@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2538-4384 Geographical Researches 2021;36(1):75-85
ISSN: 2538-4384 Geographical Researches 2021;36(1):75-85
Evaluation and Geographical Analysis of the Principal Components Affecting Urban Economic Sustainability; Case Study of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Cities, Iran
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Esmaili Vardanjani M. (1)Marsousi N. (*1)
Mokhtari Malekabadi R. (1)
Aliakbari E. (1)
(1) Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Address: Payame Noor University of South Tehran, Ostad Neja-tolahi South Street, Karim Khan Boulevard,Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1584668611.Phone: +98 (21) 24508201
Fax: +98 (21) 22808494
Article History
Received: August 8, 2020Accepted: September 26, 2020
ePublished: March 18, 2021
Nowadays, economic sustainability is of great importance as well as all other aspects of sustainability. Despite the significance of environmental issues in sustainable development, it will not come to truth without paying attention to economic dimension.
Economic sustainability means the improvement of economic basis and achieving economic security in terms of sustainable development, beneficial employment and reliable investments that are enriched with proper technology [Bakhsi et al., 2019]. Such development takes economic, social, and environmental factors into consideration in urban space relationships [Smith & Dixon, 1996] and stresses the importance of urban management to support current and next generations and maintain urban ecosystems sustainability [Yigitcanlar, 2010]. Nowadays, sustainability is turning from an abstract concept to a measurable one assessing active human and environment systems [Kutay & Tektufekci, 2016].
This study aimed to analyze the geographical components affecting urban economic sustainability in Chahrmahal & Bakhtiari cities.
This is basic research in terms of its purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its subject.
The current research is done in some urban residential areas in Chahrmahal and Bakhtiari province in 2016.
40 residential areas were selected as the studied samples.
A questionnaire was used to collect data and SPSS and Arc GIS software were used for the statistical analysis.
The principal component analysis method and the Varimax method were used to identify the hidden components of the research variables and analysis of data. Bartlett's test shows the correlation between the research variables. Calculated 0.637 in KMO test in significance level of 0.0001 shows that research data are sufficient for principal component analysis. Table 2 shows the results of the KMO and Bartlett tests. The first component with a variance of 24.936% has the biggest variance. As the special amounts bigger than 1 are of importance, three first components with a total variance of 60.7% are selected and others are ignored. Table 3 shows the results of economic components analysis in the current research.Extracted components matrix is one of the most important results of principal components analysis and shows variables correlation with each component. In fact, it is a factor matrix that its factors are extracted using the rotated Varimax method. Table 4 shows the extracted components matrix. Correlations bigger than the absolute value of 0.4 are identified in the table.Z_PGA equation was used for ranking the cities in terms of economic sustainability. Using the principal components scores calculated in the previous step, the total weight of the components was calculated for each city and they were ranked in terms of economic sustainability. Table 5 shows the ranking of the province's cities in each principal component and economic sustainability index. The results of the analysis of the spatial pattern of economic sustainability using the Moran index show a random spatial pattern of the urban economy. Figure 1 shows the outcome of public Moran analysis.The results of the local Moran index to detect the spatial relationship show the significance of spatial relationships in seven urban areas (Ardal, Samsami, Lordegan, Farsan, Faradonbeh, Sefid dasht, and Gandoman) in economic welfare component, eight urban areas (Mal e khalife, Naghneh, Faradonbeh, Sefid dasht, Farokhshahr, Kian, Saman, and Chelgerd) in economic activity component, and six urban areas (Saman, Faradonbeh, Boldaji, Gandoman, Naghneh, and Hafshejan) in economic diversity component and nine urban areas (Faradonbeh, Naghneh, Gandoman, Lordegan, Mal e Khalife, Boldaji, Farsan, Samsami, and Chelgerd) in economic sustainability complex index. Faradonbeh, Gandoman, and Sefid dasht with HH spatial relationship with heavier weight are surrounded by cities with heavy spatial weight. Lordegan, Ardal and Farsan with spatial relationships of HL have heavier weights of economic welfare but are surrounded by cities with smaller spatial weights of economic welfare. Samsami with the spatial pattern of LL is the only urban residential area with a smaller spatial weight of economic welfare which is surrounded by cities in a similar situation.Faraddonbeh, Farokhshahr, Kian, Saman and Sefid dasht have the spatial relationship of HH in terms of economic activities. Naghneh is the only urban residential area with spatial relationships of LH while, Chelgerd and Mal e khalife have the pattern of LL. Hafshejan and Saman have HL spatial relationships, Gandoman, Boldaji, and Faradonbeh have HH spatial relationships and Naghneh has LH relationships in terms of economic diversity. Boldaji, Faradonbeh, and Gandoman have HH spatial relationships, Chelgerd, Farsan, and Lordegan Have HL relationships and Mal e khalife and Samsami have LL spatial relationships in terms of the complex index of economic sustainability. According to Figure 2 cities with better situations are located in the eastern part of the province.
There is no comparison reported.
Make decisions about prioritizing the less-developed areas of the province particularly those areas with LL and LH spatial relationships patterns. Improvement of factors affecting economic welfare such as providing job opportunities, decreasing unemployment rate, and increasing salary in the western part of the province. Doing comparative studies in various time periods to assess changes in economic sustainability after the improvements.
There is no limitation reported.
According to the random geographical pattern and the identified spatial relationships of urban areas in the components and complex index of economic sustainability, there is a spatial imbalance between the indices and principal components of urban economic sustainability. Then planning to strike a balance between affecting components of economic sustainability is of great importance.
We tend to thank the surveyors.
This study is extracted from the first author's Ph.D. thesis "the spatial analysis of sustainable development in urban residential areas of Chahrmahal and Bakhtiari province" under the supervision of second and third authors and with the consult of the last author.
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[9]Harris JM (2000). Basic principal of sustainable development. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
[10]Howard MC (2016). A review of exploratory factor analysis decisions and overview of current practices: What we are doing and how can we improve?. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 32(1):51-62.
[11]Jabareen Y (2012). Planning the resilient city: Concepts and strategies for coping with climate change and environmental risk. Cities. 31(1):220-229.
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[13]Kutay N, Tektufekci F (2016). A new era for sustainable development: A comparison for sustainability indices. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies. 2(2):70-95.
[14]Kutay N, Tektufekci F (2016). A new era for sustainable development: A comparison for sustainability indices. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies. 2(2):70-95.
[15]Markulev A, Long A (2013). On sustainability: An economic approach. Melbourne: Productivity Commission Publictions.
[16]Najafipour R, Ahmadinia H, Rezaeian M (2019). Evaluation of the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the International Design Questionnaires of non-lethal suicide behavior in students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences in 1397: A descriptive study. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. 18(8):811-838. [Persian]
[17]Nadiri A, Shakur S, Asghari Moghadam A, Vadiati M (2014). Evaluation of various interpolation methods to estimate nitrate pollution in groundwater resources (Case study: Bilordi plain, East Azarbaijan province). Journal of Hydrogeomorphology. 1(1):75-92. [Persian]
[18]Rajabi A, Sobhani N (2016). Analysis of sustainability index among Asian countries. Journal of Human Geographical Research. 48(4):749-733. [Persian]
[19]Sahalia YA, Xiu D (2019). Principal component analysis of High-Frequency data. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 114(525):287–303.
[20]Sheykh Al-Eslami A, Bagheri Khalili F, Mahmoudabadi A (2012). Reducing the input variables in the freeway crash modeling process using the main component analysis method. Journal of Transport Engineering. 3(4):338-325. [Persian]
[21]Smith D, Dixon C (1996). Sustainable urbanization in Vietnam. Geoforum. 28(1):21-38.
[22]Dugarova E, Gülasan N (2017) Global Trends, challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the sustainable development goals. New York: United Nations Development Programme and United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
[23]Yigitcanlar T (2010). Making space and place for the knowledge economy: knowledge-based development of Australian cities. Journal of European Planning Studies. 18(11):1769-1786.
[24]Zarabi A, Rezaei M (2013). Sustainable urban development planning (case study: Babolsar city). Journal of Sepehr Geographical Information. 22(85):17-13. [Persian]
[25]Zebardast E, Ghanuni H (2017). Scattered urban analysis using factor analysis technique, case study: Qazvin urban areas. Journal of Urban Structure and Functional Studies. 7(26):59-78. [Persian]
[26]Zebardast E (2017). Application of exploratory factor analysis method in urban and regional planning. HONAR-HA-ZIBA MEMARI- VA- SHAHRSAZI. 22(2):5-18. [Persian]