@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 1027-1457 Scientific Journal of Forensic Medicine 2019;25(4):193-199
ISSN: 1027-1457 Scientific Journal of Forensic Medicine 2019;25(4):193-199
Effectiveness of Happiness Training Based on Fordyce Model on Cognitive Emotional Regulation Strategies and Job Burnout of Forensic Medicine Staff
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Hamidi Sardrood M. (1)Tabatabaei S.M. (*2)
Samadirad B. (3)
(*2) Physiology Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz , Iran
(1) Psychology Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz , Iran
(3) Legal Medicine Research Center, Iranian Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran
Address: Physiology Department, Medicine Faculty, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Manzaryeh, Tabriz. Postal code: 5173865955Phone: +98 (31) 34792132
Fax: +98 (31) 34792450
Article History
Received: August 6, 2019Accepted: November 26, 2019
ePublished: December 21, 2019
Given the importance of the impact of occupational stress on many aspects of one's life, it is imperative to examine it in various organizations and departments, including staff of the forensic medicine, for its role in health.
… [1-4]. In many studies, the importance of occupational stress and its impact on mental health has been addressed [5, 6]. Given the importance of the impact of occupational stress on many aspects of one's life, it seems necessary to examine it in various organizations and departments, including staff of the Forensic Medicine Organization due to its role in health. In general, occupational stress can be seen as the imbalance between workplace needs and the individual's ability to adapt [7]. Numerous studies have shown that the happiness training based on Fordyce model has a significant effect on increasing the happiness of people [13, 14]. In addition, the results of the Ashouri [15] and Khodadadi Sangdeh et al. [16] studies indicated the impact of happiness training on improving various psychological aspects of people who are exposed to stressful events and situations.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of happiness training based on Fordyce model on cognitive emotional regulation strategies and job burnout of forensic medicine staff.
This research was a semi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design with a control group.
This study was conducted on 30 forensic medicine staff in Tabriz in 2018.
The study population consisted of all staff of the forensic medicine in Tabriz in 2018 (136 subjects). The sample size was considered 15 subjects in the experimental group and 15 subjects in the control group considering 95% confidence level and based on Cochran formula.
The experimental group underwent 10 sessions of happiness training based on Fordyce model. Subjects in both groups completed cognitive emotional regulation and burnout questionnaires in pre- and post-test stages. Data were analyzed by SPSS 20 software using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA).
The mean age in the experimental group was 36.00 ± 4.06 years and in the control group was 36.87 ± 8.34 years. In experimental group 7 cases (46.7%) were male and 8 cases (53.3%) female and in control group 6 cases (40.0%) were male and 9 cases (60.0%) were female. By eliminating the pre-test effect, the Fordyce happiness model training program resulted in a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in all positive cognitive emotion regulation strategies except for the triviality. The mean scores of the participants in the experimental group increased significantly in the components of acceptance, positive refocusing, re-focus on planning, and positive evaluation compared with the control group (Table 1).Also, the Fordyce happiness model training program resulted in a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in all negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies and reduced the mean scores of the experimental group in the components of self-blame, other-blame, rumination, and catastrophizing than the control group (Table 2).The mean scores of the components of burnout, including emotional exhaustion and personal inadequacy also showed a significant decrease in the experimental group compared with the control group after the training program; however, the training program did not have a significant effect on the depersonalization component (Table 3).
The results are consistent with the findings of Hemmati et al. [23], Khodadadi Sangdeh et al. [16], Firouzeh Moghaddam et al. [24], Hosseini et al. [25], Cooper et al. [26] and Larson [27] who have shown that happiness training leads to improved psychological and emotional processes. Happiness is an effective way to reduce stress and burnout, because happy people generally respond to stressful situations and events in life, and more specifically in the workplace, in a more positive and adaptive way.
It is recommended that other surveys be conducted on other staff of forensic medicine organizations in other geographical areas to increase the generalizability of the results.
One of the limitations of this study was the lack of follow-up to evaluate the effectiveness of Happiness training based on Fordyce model over time.
Happiness training based on Fordyce model is effective and useful to deal with stressful occupations that in the long run lead to difficulty in emotional regulation and burnout.
The authors are thankful to all participants in the present study.
In this study, all ethical issues, including confidentiality of the names and personal characteristics of the individuals were observed and their consent was obtained.
This study was funded by the authors.
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[27]Larson RW. Toward a psychology of positive youth development. Am Psychol. 2000;55(1):170-83.
[2]Babakus E, Yavas U, & Ashill NJ. The role of customer orientation as a moderator of the job demand-burnout-performance relationship: A surface-level trait perspective. J Retail. 2009;85(4):480-92.
[3]Moshtagh Eshgh Z, Aghaeinejad AA, Peyman A, Amirkhani A, Chehregosha M. Relationship between occupational stress and mental health in male personnel of medical emergency in Golestan Province. J Res Dev Nurs Midwifery. 2015;12(1):29-38. [Persian]
[4]Smeltzer SC. Textbook of medical-surgical nursing. 11th Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007.
[5]Paramanandam DJP. Job stress, psychological empowerment, and job satisfaction among the IT employees in Coimbatore. Int J Appl Res. 2015;1(8):126-31.
[6]Akgun S, Ciarrochi J. Learned resourcefulness moderates the relationship between academic stress and academic performance. Educ Psychol. 2003;23(3):287-94.
[7]Isikhan V, Comez T, Danis MZ. Job stress and coping strategies in health care professionals working with cancer patients. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2004;8(3):234-44.
[8]Gross JJ. Emotion regulation: conceptual and empirical foundations. In: Gross JJ, editor. Handbook of emotion regulation. New York: Guilford Press; 2014. pp. 3-20.
[9]Gholamrezaei S, Azizi A, Esmaili M, Esmaeli S, Peyda N. Nature’s role in predicting quality of Positive cognitive emotion regulation strategies in prisoners. Q J Soc Work. 2014;3(3):31-8. [Persian]
[10]Moradi Z, Eslami AA, Hasanzadeh A. Job burnout status among pre-hospital emergency technicians. Iran J Emerg Med. 2015;2(1):28-32. [Persian]
[11]Seyedjavadi M, Samadi N, Mohammadi R, Osmani A, Bakhtiari Koohsareh F, Seyedjavadi M. Assessment of stress in medical emergency staff in Ardabil province, Iran. Qom Univ Med Sci J. 2014;7(6):41-5. [Persian]
[12]Fordyce MW. Psychology of happiness. Fort Myers, Florida: Cypress Lake Media Pub; 1993.
[13]Ghazavi Z, Mardani Z, Pahlavanzadeh S. Effect of happiness educational program of Fordyce on the level of nurses’ happiness. J Health Care. 2017;19(3):117-24. [Persian]
[14]Kive’i E, Parvin P. Workplace and mental health: comparison of medical and non-medical staff in Hamedan. Clin Psychol Stud. 2014;4(14):63-81. [Persian]
[15]Ashoori J. The effect of cognitive behavioral therapy on happiness and mental health in patients with type II diabetes. Iran J Psychiatric Nurs. 2016;3(4):71-9. [Persian]
[16]Khodadadi Sangdeh J, Tavalaeiyan SA, Bolghanabadi M. The effectiveness of positive group psychotherapy in increasing the happiness among mothers of children with special needs. J Fam Psychol. 2014;1(1):53-62. [Persian]
[17]Garnefski N, Kraaij V, Spinhoven P. Negative life events, cognitive emotion regulation and emotional problems. Pers Individ Differ. 2001;30(8):1311-27.
[18]Yousefi F. The causal pattern of emotional intelligence, cognitive development, cognitive emotion regulation, and general health [Dissertation]. Shiraz: University of Shiraz; 2003. [Persian]
[19]Barlow DH, Allen LB, Choate ML. Toward a unified treatment for emotional disorders. Behav Ther. 2004;35(2):205-30.
[20]Cobb B, Sample PL, Alwell M, Johns NR. Cognitive-behavioral interventions, dropout, and youth with disabilities: A systematic review. Remed Spec Educ. 2006;27(5):259-75.
[21]Tan CC, Holub SC. The effects of happiness and sadness on Children's snack consumption. Appetite. 2018;123:169-74.
[22]Hepburn SR, Barnhofer T, Williams JMG. The future is bright? Effects of mood on perception of the future. J Happiness Stud. 2009;10(4):483-96.
[23]Hemati Z, Abbasi S, Paki S, Kiani D. The effect of happiness training based on Fordyce model on perceived stress in the mothers of children with cleft lip and palate. J Caring Sci. 2017;6(2):173-81.
[24]Firozeh Moghaddam S, Borjali A, Sohrabi F. The efficiency of happiness training to increase the hope in elderly people. Iran J Ageing. 2014;8(4):67-72. [Persian]
[25]Hosseinian S, Khodabakhshi Koolaei A, Tabatabaei Yahyaabadi S. Study of effectiveness of Fordyce's happiness cognitive-behavioral group counseling on decreasing occupational burnout among social workers. J Psychol Stud. 2007;3(1):103-15. [Persian]
[26]Cooper AR, Moore LA, McKenna J, Riddoch CJ. What is the magnitude of blood pressure response to a programme of moderate intensity exercise? Randomized controlled trial among sedentary adults with unmedicated hypertension. Br J Gen Pract. 2000;50(461):958-62.
[27]Larson RW. Toward a psychology of positive youth development. Am Psychol. 2000;55(1):170-83.