@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 1027-1457 Scientific Journal of Forensic Medicine 2019;25(1):23-29
ISSN: 1027-1457 Scientific Journal of Forensic Medicine 2019;25(1):23-29
Comparative Study of Self-Destructive Behaviors, Irrational Beliefs, and Emotional Distress Tolerance in Two Male Groups of Recovering from Addiction to Narcotics and Stimulants
Article Type
Descriptive & Survey StudyAuthors
Jangi P (1)Ramak N (2)
Sangani A.R (*3)
(*3) Psychology and Exceptional Children Education Department, Psychology Faculty, Science & Research Branch of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
(1) Educational Psychology Department, Psychology Faculty, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
(2) Psychology Department, Psychology Faculty, Bandargaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandargaz, Iran
Article History
Received: October 21, 2018Accepted: January 30, 2019
ePublished: March 19, 2019
Addiction is one of the basic problems of today's societies, and the Middle Eastern countries have special conditions for turning youth into addiction due to their specific geographical, political, social, and cultural conditions.
… [2-7]. Kashefi [4] in his research showed that there is a significant negative correlation between addicts' scores in meta-cognitive beliefs and self-destructive behaviors, which suggests that people who have conscious beliefs about their position are less likely to tend to self-destructive behaviors [8]. … [9, 10]. Litt et al. have pointed to various factors such as emotional distress and lack of coping skills as well as inappropriate irrational beliefs in the study of the causes of drug addiction and its recurrence after treatment [11-16]. According to studies conducted by Berking et al. [17] and Alizadeh et al. [18], people with more psychological distress complain of symptoms of physical illness, and the prevalence of physical illness is a powerful predictor of physical, psychological, and social harm. Moschak et al. [19] showed that distress tolerance is associated with negative beliefs and shaking behaviors, and those who are more tolerant of distress can better cope with anxiety due to fear. Najafi et al. [2] showed that the difficulty in tolerating distress and emotional tendencies is one of the problems of substance abusers and this leads to failure in managing the emotional of these individuals.
The aim of this study was to compare self-destructive behaviors, irrational beliefs, and emotional distress tolerance in men recovering from opioid and stimulant.
This descriptive study is a causal-comparative or post event survey.
This study was carried out among all recovering addicts in 8 addiction treatment centers in Gorgan in 2018. Also, the baseline therapy in the psychological and physical function had been done by physicians and psychiatrists of the addiction treatment centers regarding the doses of therapeutic drugs and individuals in different time periods.
A total of 40 opioid recovering addicts and 40 stimulant recovering addicts were selected by two-stage cluster sampling method. Specifically, in the first stage of sampling, 5 non-governmental addiction treatment centers in Gorgan were randomly selected and, then, among the 5 centers, whose list of all referrals in opioid recovering addicts and stimulant recovering addicts groups was 630 and 386, respectively, two groups (40 opioid recovering addicts and 40 stimulant recovering addicts) were selected by cluster sampling method, considering that the minimum number of samples for the causal-comparative methods is 15, with pre-estimation and probable generalization of the results of the two treatment groups (according to the time interval referred to and the dose of the drug used by the addiction treatment centers that were previously grouped). The inclusion criteria included being in addiction treatment centers for stimulant (F12) and opioid (F11), male gender, age range of 20-55, being married, minimum literacy level of secondary school, being resident of Gorgan, lack of significant psychological disorders diagnosed by the psychiatrist based on the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSMV), the fifth edition, and exclusion criteria included incomplete filling of instruments.
After explaining to the subjects about the purpose of the study and gaining the confidence of the subjects and assuring them of the existence of the necessary conditions for the correct implementation of the tests, the questionnaires were distributed and all subjects were assessed in two groups by questionnaires. Irrational Beliefs Test (IBT) [20], the Emotional Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS) [21, 22], and the Self-Destructive Behavior Questionnaire [23] were used to conduct the research. The data were analyzed by SPSS 24, using multiple variance analysis. It should be noted that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check the normal distribution of data, and Box's test was used to test the homogeneity of variances.
In the opioid recovering addicts group, 18 individuals were 20-30, 13 were 31-40, and 9 were 41-55 years old, and in stimulant recovering addicts group, 21 individuals were 20-30, 14 were 31-40, and 5 were 41-55 years old. Regarding academic status, in the opioid recovering addicts group, 28 had a secondary school degree, 10 had a diploma, and 2 had a bachelor's degree. In stimulant recovering addicts group, 32 had a secondary school degree and 8 had diploma. In terms of job status, all individuals in two groups had no job. There was a significant difference in at least one of the subscales of self-destructive behaviors, irrational beliefs, and emotional distress tolerance in opioid and stimulant recovering addicts (p<0.001; F=4.402; Table 1). In general, there was a significant difference between need to be confirmed (p=0.019; F=5.771), tendency to blame (p=0.003; F=9.718), emotional irresponsibility (p=0.021; F=2.597), Being concerned and anxiety (p=0.027; F=5.119), avoidance of the problem (p=0.041; F=4.328), and dependence (p=0.004; F=8.835) among irrational beliefs, and tolerance (p=0.001; F=13.362) and absorption by negative emotions (p=0.043; F=4.254) among emotional distress tolerance, and self-destructive behaviors (p=0.035; F=4.636) with a 95% confidence interval in the opioid and stimulant recovering addicts groups.
… [24-27]. In 28. Aminpour and Ahmadzadeh's research [28], the results showed that the scores of irrational beliefs in addicted people is higher than normal people. Hafezi and Malek Mahmoodi's research [29] showed that irrational beliefs in opioid recovering addicts are lower than other stimulant users and have better general health that are consistent with the results of this study… [30-32]. Khantzian [33] believes that as stimulant users describe negative emotions and anxiety as unbearable and disconcerting and cannot manage these emotional states without relying on narcotics, they use the physiological and psychological properties of drug to achieve emotional stability. Based on the biological perspective, persons who are addicted to stimulants are more likely to increase their dependable behaviors, which are a kind of augmentation, in proportion to other factors, depending on the severity of their physical dependence. On the other hand, these stimulants, such as amphetamines, create the effects and dependence on the drug at the first time, depending on the structure and the ingredients, which can affect the nature of the person's malicious behaviors [34]. On the other hand, based on the behavioral point of view, happiness and mobility of the person with the use of drug can lead to his positive passion, and the person with this regard primarily depends on the drug itself and its profound effects as well as methods that can resolve the need; methods such as communicating with family and friends in terms of material and moral support, but with regard to opioids, there has been observed lesser effects, and it seems that the person has experienced more autonomy of behavior [35]. … [36-38].
It is suggested that in future research, the research studies should be conducted regarding the role of emotional and cognitive variables in self-destructive behaviors according to the type of drug used in addicted people.
One of the limitations of this study is that the research was carried out in a city with a limited group and the sample of this study included residents living in Gorgan; so, the generalization of the results to other cities of the province should be cautious.
Self- destructive behaviors, irrational beliefs, and emotional distress tolerance in the opioid stimulant recovering addicts are in a better position than in the stimulant recovering addicts.
We would like to thank the officials of the mid-term addiction treatment centers for the permits and goodwill cooperation for the agreements on the collection of samples and all the participants who co-operated with us to conduct the research and completed the questionnaires.
There is no conflict of interest.
This research was approved by the Ethics Committee of Gorgan Azad University with the code IR.IAU.AK.REC.1397.019.
The authors did not receive any financial support from any organization and independently conducted the research.
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[2]Najafi M, Mohammadifar MA, Abdollahi M. Emotional dysfunction and tendency to substance abuse: the role of emotion regulation, distress tolerance and sensation seeking. Soc Health Addict. 2015;2(5):53-68. [Persian]
[3]Rea C, Hockenbury DH, Hockenbury SE. Study guide for psychology. 6th Edition. New York: Worth Publishers; 2012.
[4]Kashefi T. On the relationship between meta cognitive beliefs and the self-destructive behavior among addicts. J Torbat Heydariyeh Univ Med Sci. 2013;1(2):39-45. [Persian]
[5]Dom G, Hulstijn W, Sabbe B. Differences in impulsivity and sensation seeking between early-and late-onset alcoholics. Addict Behav. 2006;31(2);298-308.
[6]Tonetti L, Adan A, Caci H, De Pascalis V, Fabbri M, Natale V. Morningness-eveningness preference and sensation seeking. Eur Psychiatry. 2010;25(2):111-5.
[7]Lindgren KP, Neighbors C, Blayney JA, Mullins PM, Kaysen D. Do drinking motives mediate the association between sexual assault and problem drinking? Addict Behav. 2012;37(3):323-6.
[8]Litt MD, Kadden RM, Cooney NL, Kabela E. Coping skills and treatment outcomes in cognitive-behavioral and interactional group therapy for alcoholism. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2003;71(1):118-28.
[9]Dadkhahi S, Mahmoud Fakheh H. Comparison of family functioning, irrational beliefs and self-concept in addicted and non-addicted youth. J Islamic Res Women Fam. 2015;3(1):63-76. [Persian]
[10]Dastgheib Z, Narimani M, Ghobadi Dashedbi K, Hosseini F, Gharlipour Z, Imanzad M, et al. Comparing irrational beliefs and happiness in intelligent and normal students. J Ilam Univ Med Sci. 2014;22(3):27-33. [Persian]
[11]Esmaeilinasab M, Andami Khoshk A, Azarmi H, Samar Rakhi A. The predicting role of difficulties in emotion regulation and distress tolerance in students’ addiction potential. Q J Res Addict. 2014;8(29):49-63. [Persian]
[12]Zvolensky MJ, Bernstein A, Vujanovic AA. Distress tolerance: theory, research, and clinical application. New York: Guilford Press; 2011.
[13]Ghasem Boroujerdi F, Safa M, Karamloo S, Masjedi M. Effectiveness of mindfulness based on cognitive therapy, on distress tolerance and dysfunctional attitudes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. J Res Psychol Health. 2014;8(4):6-7. [Persian]
[14]Leahy RL, Tirch D, Napolitano LA. Emotion regulation in psychotherapy: A practitioner's guide. New York: Guilford Press; 2011.
[15]Marshall-Berenz EC, Vujanovic AA, MacPherson L. Impulsivity and alcohol use coping motives in a trauma-exposed sample: The mediating role of distress tolerance. Pers Individ Dif. 2011;50(5):588-92.
[16]Kaiser AJ, Milich R, Lynam DR, Charnigo RJ. Negative urgency, distress tolerance, and substance abuse among college students. Addict Behav. 2012;37(10):1075-83.
[17]Berking M, Wirtz CM, Svaldi J, Hofmann SG. Emotion regulation predicts symptoms of depression over five years. Behav Res Ther. 2014;57:13-20.
[18]Alizadeh A, Hasanzadeh L, Mahmoud Aliloo M, Poursharifi H. Predict of worry based on behavioral activation and inhibition systems (BAS/BIS), cognitive emotion regulation and intolerance of uncertainty in students. J Cogn Psychol. 2014;2(3):1-11. [Persian]
[19]Moschak TM, Terry DR, Daughters SB, Carelli RM. Low distress tolerance predicts heightened drug seeking and taking after extended abstinence from cocaine self‐administration. Addict Biol. 2018;23(1):130-41.
[20]Saatchi M, Kamkari K, Askarian M, et al. Psychological tests. 2nd Edition. Tehran: Virayesh Publishing; 2011. [Persian]
[21]Simons JS, Gaher RM. The distress tolerance scale: development and validation of a self-report measure. Motiv Emot. 2005;29(2):83-102.
[22]Alavi K, Modarres Gharavi M, Amin Yazdi SA, Salehi Fadardi J. Effectiveness of group dialectical behavior therapy (based on core mindfulness, distress tolerance and emotion regulation components) on depressive symptoms in university students. J Fundam Ment Health. 2011;13(50):35-124. [Persian]
[23]Aghamohammadian Sherbaf HR, Moradian Z, Baensaf Urmieh N. Self-denial behaviors and their causes in Ferdowsi University students at Mashhad city. Clin Psychol Couns Res. 2013;2(2):5-24. [Persian]
[24]Buckner JD, Jeffries ER, Terlecki MA, Ecker AH. Distress tolerance among students referred for treatment following violation of campus cannabis use policy: Relations to use, problems, and motivation. Behav Modif. 2016;40(5):663-77.
[25]Sava FA. Maladaptive schemas, irrational beliefs, and their relationship with the five-factor personality model. J Cogn Behav Psychothers. 2009;9(2):135-47.
[26]Nieuwenhuijsen K, Verbeek JHAM, de Boer AGEM, Blonk RWB, van Dijk FJH. Irrational beliefs in employees with an adjustment, a depressive, or an anxiety disorder: A prospective cohort study. J Ration Emot Cogn Behav Ther. 2010;28(2):57-72.
[27]Kim SB, Jang JI. The relationship between adolescents’ stress coping behavior and gambling addiction: mediating effect of irrational belief of gambling. J Korea Acad Ind Coop Soc. 2016;17(4):85-91.
[28]Aminpour H, Ahmadzadeh Y. The study and comparison of irrational beliefs in addicted and normal people. J Res Addict. 2011;5,(17):107-20. [Persian]
[29]Hafezi F, Malek Mahmoodi M. The study of the relationship between irrational beliefs and general health in addicts with more than one year of abortion in NA meetings and other addicts in Aligudarz town. Milit Knowledge. 2010;1(1):63-76. [Persian]
[30]Sandman CA, Kemp AS. Opioid antagonists may reverse endogenous opiate “dependence” in the treatment of self-injurious behavior. Pharmaceuticals. 2011;4(2):366-81.
[31]Daughters SB, Ross TJ, Bell RP, Yi JY, Ryan J, Stein EA. Distress tolerance among substance users is associated with functional connectivity between prefrontal regions during a distress tolerance task. Addict Biol. 2017;22(5):1378-90.
[32]Black D, Grant J. DSM-5 guidebook: the essential companion to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Mansouri Rad, translator. 2nd Edition. Tehran: Arjmand; 2015. [Persian]
[33]Khantzian EJ. The self-medication hypothesis of substance use disorders: a reconsideration and recent applications. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 1997;4(5):231-44.
[34]Kozak AT, Davis J, Brown R, Grabowski M. Are overeating and food addiction related to distress tolerance? An examination of residents with obesity from a US metropolitan area. Obes Res Clin Pract. 2017;11(3):287-98.
[35]Koball AM, Himes SM, Sim L, Clark MM, Collazo-Clavell ML, Mundi M, et al. Distress tolerance and psychological comorbidity in patients seeking bariatric surgery. Obes Surg. 2016;26(7):1559-64.
[36]DiLorenzo TA, David D, Montgomery GH. The interrelations between irrational cognitive processes and distress in stressful academic settings. Pers Individ Dif. 2007;42(4):765-76.
[37]Shams J, Azizi AR, Mirzaei A. Correlation between distress tolerance and emotional regulation with students smoking dependence. Hakim Health Syst Res. 2010;13(1):11-8. [Persian]
[38]Barlow DH, Hofman SG. Efficacy and dissemination of psychological treatments. In The science and practice of cognitive behaviour therapy. Clark DM, Fairburn CG, editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1997.
[2]Najafi M, Mohammadifar MA, Abdollahi M. Emotional dysfunction and tendency to substance abuse: the role of emotion regulation, distress tolerance and sensation seeking. Soc Health Addict. 2015;2(5):53-68. [Persian]
[3]Rea C, Hockenbury DH, Hockenbury SE. Study guide for psychology. 6th Edition. New York: Worth Publishers; 2012.
[4]Kashefi T. On the relationship between meta cognitive beliefs and the self-destructive behavior among addicts. J Torbat Heydariyeh Univ Med Sci. 2013;1(2):39-45. [Persian]
[5]Dom G, Hulstijn W, Sabbe B. Differences in impulsivity and sensation seeking between early-and late-onset alcoholics. Addict Behav. 2006;31(2);298-308.
[6]Tonetti L, Adan A, Caci H, De Pascalis V, Fabbri M, Natale V. Morningness-eveningness preference and sensation seeking. Eur Psychiatry. 2010;25(2):111-5.
[7]Lindgren KP, Neighbors C, Blayney JA, Mullins PM, Kaysen D. Do drinking motives mediate the association between sexual assault and problem drinking? Addict Behav. 2012;37(3):323-6.
[8]Litt MD, Kadden RM, Cooney NL, Kabela E. Coping skills and treatment outcomes in cognitive-behavioral and interactional group therapy for alcoholism. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2003;71(1):118-28.
[9]Dadkhahi S, Mahmoud Fakheh H. Comparison of family functioning, irrational beliefs and self-concept in addicted and non-addicted youth. J Islamic Res Women Fam. 2015;3(1):63-76. [Persian]
[10]Dastgheib Z, Narimani M, Ghobadi Dashedbi K, Hosseini F, Gharlipour Z, Imanzad M, et al. Comparing irrational beliefs and happiness in intelligent and normal students. J Ilam Univ Med Sci. 2014;22(3):27-33. [Persian]
[11]Esmaeilinasab M, Andami Khoshk A, Azarmi H, Samar Rakhi A. The predicting role of difficulties in emotion regulation and distress tolerance in students’ addiction potential. Q J Res Addict. 2014;8(29):49-63. [Persian]
[12]Zvolensky MJ, Bernstein A, Vujanovic AA. Distress tolerance: theory, research, and clinical application. New York: Guilford Press; 2011.
[13]Ghasem Boroujerdi F, Safa M, Karamloo S, Masjedi M. Effectiveness of mindfulness based on cognitive therapy, on distress tolerance and dysfunctional attitudes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. J Res Psychol Health. 2014;8(4):6-7. [Persian]
[14]Leahy RL, Tirch D, Napolitano LA. Emotion regulation in psychotherapy: A practitioner's guide. New York: Guilford Press; 2011.
[15]Marshall-Berenz EC, Vujanovic AA, MacPherson L. Impulsivity and alcohol use coping motives in a trauma-exposed sample: The mediating role of distress tolerance. Pers Individ Dif. 2011;50(5):588-92.
[16]Kaiser AJ, Milich R, Lynam DR, Charnigo RJ. Negative urgency, distress tolerance, and substance abuse among college students. Addict Behav. 2012;37(10):1075-83.
[17]Berking M, Wirtz CM, Svaldi J, Hofmann SG. Emotion regulation predicts symptoms of depression over five years. Behav Res Ther. 2014;57:13-20.
[18]Alizadeh A, Hasanzadeh L, Mahmoud Aliloo M, Poursharifi H. Predict of worry based on behavioral activation and inhibition systems (BAS/BIS), cognitive emotion regulation and intolerance of uncertainty in students. J Cogn Psychol. 2014;2(3):1-11. [Persian]
[19]Moschak TM, Terry DR, Daughters SB, Carelli RM. Low distress tolerance predicts heightened drug seeking and taking after extended abstinence from cocaine self‐administration. Addict Biol. 2018;23(1):130-41.
[20]Saatchi M, Kamkari K, Askarian M, et al. Psychological tests. 2nd Edition. Tehran: Virayesh Publishing; 2011. [Persian]
[21]Simons JS, Gaher RM. The distress tolerance scale: development and validation of a self-report measure. Motiv Emot. 2005;29(2):83-102.
[22]Alavi K, Modarres Gharavi M, Amin Yazdi SA, Salehi Fadardi J. Effectiveness of group dialectical behavior therapy (based on core mindfulness, distress tolerance and emotion regulation components) on depressive symptoms in university students. J Fundam Ment Health. 2011;13(50):35-124. [Persian]
[23]Aghamohammadian Sherbaf HR, Moradian Z, Baensaf Urmieh N. Self-denial behaviors and their causes in Ferdowsi University students at Mashhad city. Clin Psychol Couns Res. 2013;2(2):5-24. [Persian]
[24]Buckner JD, Jeffries ER, Terlecki MA, Ecker AH. Distress tolerance among students referred for treatment following violation of campus cannabis use policy: Relations to use, problems, and motivation. Behav Modif. 2016;40(5):663-77.
[25]Sava FA. Maladaptive schemas, irrational beliefs, and their relationship with the five-factor personality model. J Cogn Behav Psychothers. 2009;9(2):135-47.
[26]Nieuwenhuijsen K, Verbeek JHAM, de Boer AGEM, Blonk RWB, van Dijk FJH. Irrational beliefs in employees with an adjustment, a depressive, or an anxiety disorder: A prospective cohort study. J Ration Emot Cogn Behav Ther. 2010;28(2):57-72.
[27]Kim SB, Jang JI. The relationship between adolescents’ stress coping behavior and gambling addiction: mediating effect of irrational belief of gambling. J Korea Acad Ind Coop Soc. 2016;17(4):85-91.
[28]Aminpour H, Ahmadzadeh Y. The study and comparison of irrational beliefs in addicted and normal people. J Res Addict. 2011;5,(17):107-20. [Persian]
[29]Hafezi F, Malek Mahmoodi M. The study of the relationship between irrational beliefs and general health in addicts with more than one year of abortion in NA meetings and other addicts in Aligudarz town. Milit Knowledge. 2010;1(1):63-76. [Persian]
[30]Sandman CA, Kemp AS. Opioid antagonists may reverse endogenous opiate “dependence” in the treatment of self-injurious behavior. Pharmaceuticals. 2011;4(2):366-81.
[31]Daughters SB, Ross TJ, Bell RP, Yi JY, Ryan J, Stein EA. Distress tolerance among substance users is associated with functional connectivity between prefrontal regions during a distress tolerance task. Addict Biol. 2017;22(5):1378-90.
[32]Black D, Grant J. DSM-5 guidebook: the essential companion to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Mansouri Rad, translator. 2nd Edition. Tehran: Arjmand; 2015. [Persian]
[33]Khantzian EJ. The self-medication hypothesis of substance use disorders: a reconsideration and recent applications. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 1997;4(5):231-44.
[34]Kozak AT, Davis J, Brown R, Grabowski M. Are overeating and food addiction related to distress tolerance? An examination of residents with obesity from a US metropolitan area. Obes Res Clin Pract. 2017;11(3):287-98.
[35]Koball AM, Himes SM, Sim L, Clark MM, Collazo-Clavell ML, Mundi M, et al. Distress tolerance and psychological comorbidity in patients seeking bariatric surgery. Obes Surg. 2016;26(7):1559-64.
[36]DiLorenzo TA, David D, Montgomery GH. The interrelations between irrational cognitive processes and distress in stressful academic settings. Pers Individ Dif. 2007;42(4):765-76.
[37]Shams J, Azizi AR, Mirzaei A. Correlation between distress tolerance and emotional regulation with students smoking dependence. Hakim Health Syst Res. 2010;13(1):11-8. [Persian]
[38]Barlow DH, Hofman SG. Efficacy and dissemination of psychological treatments. In The science and practice of cognitive behaviour therapy. Clark DM, Fairburn CG, editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1997.