veterans and handicapped separately, and lack of the control of some effective variables on anxiety, aggression and anger such as the socio-economic status of subjects were the limitations of this study.

Spiritual intelligence can reduce competitive state anxiety, anger and aggression in veterans and disabled athletes with its effects on the cognitive processes.

We thank and appreciate all the veterans and disabled athletes who helped us patiently in this study.


All subjects participated in this study with oral consent.

This research has been conducted without funding from any specific institution.


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