@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2538-4384 Geographical Researches 2020;35(1):63-72
ISSN: 2538-4384 Geographical Researches 2020;35(1):63-72
Assessment of the Appropriate Climate of Outdoor Recreational and Sport Tourism in Shahrood County, Iran, Using the Quantitative Indicators of Thermal Comfort
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Hosseini Dinani S. (1)Tayebi Sani SM (*1)
Morsal B. (1)
Fahiminejad A. (1)
(1) Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
Address: Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, University Boulevard, Shahrood, IranPhone: +98 (21) 77352274
Fax: +98 (21) 88531386
Article History
Received: October 21, 2019Accepted: December 9, 2019
ePublished: March 7, 2020
Tourism is predicted to be the biggest industry by 2020. The tourism industry is severely affected by climate feature especially temperature
According to the research, a one degree Celsius increase in the average temperature of the summer in Canada, increased the number of the visitors by 4% [Amengual et al, 2014]. In other words, whenever the tourists experience the temperature near the range of temperature comfort, they will increase in the number [Matzarakis, 2006]. Olgyay index is one of the most useful indices to determine the temperature comfort range which includes various criteria [Olgyay, 1973]. Sadeghiravesh & tabatabaei (2008) and Mohammadi & Saeedi (2008) carried out some research in Iran using the Olgyay index.
This study aimed to determine the proper time for tourism activities outdoors in Shahrood considering the climate.
This is empirical research that is descriptive-analytic in terms of the method.
The current research is done in Shahrood county and used long-term meteorology data from 1984 to 2019.
The 35-year statistics from three synoptic stations in Sharood, Biyarjomand, and Sabzevar were collected and analyzed.
Olgyay index, effective temperature index, and sports tourism model are the main devices used in this research.
According to the assessment of data collected from synoptic stations in the studied area during the mentioned period, thermal and climate comfort for the human is determined according to the effective temperature (Olgyay method) and presented in table4.Shahrood's bioclimatic graph is presented in figure4. As is shown in Figure 5, Shahrood's bioclimatic graph is drawn separately for days and nights, which shows this region's climate diversity. Some months have been completely in the comfort zone while some others were whole uncomfortable.The studied area is not located in a humid zone. The comfort climate for Shahrood can be determined using the effective temperature index (ET) (Table 5).
There is no comparison reported.
There is no suggestion reported.
There is no limitation reported
According to both Olgyay and effective temperature indices, Khordad, Mordad, and Shahrivar are the most appropriate months for recreational and sports outdoor tourism in Shahrood.
There is no acknowledgment reported.
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[2]Tayebi Sani SM, Bahmanpour H, Mirkazemi SH, Rohani A (2018). Shahrood sport tourism planning using SWOT technique with emphasis on natural attractions. Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Research. 7(1-2):65-82.
[3]Martin G (2008). Weather climate and tourism a geographical perspective. Annals of Tourism Research. 32(3):571-591.
[4]Daniels M, Norman W, Henry M (2004). Estimating income effects of a sport tourism event. Annals of Tourism Research. 31:180–199.
[5]Daniels MJ (2007). Central place theory and sport tourism impacts. Annals of Tourism Research. 34(2):332–347.
[6]Freitas CR, Scott D, McBoyle G (2008). A second generation climate index for tourism: specification and Verification. International of Biometeorology. 52: 399-407.
[7]Akbari E, Rezaei H, Motamedirad M, Soltani M (2018). Analyzing the climatic potentials for development of tourism and water sports in Khorassan Razavi province of Iran. International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development. 8(2):37-46.
[8]Freitas C (2003). Tourism climatology: Evaluating environmental information for decision making and business planning in the recreation and tourism sector. International Journal of Biometeorology. 48(1):45-54.
[9]Fang Y, Yin J (2015). National assessment of climate resources for tourism seasonality in China using the tourism climate index. Atmosphere. 6(2):183-194.
[10]Funk DC, Bruun TJ (2007). The role of socio-psychological and culture-education motives in marketing international sport tourism: A cross-cultural perspectives. Tourism Management. 28:806–819.
[11]Givoni B, Noguchi M, Saaroni H, Pochter O, Yaacov Y, Feller N, Becker S (2003). Outdoor comfort research issues. Energy and Buildings. 35(1):77-86.
[12]Gratton C, Taylor P (2000). The economics of sport and recreation: An Economic Analysis. 2nd ed. New York: Taylor & Francis.
[13]Gössling S, Hall CM (2005). Tourism and global environmental change: Ecological, social, economic and political interrelationships. 1st ed. London: Routledge. 330.
[14]Higham J, Hinch T (2002). Tourism, sport and seasons: the challenges and potential of overcoming seasonality in the sport and tourism sectors. Tourism Management. 23(2):175-185.
[15]IRIran Meteorological Organization [Internet]. Specialized products and services weather [Cited 2011, 8 June]. Available From: http://www.irimo.ir/eng/wd/720-Products-Services.html
[16]Heurtier R (1968). Essaie de climatologie touristique. La Météorologie 7:71-107.
[17]Hamilton J, Tol RS J (2007). The impact of climate change on tourism in Germany, the UK and Ireland: A simulation study. Regional Environmental Change. 7:161–172.
[18]Jendritzky G, De Dear R, Havenith G (2012). UTCI-Why another thermal index? International Journal of Biometeorology. 56(3):421-428.
[19]Matzarakis A (2006). Weather and climate-related information for tourism. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development. 3(2):99-115.
[20]Mieczkowski Z (1985). The tourism climatic index: A method of evaluating world climates for tourism. The Canadian Geographer. 29(3):220-233.
[21]Mohammadi H, Saeedi A (2008). Effective bioclimatic indicators on human comfort assessment case study: Qom city. Journal of Environmental Studies. 34(47):73-86. [Persian]
[22]Olgyay V (1973). Design with climate: Bioclimatic approach to architectural regionalism-new and expanded Edition. USA: Princeton University Press.
[23]Sadeghi Ravesh MH, Tabatabaei M (2008). Determination of thermal comfort range in dry climates case study: Yazd city. Hoviat-e Shahr. 3(4):39-46.
[24]Strickland-Munro JK, Allison HE, Moore SA (2010). Using resilience concepts to investigate the impacts of protected area tourism on communities. Annals of Tourism Research. 37(2):499-519.
[25]Statistical Center of Iran [Internet]. Iran Statistical Yearbook 2015-2016 (1394) [Cited 2017, 2 March]. Tehran: Iranian Statistical Center Publications. Available From: https://www.amar.org.ir/english/Iran-Statistical-Yearbook/Statistical-Yearbook-2015-2016
[26]Scott DA (2007). A review of the status of the breeding water bird’s in Iran in the 1970s. Podoces. 2(1):1-21.
[27]UNWTO (2016). Annual report, United Nations World Tourism Organization. Madrid: UNWTO Publications.
[28]International Workshop on Tourism Statistics [Internet]. United Nations World Tourism Organization [Cited 2018, 13 July; Published 2006, 17-20 July]. Madrid: UNWTO Publications. Available From: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/newsletter/unsd_workshops/tourism_ws_july_2006.htm