@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-3483 Journal of Police Medicine 2018;7(3):117-121
ISSN: 2383-3483 Journal of Police Medicine 2018;7(3):117-121
Relationship between Aggression and Birth Order in Police Forces
Article Type
Descriptive & Survey StudyAuthors
Naeim M. (1)Rezaei Sharif A. (2)
Moghadam S.A. (*)
(*) Department of Psychology, Humanities Faculty, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
(1) Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Research Center, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran
(2) Department of Educational Sciences, Psychology & Educational Sciences Faculty, Mohaghegh Ardebili University, Ardabil, Iran
Address: Humanities Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Basij Square, Ardabil, Iran. Postal code: 5615731567Phone: -
Fax: -
Article History
Received: February 25, 2018Accepted: June 2, 2018
ePublished: June 29, 2018
Police forces are among the staffs exposed to multiple stressor factors [1]. One of the most popular antisocial behaviors throughout the world is violence and aggression among 15 to 44 years old individuals [2]. … [3-7]. Uncontrolled aggressive behavior may create interpersonal problems, crime and violating others’ rights, can be suppressed and lead into physical and mental problems [8]. … [9-13]. Some theorists believe that a child place in the family has much impact of his/her personality characteristics that influences directly on their behavior [14].
Scholars consider a warm and intimate environment in the family and kindly relationship between parents and children as factor to reduce children’s aggression [10]. In 1874 Galtton suggested that prominent scientists mostly are the first child of their family [11]. Adler argues that first child losses his/her desirable status when the next child is born; so he/she is forced to fight for his/her right and develop a conservative and opposing to changes in the adulthood and always imagines others will rise up against him/her [13]. To study the correlation between birth order and children’s tendency to express aggression it is assumed that second child (middle) exhibit the more aggressive tendencies than first, last and single child [14]. First children in the family have the sense of presidency and administrator morale and are conscientious, responsible, purposeful and supportive of norms [15]. Middle children are more follower and calm and exhibit a good resistance against problems and last children have more tendencies to sympathy, are more desirable and resilient toward elder siblings and seek to solve problems [16]. … [17-24]. In Britain the relation between birth order and the number of crimes or sexual condemnations and aggressive behavior has been investigated in a sample of 113 people. In this research, no relation has been found between birth order (sister or brother) and aggressive crimes whether in rape or in the aggressive group violations [25]. Mohamadi et al. in a study titled the role of birth order in the aggression level of athlete students in team and individual fields concluded that in the verbal aggression rate there is a significant difference between different birth orders in the individual fields athletes but for the team fields athletes, this difference isn’t significant [26]. In a study title birth order as a risk factor for behavioral problems, it has been found that the relation between children’s problematic behavior and birth order is seen more in the first child than second and so on [27]. Despite of a lot of studies regarding examination of birth order with other variables and proving their impact on the many of variables, there studies that don’t consider birth order as influential in the personality features of individuals [28].
The results of this study can be used to advance objectives of Police forces and creating mental health and reducing the most tension in different sections. This research was conducted by the aim of examining effect of birth order on the aggression level of police forces.
This study is descriptive-correlation.
This study was performed on all police staff of Ardebil, Iran, in 2016-17.
Using random cluster sampling method and based on Cochran formula, 120 employees were selected as sample.
To gather data the Aggression Questionnaire was used. Higher score from this questionnaire indicates more aggression [29-30]. Cronbach alpha coefficient was obtained for total aggression 0.84, physical aggression 0.78, verbal aggression 0.73, anger 0.82 and hostility 0.79. After choosing sample population the questionnaire was distributed. From all participants the conscious written consent to participate in the research was taken and they were ensured from the secrecy of their information and how results of the study will be published without mentioning their names. In order to examine the relation between birth order and aggression rate of police employees the one-way variance analysis test (ANOVA) was used by SPSS 20 software.
The obtained demographic data indicated that 38 of the statistical samples constituted first children of family (31.66%), 35 were second child (29.16%) and 47 were third child and so on (39.16%). The results of the one-way variance analysis showed that there wasn’t significant in the total aggression level, physical, verbal aggression and sub-scales of anger and hostility in the different birth orders (p>0.05, table 1).
Results showed that there wasn’t a significant difference between birth order and aggression level. These findings are aligned with research [31] and inconsistent with research [32]. In a study on the study gender relation and birth order with adolescents’ aggressive behavior it has been found that men have more aggression than women and last children of every family are more aggressive than first child [32]. This study also is consistent with research [33]. Birth order itself plays a certain role in the increase or reduction of behavioral problems and also some other factors such as family size, age, child’s physical health etc. may be related to birth and is influential in determining behavioral problems of children [34].
It is suggested that a similar studies is conducted in the cities and different statistical population until the obtained results is compared with the result of this study and increase the results generalizability. Also longitudinal studies is performed in this regard until we be able to argue more clear concerning the relation between birth order and many variables including aggression. It is better in the future studies the police staff is compared with other organs employees in terms of birth order and aggression.
Among the limitations of the study can refer to little cooperation of some staff and their exiting from the random sample, lack of generalizability to other communities, not allocating needed time to complete questionnaires due to job involvement of employees and also answering to a little number of questions in some questionnaires and consequently exiting from the random samples.
There is no relation between birth order of police staff with their aggression and features like anger and hostility.
Hereby we thank from all employees of police and police offices of Ardebil province because of their valuable cooperation to perform this investigation.
Hereby, the author makes clear that there is no interest conflict in the present research.
From all participants a conscious written consent to participate in this research was taken.
There wasn’t an external financial resource.
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[24]Healey MD, Ellis BJ. Birth order, conscientiousness, and openness to experience: Tests of the family-niche model of personality using a within-family methodology. Evol Hum Behav. 2007;28(1):55-9.
[25]MacCulloch SI, Gray NS, Phillips HK, Taylor J, MacCulloch MJ. Birth order in sex-offending and aggressive-offending men. Arch Sex Behav. 2004;33(5):467-74.
[26]Mohammadi S, Visi M, Rostami K. The role of birth order on the degree of aggression of athlete students in team and individual disciplines. Appl Res Sport Manag. 2015;4(12):85-93. [Persian]
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[31]Sultana S, Latif L. Adolescence aggression as related to gender and birth order. Rajshahi Univ J Sci. 2013;38:97-107.
[32]Archer J, Pearson NA, Westeman KE. Aggressive behavior of children aged 6–11: Gender differences and their magnitude. Br J Soc Psycho. 1988;27(4):84-371.
[33]Endendijk JJ, Groeneveld MG, van der Pol LD, van Berkel SR, Hallers‐Haalboom ET, Bakermans‐Kranenburg MJ, et al. Gender differences in child aggression: Relations with gender‐differentiated parenting and parents’ gender‐role stereotypes. Child Dev. 2017;88(1):299-316.
[34] Hurlock EB. Child Development. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1968.
[2]Miles SR, Tharp AT, Stanford M, Sharp C, Menefee D, Kent TA. Emotion dysregulation mediates the relationship between traumatic exposure and aggression in healthy young women. Pers Individ Differ. 2015;76:222-7.
[3]Naeim M, Sharif AR. The efficacy of life skills training on marital adjustment of women for the prevention of domestic violence. Shenakht J Psychol Psychiatry. 2016;3(2):21-32. [Persian]
[4]Suter M, Pihet S, de Ridder J, Zimmermann G, Stephan P. Implicit attitudes and self-concepts towards transgression and aggression: Differences between male community and offender adolescents, and associations with psychopathic traits. J adolesc. 2014;37(5):669-80.
[5]Sadock BJ, Sadock VA, Ruiz P. Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry. Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins; 2000.
[6]García-Sancho E, Salguero JM, Fernández-Berrocal P. Angry rumination as a mediator of the relationship between ability emotional intelligence and various types of aggression. Pers Individ Differ. 2016;89:143-7.
[7]Habibipour M, Habibipour H, Habibipour M, Rajai A. The effect of non-verbal soft music on the reduction of aggression among middle school students. Q J Educ Psychol. 2007;3(10):45-55. [Persian]
[8]Ellis A. Anger: how to live with and without it. NewYork: JAICO Publishing Co; 1998.
[9]Phase L, Askari A. The ability to predict perceived parenting styles and demographic variables on loneliness of female students. Princ Ment Health. 2009;10(37):8-71.
[10]Nejati A, Mousavi R, Roshan Chelse R, Mahmoudi Qaraeei j. Effectiveness of parent-child-based group interventions (CPRT) on improving the parenting of mothers of children aged 8-11 years with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). J Clin Psychol. 2016;1(29):37-49. [Persian]
[11]Mohammadzadeh A. Comparison of perfectionism and related disorders in the first, middle and last children: rejection of the Salvi hypothesis. J Behav Sci Res. 2013:(6):578-89. [Persian]
[12]Zandi N. The role of predictor of birth order and personality traits on marital satisfaction of -married women in Boroujerd [Dissertation]. Boroujerd: Hormozgan University; 1393. [Persian]
[13]Rubin RM, Hubbard JA. Children's verbalizations and cheating behavior during game playing: The role of sociometric status, aggression, and gender. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2003;31(1):65-78.
[14]Kiedash CS. The effect of psychological birth order on Goldberg’s “big 5” personality traits [Dissertation]. Jersey: Rowan University; 2006.
[15]Schiller S. The affect of birth order on intelligence and personality [Dissertation]. San Francisco: San Francisco State University: 2006.
[16]Murphy LJ. The impact of birth order on romantic relationship [Dissertation]. Minneapolis; Adler Graduate Schoole; 2012.
[17]Forer, L. K.The birth order factor: How your personality is influenced bu your place in the family. New York: David McKay Co; 1976.
[18]Gfroerer KP, Gfroerer CA, Curlette WL, White J, Kern RM. Psychological birth order and the basis-a inventory. J Indiv Psychol. 2003;59(1).30-41.
[19]Boomsma DI, Van Beijsterveld TC, Beem AL, Hoekstra RA, Polderman TJ, Bartels M. Intelligence and birth order in boys and girls. Intelligence. 2008;36(6):630-4.
[20]Curtis JM, Cowell DR. Relation of birth order and scores on measures of pathological narcissism. Psychol Rep. 1993;72(1):311-5.
[21]Eckstein D. Leadership, popularity, and birth order in women. J Indiv Psychol. 1978;34(1):63.
[22]Salmon C. Birth order and relationships. Hum Nat. 2003;14(1):73-88.
[23]Herrera NC, Zajonc RB, Wieczorkowska G, Cichomski B. Beliefs about birth rank and their reflection in reality. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2003;85(1):142-50.
[24]Healey MD, Ellis BJ. Birth order, conscientiousness, and openness to experience: Tests of the family-niche model of personality using a within-family methodology. Evol Hum Behav. 2007;28(1):55-9.
[25]MacCulloch SI, Gray NS, Phillips HK, Taylor J, MacCulloch MJ. Birth order in sex-offending and aggressive-offending men. Arch Sex Behav. 2004;33(5):467-74.
[26]Mohammadi S, Visi M, Rostami K. The role of birth order on the degree of aggression of athlete students in team and individual disciplines. Appl Res Sport Manag. 2015;4(12):85-93. [Persian]
[27]Tatsuta N, Nakai K, Murata K, Suzuki K, Iwai-Shimada M, Yaginuma-Sakurai K, et al. Prenatal exposures to environmental chemicals and birth order as risk factors for child behavior problems. Environ Res. 2012;114:47-52.
[28]Pour Rezaian H, Pour Rezaian M. Impact of birth rank on student personality characteristics using Neo's personality trait. Q Clin Psychol. 2013;3(11):1-27. [Persian]
[29]Buss AH, Perry M. The aggression questionnaire. J Person Soc Psychol. 1992;63(3):452-9.
[30]Samani S. Reliability and validity of Buss and Perry questionnaire. J Psychiatry Clin Psychol Iran. 2005;4(13):359-65. [Persian]
[31]Sultana S, Latif L. Adolescence aggression as related to gender and birth order. Rajshahi Univ J Sci. 2013;38:97-107.
[32]Archer J, Pearson NA, Westeman KE. Aggressive behavior of children aged 6–11: Gender differences and their magnitude. Br J Soc Psycho. 1988;27(4):84-371.
[33]Endendijk JJ, Groeneveld MG, van der Pol LD, van Berkel SR, Hallers‐Haalboom ET, Bakermans‐Kranenburg MJ, et al. Gender differences in child aggression: Relations with gender‐differentiated parenting and parents’ gender‐role stereotypes. Child Dev. 2017;88(1):299-316.
[34] Hurlock EB. Child Development. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1968.