@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2008-2630 Iranian Journal of War & Public Health 2020;12(3):149-155
ISSN: 2008-2630 Iranian Journal of War & Public Health 2020;12(3):149-155
Effectiveness of Integrated Meta-Diagnostic Therapy on Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Psychological Resilience of Veterans' Spouses
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Mozaffari V. (1)Ghorban Shiiroudi Sh. (*2)
Shafiabadi A. (3)
(*2) Department of Psychology, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mazandaran, Iran
(1) North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
(3) Faculty of Humanities, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Address: Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon Branch, Mazandaran, Iran Postal Code: 4684161167Phone: +98 (912) 1581822
Fax: -
Article History
Received: December 2, 2020Accepted: January 23, 2021
ePublished: May 7, 2021
… [1]. Undoubtedly, the veteran's spouse is one of the closest people to the veteran with the most and the widest relationships in terms of emotional and cognitive, verbal and non-verbal, as well as face-to-face, and reciprocal communication with the veteran. If the emotional needs and appropriate communication in the family are not met, this person is expected to suffer the most problems and discomforts [2].
... [3, 4]. One of the vulnerable psycho-emotional processes in veterans' spouses is their emotional processes and cognitive regulation of emotion [1, 5]. ... [6-11]. Their resilience is also another process in these people [1, 12]. ... [13-15]. Resilience includes maintaining calm in stressful situations, flexibility in the face of obstacles, avoiding erosive strategies, maintaining optimism and positive emotions while facing difficulty [16]. ... [17-19]. Various therapeutic and educational methods have been used to solve the psychological, emotional, and marital problems of the veterans' spouses. ... [20-34]. The main goal of integrated transdiagnostic therapy is to acquire skills that can effectively manage negative emotions [29]. Transdiagnostic therapy teaches people how to deal with their inappropriate emotions and respond more appropriately to environmental stimuli.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of integrated transdiagnostic treatment on cognitive emotion regulation and psychological resilience of veterans' spouses.
The present research was a quasi-experimental study.
The present research had a pre-test post-test design with a control group that was done on the wives of psychiatric veterans in Tehran between June and September 2020.
Using the voluntary sampling method, 30 spouses of the veterans were selected from June to September 2020 by referring to the district 4 veterans’ medical center and distributing voluntary forms (to participate in the study). The sample size was calculated using Cohen's table and based on the effect size considering a = 0.05, α = 0.005, 1-β = -0.8, and according to the effect size of the previous studies [36]. Thirty subjects were considered for both groups and assigned to the experimental and control groups (n=15 per group). Inclusion criteria were having a psychiatric veteran spouse (according to a specialist doctor), no acute or chronic psychological and physical illness (according to the subjects’ report), and having at least a diploma. Those receiving psychological training simultaneously or cases who were absent for more than two sessions and did not do their homework were excluded.
Data were collected using the following questionnaires: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ): CERQ was developed by Gross and John [37] and has 10 questions and two subscales of emotional inhibition and cognitive reassessment. Soleimani and Habibi [38] reported Cronbach's alpha of 0.71 for cognitive reassessment and 0.81 for emotional inhibition. Asli Azad et al. [39] using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, reported the reliability of the questionnaire for the two subscales of emotional inhibition and cognitive reassessment and the total score of the questionnaire to be 0.72, 0.74, and 0.76, respectively. In the present study, the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated to be 0.73 using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Resilience Scale (RS): DS was designed by Connor and Davidson [40] to measure resilience. Mozaffari reported the reliability of this scale to be 0.88 using Cronbach's alpha coefficient [1]. In the present study, the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated to be 0.86 using Cronbach's alpha coefficient After obtaining the necessary permission from the Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans, the experimental group received integrated transdiagnostic treatment for two and a half months in 10 90-minute sessions, one session per week. However, the control group did not receive the interventions and after collecting the data, they were provided with training as a brochure. Therapeutic sessions were conducted by the first author of the study. In order to observe ethics in the research, participants' consent to participate in the intervention program was obtained and they were informed about all stages of the intervention. After starting the intervention, 2 cases in the experimental group and one case in the control group were excluded from the study. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to check the normality of data distribution, Levene's test was used to check the homogeneity of variances, regression analysis was used to check the slope of the regression line, and analysis of covariance was used to compare post-test results between the two groups using SPSS 23 statistical software.
Twenty-seven subjects participated in the study (13 cases in the experimental group and 14 cases in the control group). The age range of participants was 35 to 50 years; the age range of 40 to 45 years (4, 30.77%) in the experimental group and 35 to 40 years (5, 35.71%) in the control had the highest frequency. The participants had a diploma to master's degree and in both the experimental (5, 38.46%) and control (6, 42.85%) groups, those with a bachelor's degree showed the highest frequency. In the post-test stage, the homogeneity of variance was established for cognitive regulation of emotion and psychological resilience (p <0.05). In the post-test stage, the assumption of variance-covariance matrices was also established (p <0.05). In addition, the assumption of normal distribution of data for cognitive emotion regulation and psychological resilience in the experimental and control groups was established in the pre-test and post-test stages (p <0.05). Finally, the interaction of the pre-test with the grouping variable in the post-test stage was not significant for cognitive emotion regulation and psychological resilience (p <0.05), and the assumption of homogeneity of the regression line slope was established for cognitive emotion regulation and psychological resilience. The mean scores of cognitive regulation of emotion and its dimensions and psychological resilience of veterans' spouses increased in the experimental group (Table 2).Also, 57% of changes in cognitive emotion regulation (F=31.62; p=0.0001) and 52% of changes in psychological resilience (F = 26.05; p=0.0001) of veterans' spouses were explained after adjusting for the effect of pre-test by implementing integrated transdiagnostic treatment. In addition, 37% of changes in emotional inhibition (F=13.21; p=0.001) and 49% of changes in cognitive reassessment (F=21.45; p=0.0001) of veterans' spouses were explained after adjusting for the effect of pre-test by implementing transdiagnostic treatment.
We investigated the significant effect of integrated transdiagnostic treatment on cognitive emotion regulation and psychological resilience of veterans' spouses. Integrated transdiagnostic treatment had a significant effect on the cognitive regulation of emotion of veterans' spouses and was able to improve their cognitive regulation of emotion. The present result was consistent with the findings of Hassanpour et al. [25], Firoozi & Biranvandi [26], and Azimi et al. [27]. Also, Grossman & Ernrich-Mai [30], Saciris & Berl [31], Steele et al. [32], and Orlenas Maya et al. [34] have also shown that integrated transdiagnostic therapy can improve emotional processing and performance. Integrative transdiagnostic treatment had a significant effect on the psychological resilience of veterans' spouses and was able to improve their psychological resilience. The present finding was consistent with the results of studies by Kamrani et al. [24] and Nargesi et al. [23]. Also, Shur-Zavala et al. [29] and Talkowski et al. [33] have shown that integrated transdiagnostic therapy improved mental strength and coping.
To increase the generalizability of the results, it is suggested that this research be conducted in other provinces, regions, and communities with different cultures and also other groups, such as spouses of people with MS, Parkinson's disease, migraine, etc., by the control of the mentioned factors and using random sampling method and follow-up stage.
Limiting the sample to the spouses of veterans in Tehran, no control on variables affecting cognitive emotion regulation and psychological resilience of veterans' spouses, the lack of using random sampling method, and the lack of follow-up to evaluate the stability of treatment were the limitations of the present study.
Integrated transdiagnostic therapy can use techniques such as emotion recognition, emotional awareness training, cognitive reassessment, identification of emotion avoidance patterns, and the study of emotion-induced behaviors. It can be used as an effective treatment to improve the cognitive emotion regulation and psychological resilience of veterans' spouses.
We would like to thank all the women who participated in the study and the officials of the District 4 medical center for veterans of Tehran who fully cooperated in conducting the research.
The present article is taken from the Ph.D. dissertation of Valieh Mozaffari, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-North Branch.
None declared.
The research was not financially supported.
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[3]Showani E, Zahrakar K, Rasooli M. Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on reducing the components of couple burnout in veterans spouses. Iran J War Public Health. 2016;8(2):111-8. [Persian]
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[5]Moghanloo M, Hosseini SM. Prediction of emotional empathy in the wives of veterans by cognitive emotion regulation strategies and resilience. Iran J War Public Health. 2019;11(2):93-9. [Persian]
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[15]Tlapek SM, Auslander W, Edmond T, Gerke D, Schrag RV, Threlfall J. The moderating role of resiliency on the negative effects of childhood abuse for adolescent girls involved in child welfare. Child Youth Serv Rev. 2017;73:437-44.
[16]Wright M, Masten AS, Narayan AJ. Resilience processes in development: Four waves of research on positive adaptation in the context of adversity. In: Goldstein S, Brooks RB, editors. Handbook of Resilience in Children. New York: Springer; 2013.
[17]Steensma H, Heijer MD, Stallen V. Effects of resilience training on the reduction of stress and depression among Dutch workers. Int Q Commun Health Educ. 2007;27(2):145-59.
[18]Dey NEY, Amponsah B. Sources of perceived social support on resilience amongst parents raising children with special needs in Ghana. Heliyon. 2020;6(11):e05569.
[19]Backmann J, Weiss M, Schippers MC, Hoegl M. Personality factors, student resiliency, and the moderating role of achievement values in study progress. Learn Individ Differ. 2019;72:39-48.
[20]Allen LB, McHugh RK, Barlow DH. Emotional disorders: A unified protocol. In: Barlow DH, Editor. Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual. New York: Guilford Press; 2007.
[21]Farchione TJ, Fairholme CP, Ellard KK, Boisseau CL, Thompson-Hollands J, Carl JR, et al. Unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: A randomized controlled trial. Behavior Therapy. 2020;43(3):666-78.
[22]Cassiello-Robbins C, Southward MW, Tirpak JW, Sauer-Zavala S. A systematic review of Unified Protocol applications with adult populations: Facilitating widespread dissemination via adaptability. Clin Psychol Rev. 2020;78:101852.
[23]Nargesi F, Fathi Ashtiani A, Davoudi I, Ashrafi E. The effect of unfiled transdiagnostic treatment on anxiety sensitivity, distress tolerance and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder. J Psychol Achiev. 2019;28(2):49-66. [Persian]
[24]Kamrani Z, Bahrami F, Goodarzi K, Farrokhi N. Effectiveness of transdiagnostic educational package on communication patterns and secure bond of couples referred to family counseling centers. J Psychol Sci. 2019;18(81):1057-67. [Persian]
[25]Kamrani Z, Bahrami F, Goodarzi K, Farrokhi N. Effectiveness of transdiagnostic educational package on communication patterns and secure bond of couples referred to family counseling centers. J Psychol Sci. 2019;18(81):1057-67. [Persian]
[26]Hasanpoor P, Aghausefi A, Zamir O, Alipour A. The effectiveness of transdiagnostic treatment on experiential avoidance and cognitive emotion regulation in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and its comparison with exposure and prevention response therapy. J Clin Psychol. 2019;11(3):25-38. [Persian]
[27]Firoozi M, Biranvandi M. Integrate metacognition for cognitive emotional regulation in patients with cardiovascular disease. YAFTE. 2018;20(2):93-102. [Persian]
[28]Azimi A, Omidi A, Shafiei E, Nademi A. The effectiveness of transdiagnostic, emotion- focused treatment for emotional regulation and individual-social adjustment in female students. J Arak Uni Med Sci. 2018;20(10):62-73. [Persian]
[29]Otared N, Mikaeili N, Mohajeri N, Vojoudi B. The effect of unified transdiagnostic treatment on anxiety Disord and comorbid depression: Single-case design. J Torbatheidarie Univ Med Sci. 2017;4(4):54-62. [Persian]
[30]Sauer-Zavala S, Bentley KH, Steele SJ, Tirpak JW, Ametaj AA, Nauphal M, et al. Treating depressive disorders with the Unified Protocol: A preliminary randomized evaluation. J Affect Disord. 2020;264:438-45.
[31]Grossman RA, Ehrenreich-May J. Using the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders with youth exhibiting anger and irritability. Cogn Behav Pract. 2019;27(2):184-201.
[32]Sakiris N, Berle D. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the Unified Protocol as a transdiagnostic emotion regulation based intervention. Clin Psychol Rev. 2019;72:101751.
[33]Steele SJ, Farchione TJ, Cassiello-Robbins C, Ametaj A, Sbi S, Sauer-Zavala S, et al. Efficacy of the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of comorbid psychopathology accompanying emotional disorders compared to treatments targeting single disorders. J Psychiatr Res. 2018;104:211-6.
[34]Talkovsky AM, Green KL, Osegueda A, Norton PJ. Secondary depression in transdiagnostic group cognitive behavioral therapy among individuals diagnosed with anxiety disorders. J Anxiety Disord. 2017;46:56-64.
[35]de Ornelas Maia ACC, Nardi AE, Cardoso A. The utilization of unified protocols in behavioral cognitive therapy in transdiagnostic group subjects: A clinical trial. J Affect Disord. 2015;172:179-83.
[36]Liu X, Cao J, Xie C. Finite-time and fixed-time bipartite consensus of multi-agent systems under a unified discontinuous control protocol. J Franklin Instit. 2019;356(2):734-51.
[37]Kline G, Honaker J, Joseph A, Scheve K. Analyzing Incomplete Political Science Data: An Alternative Algorithm for Multiple Imputation. American Political Science Review. 2001;95(1):49-69.
[38]Gross JJ, John OP. Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. J Person Soc Psychol. 2003;85(2):348-62.
[39]Soleimani A, Habibi Y. Relationship between emotion regulation and resilience with psychological well-being in students. J Sch Psychol Q. 2015;3(4):51-72. [Persian]
[40]Asli Azad M, Manshei G, Qamrani A. Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on cognitive emotion regulation and tolerance of uncertainty of the students with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychol Except Individ. 2020;9(36):33-53. [Persian]
[41]Conner KM, Davidson JRT. Development of a new resilience scale: The conner-davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC). Depress Anxiety. 2003;18(2):76-82.
[42]Yousefian Z, Ahadi H, Keraskian Mojmanari A. The effectiveness of spirituality therapy on psychological distress and resilience of thalassemia patients. J Psychol Sci. 2020;18(84):23-35. [Persian]
[2]Dehghan F, Piri Kamrani M, Goli R, Rahmani H. The impact of life skills training on marital satisfaction, marital dissatisfaction and mental health of veteran’s wife. Q J Woman Soc. 2017;7(4):1-11. [Persian]
[3]Showani E, Zahrakar K, Rasooli M. Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on reducing the components of couple burnout in veterans spouses. Iran J War Public Health. 2016;8(2):111-8. [Persian]
[4]Abbasi S, Dokaneifard F, Shafiabadi A. The comparison of the effectiveness of emotionally focused therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy on family cohesion and marital satisfaction of veteran' wives in Khoramabad city. J Psychol Sci. 2019;17(71):823-9. [Persian]
[5]Moghanloo M, Hosseini SM. Prediction of emotional empathy in the wives of veterans by cognitive emotion regulation strategies and resilience. Iran J War Public Health. 2019;11(2):93-9. [Persian]
[6]Joormann J, Stanton CH. Examining emotion regulation in depression: A review and future directions. Behav Res Ther. 2016;86:35-49.
[7]Li D, Li D, Wu N, Wang Z. Intergenerational transmission of emotion regulation through parents' reactions to children's negative emotions: Tests of unique, actor, partner, and mediating effects. Child Youth Serv Rev. 2019;101:113-22.
[8]Malesza M. Stress and delay discounting: The mediating role of difficulties in emotion regulation. Person Individ Differ. 2019;144:56-60.
[9]Panayiotou G, Panteli M, Leonidou C. Coping with the invisible enemy: The role of emotion regulation and awareness in quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Context Behav Sci. 2021;19:17-27.
[10]Herwig U, Opialla S, Cattapan K, Wetter TC, Jäncke L, Brühl AB. Emotion introspection and regulation in depression. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. 2018;277:7-13.
[11]Kirwan M, Pickett SM, Jarrett NL. Emotion regulation as a moderator between anxiety symptoms and insomnia symptom severity. Psychiatry Res. 2017;254:40-7.
[12]Moghtader L. Relationship between religious beliefs and stress coping strategies in psychological resilience and marital satisfaction of veterans wives. J Guilan Univ Med Sci. 2017;26(103):37-45. [Persian]
[13]Diener E, Lucas R, Schimmack U, Helliwell J. Well-being for Public policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2009.
[14]Thomas LJ, Asselin M. Promoting resilience among nursing students in clinical education. Nurs Educ Pract. 2018;28:231-4.
[15]Tlapek SM, Auslander W, Edmond T, Gerke D, Schrag RV, Threlfall J. The moderating role of resiliency on the negative effects of childhood abuse for adolescent girls involved in child welfare. Child Youth Serv Rev. 2017;73:437-44.
[16]Wright M, Masten AS, Narayan AJ. Resilience processes in development: Four waves of research on positive adaptation in the context of adversity. In: Goldstein S, Brooks RB, editors. Handbook of Resilience in Children. New York: Springer; 2013.
[17]Steensma H, Heijer MD, Stallen V. Effects of resilience training on the reduction of stress and depression among Dutch workers. Int Q Commun Health Educ. 2007;27(2):145-59.
[18]Dey NEY, Amponsah B. Sources of perceived social support on resilience amongst parents raising children with special needs in Ghana. Heliyon. 2020;6(11):e05569.
[19]Backmann J, Weiss M, Schippers MC, Hoegl M. Personality factors, student resiliency, and the moderating role of achievement values in study progress. Learn Individ Differ. 2019;72:39-48.
[20]Allen LB, McHugh RK, Barlow DH. Emotional disorders: A unified protocol. In: Barlow DH, Editor. Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual. New York: Guilford Press; 2007.
[21]Farchione TJ, Fairholme CP, Ellard KK, Boisseau CL, Thompson-Hollands J, Carl JR, et al. Unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: A randomized controlled trial. Behavior Therapy. 2020;43(3):666-78.
[22]Cassiello-Robbins C, Southward MW, Tirpak JW, Sauer-Zavala S. A systematic review of Unified Protocol applications with adult populations: Facilitating widespread dissemination via adaptability. Clin Psychol Rev. 2020;78:101852.
[23]Nargesi F, Fathi Ashtiani A, Davoudi I, Ashrafi E. The effect of unfiled transdiagnostic treatment on anxiety sensitivity, distress tolerance and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder. J Psychol Achiev. 2019;28(2):49-66. [Persian]
[24]Kamrani Z, Bahrami F, Goodarzi K, Farrokhi N. Effectiveness of transdiagnostic educational package on communication patterns and secure bond of couples referred to family counseling centers. J Psychol Sci. 2019;18(81):1057-67. [Persian]
[25]Kamrani Z, Bahrami F, Goodarzi K, Farrokhi N. Effectiveness of transdiagnostic educational package on communication patterns and secure bond of couples referred to family counseling centers. J Psychol Sci. 2019;18(81):1057-67. [Persian]
[26]Hasanpoor P, Aghausefi A, Zamir O, Alipour A. The effectiveness of transdiagnostic treatment on experiential avoidance and cognitive emotion regulation in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and its comparison with exposure and prevention response therapy. J Clin Psychol. 2019;11(3):25-38. [Persian]
[27]Firoozi M, Biranvandi M. Integrate metacognition for cognitive emotional regulation in patients with cardiovascular disease. YAFTE. 2018;20(2):93-102. [Persian]
[28]Azimi A, Omidi A, Shafiei E, Nademi A. The effectiveness of transdiagnostic, emotion- focused treatment for emotional regulation and individual-social adjustment in female students. J Arak Uni Med Sci. 2018;20(10):62-73. [Persian]
[29]Otared N, Mikaeili N, Mohajeri N, Vojoudi B. The effect of unified transdiagnostic treatment on anxiety Disord and comorbid depression: Single-case design. J Torbatheidarie Univ Med Sci. 2017;4(4):54-62. [Persian]
[30]Sauer-Zavala S, Bentley KH, Steele SJ, Tirpak JW, Ametaj AA, Nauphal M, et al. Treating depressive disorders with the Unified Protocol: A preliminary randomized evaluation. J Affect Disord. 2020;264:438-45.
[31]Grossman RA, Ehrenreich-May J. Using the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders with youth exhibiting anger and irritability. Cogn Behav Pract. 2019;27(2):184-201.
[32]Sakiris N, Berle D. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the Unified Protocol as a transdiagnostic emotion regulation based intervention. Clin Psychol Rev. 2019;72:101751.
[33]Steele SJ, Farchione TJ, Cassiello-Robbins C, Ametaj A, Sbi S, Sauer-Zavala S, et al. Efficacy of the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of comorbid psychopathology accompanying emotional disorders compared to treatments targeting single disorders. J Psychiatr Res. 2018;104:211-6.
[34]Talkovsky AM, Green KL, Osegueda A, Norton PJ. Secondary depression in transdiagnostic group cognitive behavioral therapy among individuals diagnosed with anxiety disorders. J Anxiety Disord. 2017;46:56-64.
[35]de Ornelas Maia ACC, Nardi AE, Cardoso A. The utilization of unified protocols in behavioral cognitive therapy in transdiagnostic group subjects: A clinical trial. J Affect Disord. 2015;172:179-83.
[36]Liu X, Cao J, Xie C. Finite-time and fixed-time bipartite consensus of multi-agent systems under a unified discontinuous control protocol. J Franklin Instit. 2019;356(2):734-51.
[37]Kline G, Honaker J, Joseph A, Scheve K. Analyzing Incomplete Political Science Data: An Alternative Algorithm for Multiple Imputation. American Political Science Review. 2001;95(1):49-69.
[38]Gross JJ, John OP. Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. J Person Soc Psychol. 2003;85(2):348-62.
[39]Soleimani A, Habibi Y. Relationship between emotion regulation and resilience with psychological well-being in students. J Sch Psychol Q. 2015;3(4):51-72. [Persian]
[40]Asli Azad M, Manshei G, Qamrani A. Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on cognitive emotion regulation and tolerance of uncertainty of the students with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychol Except Individ. 2020;9(36):33-53. [Persian]
[41]Conner KM, Davidson JRT. Development of a new resilience scale: The conner-davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC). Depress Anxiety. 2003;18(2):76-82.
[42]Yousefian Z, Ahadi H, Keraskian Mojmanari A. The effectiveness of spirituality therapy on psychological distress and resilience of thalassemia patients. J Psychol Sci. 2020;18(84):23-35. [Persian]