@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2252-0805 The Horizon of Medical Sciences 2015;21(1):21-29
ISSN: 2252-0805 The Horizon of Medical Sciences 2015;21(1):21-29
Effect of Aqueous Extract of Launaea acanthodes on Testicular Tissue and Sperm Parameters in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Rahbarian R. (1 )Sepehri Moghadam H. (2 )
Sadoughi S.D. (* )
(* ) Young Researchers and Elite Club, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
(1 ) Biology Department, Sciences Faculty, Payam-e-Noor University, Tehran, Iran
(2 ) Agriculture Department, Sciences Faculty, Payam-e-Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Address: Biology Department, Sciences Faculty, Payam-e-Noor University, Mo’allem Boulevard, Mashhad, Iran. Post Box: 91735-433Phone: +985135013950
Fax: +985135013950
Article History
Received: November 22, 2014Accepted: February 28, 2015
ePublished: April 16, 2015
… [1-11] Medicinal plants having antioxidant compounds can improve the sperm and testicular tissue by reducing free radical damage caused by diabetes [12]. Some compounds have been identified in the extract of Launaea acanthodes (Boiss) O. Kuntze from the Asteraceae family, such as flavonoids, terpenoides, saponins, alkaloids, tannins, polysaccharides and monosaccharides such as arabinose, mannose and derivatives of acid glucuronic [13, 14]. Since flavonoids as antioxidant are able to reduce the level of free radical cells, they can be used to reduce the devastating effects of diabetes [15].
So far, no study has been conducted with respect to the effect of intra-peritoneal injection of aqueous extract of Launaea acenthodes on improving sperm damage caused by diabetes.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the aqueous extract of Launaea acenthodes on sperm parameters and textual changes of testis in diabetic Wister rats.
This is an experimental study.
Male Wistar rats aged 20 weeks and weighing approximately 148 ± 16 g in animal research laboratory, Department of Biology, University of Payam E Noor, Iran were studied in 2014.
27 rats were studied.
Animals were kept at approximately 23-25° C, 30-35%of relative humidity and 12-hour light/darkness cycle. Rats were randomly divided into 3 groups of 9 rats in healthy control group, 9 in the control group of diabetic rats and 9 in the treated group with the extract of Launaea acenthodes. Air organ of the Launaea acenthodes plant from 35 to 36 north degrees longitude and 58 to 59 north degree latitude were collected over an area of about 7 hectares. Minimum and maximum altitudes are 1258 and 1482 meters from the sea level, respectively. Soxhlet extraction was carried out. Pure extract, after the removing the solvent and drying, was injected with 300 mg/kg concentration. Experimental model of diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes) was done in rats with a single intra-peritoneal injection of Alloxan monohydrate (Sigma-Aldrich; Germany) with the amount of 360 mg/kg. Water was used as a solvent of alloxan. Alloxan injection to diabetic control group and treated diabetic group was done with the extract. Blood glucose was measured by glucometer (EasyGluco; Korea) and blood glucose above 300 mg/dl was considered as an indicator of being diabetic. Blood glucose levels over 300 mg/ dl was considered as the indication of diabetes in rats on the first day of the experiment and then all injections was conducted for a month, every other day [16]. … [17] In all groups on day 30 of the experiment, the rats were killed by inhalation of diethyl ether (Merck; Germany) in a closed environment and their testis were extracted for investigating sperm parameters. The progressive movements of the sperms were evaluated as rapid progressive movement, slow progressive movement, and lack of mobility. Hemocytometer Neubauer slide was used to study sperms. Sperm morphology was classified as follows: 1) Normal: sperms which did not have any appearance problems in the head, neck and tail; 2) Abnormal head shapes: sperms which had smaller or bigger head size comparing with normal head size or had heads which were separated from the other parts; 3) Abnormal forms of the neck: sperms which had angle between head and neck or the sperms which had swelling in their neck; 4) Tail abnormal forms: sperms having shorter tail comparing to the normal tail or which had abnormal tails. Measurement of the average of the seminiferous diameter and the average thickness of the epithelium were investigated in the images provided by the software Image J 2 [18]. Statistical analysis of obtained data was analyzed by SPSS 20 software and the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric analysis of variance. To compare the two groups, Dunn's post hoc test was used.
The mean percentage of sperm with fast and slow movements in the diabetic control group was significantly decreased compared with the healthy control group. The mean percentage of sperm with no mobility in this group significantly increased compared with the healthy control group. The mean percentage of sperm with fast and slow movements in the experimental group treated with the extract at a concentration of 300 mg of aqueous plant of Launaea acenthodes decreased as compared to control group. This reduction was significant in fast motion, but not in slow motion. The mean percentage of sperm with fast and slow movements in the experimental group treated with the extract was significantly increased compared to the diabetic control group. Also, the mean percentage of sperms with no mobility in the experimental group treated with extract of Launaea acenthodes significantly increased compared with the healthy control group, but significantly decreased compared to the diabetic control group. The percentage of normal sperms in the diabetic control group was significantly decreased compared to the healthy control group. Also, the mean percentage of normal sperms in the experimental group treated with aqueous extract showed significant decrease compared with the healthy control group, but it was increased significantly compared to the diabetic control group. The percentage of abnormal forms of head, neck and tail of the sperm in the diabetic control group significantly increased compared with the healthy control group. The percentage of abnormal forms of head, neck and tail of the sperm in the experimental group treated with the extract, also, increased compared with the healthy control group. This increase was significant for abnormal forms of head and tail, but it was not significant for the abnormal forms of neck. The percentage of abnormal forms of head, neck and tail of the sperms in the experimental group treated with the extract showed significant decrease compared to the diabetic control group (Table 1; Fig. 1). The sperm count (x106) in the diabetic control group was significantly decreased compared with the healthy control group. Also, the sperm count in the experimental group treated with the extract, decreased significantly compared to the healthy control group, but it was significantly increased compared to the diabetic control group (table 1). The weight of testis, testis length, testis width, seminiferous tubules diameter and thickness of the epithelium of seminiferous tubules in the control group significantly decreased compared with the healthy control group. The testis weight, testis length, testis width, seminiferous tubules diameter and thickness of the epithelium of seminiferous tubules in the experimental group treated with the extract significantly decreased compared with the control group, but in comparison to the diabetic control group, the mean of testis weight, testis length, seminiferous tubules diameter and thickness of the epithelium of seminiferous tubules increased significantly (Table 1; Fig. 2).
300 mg/kg extract of Launaea acenthodes could increase the percentage of sperm progressive motility (slow, fast and without mobility) as compared to diabetic control group. In addition, the mean number and percentage of normal sperm forms in the experimental group increased significantly compared to the experimental group treated with the extract of Launaea acenthods. Aqueous alcoholic extract of the Aunaea acenthodes has powerful hypoglycemic effects and effective compounds in extracts probably increase levels of blood insulin and reduce diabetic blood sugar by stimulating or increasing hyperplasia or hypertrophy in remained B-cells [19]. … [20] Antioxidants protect the sperm cells from damage by free radicals and improve semen parameters [21]. Mean number and percentage of normal forms of head, neck and tail of the sperm in the diabetic samples treated with the extract of Launaea acenthodes significantly increased compared to diabetic control group. Natural antioxidants found in plants lead to spermatogenesis increase and finally increase in the number of sperms by reducing free radicals and reducing oxidative stress in the diabetic rats [22]. Extract of Launaea acenthodes could improve the testis tissue through reducing the number of abnormal sperm, increasing the number of sperms and increasing the thickness of epithelium seminiferous tubules. Diabetes can change the tissue of testis by inducing apoptosis, atrophy of seminiferous tubules, reducing the diameter of the seminiferous tubules and reducing the spermatogenesis cells [11].
More cytological investigations should be done with respect to the mechanism of compounds in the extract of Launaea centhodes in improving sperms parameters and testicular tissues in diabetic samples. Extract of Launaea compounds can be separated and by re-conducting the stages of testing, compounds that have positive effects on reducing diabetes complications in sperms and testicular sperm can be obtained.
The effect of different physiological and environmental factors that govern living systems and lack of access to required facilities to determine the exact chemical composition of the extract of Launaea acenthodes were the limitations of this study.
300 mg/kg extract of Launaea acenthodes can reduce the atrophy in seminiferous tubules in diabetic rats and through improving semen parameters and increasing the sperm count reduces the sperm and testicular tissue complications caused by diabetes.
The cooperation of Payam Noor University Department of Biology and Agriculture is appreciated.
All the processes were conducted based on international guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.
Payam Noor University funded the study.
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[19]Behnam-Rassouli M, Ghayour N, Ghayour MM, Ejtehadi MM. Investigating the effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of Launaea acanthodes on the serum levels of glucose, insulin, lipids and lipoproteins in stereptozotocin induced type I diabetic rats. Arak Med Univ J. 2012;14(6):48-56. [Persian]
[20]Yousef MI. Protective role of ascorbic acid to enhance reproductive performance of male rabbits treated with stannous chloride. Toxicol. 2005;207(1):81-9.
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[22]Zhong RZh, Zhou DW. Oxidative stress and role of natural plant derived antioxidants in animal reproduction. J Integr Agric. 2013;12(10):1826-38.
[23]Stefanović A, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Spasić S, Bogavac- Stanojević N, Bujisić N. The influence of obesity on the oxidative stress status and the concentration of leptin in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2008;79(1):156-63.
[2]Rochette L, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C. Diabetes, oxidative stress and therapeutic strategies. Biochimica Biophysica Acta. 2014;1840(9):2709-29.
[3]Fanaei H, Keshtgar S, Bahmanpour S, Ghannadi A, Kazeroni M. Beneficial effects of α-tocopherol against intracellular calcium overload in human sperm. Reprod Sci. 2011;18(10):978-82.
[4]Lombardo F, Sansone A, Romanelli F, Paoli D, Gandini L, Lenzi A. The role of antioxidant therapy in the treatment of male infertility: An overview. Asian J Androl. 2011;13(5):690-7.
[5]Yang H, Jin X, Kei Lam CW, Yan SK. Oxidative stress and diabetes mellitus. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2011;49(11):1773-82.
[6]Cui X. Reactive oxygen species: The achilles’ heel of cancer cells? Antioxid Redox Signal. 2012;16(11):1212-4.
[7]Saleh RA, Agarwal A. Oxidative stress and male infertility: From research bench to clinical practice. J Androl. 2002;23(6):737-52.
[8]Tvrdá E, Kňažická Z, Bárdos L, Massányi P, Lukáč N. Impact of oxidative stress on male fertility - a review. Acta Vet Hung. 2011;59(4):465-84.
[9]Ford WC. Regulation of sperm function by reactive oxygen species. Hum Reprod Update. 2004;10(5):387- 99.
[10]Roessner C, Paasch U, Kratzsch J, Glander H, Grunewald S. Sperm apoptosis signalling in diabetic men. Reprod Biomed Online. 2012;25(3):292-9.
[11]Kilarkaje N, Al-Hussaini H, Al-Bader MM. Diabetesinduced DNA damage and apoptosis are associated with poly (ADP ribose) polymerase 1 inhibition in the rat testis. Eur J Pharmacol. 2014;737:29-40.
[12]Yun JI, Gong SP, Song YH, Lee ST. Effects of combined antioxidant supplementation on human sperm motility and morphology during sperm manipulation in vitro. Fertil Sterility. 2013;100(2):373-8.
[13]Hajinejad Boshroue R, Behnam Rassouli M, Tehranipour M, Gheybi F, Hajinejad Sh, Elahi Moghadam Z. The effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of launaea acanthodes on the blood, urine albumin and bilirubin levels in male hyperglycemic wistar rat. Iranian J Endocrinol Metabolism. 2013;15(2):190-6. [Persian]
[14]Piazza L, Bertini S, Milany J. Extraction and structural characterization of the polysaccharide fraction of Launaea acanthodes gum. Carbohydr Polymers. 2010;79(2):449-54.
[15]Karimidokht Shahrbabaki A, Oryan Sh, Parivar K. Anticonvulsant activity of ethanolic extract and aqueous fraction of Launaea acanthodes gum in comparison with diazepam in mice. J Qazvin Univ Med Sci. 2009;13(1):14- 20. [Persian]
[16]Sadooghi SD, Nezhad Shahrokh Abadi Kh, Zafar Balanzhad S, Baharara J. Investigating the cytotoxic effect of ethanolic extract of Ferula assa-foetida resin on HepG2 cell line. Feyz. 2013;17(4):323-30. [Persian]
[17]Kheradmand A. Improvement of sperm evaluation parameters following ghrelin treatment in cadmiuminduced testicular injury in rats. J Isfahan Med Sch. 2014;31(265):2053-62. [Persian]
[18]Tajaddini Sh, Ebrahimi S, Shirinbayan P, Bakhtiyari M, Behnam B, Joghataei MT, et al. Protective effects of manganese on the testis structure and sperm parameters of formalin-treated mice. J Isfahan Med Sch. 2013;31(243):1018-32. [Persian]
[19]Behnam-Rassouli M, Ghayour N, Ghayour MM, Ejtehadi MM. Investigating the effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of Launaea acanthodes on the serum levels of glucose, insulin, lipids and lipoproteins in stereptozotocin induced type I diabetic rats. Arak Med Univ J. 2012;14(6):48-56. [Persian]
[20]Yousef MI. Protective role of ascorbic acid to enhance reproductive performance of male rabbits treated with stannous chloride. Toxicol. 2005;207(1):81-9.
[21]Shiva M, Gautam AK, Verma Y, Shivgotra V, Doshi H, Kumar S. Association between sperm quality, oxidative stress, and seminal antioxidant activity. Clin Biochemistry. 2011;44(4):319-24.
[22]Zhong RZh, Zhou DW. Oxidative stress and role of natural plant derived antioxidants in animal reproduction. J Integr Agric. 2013;12(10):1826-38.
[23]Stefanović A, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Spasić S, Bogavac- Stanojević N, Bujisić N. The influence of obesity on the oxidative stress status and the concentration of leptin in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2008;79(1):156-63.