@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2252-0805 The Horizon of Medical Sciences 2016;22(4):329-336
ISSN: 2252-0805 The Horizon of Medical Sciences 2016;22(4):329-336
Long-Term Effect of High-Intensity Interval and Concurrent Exercise on Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis Parameters in Non-Athlete Healthy Young Men
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Sobhani V. (1)Mohammadi M.T. (2)
Shirvani H. (1)
Amini A. (*)
(*) Exercise Physiology Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(1) Exercise Physiology Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(2) Physiology & Biophysics Department, Medicine Faculty, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Address: Exercise Physiology Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Nosrati Alley, South Sheikh Bahaei Avenue, Mollasadra Street, Tehran, Iran. Post Box: 19395-5487Phone: +98 (87) 36226055
Fax: +98 (21) 88600030
Article History
Received: January 8, 2015Accepted: June 11, 2016
ePublished: October 1, 2016
Ischemic cardiovascular diseases are of the most important cause of mortality all over the world [1].
… [2-5]. Conducted studies have shown that resistance trainings such as aerobics are effective on factors of pre-coagulation and anticoagulant system. In a study, Kordi et al. indicated that fibrinogen concentration has been decreased by 12-week resistance training [6]…. [7-12].
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of high-intensity interval and concurrent (aerobic-resistance) long-term sport courses on the blood fibrinolysis and coagulation parameters in healthy non-athlete young persons.
This is a semi-experimental study.
The study was conducted among all non-athlete healthy young men aged 20-30 years old in Saqqez city in summer, 2014.
30 men were selected through easy and available sampling method and were randomly divided into in to three groups of combined training (aerobic-resistance), high-intensity interval training and control group.
None of the participants had a history of cardiovascular diseases, hereditary blood disorders and breathing problems and none use any drugs. Also, participants of control group should not do any exercise in a period of 60 days. High-intensity interval training protocol: this type of training protocol derived from a return-40-meter test with maximum Glaister speed which is a valid test to evaluate high-intensity anaerobic performance [13] and ten participants of this group performed this protocol three times a week within eight weeks over 20-meter distance marked with three cons. Training progress was done in the way to increase the 35-second repetitions which started from 4 times in the first and second weeks to 5 times in the third and fourth weeks, afterwards 6 times in the fifth and sixth weeks and finally 7 times in the seventh and eighth weeks. The participants performed 5-minute warm-up and 5-minute stretching before starting the training protocol in each session. Also, it is performed a ten-minute cool-down at the end of each training session. Maximum heart rate (HR max) was used to determine the exercises intensity and in all high-intensity interval training stages, exercise intensity should be over %90 of HR max which was calculated separately for each participant. Combined training protocol: the participants of combined training group performed these exercises three times a week within eight weeks. Its training program contained a 25-minute resistance training primarily and then a 25-minute aerobic exercise. There were 1.5-minute rest pauses between different resistance trainings. There was a pause between resistance training and aerobic exercise considering as a 2-minute to 3-minute active rest. A week before starting the combined training program, one repetition maximum (1-RM) was measured for each exercise. Intensity resistance trainings was %60 1-RM in the first and second weeks and %70 1-RM in the third and fourth weeks and in the fifth and sixth weeks had the same intensity as two weeks earlier but in two series and finally in seventh and eighth weeks with %80 1-RM in two series. The duration of each session lasted about 25 minutes. Before starting the exercise, two sessions were considered to get familiar with the exercise conditions. It was performed in the way that exercises intensity started from %60 HR max and at most %75 HR max to avoid the phenomenon of training adaptation, as the exercise intensity was increased every two weeks. In the two first weeks exercise intensity was %60 HR max, in the third and fourth weeks it reached to %65 HR max, in the fifth and sixth weeks %70 HR max, and finally in seventh and eighth weeks got to %75 HR max. Heart rate was controlled by ergometer bike heart rate monitor during aerobic exercises. Measuring the factors of coagulation and fibrinolysis: Fibrinogen, PT and PTT were measured by coagulation method and by equipment (Stago; Germany) and the relevant kit (Mahsayaran; Iran). ELISA method with the device (Montvydas, England) and a special kit (Nikookard; Iran) were used to measure D-dimer. The instrument used to measure the number of platelets was also Dynatron analyzer (Abakus; Germany) and a special kit (Mahsayaran; Iran). Data was analyzed by SPSS software Version 19. Dependent T-test was used to evaluate the differences between two tests (before and after the training period; pre-test and post-test) in both groups. One-way analysis of variance and post-hoc Tukey test were used to evaluate the differences of variables values in the three groups.
Demographic variables of body weight, body fat percentage and BMI in combined training group had a significant difference (P<0.05) in post-test to compare with pre-test, however these variables did not have a significant changes in other groups (P>0.05; Table1). After eight-week exercise, the number of platelets and fibrinogen level were significantly lower than the baseline in combined training group. Also the amount of PT in high-intensity interval training group and D-dimer level in both training groups indicated a significant increase in post-test to compare with pre-test. However, PTT level in any groups had a significant change in pre-test and post-test (Table2). Finally, fibrinogen level, PT and PTT indicated no significant differences between different groups after 8-week exercise (P>0.05), while D-dimer concentration indicated a significant difference between control group and high-intensity interval training group (P=0.009) and the number of platelets between control group and combined training group (P=0.002), and combined training group and high-intensity interval training (P=0.0001).
There is a contradiction with the result of previous study regarding “the effect of exercise on hemostasis system” [5, 8, and 11]. The previous researches about “the effect of exercises and different sport activities on PT and PTT” are contradicted [5, 11, 27, and 28]… [14-26, 29].
It is suggested that more study being done on other variables of blood hemostasis system with larger sample size in the future.
Of the limitations of the study were the lack of participants’ classification according to their genetic background, lack of controlling their sleep and mental condition. Also, there was not enough funding to measure other coagulation and fibrinolysis variables.
The eight-week high-intensity interval training and combined training decreased coagulation promoter activity and increased the fibrinolytic activity in non-athlete healthy young men.
Many thank to Dr. Parviz Soleimani, technical assistant of Mehr laboratory of Saqqez and all who have helped me in this study. Definitely, it was impossible to do this study without their cooperation.
The researchers respected the participants in all ethical considerations approved by the ethics committee of Baghiatallah University of Medical Sciences.
The study is derived from a PhD thesis for doctoral degree in "Exercise Physiology PhD" by support of Sport Physiology Research Center of Baghiatallah University of medical sciences for its budget and it was conducted in Kurdistan state in the summer, 2014.
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[3]Pollock ML, Franklin BA, Balady GJ, Chaitman BL, Fleg JL, Fletcher B, et al. Resistance exercise in individuals with and without cardiovascular disease benefits, rationale, safety, and prescription an advisory from the committee on exercise, rehabilitation, and prevention, council on clinical cardiology, American Heart Association. Circ. 2000;101(7):828-33.
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[12]Zanettini R, Bettega D, Agostoni O, Ballestra B, del Rosso G, di Michele R, et al. Exercise training in mild hypertension: effects on blood pressure, left ventricular mass and coagulation factor VII and fibrinogen. Cardiol. 1997;88(5):468-73.
[13]Glaister M, Hauck H, Abraham CS, Merry KL, Beaver D, Woods B, et al. Familiarization, reliability, and comparability of a 40-m maximal shuttle run test. J Sports Sci Med. 2009;8(1):77-82.
[14]Wang JS, Jen CJ, Chen HI. Effects of exercise training and deconditioning on platelet function in men. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1995;15(10):1668-74.
[15]Mutanen M, Freese R. Fats, lipids and blood coagulation. Curr Opin Lipidol. 2001;12(1):25-9.
[16]Alzahrani SH, Ajjan RA. Coagulation and fibrinolysis in diabetes. Diab Vasc Dis Res. 2010;7(4):260-73.
[17]Smith JE, Garbutt G, Lopes P, Pedoe DT. Effects of prolonged strenuous exercise (marathon running) on biochemical and haematological markers used in the investigation of patients in the emergency department. Br J Sports Med. 2004;38(3):292-4.
[18]Duncan BB, Schmidt MI, Chambles LE, Folsom AR, Charpenter M, Heiss G. Fibrinogen, other putative markers of inflammation, and weight gain in middle-aged adults--the ARTC study: Atherosclerosis risk in communities. Obes Res. 2000;8(4):279-86.
[19]Kupchak BR, Volk BM, Kunces LJ, Kraemer WJ, Hoffman MD, Phinney SD, et al. Alterations in coagulatory and fibrinolytic systems following an ultra-marathon. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113(11):2705-12.
[20]Parker BA, Augeri AL, Capizzi JA, Ballard KD, Kupchak BR, Volek JS, et al. Effect of marathon run and air travel on pre-and post-run soluble d-dimer, microparticle procoagulant activity, and p-selectin levels. Am J Cardiol. 2012;109(10):1521-5.
[21]Posthuma JJ, van der Meijden PE, ten Cate H, Spronk HM. Short-and Long-term exercise induced alterations in haemostasis: A review of the literature. Blood Rev. 2015;29(3):171-8.
[22]Heber S, Volf I. Effects of physical (in) activity on platelet function. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:1-11.
[23]Ahmadizad S, El-Sayed MS, MacLaren DP. Responses of platelet activation and function to a single bout of resistance exercise and recovery. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2006;35(1-2):159-68.
[24]Ahmadizad S, El-Sayed MS. The effects of graded resistance exercise on platelet aggregation and activation. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003;35(6):1026-32.
[25]Soleimani M, Amini A, Ahmadi A, Atashak S, Mehdivand A, Kawsari E, et al. Effect of short-term supplementation of cocoa on platelet factors (Plt, MPV, PDW) of athlete male’s blood after an exhaustive aerobic exercise. J Kurdistan Uni Med Sci. 2013;18(4):18-27. [Persian]
[26]San Jose MCZ, Apaga NEP, Florento L, Gan RN. Effects of aerobic exercise and training on coagulation, platelet aggregation, and plasma lipids. Vasc Dis Prev. 2005;2(2):145-50.
[27]Menzel K, Hilberg T. Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in healthy, untrained subjects: Effects of different exercise intensities controlled by individual anaerobic threshold. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011;111(2):253-60.
[28]Hilberg T, Gläser D, Reckhart C, Prasa D, Stürzebecher J, Gabriel HH. Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis after long-duration treadmill exercise controlled by individual anaerobic threshold. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2003;90(5-6):639-42.
[29]Piccone G, Fazio F, Giudice E, Grasso F, Caola G. Exercise-induced change in clotting times and fibrinolytic activity during official 1600 and 2000 meters trot races in standard horses. Acta Vet Brno. 2005;74(4):509-14.
[2]Pate RR, Davis MG, Robinson TN, Stone EJ, McKenzie TL, Young JC, et al. Promoting physical activity in children and youth a leadership role for schools: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Physical Activity Committee) in collaboration with the councils on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young and Cardiovascular Nursing. Circ. 2006;114(11):1214-24.
[3]Pollock ML, Franklin BA, Balady GJ, Chaitman BL, Fleg JL, Fletcher B, et al. Resistance exercise in individuals with and without cardiovascular disease benefits, rationale, safety, and prescription an advisory from the committee on exercise, rehabilitation, and prevention, council on clinical cardiology, American Heart Association. Circ. 2000;101(7):828-33.
[4]Bakhtiari K, Meijers JC, de Jonge E, Levi M. Prospective validation of the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis scoring system for disseminated intravascular coagulation. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(12):2416-21.
[5]Jahangard T, Torkaman G, Ghoosheh B, Hedayati M, Dibaj A. The effect of short-term aerobic training on coagulation and fibrinolytic factors in sedentary healthy postmenopausal women. Matur. 2009;64(4):223-7.
[6]Kordi MR, Ahmadizad S, Nikokheslat S. The effect of 12 weeks resistance training on the levels of rest hemorheology variables young men. Sports Res Sci. 2010;27(5):105-22. [Persian]
[7]Kahraman S, Demirkan F, Bediz C, Alacacioglu I, Aksu I. The effect of exercise on fibrinolytic and coagulation systems in healthy volunteers. J Thromb Haemost. 2007;5(Suppl 2):P-S-362.
[8]Amini A, Kordi MR, Gaini AA, Ahmadi A, Veysi K. Effect of resistance exercise on coagulation and fibrinolytic factors in inactive aged men. Horizon Med Sci. 2012;18(3):103-8. [Persian]
[9]Van den Burg P, Hospers JE, Mosterd WL, Bouma BN, Huisveld IA. Aging, physical conditioning, and exercise-induced changes in hemostatic factors and reaction products. J Appl Physiol. 2000;88(5):1558-64.
[10]Bobeuf F, Labonté M, Khalil A, Dionne IJ. Effect of resistance training on hematological blood markers in older men and women: A pilot study. Curr Gerontol Geriat Res. 2009;2009:1-4.
[11]Amini A, Kordi MR, Gaini AA, Ahmadi A, Ayoubian H, Lahoorpour F. The effects of aerobic exercises on coagulation and fibrinolytic factors in inactive aged men. J Kurdistan Univ Med Sci. 2011;15(4):25-32. [Persian]
[12]Zanettini R, Bettega D, Agostoni O, Ballestra B, del Rosso G, di Michele R, et al. Exercise training in mild hypertension: effects on blood pressure, left ventricular mass and coagulation factor VII and fibrinogen. Cardiol. 1997;88(5):468-73.
[13]Glaister M, Hauck H, Abraham CS, Merry KL, Beaver D, Woods B, et al. Familiarization, reliability, and comparability of a 40-m maximal shuttle run test. J Sports Sci Med. 2009;8(1):77-82.
[14]Wang JS, Jen CJ, Chen HI. Effects of exercise training and deconditioning on platelet function in men. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1995;15(10):1668-74.
[15]Mutanen M, Freese R. Fats, lipids and blood coagulation. Curr Opin Lipidol. 2001;12(1):25-9.
[16]Alzahrani SH, Ajjan RA. Coagulation and fibrinolysis in diabetes. Diab Vasc Dis Res. 2010;7(4):260-73.
[17]Smith JE, Garbutt G, Lopes P, Pedoe DT. Effects of prolonged strenuous exercise (marathon running) on biochemical and haematological markers used in the investigation of patients in the emergency department. Br J Sports Med. 2004;38(3):292-4.
[18]Duncan BB, Schmidt MI, Chambles LE, Folsom AR, Charpenter M, Heiss G. Fibrinogen, other putative markers of inflammation, and weight gain in middle-aged adults--the ARTC study: Atherosclerosis risk in communities. Obes Res. 2000;8(4):279-86.
[19]Kupchak BR, Volk BM, Kunces LJ, Kraemer WJ, Hoffman MD, Phinney SD, et al. Alterations in coagulatory and fibrinolytic systems following an ultra-marathon. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113(11):2705-12.
[20]Parker BA, Augeri AL, Capizzi JA, Ballard KD, Kupchak BR, Volek JS, et al. Effect of marathon run and air travel on pre-and post-run soluble d-dimer, microparticle procoagulant activity, and p-selectin levels. Am J Cardiol. 2012;109(10):1521-5.
[21]Posthuma JJ, van der Meijden PE, ten Cate H, Spronk HM. Short-and Long-term exercise induced alterations in haemostasis: A review of the literature. Blood Rev. 2015;29(3):171-8.
[22]Heber S, Volf I. Effects of physical (in) activity on platelet function. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:1-11.
[23]Ahmadizad S, El-Sayed MS, MacLaren DP. Responses of platelet activation and function to a single bout of resistance exercise and recovery. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2006;35(1-2):159-68.
[24]Ahmadizad S, El-Sayed MS. The effects of graded resistance exercise on platelet aggregation and activation. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003;35(6):1026-32.
[25]Soleimani M, Amini A, Ahmadi A, Atashak S, Mehdivand A, Kawsari E, et al. Effect of short-term supplementation of cocoa on platelet factors (Plt, MPV, PDW) of athlete male’s blood after an exhaustive aerobic exercise. J Kurdistan Uni Med Sci. 2013;18(4):18-27. [Persian]
[26]San Jose MCZ, Apaga NEP, Florento L, Gan RN. Effects of aerobic exercise and training on coagulation, platelet aggregation, and plasma lipids. Vasc Dis Prev. 2005;2(2):145-50.
[27]Menzel K, Hilberg T. Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in healthy, untrained subjects: Effects of different exercise intensities controlled by individual anaerobic threshold. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011;111(2):253-60.
[28]Hilberg T, Gläser D, Reckhart C, Prasa D, Stürzebecher J, Gabriel HH. Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis after long-duration treadmill exercise controlled by individual anaerobic threshold. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2003;90(5-6):639-42.
[29]Piccone G, Fazio F, Giudice E, Grasso F, Caola G. Exercise-induced change in clotting times and fibrinolytic activity during official 1600 and 2000 meters trot races in standard horses. Acta Vet Brno. 2005;74(4):509-14.