@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2252-0805 The Horizon of Medical Sciences 2017;23(3):193-199
ISSN: 2252-0805 The Horizon of Medical Sciences 2017;23(3):193-199
Effect of 6 Weeks of Resistance Training and Boldenone Supplementation on 5-alpha Reductase and Aromatase Gene Expression in Testes Tissue of Male Wistar Rats
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Sadeghi M. (1 )Abbassi Daloii A. (*)
Ziaolhagh S.J. (2 )
(*) Exercise Physiology Department, Sport Sciences Faculty, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
(1 ) Exercise Physiology Department, Physical Education Faculty, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
(2 ) Exercise Physiology Department, Sport Sciences Faculty, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
Address: Sport Sciences Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Old road Amol, Amol, IranPhone: +98 (11) 44150949
Fax: +98 (11) 44150949
Article History
Received: July 4, 2016Accepted: February 15, 2017
ePublished: July 22, 2017
Over the past decades, androgenic anabolic steroids have become popular among athletes for improving performance and aesthetic reasons. Abuse of androgenic anabolic steroids is not limited to elite athletes, which has been proven to be among amateur athletes as well [1].
… [2]. Excessive use of androgenic anabolic steroids disrupts the production of testosterone and gonadotropin. In men, suppression of the production of gonadotrophin hormone causes testicular atrophy [3]. In the same line, in the conducted studies, significant reduction in testis weight [4], a significant reduction in testosterone serum levels [5] and severe lesions in the testes [6] have been shown. … [7-11].
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 6 weeks of resistance training and Boldenon supplements on the expression of 5-alpha reductase and testicular aromatase in Wistar rats.
This is an experimental research.
This study was performed on 30 male Wistar rats aged 12 weeks and mean weight of 59.9 ± 7.94 grams.
30 male Wistar rats were obtained from Damghan Scientific Applied Research Institute.
The mice were randomly divided into five groups (6 mice in each group) as follows: 1. Control group (without exercise+ placebo injection) 2. Sham group (without exercise + infusion of olive oil) 3. Boldenone supplementation (without exercise+ boldenone injection of 2 mg per kg body weight) 4. Resistance training group (resistance training + placebo injection) 5. Exercise-Boldenone group (resistance exercise + Boldenone injection at 2 mg/kg body weight) Injection of the drug into the animal was carried out with a single insulin syringe once a week, at the appointed time (at 11 am) and one day per week, in the quadriceps and thighs deeply. The control group also received normal saline physiological solution or sodium chloride solution 0.92. Resistance Training Protocol: A resistance training consisted of a 6-week climb of a 76-cm ladder with 47 steps and a width of 19 cm at an angle of 80 degrees with the upper resort (Pars Sports Engineering Call, Girotec, Iran). In order to determine the appropriate weight, the weight of each rats was measured every 4 days. Each session consisted of 3 sets of 5 repetitions that there was a minute rest interval between two sets. The exercise was done after the weight was fastened to the rat. In the first week, the amount of weights fastened to the tail of rats was 50% of a maximal repeat (1RM) of each animal that was calculated the day before the start of the resistance training. This amount was increased 10% per week that it reached to 100% in the final week. Animals became familiar with climbing the ladder during the 2 weeks prior to the start of the training that they were forced manually to climb in the case of refusal. The final load was considered as the maximum carrying capacity of that meeting [12]. Tissue sampling and enzyme gene expression measurement: After anesthesia, an autopsy was performed by fixing the animal on the rodent surgery board, and immediately the testicular tissue was removed. Sampling from testicular tissue from 5 groups were performed after intervention of independent variables and changes in gene expression of enzymes in the testicular tissue were studied and then compared. Full RNA extraction: for full RNA extraction, first, the tissue was extracted from the temperature of -80 C and after weighing in phosphate buffer (0.1% phemylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, PMFS), it was well homogenized by homogenizer and isolated with a isolating kit with a catalogue number 11667157001(Roche, Germany), and according to its instructions, all tissue RNAs were extracted. Then, the extracted RNA was solved in 50 micro liter of RNase-free water and the RNA quality purified by spectrophotometer was evaluated. Also, the RNA extracted in 8.0 % agarose gel was electrophoresed and stained with ethidium bromide to confirm and verify the quality and quantity of RNA, and after assuring the correctness of the purified RNA was entered into the next stage. Production of complementary DNA (cDNA): One microgram of extracted RNA for producing cDNA was used by AccuPowerR CycleScriptRT PreMix (dN6) kit with catalog No. 2044 (Bioneer, South Korea). In order to produce cDNA, master mix including RNase-free water and random primer (50 mM) were used. In accordance with the kit's instructions, the mixture was first incubated at 45 ° C for 60 minutes and then incubated for 5 minutes at 95 ° C (Table 1). Following the preparation of cDNA as a template sample using PCR real time method and the machine model 7500 (ABI; USA), the changes of gene expression (2^-ΔΔCt) in 5α-reductase and aromatase enzymes were measured in accordance with the machine's instructions. Statistical analysis: The Kolmogrov-Smirnov test was used to assure the normal distribution of data. Then, t-test was used to examine the intra-group changes and one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test were used for investigating intergroup changes. All statistical operations of the research was performed using SPSS 22 software.
The mean weight of rats in all groups was significantly increased during the post-intervention period compared to pre-intervention period (p=0.0001). However, there was no significant difference between the mean weights of rats in the groups after intervention (p> 0.05, Table 2). After intervention, there was a significant difference between the mean of 5α-α-reductase gene expression of male Wistar rats in different groups (p = 0.0001). The changes of 5α-α-reductase gene expression in the Boldenone group (p = 0.046) and exercise-Boldenone group (p = 0.001) compared to the control group, and in the training-boldenone group compared to exercise-resistance group (p=0.019) were significant. However, there was no significant difference in the expression of this enzyme in the exercise-boldonone group and in the resistance-exercise group compared to the boldonone group (p>0.05; Figure 1). Also, there was a significant difference between the mean expression of the aromatase enzyme gene of male Wistar rats in different groups of research (p=0.0001). Changes in aromatase gene expression in the resistance training group (p=0.017) and boldorone training (p=0.0001) were significantly higher than the control group. However, there was no significant difference in the expression of aromatase gene in the resistance training group and the boldenon exercises compared to the boldonone group and in the boldonone group compared to the resistance training group (p>0.05).
… [12-25]. In many strength athletes, after the use of anabolic steroids, body weight gain has often been reported. Most studies show that body weight may increase as a result of short-term use (less than 10 weeks) of androgenic anabolic steroids [26, 27]. The highest body weight gain was reported by Casner et al. after 6 weeks of administration of stanozolol [28]. However, in a case report, there has been a significant increase over the course of two-year period of administration of androgenic anabolic steroids [29]. This is probably due to the structural process of body tissues by the boldenone supplementation as a result of an increase in muscle size that results from a positive nitrogen balance by stimulating protein synthesis and reducing protein degradation [30]. Also, an increase in body weight may be attributed to an increase in total protein serum and globulin protein which indicates improvement in health and immunity of body. However, in the present study, the total protein and globulin concentration levels have not been measured.
It is suggested that in the same study, the effect of 5α-reductase and aromatase inhibitors and stimulants be investigated simultaneously. Also, levels of sex hormones are measured along with 5-alpha-reductase and aromatase.
Lacking control over the exact diet (measuring energy intake and consumption) is one of the limitations of this research.
Boldenone supplements plus 6 weeks of resistance training can increase levels of expression of 5α alpha reductase and aromatase genes in testicular tissue in Wistar rats.
The authors express their gratitude to the Deputy of Research of the Azad University of Ayatolloh Amoli Branch.
This research was carried out with the approval of the Ethics Committee at the Islamic Azad University of Ayatollah Amoli Branch.
This research is based on a graduate dissertation with an identification code of 23921404941004 and supported by the Deputy of Research of the Islamic Azad University of Ayatollah Amoli Branch.
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[14]Bhasin S, Travison TG, Storer TW, Lakshman K, Kaushik M, Mazer NA, et al. Effect of testosterone supplementation with and without a dual 5α-reductase inhibitor on fat-free mass in men with suppressed testosterone production: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2012;307(9):931-9.
[15]Okamoto M, Hojo Y, Inoue K, Matsui T, Kawato S, McEwen BS, et al. Mild exercise increases dihydrotestosterone in hippocampus providing evidence for androgenic mediation of neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012;109(32):13100-5.
[16]Merlotti D, Gennari L, Stolakis K, Nuti R. Aromatase Activity and Bone Loss in Men. J Osteoporos. 2011;2011:230671.
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[18]Carreau S, Bourguiba S, Lambard S, Galeraud-Denis I, Genissel C, Levallet J. Reproductive system: aromatase and estrogens. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2002;193(1-2):137-43.
[19]Shetty G, Krishnamurthy H, Krishnamurthy HN, Bhatnagar AS, Moudgal NR. Effect of long-term treatment with aromatase inhibitor on testicular function of adult male bonnet monkeys (M. radiata). Steroids. 1998;63(7-8):414-20.
[20]Voigt C, Ball GF, Balthazart J. Effects of sex steroids on aromatase mRNA expression in the male and female quail brain. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2011;170(1):180-8.
[21]Robertson KM, O’Donnell L, Jones ME, Meachem SJ, Boon WC, Fisher CR, et al. Impairment of spermatogenesis in mice lacking a functional aromatase (cyp 19) gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999;96(14):7986-91.
[22]Bourguiba S, Lambard S, Carreau SS. Steroids control the aromatase gene expression in purified germ cells from the adult male rat. J Mol Endocrinol. 2003;31(1):83-94.
[23]Balthazart J, Baillien M, Cornil CA, Ball GF. Preoptic aromatase modulates male sexual behavior: slow and fast mechanisms of action. Physiol Behav. 2004;83(2):247-70.
[24]Balthazart J, Ball GF. Topography in the preoptic region: Differential regulation of appetitive and consummatory male sexual behaviors. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2007;28(4):161-78.
[25]Harada N, Yamada K, Foidart A, Balthazart J. Regulation of aromatase cytochrome P-450 (estrogensynthetase) transcripts in the quail brain by testosterone. Mol Brain Res. 1992;15(1-2):19-26.
[26]Win-May M, Mya-Tu M. The effect of anabolic steroids on physical fitness. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1975;15(3):266-71
[27]Johnson LC, O’Shea JP. Anabolic steroid: effects on strength development. Science. 1969;164(3882):957-9.
[28]Casner SW Jr, Early RG, Carlson BR. Anabolic steroid effects on body composition in normal young men. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1971;11(2):98-103.
[29]Alen M, Hakkinen K, Komi PV. Changes in muscle power production capacity in power athletes self-administering a drogenic anabolic steroids. Duodecim. 1984;100(17):1096-104. [Finnish]
[30]Tousson E, El-Moghazy M, Massoud A, Akel A. Histopathological and immunohistochemical changes in the testes of rabbits after injection with the growth promoter boldenone. Reprod Sci. 2012;19(3):253-9.
[2]Sgoifo Rossi CA, Arioli F, Bassini A, Chiesa LM, Dell'Orto V, Montana M, et al. Evidence for false-positive results for boldenone testing of veal urine due to faecal cross-contamination during sampling. Food Addit Contam. 2004;21(8):756-62.
[3]Bhasin S, Storer TW, Berman N, Berman N, Callegari C, Clevenger B, et al. The effects of supraphysiologic doses of testosterone on muscle size and strength in normal men. New Engl J Med. 1996;335:1-7.
[4]Mohammed HH, Badawi ME, El-Tarabany MS, Rania M. Effects of boldenone undecylenate on growth performance, maintenance behavior, reproductive hormones and carcass traits of growing rabbits. Pol J Vet Sci. 2016;19(2):245-51.
[5]Oda SS, El-Ashmawy IM. Adverse effects of the anabolic steroid, boldenone undecylenate, on reproductive functions of male rabbits. Int J Exp Pathol. 2012;93(3):172-8.
[6]Oda SS, El-Ashmawy IM. Adverse effects of the anabolic steroid, boldenone undecylenate, on reproductive functions of male rabbits. Int J Exp Pathol. 2012; 93(3):172-8.
[7]Aloisi AM, Ceccarelli I, Fiorenzani P, Maddalena M, Rossi A, Tomei V, et al. Aromatase and 5-alpha reductase gene expression: modulation by pain and morphine treatment in male rats. Mol Pain. 2010;6:69.
[8]Aizawa K, Iemitsu M, Maeda S, Mesaki N, Ushida T, Akimoto T. Endurance exercise training enhances local sex steroidogenesis in skeletal muscle. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011;43(11):2072-80.
[9]Wilborn C, Lem T, Chris P, Cliffa F, Darryn W, Kreider R. Effects of a purported aromatase and 5α-reductase inhibitor on hormone profiles in college-age men. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2010;(20):457-65.
[10]Bento-Silva MT, Martins MCC, Torres FL, Barros TL, Carvalho IL, Carvalho NF, et al. Effects of administering testosterone undecanoate in rats subjected to physical exercise: Effects on the estrous cycle, motor behavior and morphology of the liver and kidney. Braz J Pharm Sci. 2010;46(1):46-79.
[11]Friedl KE. Effects of anabolic steroids on physical health. In: Yesalis CE, editor. Anabolic steroids in sport and exercise. 2nd edition. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics; 2000. pp. 175-224.
[12]M Molanouri-Shamsi, Fallah M, Mahdavi M. The effect of resistance training on skeletal muscle inflammatory factors in diabetic rats. Feyz 2014;18(5):477-83.
[13]Beato M. Gene regulation by steroid hormones. Cell. 1989;56(3):335-44.
[14]Bhasin S, Travison TG, Storer TW, Lakshman K, Kaushik M, Mazer NA, et al. Effect of testosterone supplementation with and without a dual 5α-reductase inhibitor on fat-free mass in men with suppressed testosterone production: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2012;307(9):931-9.
[15]Okamoto M, Hojo Y, Inoue K, Matsui T, Kawato S, McEwen BS, et al. Mild exercise increases dihydrotestosterone in hippocampus providing evidence for androgenic mediation of neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012;109(32):13100-5.
[16]Merlotti D, Gennari L, Stolakis K, Nuti R. Aromatase Activity and Bone Loss in Men. J Osteoporos. 2011;2011:230671.
[17]Hess RA. Oestrogen in fluid transport in efferent ducts of the male reproductive tract. Rev Reprod. 2000;5(2):84-92.
[18]Carreau S, Bourguiba S, Lambard S, Galeraud-Denis I, Genissel C, Levallet J. Reproductive system: aromatase and estrogens. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2002;193(1-2):137-43.
[19]Shetty G, Krishnamurthy H, Krishnamurthy HN, Bhatnagar AS, Moudgal NR. Effect of long-term treatment with aromatase inhibitor on testicular function of adult male bonnet monkeys (M. radiata). Steroids. 1998;63(7-8):414-20.
[20]Voigt C, Ball GF, Balthazart J. Effects of sex steroids on aromatase mRNA expression in the male and female quail brain. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2011;170(1):180-8.
[21]Robertson KM, O’Donnell L, Jones ME, Meachem SJ, Boon WC, Fisher CR, et al. Impairment of spermatogenesis in mice lacking a functional aromatase (cyp 19) gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999;96(14):7986-91.
[22]Bourguiba S, Lambard S, Carreau SS. Steroids control the aromatase gene expression in purified germ cells from the adult male rat. J Mol Endocrinol. 2003;31(1):83-94.
[23]Balthazart J, Baillien M, Cornil CA, Ball GF. Preoptic aromatase modulates male sexual behavior: slow and fast mechanisms of action. Physiol Behav. 2004;83(2):247-70.
[24]Balthazart J, Ball GF. Topography in the preoptic region: Differential regulation of appetitive and consummatory male sexual behaviors. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2007;28(4):161-78.
[25]Harada N, Yamada K, Foidart A, Balthazart J. Regulation of aromatase cytochrome P-450 (estrogensynthetase) transcripts in the quail brain by testosterone. Mol Brain Res. 1992;15(1-2):19-26.
[26]Win-May M, Mya-Tu M. The effect of anabolic steroids on physical fitness. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1975;15(3):266-71
[27]Johnson LC, O’Shea JP. Anabolic steroid: effects on strength development. Science. 1969;164(3882):957-9.
[28]Casner SW Jr, Early RG, Carlson BR. Anabolic steroid effects on body composition in normal young men. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1971;11(2):98-103.
[29]Alen M, Hakkinen K, Komi PV. Changes in muscle power production capacity in power athletes self-administering a drogenic anabolic steroids. Duodecim. 1984;100(17):1096-104. [Finnish]
[30]Tousson E, El-Moghazy M, Massoud A, Akel A. Histopathological and immunohistochemical changes in the testes of rabbits after injection with the growth promoter boldenone. Reprod Sci. 2012;19(3):253-9.