@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2252-0805 The Horizon of Medical Sciences 2014;20(1):49-55
ISSN: 2252-0805 The Horizon of Medical Sciences 2014;20(1):49-55
Effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Plantago major Leaf on the Testis Morphology, Sperm Parameters and Testosterone Level in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Nejati V. (1)Khaneshi F. (*)
(*) Comparative Histology Department , Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
(1) Biology Department, Science Faculty, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Address: Biology Department, Science Faculty, Kilometer 11th of Sarv Road, Daneshgah Boulevard, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran. Postal Code: 5756151818Phone: +984412752740
Fax: +984412753172
Article History
Received: June 21, 2013Accepted: March 1, 2014
ePublished: April 1, 2014
Diabetes has negative impacts on males’ reproductive system [4-9]. Some medicinal plants like alluim species (from Liliaceae family) have effects on fertility [10-12]. In the present study, Plantago major (from Plantaginaceae family) has been used, with its therapeutic properties, especially on spermatogenesis increasing in male rats [13-16].
There are some conducted study, concerning impacts of diabetes on reproductive system in males (including testicular tissues) and decrease in production of testosterone [25-27, 30-34].
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of leaf extract of plantain (Plantago major) on testis morphology, sperm parameters, and serum testosterone levels in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic male rats.
Research type is laboratory experimental.
Research society was the population of 24 male wistar rats with mean weight 200 g to 230 g (Center for Laboratory Animal Care; Orumieh University; Iran). The rats were kept inside a room with 24±2℃ with 14 hours light and 10 hours darkness. Biology Group of Orumieh University conducted the study. Plantain samples were collected from Orumieh Township (Iran) during September 2010; and Systematic Group of Sciences Faculty of Orumieh University identified and confirmed these samples.
To induce type I diabetes, streptozotocin was used. After 7 days from streptozotocin injection, rats with more than 300 mg per dl glucose concentration were identified diabetics. The rats were randomly divided into 3 groups of eight. Physiologic serum, with volume equivalent to the volume of injected extracts to other groups, was injected to the healthy rats of control group (C). The diabetic rats of the second group (DP) were received leaf extract of plantain with 100 mg per kg body weight dose, daily and for 42 days and by the use of insulin syringe and intraperitoneal method in sterile conditions. The diabetic rats of the third group (D) were considered diabetic control. Immediately after treatment period, blood was taken from hearts of the study animals. After the rats were euthanized, lower tail of the epididymis was transferred into a container of physiologic serum and the sperms were isolated. To compute sperm number, the resulting sperm suspension with ratio 1/100 was studied.
Streptozotocin (Sigma, USA) was used. Optical microscope was used to study the sperm suspension [20]. In order to stabilize, testicular tissues were transferred into a container of 10% formalin. After stabilizing the samples and providing tissue cross sections, Hematoxylin-Eosin (H&E) staining and Oil-Red-Oil staining were performed, and the slides were studied by the use of optical microscope. Data were analyzed, using One-way Variation Analysis test and SPSS 16 software. To detect significant mean differences, Tukey Post Hoc tests were used. Epithelium thickness of the seminiferous tubular was computed from the spermatogonias under the seminiferous tubular wall, using scaled lens (in terms of micrometers). Only seminiferous tubules with circular or near-circular cross section were studied [23].
Seminiferous tubules’ diameter, epithelium thickness, and spermiogenesis index in D group was significantly decreased than C and DP groups. There was no statistical significant difference between C and DP groups. Thickness of interstitial tissue between the tubules in diabetic group showed a significant increase than C and DP groups. However, there was no significant statistical difference between C and DP groups. Treatment by the use of leaf extract of plantain in DP group resulted in significant increase in testosterone serum concentration than D group. Nevertheless, there was no significant statistical difference between C and DP groups. The number of Leydig cells in DP group was significantly increased than D group. However, there was no significant difference between C and D groups. Treatment by the use of leaf extract of plantain in DP group resulted in significant increase in sperm number and significant decrease in abnormal sperms percentage than D group. Nevertheless, there was no significant difference between DP and C groups (table 1). In C group, all the seminiferous tubules were apparently fully healthy, and there were all the spermatogenesis cell lines (Fig. 1-A). However, there was decrease in spermatogenesis cell lines in D group (Fig. 1-B). In DP group, seminiferous tubules had normal appearance, and all the spermatogenesis cell lines were regularly fully alongside each other (Fig. 1-C). Leydig cells were normal in C group (Fig. 1-D), as well as in DP group (Fig. 1-F). Nevertheless, these cells were abnormal in D group (Fig. 1-E). Histological examinations with Oil-Red-Oil staining were consistent with the results of measurement of testosterone serum concentration.
In the present study, treatment with extract manifestly increased number of sperms, which is a result consistent with the reported effects of onion on diabetic rats [12]. Morphologic findings of the present study are consistent with reported effects of pomegranate juice on testicular tissues of the diabetic rats, enhancing spermatogenesis procedure and increasing seminiferous tubule diameter, while decreasing diabetes’ side effects [33].
It is suggested that more cytological investigations to be conducted, concerning function mechanism of the extract compounds on reproductive system.
With its direct impact on the testicular tissue, plantain makes diabetes’ side effects to be in minimum level; and improving testosterone serum concentration and increasing spermatogenesis, it increases fertility in diabetic persons.
Researchers feel grateful to Research and Education Deputy of Orumieh University.
Research and Education Deputy of Orumieh University funded the research.
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[13]Galvez M, Cordero MC, Cortes F, Ayus MY. Cytotixic effect of Plantago spp. on canceralllins. J Ethopharmacology. 2003;88:125-30.
[14]Samuelsen AB. The traditional uses, chemical constituents and biological activities of Plantago major L. A review. J Ethnopharmacol. 2000;71(1):1-21.
[15]Noor H, Juing M, Chee BJ, Kueh BL, Othman Z. Medicinal properties of plantago major: hypoglycaemic and male fertility studies. Pertanika J Trop Agric Sci. 2000;23(1):29-35.
[16]Chauhan NS, Dixit VK. Spermatogenic activity of rhizomes of CurculigoorchioidesGaertn in male rats. J Appl Res Nat Prod. 2008;1(2):26-31.
[17]Nejati V, Khaneshi F. Effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of plantago major leaf on serum level of glucose and insulin, morphology of pancreas and kidney streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Qom Uni Med Sci J. 2013:5(29):14-20. [Persian]
[18]Sancheti S, Bafna M, Seo SY. Antihy¬per¬glycemic, anti hyperlipidemic, and anti¬ox¬idant effects of Chaenomelessinensisfruit extract in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Eur Food Res Technol .2010;231(3):415-21.
[19]Khaneshi F, Nasrolahi O, Azizi Sh, Nejati V. Sesame effects on testicular damage in streptozotocin-induced diabetes rats. Avicenna J Phytomed. 2013;3(4)347-55. [Persian]
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[22]Soudmani S, Yuvaraj S, Malini T, Balasubramanian K. Experimental diabetes has adverse effects on the differentiation of ventral prostate during sexual maturation of rats. Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol. 2005;287(2):1281-9.
[23]Khayatnouri MH, Safavi SE, Safarmashaei S, Mikailpourardabili B, Babazadeh D. Effect of Saffron on histomorphometric changes of testicular tissue in Rat. Am J Anim Vet Sci. 2011;6:153-9.
[24]Shetty G, Wilson G, Huhtaniemi I, Shuttlesworth GA, Reissmann T, Meistrich ML. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs stimulate and testosterone inhibits the recovery of spermatogenesis in irradiated rat. Endocrinology. 2000;141:1735-45.
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[26]Mosher WD, Pratt WF. Fecundity and infertility in the United States: incidence and trends. Fertil Steril. 1991;56(2):192-3.
[27]Stefanovic A, Stevuljevic JK,Spasic S, Stanojevic NB, Bujisic N. The influence of obesity on the oxidative stress status and the concentration of leptin in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2008;79(1):156-63.
[28]Agarwal A, Saleh RA, bedaiwy MA. Role of reactive oxygen species in the pathophysiology of human reproduction. Fertil Steril. 2003;79(4):829-43.
[29]Narayana K, Dsouza UJ, Pao KP. Ribavirin induced sperm shape abnormalities in Wistar rat. Mutat Res. 2002;513(1):193-6.
[30]Kiyanifard D, Hassanzadeh SH, Sadrkhanlor A, Farshid. Study of changes ultrastructure seminiferouse tubule and hormone changes gonadotropin and gonadal in diabetic rats. Urmia Med J. 2010;22(3):239-48.
[31]Cai L, Hales BF, RobaireB. Induction of apoptosis in the germ cells of male rats after exposure to cyclophosphamide. Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1997;56(6):1490-7.
[32]Predes FS, Monterio JC, Paula TA, Dmatta SLP. Evalution of rat testes treated with arctiumlappa 1: Morphometric study. Braz J Morphol Sci. 2007;24(4):112-7.
[33]Turk G, Sonmez M, Aydin M, Yuce A, Yuksel M. Effects of pomegranate juice consumption on sperm quality spermatogenic cell density antioxidant activity and testosterone level in male rats. Clin Nutr. 2008;27(2):289-96.
[34]Bairy KL, Kumar G, Rao Y. Effect of acyclovir on the sperm parameters of albino mice. Indian j Pharmacol. 2009;53(4):327-33.
[35]Ozdemin O, Akalin PP, Baspinar NURI, Hatipoglu FATIH. Pathological changes in the acute phase of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Bull Vet Inst Oulawy. 2009;53(4):783-90.
[2]Khaki A, Fathiazad F, Nouri M, Khaki AA, ozanci CC, Ghafari-Novin M, et al. The Effects of Ginger on Spermatogenesis and Sperm parameters of Rat. Iranian J Reproduc Med. 2009;7(1):7-12.
[3]Brunton L, Chabner B, Knollman B. Goodman and Gilmans the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 12th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2006.
[4]Baynes JW, Thorpe SR. Role of oxidative stress in diabetic complications: a new perspective on an old paradigm. Diabetes. 1999;48(1):1-9.
[5]Shrilatha B. Early oxidative stress in testis and epididymal sperm in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice: its progression and genotoxic consequences. Reprod Toxicol. 2007;23(4):578-87.
[6]Kar A, Choudhary BK, Bandyopadhyay NG. Preliminary studies on the inorganic constituents of some indigenous hypoglycemic herbs on oral glucose tolerance test. J Ethnopharmacol. 1999;64(2):179-184.
[7]Ballester J, Munoz MC, Dominguez J, Rigau T, Gunovart JJ, Rodríguez‐Gil JE. Insulin dependent diabetes affects testicular function by FSH- and LH-linked mechanisms. J Androl. 2004;25(5):706-19.
[8]Murray FT, Cameron DF, Orth JM, Katovich MJ. Gonadal dysfunction in the spontaneously diabetic BB rats: alteration of the testes morphology, serum testosterone and LH. Horm Metab Res. 1985;17(10):495-501.
[9]Vignon F, Le Faou A, Montagnon D, Pradignac A, Cranz C, Winiszewsky P, et al. Comparative study of semen in diabetic and healthy men. Diabete Metab. 1991;17(3):350-4.
[10]Coskun O, Kanter M, Korkmaz A, Oter S. Quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant, prevents and protects streptozotocin-induced oxidative stress and beta-cell damage in rat pancreas. Pharmacol Res. 2005;51(2):117-23.
[11]Abdullahnejad A, Gol A, Dabiri S, Javadi A. Effects of garlic juice on diabetes-induced testicular damage in rats. Iranian Endocr J. 2009;11(4):443-53.
[12]Khaki A, Nouri M, Fathi Azad F, Khaki AF. Effects of onion and ginger on spermatogenesis in rats. Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sci. 2008;30(2):53-8.
[13]Galvez M, Cordero MC, Cortes F, Ayus MY. Cytotixic effect of Plantago spp. on canceralllins. J Ethopharmacology. 2003;88:125-30.
[14]Samuelsen AB. The traditional uses, chemical constituents and biological activities of Plantago major L. A review. J Ethnopharmacol. 2000;71(1):1-21.
[15]Noor H, Juing M, Chee BJ, Kueh BL, Othman Z. Medicinal properties of plantago major: hypoglycaemic and male fertility studies. Pertanika J Trop Agric Sci. 2000;23(1):29-35.
[16]Chauhan NS, Dixit VK. Spermatogenic activity of rhizomes of CurculigoorchioidesGaertn in male rats. J Appl Res Nat Prod. 2008;1(2):26-31.
[17]Nejati V, Khaneshi F. Effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of plantago major leaf on serum level of glucose and insulin, morphology of pancreas and kidney streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Qom Uni Med Sci J. 2013:5(29):14-20. [Persian]
[18]Sancheti S, Bafna M, Seo SY. Antihy¬per¬glycemic, anti hyperlipidemic, and anti¬ox¬idant effects of Chaenomelessinensisfruit extract in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Eur Food Res Technol .2010;231(3):415-21.
[19]Khaneshi F, Nasrolahi O, Azizi Sh, Nejati V. Sesame effects on testicular damage in streptozotocin-induced diabetes rats. Avicenna J Phytomed. 2013;3(4)347-55. [Persian]
[20]Khaki A, Peyrovi T. Effect of ciprofloxacin on caudal epididymis sperm quality and apoptosis. Urmia Med J. 2008;19(1):29-35.
[21]Li H, Chen Q, Li S, Yao W, Li L, Shi X, et al. Effect of Cr (VI) exposure on sperm quality: human and animal studies. Ann Occup Hyg. 2001;45(7):505-11.
[22]Soudmani S, Yuvaraj S, Malini T, Balasubramanian K. Experimental diabetes has adverse effects on the differentiation of ventral prostate during sexual maturation of rats. Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol. 2005;287(2):1281-9.
[23]Khayatnouri MH, Safavi SE, Safarmashaei S, Mikailpourardabili B, Babazadeh D. Effect of Saffron on histomorphometric changes of testicular tissue in Rat. Am J Anim Vet Sci. 2011;6:153-9.
[24]Shetty G, Wilson G, Huhtaniemi I, Shuttlesworth GA, Reissmann T, Meistrich ML. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs stimulate and testosterone inhibits the recovery of spermatogenesis in irradiated rat. Endocrinology. 2000;141:1735-45.
[25]Guneli E, Tugyan K, Ozturk H, Gmustekin M, Cilaker S, Uysal N. Effect of melatonin on testicular damage in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Eur Surg Res. 2008;40(4):354-60.
[26]Mosher WD, Pratt WF. Fecundity and infertility in the United States: incidence and trends. Fertil Steril. 1991;56(2):192-3.
[27]Stefanovic A, Stevuljevic JK,Spasic S, Stanojevic NB, Bujisic N. The influence of obesity on the oxidative stress status and the concentration of leptin in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2008;79(1):156-63.
[28]Agarwal A, Saleh RA, bedaiwy MA. Role of reactive oxygen species in the pathophysiology of human reproduction. Fertil Steril. 2003;79(4):829-43.
[29]Narayana K, Dsouza UJ, Pao KP. Ribavirin induced sperm shape abnormalities in Wistar rat. Mutat Res. 2002;513(1):193-6.
[30]Kiyanifard D, Hassanzadeh SH, Sadrkhanlor A, Farshid. Study of changes ultrastructure seminiferouse tubule and hormone changes gonadotropin and gonadal in diabetic rats. Urmia Med J. 2010;22(3):239-48.
[31]Cai L, Hales BF, RobaireB. Induction of apoptosis in the germ cells of male rats after exposure to cyclophosphamide. Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1997;56(6):1490-7.
[32]Predes FS, Monterio JC, Paula TA, Dmatta SLP. Evalution of rat testes treated with arctiumlappa 1: Morphometric study. Braz J Morphol Sci. 2007;24(4):112-7.
[33]Turk G, Sonmez M, Aydin M, Yuce A, Yuksel M. Effects of pomegranate juice consumption on sperm quality spermatogenic cell density antioxidant activity and testosterone level in male rats. Clin Nutr. 2008;27(2):289-96.
[34]Bairy KL, Kumar G, Rao Y. Effect of acyclovir on the sperm parameters of albino mice. Indian j Pharmacol. 2009;53(4):327-33.
[35]Ozdemin O, Akalin PP, Baspinar NURI, Hatipoglu FATIH. Pathological changes in the acute phase of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Bull Vet Inst Oulawy. 2009;53(4):783-90.