@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2228-5468 Education Strategies in Medical Sciences 2015;8(3):187-194
ISSN: 2228-5468 Education Strategies in Medical Sciences 2015;8(3):187-194
Relationship of Perceived Stress, Perfectionism and Social Support with Students’ Academic Burnout and -Academic Performance
Article Type
Descriptive & Survey StudyAuthors
Pourseyyed S.M. (*)Motevalli M.M. (1)
Pourseyyed S.R. (2)
Barahimi Z. (3)
(*) Educational Psychology Department, Educational Sciences & Psychology Faculty, Shiraz Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
(1) Clinical Psychology Department, Educational Sciences & Psychology Faculty, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
(2) Exceptional Children Psychology Department, Educational Sciences & Psychology Faculty, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
(3) General Psychology Department, Educational Sciences & Psychology Faculty, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Article History
Received: October 4, 2014Accepted: July 11, 2015
ePublished: August 10, 2015
… [1-7] The important factors influencing the burnout and academic performance are perfectionism and social support [8, 9]. … [10] Burnout occurs when a person experiences stress for a long period [11]. … [12]
Domestic researches have investigated factors affecting academic achievement and foreign researches have studied the relationship between internal and external variables affecting burnout and academic performance [13-28]. … [29-32]
The aim of this study was to determine the direct and indirect correlation between perceived stress, perfectionism, and social support and students` burnout and academic performance.
This study is correlational and path analysis type.
Basic sciences level students in the field of medicine of Ahvaz Jondi Shapour University of Medical Sciences (Iran) were studied in the academic year 2012-2013.
Sampling was carried out based on random stratified method. Considering the number of students in each gender and each five semesters of basic sciences in the field of medicine, a sample including 200 students were randomly selected according to Morgan Sample Table.
In order to collect the required data, Academic Burnout Inventory (ABI) [29], Perfectionism Inventory (Positive and Negative) (PI) [31], Philips Social Support Inventory (PSSI) [33], and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) [34] were used. Academic Burnout Inventory measures three areas of academic burnout namely, academic fatigue, lack of interest in academic study and lack of educational efficiency. In the present study, to calculate the reliability of the above questionnaire, Cronbach's Alpha and Split Half Coefficient were used which were 0.86 and 0.80 respectively. Also, construct validity coefficient of the questionnaire was calculated 0.51 using a researcher-made criterion question. Perfectionism Inventory (positive and negative) consists of two parts: “striving for perfectionism” and “negative reaction to non-perfectionism”. In this study, Cronbach's Alpha and Split Half Coefficients for positive perfectionism were 0.85 and 0.82, respectively. And they were 0.85 and 0.78 for negative perfectionism, respectively. The construct validity coefficients of this questionnaire calculated through a simple correlation showing 0.49 and 0.53 using a researcher made criterion question. Philips Social Support Inventory has 23 items in three domains of family, friends and others. Also, the minimum and maximum scores are between zero and 23, and high score on this scale indicates higher social support; low score indicates lower social support. In this study, Cronbach's Alpha and Split-half Coefficient for Philips Social Support Inventory were 0.75 and 0.75, respectively. Also, the construct validity coefficient of this questionnaire was calculated 0.51 using a researcher-made criterion question. In the current study, 14-item version of Perceived Stress Scale was used. Higher score indicates higher perceived stress. In the current study, Cronbach's Alpha and Split-half Coefficients were used to calculate the reliability for Perceived Stress Inventory which were 0.73 and 0.74, respectively. Also, the construct validity coefficient of the questionnaire was calculated through Simple Correlation which was 0.63 using a researcher-made criterion questionnaire. To analyze the data, SPSS 20 and AMOS 16 software were used. For preliminary analysis of data, descriptive statistics (Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum and Maximum Score) and to evaluate the proposed model, Correlation Coefficient and Path Analysis were used. To evaluate the fitness of model, Fitness Indicators were used.
120 subjects (60%) were female and 178 (89%) were single. The mean scores for perceived stress was 25.46 ± 6.31 (maximum 41 and minimum 9); mean scores were 22.74 ± 5.07 (maximum 30 and minimum 7) for positive perfections, and 17.22 ± 5.61 (maximum 30 and minimum 6) for negative perfectionism. The mean scores for social support were 18.54 ± 3.76 (maximum 23 and minimum 1). And it was 40.70 ± 10.29 (maximum 69 and minimum 19) for academic burnout. Finally, the mean score for academic performance was 16.10 ± 1.40 (maximum 19.40 and minimum 7.50). Except the association between negative perfectionism and academic performance, all obtained correlation coefficients between the variables were statistically significant (table 1). Although the values of some parameters of fitness such as goodness of fitness, normative fitness, and comparative fitness were indicators of relative good fitness of initial model with data, some indicators such as the ratio of Chi-square to degree of freedom, root mean square error of approximation, Tuker-Lewis fitness and goodness of comparative fitness showed the need to improve the main model. Chi-square values less than 2 indicated excellent fitness of the model. Also, incremental fitness and comparative fitness indices were obtained near one which reflected better fitness of the model. The root mean square error of approximation, also, represented the excellent fitness of the model (Figure 1). The relationship between perceived stress and academic burnout through social support was not significant, and the relationship between perceived stress and academic performance through social support was significant.
Perceived stress has a negative relationship with social support. This finding is in line with the finding of another study [14]. Social support has no significant relationship with academic burnout. This result is not in line with the results of another study [11]. Social support has a positive correlation with academic performance. This finding agrees with the results of another study [16]. Negative perfectionism has a positive correlation with academic burnout. This finding is consistent with another study [7]. Positive perfectionism has negative correlation with academic burnout. This finding is consistent with the findings of another study [7]. Perceived stress has a positive correlation with academic burnout. This finding is consistent with another study [25]. Perceived stress has no association with academic performance. The obtained result is different from the results of another study [25]. Perceived stress is indirectly associated with academic performance through social support. This finding is consistent with the findings of another study [13]. … [35-38]
Students, especially those who are vulnerable in education for various reasons, should be supported by family, university members, and peers.
Using GPA as the sole indicator of academic performance and using self-report questionnaire were the limitations of this study. In generalizing the results to other schools, towns and other universities, caution should be observed.
Perceived stress in the medical students of Jondi Shapour University of Medical Sciences has a negative direct correlation with social support, and it has a positive direct correlation with academic burnout. Social support of these students, also, has a positive direct correlation with academic performance. Negative perfectionism has a positive direct correlation with academic burnout, and the correlation between positive perfectionism and academic performance is positive and direct. The correlation between perceived stress and academic performance is indirect and through social support.
Students are appreciated.
Permission has been obtained from the Jondi Shapour University of Medical Sciences authorities.
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[18]Mikaeili N, Afrooz G, Gholizadeh L. The relationship self-concept and academic burnout with academic performance of girl students. J School Psychol. 2013;1(4):124-30.
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[22]Grzegorek JL, Slaney RB, Franze S, Rice KG. Self-citicism, dependency, self-esteem, and grade point average satisfaction among cluster of perfectionists and nonperfectionists. J Couns Psychol. 2004;51(2):192-200.
[23]Yang HJ. Factors affecting student burnout and academic achievement in multiple enrollment programs in Taiwan’s technical-vocational colleges. Int J Educ Dev. 2004;24(3):283-301.
[24]Alison R. The relationship of positive and negative perfectionism to academic achievement, achievement motivation, and well-being in tertiary students [Dissertation]. University of Conterbury; 2005.
[25]Duran A, Extremera N, Berrocal PF, Montalban M. Predicting academic burnout and engagement in educational setting: Assessing the incremental validity of perceived emotional intelligence beyond perceived stress and general self-efficacy. Psicothema. 2006;18(1):158-64.
[26]Watson R, Deary I, Thompson D, Li G. A study of stress and burnout in nursing students in Hong Kong: A questionnaire survey. Int J Nurs Stud. 2008;45(10):1534-42.
[27]Taris TW, Van Beek I, Schaufeli WB. Why do perfectionists have a higher burnout risk than other? The meditational effect of workaholism. Rom J Appl Psychol. 2010;12(1):1-7.
[28]Hayati D, Ogbahi A, Hoseini Ahangari SA, Azizi Abarghuei M. Investigating the relationships between quality of learning experiences' components and self-efficacy on academic burnout among students of Allamme Tabatabaei university of Tehran. Educ Devel Jundishapur. 2012;3(4):18-29. [Persian]
[29]Charkhabi M, Azizi Abarghuei M, Hayati D. The association of academic burnout with self-efficacy and quality of learning experience among Iranian students. Springerplus. 2013;2:677.
[30]Pooladi Ryshahri R. Construct and validate a scale stressors at student of Shahid Chamran University [Dissertation]. Ahvaz: Shahid Chamran Ahvaz University, Educational Sciences & Psychology Faculty; 1995. [Persian]
[31]Stoeber J, Otto K, Pescheck E, Becker C, Stoll O. Perfectionism and competitive anxiety in athletes: Differentiating striving for perfection and negative reaction to to imperfection. Personality Individual Differences. 2007;42(6):959-69.
[32]Behroozy N, Shehni Yeylagh M, Alizadeh Y. Relationship of attachment to parent and peers with perfectionism and academic performance in the public high school students of Ilam. J Educ Psychol Stud. 2013;10(17):23-50. [Persian]
[33]Asgari P. Handbook of Cognitive Psychology Tests. Ahwaz: Islamic Azad University Press; 2009.
[34]Cohen S, Kamarck T, Mermelstein R. A global measure of perceived stress. J Health Soc Behav. 1983;24(4):385-96.
[35]Arnold A, Lewis J, Maximovich A, Ickovics J, Kershaw T. Antecedents and consequences of caregiving structure on young mothers and their infants. Matern Child Health J. 2011;15(7):1037-45.
[36]Human HA. Structural equation modeling with LISREL software application. Tehran: SAMT Press; 2005.
[37]Au A, Lai MK, Lau KM, Pan PC, Lam L, Thompson L, Gallagher-Thompson D. Social support and well-being in dementia family cavegivers: The mediating role of self-efficacy. Aging Ment Health. 2009;13(5):761-8.
[38]Harris PW, Pepper CM, Maack DJ. The relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of rumination. Personality Individual Differences. 2008;44(1):150-60.
[2]Modin B, Ostberg V, Toivanen S, Sandell K. Psychosocial working conditions, school sense of coherence and subjective health complaints. A multilevel analysis of ninth grade pupils in the Stockholm area. J Adolesc. 2011;34(1):129-39.
[3]Rudman A, Gustavsson JP. Burnout during nursing education predicts lower occupational preparedness and future clinical performance: A longitudinal study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2012;49(8):988-1001.
[4]David AP. Examining the relationship of personality and burnout in college students: The rele of academic motivation. Educ Meas Eval Rev. 2010;1:90-104.
[5]Mazerolle SM, Monsma E, Dixon C, Mensch J. An assessment of burnout in graduate assistant certified athletic trainers. J Athl Train. 2012;47(3):320-8.
[6]Qinyi T, Jiali Y. An analysis of the reason on learning burnout of junior high school students from the perspective of cultural capital theory: A case study of mengzhe town in Xishuangbanna China. Procedia-Soc Behav Sci. 2012;46:3727-31.
[7]Zhang Y, Gan Y, Cham H. Perfectionism, academic burnout and engagement among Chinese college students: A structural equation modeling analysis. Personal Individ Diff. 2007;43:1529-40.
[8]Melrose S. Perfectionism and depression: Vulnerabilities nurses need to understand. Nurs Res Pract. 2011;2011:858497.
[9]Baqutayan S. Stress and Social Support. Indian J Psychol Med. 2011;33(1):29-34.
[10]Ranabir S, Reetu K. Stress and hormones. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2011;15(1):18-22.
[11]Bruce SP. Recognizing stress and avoiding burnout. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2009;1(1):57-64.
[12]Neumann Y. Quality of learning experience and students college outcomes. Int J Educ Manag. 1990;7(1):1-16.
[13]Hafezi F, Ahadi H, Enayati M, Najjariyan B. The causal relationship between challenge and hindrance stress, burnout, motivation to learn with performance in Ahwaz Islamic Azad University. Knowl Res Appl Psychol. 2007;32(0):145-66. [Persian]
[14]Hematirad G, Sepah Mansur M. The relationship between stress and social support among university students in Tehran. Thought Behav Clin Psychol. 2008;2(7):79-86. [Persian]
[15]Afshar H, Roohafza HR, Sadeghi M, Saadaty AR, Salehi M, Motamedi M, et al. Positive and negative perfectionism and their relationship with anxiety and depression in Iranian school students. J Res Med Sci. 2011;16(1):79-86.
[16]Tagharrobi Z, Fakharian E, Mirhossieni F, Rasoulinejad SA, Akbari H, Ameli H. Miserable outputs of a faculty and its related factors. Iran Q Educ Strateg. 2011;3(4):183-8. [Persian]
[17]Hajloo N, Sobhi Ghmelki N, Rahbar Tarmseri M, Haghightgoo M. Survey the relationship between perfectionism and job burnout in nurses. J Guilan Uni Med Sci. 2011;20(77):23-30. [Persian]
[18]Mikaeili N, Afrooz G, Gholizadeh L. The relationship self-concept and academic burnout with academic performance of girl students. J School Psychol. 2013;1(4):124-30.
[19]Azimi M, Piri M, Zavvar T. Relationship of academic burnout and self-regulated learning with academic performance of high school students. Res Curric Plan. 2013;10(11):116-28. [Persian]
[20]Chang E, Lee A, Byeon E, Lee SM. Role of motivation in the relation between perfectionism and academic burnout in Korean students. Personal individ Diff. 2015;82:221-6.
[21]Bieling PJ, Israeli A, Smith J, Antony MM. Making the grade: The behavioral consequences of perfectionism in the classroom. Personaliy Individual Differences. 2003;35(1):163-78.
[22]Grzegorek JL, Slaney RB, Franze S, Rice KG. Self-citicism, dependency, self-esteem, and grade point average satisfaction among cluster of perfectionists and nonperfectionists. J Couns Psychol. 2004;51(2):192-200.
[23]Yang HJ. Factors affecting student burnout and academic achievement in multiple enrollment programs in Taiwan’s technical-vocational colleges. Int J Educ Dev. 2004;24(3):283-301.
[24]Alison R. The relationship of positive and negative perfectionism to academic achievement, achievement motivation, and well-being in tertiary students [Dissertation]. University of Conterbury; 2005.
[25]Duran A, Extremera N, Berrocal PF, Montalban M. Predicting academic burnout and engagement in educational setting: Assessing the incremental validity of perceived emotional intelligence beyond perceived stress and general self-efficacy. Psicothema. 2006;18(1):158-64.
[26]Watson R, Deary I, Thompson D, Li G. A study of stress and burnout in nursing students in Hong Kong: A questionnaire survey. Int J Nurs Stud. 2008;45(10):1534-42.
[27]Taris TW, Van Beek I, Schaufeli WB. Why do perfectionists have a higher burnout risk than other? The meditational effect of workaholism. Rom J Appl Psychol. 2010;12(1):1-7.
[28]Hayati D, Ogbahi A, Hoseini Ahangari SA, Azizi Abarghuei M. Investigating the relationships between quality of learning experiences' components and self-efficacy on academic burnout among students of Allamme Tabatabaei university of Tehran. Educ Devel Jundishapur. 2012;3(4):18-29. [Persian]
[29]Charkhabi M, Azizi Abarghuei M, Hayati D. The association of academic burnout with self-efficacy and quality of learning experience among Iranian students. Springerplus. 2013;2:677.
[30]Pooladi Ryshahri R. Construct and validate a scale stressors at student of Shahid Chamran University [Dissertation]. Ahvaz: Shahid Chamran Ahvaz University, Educational Sciences & Psychology Faculty; 1995. [Persian]
[31]Stoeber J, Otto K, Pescheck E, Becker C, Stoll O. Perfectionism and competitive anxiety in athletes: Differentiating striving for perfection and negative reaction to to imperfection. Personality Individual Differences. 2007;42(6):959-69.
[32]Behroozy N, Shehni Yeylagh M, Alizadeh Y. Relationship of attachment to parent and peers with perfectionism and academic performance in the public high school students of Ilam. J Educ Psychol Stud. 2013;10(17):23-50. [Persian]
[33]Asgari P. Handbook of Cognitive Psychology Tests. Ahwaz: Islamic Azad University Press; 2009.
[34]Cohen S, Kamarck T, Mermelstein R. A global measure of perceived stress. J Health Soc Behav. 1983;24(4):385-96.
[35]Arnold A, Lewis J, Maximovich A, Ickovics J, Kershaw T. Antecedents and consequences of caregiving structure on young mothers and their infants. Matern Child Health J. 2011;15(7):1037-45.
[36]Human HA. Structural equation modeling with LISREL software application. Tehran: SAMT Press; 2005.
[37]Au A, Lai MK, Lau KM, Pan PC, Lam L, Thompson L, Gallagher-Thompson D. Social support and well-being in dementia family cavegivers: The mediating role of self-efficacy. Aging Ment Health. 2009;13(5):761-8.
[38]Harris PW, Pepper CM, Maack DJ. The relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of rumination. Personality Individual Differences. 2008;44(1):150-60.